ShadowSpiritWolf's Journal

ShadowSpiritWolf's Journal


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10 entries this month



20:19 Jul 07 2020
Times Read: 161

Ten years. I left the military back in 2010. Also got divorce from me 1st wife the same year and started dating my 2nd wife at the same time. Was living with my family for 7 monthes. Something happen. They did not like my 2nd wife. Got kicked out. Went to stay with my 2nd wife 2 weeks. Decided to go to Illinois and stayed there for 3 monthes. Went back to Florida to start my life. Was a rough. Barely any money. Barely anything. But made a good start. 8 monthes after getting there, got engaged. Few monthes later, got married. August 26 2011. Was a good day for me. Sometime in the time I was there, started the VA benefits processes. Took 2 years. Ran into an old Army buddy. After a few years, he moved in after he got out of prison. Said he would get a job. But, he didn’t. Instead, he turned to drugs, alcohol, using me and sleeping with my wife. Brought a meth head and pill popper and pot head into my home. Ended up having no vehicle. He was too damn lazy to get a job. Him or his girlfriend at the time. Moved outta the house and to an extended stay hotel. Which is where I kicked him and her to the curb. Still with my 2nd wife. Lost her daughter years before because of my 2nd wife’s step mother trying to pin something on me. A monstrous act. But for a few monthes, I knew fatherhood and enjoyed it. After 27 1/2 monthes at the extended stay, got kicked due to racist new management. My family came to the rescue. Gave us a place to stay. Monthes later, started on my 2nd divorce. It’s done now. And here I am. Foot elevated and time just passing by.





20:02 Jul 07 2020
Times Read: 162

X Box gaming. Well, that’s my free time. Can’t really do anything else for now. Fractured foot. Can barely walk without pain. But sometimes, pain is good. Moving on. I have been play X Box for 12 to 13 years. My first game was Halo. combat Evolved. I remember the huge controllers as well. And I remember how graphics have changed and everything. Over the years, I have built up a collection of over 500+ games. Honestly, not a big pvp player. Mostly solo player right now, but I am a good co op and team player. Have played everything from FPS to RPG. Fantasy. Racing. Adventure. Puzzle. All over the place. If you want to know exact games I have played, feel free to ask . There is a very long list. And always looking for some gamer friends as well.




What I’m doing now.

17:55 Jul 07 2020
Times Read: 169

I have things I do now to keep myself going. I can’t work. So I help move heavy stuff around. Once I can, got my own personal work outs to start. To get stronger, healthier and faster. I am not living in a shadow of anyone. I am doing what I deemed nesassary in my life. Am I trying to impress anyone? Nope. No need to. Use to try to. But no point. Never thought trying to impress someone was the right way anyways.




Current job.

17:50 Jul 07 2020
Times Read: 171

Before everyone starts calling me lazy. Be sure to reads this all the way through. I am unemployed. There’s the judgemental part. But now, I am a disabled Army War Vetern. There’s the kicker. I am not a back. I am not a personal loan office. I pay my bills. Oh, and I don’t talk about my money. Not with anyone. Not even my family. Yes, I live with my family. Go ahead, judge me. The reason being my disability. My central vision never is damaged badly. Over the years, vision has been getting worse over time. But I deal with it.





17:43 Jul 07 2020
Times Read: 172

None, but hoping 1 day. I have been told I would be a good father one day. Either find a girl and we have a child together. Be there from birth. Everyday day of there life. Or meet someone with a younger child. Adopt the child and help raise them as my own. I don’t know why, but it is something that I want in my life. People can call me crazy. Tell me it’s hard work. Say once it starts, there is no going back. I know all of this. It is something that I want. Just have to wait for it.





17:32 Jul 07 2020
Times Read: 174

2 divorces. 1st marriage was 14 monthes. 2nd marriage was 8 1/2 years.

First marriage should of never happened. Still don’t know why I went through with it. It was doomed from the start.

2nd marriage. Well, had it’s good times and bad. Sadly to say, more bad then good. Amazed it lasted as long as it did. If I was her, I would of ran for the hills.
Apparently, not that great of a guy, well, from some point of views I am not.

Right now? Well, single. No kids. 2 cats, Luna and Ragnar. My fur babies, as they are called. Will I give them up to be with someone? Nope. Never. They keep me sane. Do I want to be with someone? Yes. Anything else? Little bit, but don’t feel like talking bout it right now. Maybe later.





17:23 Jul 07 2020
Times Read: 178

Don’t really care here either. Every time someone takes over, there are lies on top of lies. Also a topic I stay out of but enjoy watch people fight over.





17:21 Jul 07 2020
Times Read: 180

Not really sure on this part. Prefer not to get into arguments on this subject so here goes. I stay outta religious talk due to not really caring about it. What do I believe in? A lot of stuff. Will I talk about it? Nope. Why? Because every time religion is brought up, well, people end up always saying so and so are going to hell because of this and that. I don’t see the point. Seems like something else that people want to start a fight or war about. I see no point in it. So moving on.





17:16 Jul 07 2020
Times Read: 182

I will try not to be in this section too long.

So, easy does it. Abusers of all kinds. Racist. Any type of prison sentence. People that prefer to use other then do something themselves. People too lazy to do anything but complains when stuff doesn’t get done. Liers. Cheaters. People that don’t understand what others go through on the daily lives. For now, that’s it.




My likes

17:08 Jul 07 2020
Times Read: 185

Well, to start with, gaming. I’m a X Box gamer. Been that for about 13 years now. Started on the original X Box. Now own X Box One S. Soon enough will upgrade to the next lvl. Not sure when though. Gamer tag will not be realesed here. Over 500 differnt games as well. Now, moving on.
I am an animal lover. Hate hearing about the abuse that animals from home pets to wild animals go through everyday. It’s disgusting. Military. That has be be because I served in the Army for 4 years and about 6 monthes. Had a medical discharge due to lose of vision. Loved the military, wish I could of served longer. That right there pretty much finishes off this section.



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