GoddessxMoon's Journal

GoddessxMoon's Journal


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1 entry this month


23:35 Oct 13 2019
Times Read: 580

You know if you was to be the better person and actually be adult you would stop going into others profile and saying things .I mean there is a option of just rating and not leaving a comment. Oh wait no you cant do that you love drama way too much what was i thinking😔 . Come on guys grow up and act your ages . To set the record straight i am not siding with anyone but damn this little fued going between cat julie tony and dave has been going on long enough its kinda like brothers and sisters fighting over who gets the front seat. Just drop it already so some of us on VR can actually read others journals and not be like oh god will they ever grow up.

Now if I get attacked because of speaking up then so be it I Will return blocks or delete some profiles its that simple .



23:46 Oct 13 2019

This entry is rather cute due to the lack of actual truth behind it....all this started over someone getting a damn 9. She has been nothing but problems or did you forget her suspensions. How about her harassing the admins and cheating the system over and over. Tony and this twat arent victims they are constantly starting issues with people and I find it funny that You want to throw me into this where was the entry for when Tony and Julie were attacking Heather and Lana or did you not see that? Or the attacks they issued on some of the admins did you miss that too and that was within the last 30 days

23:51 Oct 13 2019

Also side note this just started last night so once again what on earth are you babbling about please sort your facts and actually have them correct please

23:53 Oct 13 2019

Actually it started over an Image stop lying to people cat.

23:55 Oct 13 2019

It started over a damn rate you just cant take a joke or someone telling you the truth you have the creativity of a sock puppet...your profiles look damn near identical to mine you are just another lifeless copycat with no fucking life

00:00 Oct 14 2019

Don't let cat Discourage you. You're on the right track dear shes just being pathetic I'll be cocky with her if she even remotely tries to start shit with another user see this is what I mean people right here!

Cat thinks everything is about her
Perhaps it should be!

Maybe her name should be labeled inside of everyone journal I guess no one can't express how they feel on this god dam website don't make me be cocky here cat and stand up for this member let them express them selfs for Gods sake's you're pathetic again it amuses me

Can't you see she is only pointing out facts that she wants the drama to stop but no here you are on her Journal thinking it's all about you Cat or shall I say your real name Catelyn instead of cat grow the fuck up I mean come on really let people express how they feel about you for once

if you ever want to learn and face facts pull you're god dam head out of your ass Cat.

And let her share her thought's man and I thought I was a bade case but it looks like I grew up allot more then you I only be cocky on your journals cat because they are usually directed at people we are not stupid and I'm not falling for your tricks I'm sorry miss that this Cat person is commenting on your journal and causing you problems I will be more cocky to cat all day today until she allows users to express them self's about her and everything else going on.

allow me to back the Image wining up to show this user that you are truly lying

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

00:06 Oct 14 2019

"attacks on admins "
Why lie? I mean, for real?

@godessxmoon, If you dont like it, dont read it. it's a personal journal.
people can post as they please, as long as they dont break tos, or any privacy laws.

00:13 Oct 14 2019

Julie please stop typing like you are a brain damaged slug it is themselves for fuck sake you live with the know it all tony and he still can not get you to type in actual correct English

00:31 Oct 14 2019

Lol so you want tony to program me like a dog ?
to spell correctly? if I where to spell correctly cat how would anyone be tell us apart?
Lets face facts if I where to type correctly and if I was higher grades then you would totally be schooled during the week on the week day while your at work so I can piss you off more and be more cocky towards you. But OH! Wait I'm already here being cocky standing up for a member

let me program you to be fucking nice to other people you stupid fucking bitch.
I mean come on that would be the best bet thing for Vampire rave and it would surely do us all a major favor.

~ToxicKitten: no no we should let her express her self it isn't right to keep emotions inside and locked up because cat wants to think everything is about her.
we need to put the subject on a higher ground here. That no matter what people say Cat will always attack every User on Vampire Rave until this site is fucking dead but I mean ? who cares right?.
I've supported cancer I had my fun of share.

