Theodora's Journal

Theodora's Journal


Honor: 183    [ Give / Take ]


6 entries this month

Thanks for the mid boring day giggles!

20:17 Nov 25 2014
Times Read: 747

The negative honor amuses me. I really don't care whether people here like me or not. :-). Nor do I care if I am on the top 10 honor list. :-). Y'all are so silly.




20:53 Nov 22 2014
Times Read: 771

Anyone who has been reading my journal knows that over the course of the last year or so I have been remodeling portions of my house. It has been slow because I refuse to put anything on a credit card and I LOVE demolition, so I have to have the time to do any demo myself, not to mention I am really picky about the products I am using and I am trying to replace with quality, environmentally friendly materials. It has been a labor of love and my house has been torn up for a year which has left me in a constant state of chaos, never quite knowing where anything is at one given time. This week I have grown impatient with the disorganization and decided that despite the various states of construction, I was attempting to organize my living room, kitchen and bedroom. Good luck. Yesterday I spent six hours moving, rearranging, dusting, re-dusting, vacuuming, re-vacuuming, re-re dusting, throwing away and making various trips to Home Depot and Lowes, after an unsuccessful morning mediation attempt, to try to get my bedroom back to the state of serenity I am more accustomed to. In the process, I injured my back and got bitten on the hand by something I am beginning to worry might be a brown recluse. I have the exterminator on the way now. Being that I have pest control in this house every 90 days and I do not have piles of stuff laying around (except for the construction stuff), I do not see how I could have spiders, but they are rampant here. Better safe than sorry hence the insistent call to pest control requesting Saturday service. I noticed the spot on my hand after I finally stopped cleaning around 4:30 am. I thought it was a bruise just beginning to form as it was just reddish purple and ached. When I woke up this morning it hurt significantly worse and the area is much larger, swollen and hot to the touch. It no longer appears to be a bruise. Goody. My life is definitely an adventure, but I would not want it any other way!




02:27 Nov 20 2014
Times Read: 780

Since I was home at lunch today, I cooked. I made pork chops in a light lemon butter, garlic, white wine reduction. The portion of one I ate was delicious. I also made sautéed broccoli rabe which was divine. I have to say my culinary skills can be quite good when I want them to be.




Ok, yum

17:03 Nov 15 2014
Times Read: 801

So good, I had to share!

Sugar free, gluten free, dairy free, DIVINE hot chocolate

1 1/2 cups unsweetened chocolate almond milk

2 TBSP Hershey's Dark Chocolate

Dash of Salt

1/2 TSP gluten free, alcohol free vanilla extract (see amazon.com)

Stevia to taste (I used about 6 packets as I like my cocoa semi sweet)

Mix all ingredients in small pot over low heat until ingredients well mixed. Heat until desired temperature but DO NOT boil. Then enjoy.

Simple, but a delicious healthy treat on a cold morning for around 70 calories with NO SUGAR OR GLUTEN and with calcium and a small amount of protein. Not too shabby.





15:35 Nov 11 2014
Times Read: 817

Today is a day where I woke up wishing I had not given up caffeine completely 3.5 months ago. I wish I could brew a pot of my favorite toasted coconut almond coffee. Smell it percolating with its divine bouquet of deep, dark, deliciousness wafting across the cold kitchen as the sun was peeking over the clouds and peering into my house. Alas.... I merely opened the bag of coffee, breathed in the delicious aroma, re-closed the bag, and placed it, once again, in my crisper drawer and proceeded to make a cup of sugar cookie sleigh ride caffeine free tea. The tea is delicious, but for a lifetime caffeine addict and for a twenty year plus coffee addict, its just not quite the same.

My body remains happy with my decision to eliminate caffeine, diet soda, refined sugar, bread, anything containing gluten and dairy from my diet. I have had to add back meat, much to my chagrin because I really do not like the stuff, simply because I needed to be eating a higher dietary percentage of protein. Beans and tofu simply do not have the 50-60 grams of protein my nutritionist has recommended and I still can hardly ingest those insufferable protein shakes. I have lost the weight of a good sized child since I have made these dietary changes which was not my intended goal, but has been a wonderful side effect. It will be interesting what changes the next 3.5 months will bring as I start into true cardio training and weight training.

I just woke up one morning convicted that the next decade of my life is going to be a lot different than the last decade of my life.



16:44 Nov 11 2014

I have been thinking of giving up refined sugars too. Though coffee I do not think I could ever give up.


23:17 Nov 09 2014
Times Read: 833

I did not want to come home from my fabulous vacation. A week just isn't enough to relax and de-stress from my job and the many other things that I do. But, one cannot stay away forever, so this morning, we packed up the car and headed home. I was shocked and surprised to turn down my street and not even recognize my house. My friend, a contractor, with a top notch painting crew, had decided to bless me with the gift of labor and paint and had painted the entire exterior of my house while I was away! Needless to say, I was in tears of awe and shock at this wonderful and gracious gift. Speechless, I called him and his wife to attempt to put my words of thanks into some semblance of words that I knew would be wholly inadequate. I am still in shock that someone would do this for me.



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