XLysistrataXByron's Journal

XLysistrataXByron's Journal


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10 entries this month


Spell to Banish Personal Negativity

02:00 Aug 25 2007
Times Read: 765

We have all from time to time experienced feelings and thoughts that there is a negative force around us. To banish these feelings you will need the bowl of water and the salt. Sprinkle some salt on the altar cloth and, using your finger or your Athame, say,

"I bless this salt to make it fit for these my rites. Blessed Be."

Now add a little salt to the water and hold the bowl up towards the sky. Visualize your past relative being present and say

"I ask ... (say the relative's name) to let this bowl be the receiver of all my negativity, so that I can cleanse myself and became whole again once more. Blessed Be."

Place the bowl down safely, dip the fingers and thumbs of both hands into the water, and visualize all your negative thoughts and feelings moving through your body, down through your arms and out of your hands into the water. As you do this be aware of yourself becoming lighter, of losing the weight that has been on your mind.

When you are sure that this is completed, remove your hands, shaking the last drops of water from them into the bowl. Take a moment to centre yourself once more, and again, holding the bowl up, say,

"I ask ... (say the late relative's name), to take this negativity through their power of the Elements to keep me safe in their hands. Blessed Be."

Now throw away the contaminated water into the earth, but not near any plants that you are trying to grow, or down the drain.




Voodoo Spell to Drive Someone Crazy

01:59 Aug 25 2007
Times Read: 766

A way to drive someone crazy is to write the victim's name backwards on an egg. No ordinary egg will do -- it has to be an egg from a black hen. Then it is required that the egg be tossed over the roof of the intended victim. As an alternative, the egg could be buried near the victim's front door.




Spell to Punish a Person

01:56 Aug 25 2007
Times Read: 767

To punish a person. You'll need:

black candle

9 nails

white plate


Carve the persons name in the candle...put the candle on the white plate then at different locations push the nails in.... put the oil around the plate. That should stay for about 1 moon phase.....when done... remove the nails, and using a warm knife or metal spatula, smooth the pierced/carved areas, so the candle looks unblemished....wrap it in vervain and sweet basil....and then dump in a garbage can...that will take care of both.




Spell to Curse an Enemy

01:54 Aug 25 2007
Times Read: 768

In the dark of the moon, spread a table with some cloth of a dark color, ragged and dusty.

At the four corners, set black candles unlit. In the center of the table, set a open wooden box.

On a small flat stone, inscribe your enemy's name reversed.

Spit upon it and set it within the box. Light the four candles with a burning straw or taper.

Cast into the box a handful of bitter weeds: chicory, dandelion, etc. Fix the curse with these words.

That thou shalt be turned into a stone,

And that all thy wits shall be turned front to back,

And that over thy face the loathsomeness shall creep,

And that as in a coffin thy limbs shall be bound,

And that light shall be withheld from thine eyes,

And that thy house and lands shall be impoverished and spoiled,

And that all the nourishment shall taste to thy tongue as wormwood,

And that thou shalt be held alien from thy fellow man,

And that these things shall be so until I release thee,

I spread this table and mark this stone

And spit upon it and conceal it,

And light these candles and apply these poisons,

And fix this curse upon thee

In the names of the Four Fires

Whose names are RIL, YUT, SAR, and LOD,

Who shall consume thee as they are consumed

Remain watching by the candles until the are burnt out.

These things may be taken away but the stone must be buried near you house until the spell is withdrawn.




Spell to Reflect Negativity

01:49 Aug 25 2007
Times Read: 769

You will need your magic mirror or a consecrated small round mirror,

a wide-mouthed glass jar, ashes, vinegar, a knife or something else sharp like a razor blade

or piece of broken glass, and an apple.

After sundown, set the jar before the mirror and place in it some ashes.

Fill it up about 2/3 of the way with vinegar.

Take the apple and carve into it something that will represent the person or the negativity which

follows or attacks you. Try and make it as clear as you can-while you carve, infuse the apple

with all of the negativity you perceive around you . Raise the apple above the jar and say:

"Evil send must come to rest

Reflect it back to who knows best

Energy spent for evil and bane,

Go back now from whence you came

Far away I send you this hour

May all your attempts to harm turn sour!"

Place the apple in the jar-for best results do this spell for three consecutive nights.




Warding off the Evil Eye/Blocking Black Magic

01:48 Aug 25 2007
Times Read: 770

What you need

rosemary, lavender, black pepper, cinnamon, ginger root, and 6 white candles and one black candle.


This spell should be cast during a new moon phase

First cast a magical circle (hail to the guardians)

Next face the north and sit and meditate

Get up and light your candles clockwise all except for the black.