00:34 Oct 14 2019

Everyone knows you cant type but now we see you cant read you do realize this entry is also a slap against you god Julie your mother should have swallowed you. One less retard who is a waste of time

00:41 Oct 14 2019

Your mother should of swallowed you as well your also a waste of time and space and your super duper annoying maybe you should move out of your mothers house ?

and get your own place Cat so that way you can spend time with Dave more and stop bullying people on this website

00:44 Oct 14 2019

Julie actually unlike you I work two damn jobs but if you were so abusive towards your mother all the time you would know that. The bills are in my name but you wouldnt know what its like to actually earn money because well damaged goods are worthless goods

01:05 Oct 14 2019

Lol Want to know whats truly worthless your words and you're lame ass excuses as an adult I was actually born with problems I'm mentally disabled and you are making fun of a mentally disabled women which could line you up in the illegal terms with the law if I have this pre - recorded and sent directed to you're location.

Oh and dear I tried looking for a job they are all book and not wanting to hire you're just being pathetic go get a fucking second life maybe they should reincarnate you into a better person someone that's nicer no matter the situation and can handle her self properly.

Oh and I would like to add on another factor that name calling is abusive especially from a none mentally disabled person that's working.

But no you like to wonder up inside peoples journals like this one and continue to fight with me like a child instead of saying well you know what maybe Julie is Right for once maybe I should stop arguing and leave people alone for once instead of lecturing them about Images and journals maybe for once I should allow people to live there life's and I live my own maybe then just maybe people would actually see that I'm a mature women and everyone would love to talk to me then

but you can't fix the fucking pass not cat!.
Get out of here.
before you suck you're self into a late fee.

And go argue on my TheeDeath Journal instead of Goddessxmoon journal
God dam.
Grow up.
You loser.

01:08 Oct 14 2019

Both of you, your grammar, and spelling hurts my head.
*can't - Cat, please learn how to use punctuation.
Making fun of someone, then failing at the very thing you make fun of them for, is pretty bad.
Also, why was my name added Julie? I never typed that.

01:10 Oct 14 2019

It is yourself and damn you dumb cow! Also when someone proves you are right maybe someone will admit you are right but sadly no one has ever done that because you have always been proven wrong or you would have never been suspended

01:11 Oct 14 2019

19:06 Oct 13 2019

"attacks on admins "
Why lie? I mean, for real?

@godessxmoon, If you dont like it, dont read it. it's a personal journal.
people can post as they please, as long as they dont break tos, or any privacy laws.

My reply towards the @Godessxmoon.
that's the only reason why I said ToxicKitten
Not your real name

~ToxicKitten: no no we should let her express her self it isn't right to keep emotions inside and locked up because cat wants to think everything is about her.
we need to put the subject on a higher ground here. That no matter what people say Cat will always attack every User on Vampire Rave until this site is fucking dead but I mean ? who cares right?.
I've supported cancer I had my fun of share.

01:12 Oct 14 2019

Wow Tony you openly just proved my point of Julie lying all the time. She just tried to place words you never said in your mouth how pitiful

01:13 Oct 14 2019

Cat you lie shut the fuck up as I have proof.

You love to lie to other members go some where else before your bills are not watched I also pay pills so go cry in the corner.

01:13 Oct 14 2019

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

01:14 Oct 14 2019

He just stated you tried to put words in his mouth. He openly stated you said he said things he didnt or can you not read your own boyfriends comment lol

01:15 Oct 14 2019

Do you not both fucking read my own Comments fuck you all.
I'm done here.

01:16 Oct 14 2019

Thank you Toxickitten for proving my point as you see Julie loves to claim people said things they never said

01:17 Oct 14 2019

Omg fuck you both.
Shut the fuck up

01:18 Oct 14 2019

About fucking time someone shows the truth about your words value lol

01:19 Oct 14 2019

I hope you value your shit life

01:20 Oct 14 2019

Its not my fault he just exposed you as a damn liar its about time he does something right. *CHECKMATE LOL*

01:30 Oct 14 2019

OH, julie was doing what i was doing with the @ sign.
so no, she didnt lie, just used a diffrent symbol

01:36 Oct 14 2019

Yeah I use different symbols so we all stand the fuck out.
I swiggles always have sense when do I stop using them? that moment cat thinks she got a check point where we are all just talking she thinks shes playing chess how off topic.~.Reaper.

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