Sammael's Journal


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15 entries this month


the way you make me feel

02:42 Jun 08 2006
Times Read: 473

We have finally found each other.

Two to become one.

You see the way I look at you,

And I see you looking back.

I see you look away from me,

So that I wont see you blush.

And I know you saw the smile on my face,

The one you put there everyday.

I know you know I love you,

And that I wish for no one else.

The way you make my heart speed up,

Every time I think about you.

The way you make me feel like I can do no wrong.

The simple joy everyday, just hearing your voice.

I love you.




With every breath i take..

02:41 Jun 08 2006
Times Read: 474

with every breath i take

i think of you

lying back into the softness

my body aches for you

with every breath i take

eyes close tight imagining you

your hands roaming over my body

setting it on fire

with every breath i take

mind whirls with wicked thoughts

feeling your teeth against my bare throat

sending shivers up my spine

with every breath i take

i stifle soft whimpers

imagining two bodies intermingled

keeping rhythmic momentum

with every breath i take

my heart rages with passion

dreaming of sweet taboo

my body aches for you....




just for you

10:52 Jun 07 2006
Times Read: 479

The urge is back

and I hate me

because I love you

but you in return love everyone else

I focus upon the pain

and why I truly still feel this way

while you just do not give a fuck

As I focus upon this heartache

I take it out on myself again

I destroy myself to waste it all away

all just for you

I cry out to you

I spill my heart for you

hoping for a reply

hoping for an answer

I will not get one from you however

what have I done to you

I admit wrong before

but now all I do is love you

and all you can show me

is the sick and slow way to my own grave




just for me

10:52 Jun 07 2006
Times Read: 480

Would I be cherished?

If my faulty heart's beat were given freely

Would you craddle it within your arms

Smile upon its bruises

Its blemishes

Would you protect my love?

Could I be supported?

On those cold nights

Where once I laid alone


Would you hold onto me

While I shivered with nightmare

While I tossed and I turned

Would you follow me?

Would you let me have pride?

Hold my head up

Even when I know

I've done wrong

Could you forgive my tresspass?

If I were to be too bold

Would you guide me back

To where my feet could stand

On solid ground?

Could you take the bottle from my hand?

While I replace memories with drink

Help me face the demons I drown

Would you take my hand

Hold it to your heart

And let me partake of you

Instead of another pull from a glass?

Would you let me cherish you?

With my faulty heart

Could you let me love you?

See past the things

You hide in the dark

Would you trust me with your love?

Could you let me support you?

Through your tears that fall when no ones there

Would you let me see them?


Like so many painful waterfalls

Would you let me chase those dreams away

That have kept sleep from you for too long?

Could you let me have pride in you?

Smile when I hear your voice

Even when I know you don't want to speak

When you would prefer silence

Could you speak just for me?

If I were to ask

Would you whisper when your voice is missing?

I would listen very closely

I would treasure you

as I want to be treasured

I would carry you

When your legs are weak from carrying your own burdens

as I would want to lean on you

When my shoulders could break from the weight

I carry

I would hold you to that light

As I would like to be held to yours

I would speak just for you

As I would like to hear you for me

I would love just for you

If you could love just for me




in your eyes

10:51 Jun 07 2006
Times Read: 481

A hazel drifted mind

Tears create the sea I must cross

Your thoughs I can not find

You soul I feel will soon be lost

Emotions change your eyes to stone grey

A pallet of color express true value

A stare or glare chose your way

Evil or love is the eyes red hue

I sense your feelings of darkness

All tint of violet gone with distance

The eyes say it all to clear

Letting me know you no longer want me near

Though I normally feel distant from you

Tonight doesn't feel the same

Now I feel closer to your pain

Almost to the point of feeling sane




in finding beauty

10:51 Jun 07 2006
Times Read: 482

happiness is fleeting, pain is not.

What you wish to find here will never come back.

True eyes are wise to cast a side glance then fall fixed upon the heathen ground.

If beauty if what you are dying to see,

endulge yourself in death elsewhere

for here there is no more...

...in the sea, dirt, and skies

beneath those sinful neon lights

will you be the one that corrupts me tonite

fucking me gently with a knife by your side

whispering lies into my blank ceiling stare

not once realizing that i have died,

i was never really there...

...in the arms of an angel,

who hung my soul on the talons of a crow.

his lips tightly stitched, with the breath of tomorrow,

placed a dove on my grave and with mourner's grace

at last named me [Beautiful]...





10:50 Jun 07 2006
Times Read: 483

iam the purple child

perched upon my purple cloud.

Peering down

into a plastic sea

of apathy

and here,

I feel nothing.


Lost between thoughts

fueled only by blank stares

into the black abyss of my inspiration.

