TheChosenOnex's Journal

TheChosenOnex's Journal


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4 entries this month



16:42 Jan 30 2025
Times Read: 45

I'm a spiritual being who is a follow of God and Jesus Christ I'm one of the many Chosen Ones from heaven above I often wonder why they picked me even though their is one million people on this planet maybe I have something nobody does if that's the case I do accept that I've seen many fake followers and Pastors and preachers and prophets of God who claim they are one their lies spread like fire in the shadows only to gain control and hunger for power if they where truly a follower of God they would attempt to save people from being demonically changed with and prayer and action because both speak loudly.

in my eye's I see and have visions of many things falling apart with no clear answer or understanding as to of why I think God speaks to me in visions rather then words and shows me in liquid dreams and astral projection traveling.

Many will say Lord Lord is the time ending I say no because only God knows that and that is mis leading information you can't just say the end times are here though you must pay close attention to and not be a fool but you also must keep in mind that God only knows when the time will end and most of everyone I see is diving into the lake of fire.

They can't get me no matter how hard they try into the lake of fire they tried countless times with countless lies.
to get me trapped into their twisted lies and cages under the doors of hell where cerebus stays torturing demons or angels hell does not care for either or they just want more souls into the pits of hell even if you think you are al mighty demon surely you are the true fool being used like a tool for childish games.




11:24 Jan 30 2025
Times Read: 51

I can't stop loving playing my star wars game it's so much fun I keep also waking up at odd times then I just hop on star wars and keep playing some more.




I'm not a perfect speller don't mock me for I try my best. To tell you my day.

06:01 Jan 30 2025
Times Read: 81

I told You I keep my word from last time from last year I mean what I say I mean and I will keep it.

I did something crazy I got a new iPhone 16 and I'm gonna upgrade my family member to a iPhone 12 since her phone over heats and the audio is failing I'm gonna do payment plan to raise my credit score to help out my family members in blood line
I' know their phone over heats and gets to hot to do things to stay on applications long but my iPhone doesn't it's probably due to the following fact their phone is older then mine and doesn't have bigger screen and such which means a smaller inside which means bad for iPhone.

I made a Ark Survival Ascended Server for me and my friends and my family they are very happy they don't half to deal with tethering no more that they can play normally.

tethering is a tool in the game where it pulls members of the server close together unable to spread apart and explore the world properly I'm happy to make my friends and family happy which makes me fill with joy to know they enjoy my machine operating the server no I won't give out their location and IPs that's illegal.

I really love this song I've been listening to it since I was in school and now I'm older and I Still listen to the shit out of it w-w
Why do I love you still song.

I did something crazy I got a new iPhone 16 and I'm gonna upgrade my family member to a iPhone 12 since her phone over heats and the audio is failing I'm gonna do payment plan to raise my credit score to help out my family members in blood line
I' know their phone over heats and gets to hot to do things to stay on applications long but my iPhone doesn't it's probably due to the following fact their phone is older then mine and doesn't have bigger screen and such which means a smaller inside which means bad for iPhone.

I made a Ark Survival Ascended Server for me and my friends and my family they are very happy they don't half to deal with tethering no more that they can play normally.

tethering is a tool in the game where it pulls members of the server close together unable to spread apart and explore the world properly I'm happy to make my friends and family happy which makes me fill with joy to know they enjoy my machine operating the server no I won't give out their location and IPs that's illegal.

I really love this song I've been listening to it since I was in school and now I'm older and I Still listen to the shit out of it w-w
Why do I love you still song.




14:31 Jan 28 2025
Times Read: 93



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