Crowded illusions

muted only by forced metaphors


hiding in my clouded mind

behinds blinds of background static.

Stifled only by my own inability

to understand my reactions

exactly as they happen.

"What in the hell has become of my passion?"

This question

i ask it


and again

to myself,

but still,

i feel nothing.


Separated from sincerity.


of the invigorating energy

enveloping the air around me.

Esoteric answers to confounding questions

realized with every breath,

but here i sit


Choking on my own pollution.

Searching for something inside myself,

something beautiful,

something real,

and yet,

I feel nothing.


Finding my way to the narrow edge

of my far too familiar cloud,

looking down...

letting go...

giving up...

I jump.




Jerked from my senses

relentlessly falling.

Drawing life from all extremities.



a flicker of forgotten emotion


Screaming to the surface

as the wind whips across my body

the purple runs

and purpose again begins to take form

in my mind

in this moment in time

twisting through the sky

I find myself crying out,


trying to get it all out



before i hit the ground

inevitably annhilating

this exiliration

racing through my veins.

Anticipating the sound

of my body on concrete.

Pain pounding through every nerve ending.

Crushed bones contort my form,

leaving me breathless


But untill then

I fear nothing.

Because only a life with fire

is worth dying for

and at least

in this moment

i feel





i wish i'll be

10:47 Jun 07 2006
Times Read: 484

I wish I could take all the pain from your heart,

Or stop it before it starts.

I wish I could dry all your tears,

Do away with all your fears.

I wish I could wipe the frown from your face,

Put a smile in it's place.

I wish I could tell you what's in your future,

Let you see it in a crystal ball so you know it's for sure.

I wish I could defy time and distance,

If only to be with you for one perfect instance.

I wish I could wrap you in my arms,

Keep you shielded from all harm...

I wish you could love you,

As much as I do.

I'll be your strength when you are weak,

And your voice when you can not speak.

I'll be your heart,

When you're falling apart.

I'll be the stars that shine above,

Overcome hate when you need love.

I'll be your chameleon,

Your crutch to lean on.

All these things I will be...

If you'll let me




falling apart

10:47 Jun 07 2006
Times Read: 485

Im falling apart

sick in my heart

and it hurts more and more everyday

meloncholic depressed

in eternal unrest

a soul shatters into decay

I cant comrehend

a solution to end

all the pain that im feeling inside

engulfed in a fear

as the drop of a tear

washes away with my pride




Don't bother

10:46 Jun 07 2006
Times Read: 486

I'll never understand it

how you make your choice

I wonder in my head, wandering far and forever

following you because... because its something new

something this wont make me trip and fall

do these words have to rhyme?

I wander in time... through empty minds,

erasing all the lines

an imprint of sunset

written on skin

the beautiful tan

from a man-made machine

did you forget all your dreams?

a sunday afternoon

with the whole world ahead

but what does it matter

when you're dead?

I hush myself

and go to sleep

every day the force beats me down

and every day I drown

desires don't matter-

its the money that says it all

but here I wonder

does the money follow you while you fall?

no longer are you laid to rest

with a coffin full of shimmering gold

it doesn't matter if you were the best

or if you were bold

money can't be wasted

on rotting bodies

the wine & blood have been tasted

but now its all down the drain




a friend named insecurity

10:45 Jun 07 2006
Times Read: 487

He goes by the name of Insecurity,

Coursing through veins of the degraded,

Pinning down the blood-stained hearts

Of the empty, the tired, and the faded.

Mocking them, toying with their tears.

When tragedy strikes and takes its toll

He steals through the night in shadow,

Overcoming the road blocks of solitude

Placed ever so carefully in front of my heart.

These walls were built to stand against his words.

He reaches inside, Insecurity does,

And pulls apart the pieces of a soul

Stitched together in crimson thread.

And He- the elusive yet ever-present foe,

He shows his face and I cower in fear,

For he is nothing more than the ones

I once trustingly called my friends-

The ones who know it all from the past,

Yet pretend to know nothing about my pain.

The ones who now can and do hurt me the most.




Final Dance

22:13 Jun 05 2006
Times Read: 489

Abstract void over her, over me

The stars shine high for us to see

Elegant movement in her i notice

Like a storm in my heart,

I watch her walk towards me

With a smile she looks at me with her 14 karat diamond eyes

I feel my body move towards her

With my mind still slowly watching over her

Without me noticing myself going towards her

She wraps her self around me

And i feel us traveling through flames into the stars

Her breath on my neck

Burns me away

The lips that she brings towards mine

Reminded me of a thousand years of solidute

They brought the beast within outside

Now eating her while she cries

And tightens her arms around my waist

Lost in a dream

In her eyes

We will follow the moon and its curse

Devour the sun

And rape the light

Now again on the ground i cannot run

I heal my wounds

In orcestra of misery




Your sin tasted so good

22:13 Jun 05 2006
Times Read: 490

I tremble at the sight of you, the smiling makes

me spin around. I grow dizzy because you make

me happy. I can't stand on my own two feet because

you twirl me around in your face. The glow in you're

eyes hypontizes me into sweet sin. What is this feeling

I know I've never felt it. I thought I have, but this. This

is a dream life.

My hand's shake wanting to touch you all over, to feel

your flaws, and smooth skin. To toil my tongue around

you until you beg for more. I can't stop smiling, what is

this? You shatter me relentlessly but not to harm, not

to hurt. You shatter crumble me to love, that starves me

for more. I want you to quench me until you grow weak.

But I'm the weak one, my whole body shutters at the

thought, the dreams of you. Sweat slicks down my back

because I can feel you all over me. The union so sweet,

yet so tainted I can't breathe. I can't think. I stutter, wanting

this fantasy to become life, so much so I sob. My reality is

distorted. I want to be fulfilled.

You're water that refuses to fill my mouth.....

You're fire that burn's me until I shamble to ashes.

But you pick me up making my world whole, making

the beauty I have seep into my veins, actually planting

a thought in my mind. That I am all those things you

say. I believe you, it hurts. You corrupt me until I'm

left fallen. You stole me, with just words...

You'll keep me forever with your beauty..




Don't let death ruin your day.

21:35 Jun 05 2006
Times Read: 493

Death will come soon enough,

don't let it take you in now,

finding what is on the other side is not important while your here,

if you let the idea soak into far,

you might already be gone,

enjoy what you have,

for one day you'll slip away,

don't let the thought ruin your day,

hang out with your friends,

try to stay off the drugs,

if your afraid of death,

they'll only take you away quicker than you planned,

hiding in the shadows won't make you last longer,

but only fear will befriend you there,

the words of others shouldn't make you feel pain,

but only means that their afraid,

don't try to hurt others,

nothing will come of the best,

let your stay on earth be one you enjoy,

it's not a round trip when your gone,

if you do try to bewittle others,

you won't enjoy your the bed in which you rest,

all will haunt you that you have hurt,

so while your here on this little earth,

make what you have the most it's worth.




After Dark

21:33 Jun 05 2006
Times Read: 495

Whisper my name through lost infinity;

inside the chaos rain.

With the demon serenade voltaic on a callbox charge

of phantom worlds on an axis of phosphorous shadows

decadent as a heartbeat

found intractable in eye shadow games

drawn down in shades of camouflaged hubris;

mercury-poison in a jaguars eye

screeching frontiers blinded by urban nights

cold metallic skies.

Its after dark time, we play, strung together

in our xanthic mortal bodies,

dumb puppets binded on heathen strings;

drawing hybrid shapes of morphing shifts

a break of silhouettes in ghost-dawn escapades.

It's the way the world carries hate on its shoulders

to break me down, freefall, night-call

lambent from twitching prisms

of forgotten light

no less an imperfect grace to lift me up

time to fight; to relinquish this burning fright

with sabre-light blades of razor remedies

to quell my anxieties; foreboding relics

on a crucifix tongue

from snaggle tooth snitch of kids with vampire grins

all pick-pocket rich,

in an eerie parade

of midnight masquerade

they're learning to suck life; leech blood

through a pugging maze of smog

and the putrid gnarl of air

like pea soup sludged in yellow spores

of dirty bowls.

Attentative as bagnio eyes on an oriental

swamp-laced sweat of steamy skin

piercing the plasma zone;

outlaw still burning on a star-fiend blaze

laser shards in pernicious flickers, entertain

like strobe-shots

across a crowded dancefloor

a feckless derision sketched within

after dark impulses

hands caressing earthly scars and breathing angels

in a myopic rough-diamond, scattershot

scratch of rebus eyes.

in the puzzlebox lore of sacred phoenix skies.

Inviolable trust on a scavengers tongue

swallowing all misconceptions and deeds

in vulcan walls dripping

with dead hares songs.

Through brittle snap of souls in rorqual minerals;

bone-break like rivers of skulls

the dead in estuaries of dark waters

beyond mammal hearts of whale songs

pirate-shadows in paper windows;

Exodites in ribcage butterflies born

with no wings; still flying into

the dark cranium of nightmare visions.

Where blood-moon tarantulas in transluner night traps

crawl inside the membrane of my spine.

And I catch myself in web eyes, threaded inside

the night capscule of my wild imagination

Just so I can see everything when its after dark time.



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