Then when you have lighted your white candles, use a white candle to light the black candle.

Then light the mixture of herbs and spices.



Whatever evil comes to me here

I cast you back, I have no fear

With the speed of wind and the dark of night

May all of your harboring take flight

With the swiftness of the sea

And all the power found in me

As I will so mote it be

Then in a loud voice say ''I cast you out''

and blow out the black candle as hard as you can.

let the mixture burn, then draw an eye on the candle and wrap it in a white cloth and bury it in your back yard.




The Bottle Spell for Protection

01:43 Aug 25 2007
Times Read: 771

Used to neutralize the power of those who intend to do you physical harm, or hurt your reputation, or in any way pose a threat to your security.

You will need:

4 tbsp Frankincense or Myrrh

4 tbsp Black powdered Iron

4 tbsp Sea Salt

4 tbsp Orris-root Powder (or oak moss)

1 white candle

1 bottle with a cork or lid

Mortar and pestle

Parchment Paper

Black Ink or black ballpoint pen

Black thread

Mix the sea salt, orris-root powder, and the iron in a bowl. Then cut a piece of parchment to fit inside your bottle and write on it with black ink:

I neutralize the power of (name of adversary) to do me any harm.

I ask that this be correct and for the good of all.

So mote it be!

Roll up the parchment, tie it with a black thread to bind it, and place it in the bottle. Fill the bottle with the dry ingredients. Then take the white candle and while turning the bottle counterclockwise, drip the wax over the cork to seal it. Last, secretly bury the bottle in a place where it will not be disturbed and no animals or people will dig it up. This spell is like a genie in a bottle. It should never be unleashed or the power of the spell is lost.




Purification Spell (To Break a Curse)

01:40 Aug 25 2007
Times Read: 772

This is a "heavy-duty" purification spell.

On the night after the full moon and just before bed, light 13 candles, preferably white. Fill the tub up with hot water (as hot as you can stand to sit in). Add 1 cup sea salt, 1 tablespoon sage, 1 tablespoon lavender and 1 tablespoon chamomile. Turn off the water and let the bath steep in the herbs. Kneel or sit in front of the tub, in the nude, and repeat this incantation:

What was done was done

Be it now undone

By the light of the full moon's wane

Cleanse my soul of taint and stain

Let now my hurtful spell reverse

And lift from me this vicious curse

As I enter now this sacred space

Return my spirit to it's grace

Enter the bath and let the water cleanse away the effects of the curse. Use your hands to gather up the water and pour it 3 times of your head. Each time you do, repeat:

Accept my apologies for what was done

Disperse my spell with the morning's sun

Remain in the bath until the water cools. Drain the tub and rinse off. Snuff the candles and go to sleep. By dawn the curse will be broken and you will once again find that feeling of "blessedness" that you lost.




Lemon Uncrossing Spell (To break an curse)

01:39 Aug 25 2007
Times Read: 773

In a sachet, combine the following herbs: St. John's Wort, sage, calamus and dragonsblood powder. Set the sachet aside for later. Fill an incense brazier with dragonsblood incense. On your altar, you will need an athame, a whole ripe lemon, 1 white and 1 black candle, a bowl of salt and a bowl of water. You will also need a glass or ceramic plate to set the lemon on when you are done. Do not use paper or wood.

Light the candles and the incense. Hold the lemon in both hands and visualize it magnetized and drawing the negative spell away from you. Dip your athame in the water then slice the lemon into three pieces. Set the athame aside and visualize the lemon drawing the negativity away from you and into the pulpy fruit. Repeat the following:

As sour as this lemon be

Charged and cut in pieces three

With salt and water I am free

Uncross me now, I will it be.

Let this lemon do it's task

It's cleansing power I do ask

As this lemon dries in air.

Free me from my dark despair.

Uncross! Uncross! I break his curse.

But let not my simple spell reverse.

I wish no ill, nor wish him pain

I wish only to be free again.

Take each lemon slice and dip it in the salt, making sure it is well coated. Set the slices back on the altar and say:

As it is my will, so mote it be!

Leave the lemon pieces on the altar where they can dry. Once dry the spell is complete and the lemon can be thrown away or buried. If however the fruit rots instead, you must repeat the spell. While waiting for the fruit to dry, keep the sachet with you at all times. It will help to protect you from the effects of the spells and turn away any negativity sent in your direction.




To Reverse Spells Cast with Candle Magick

01:38 Aug 25 2007
Times Read: 774

Light two black candles and chant:

In the name of the Gods and all ye Spirits

In the name of Kernunnos and the light and the dark

And the Gods of the Netherworld

And whosoever shall be casting a curse against me

Let them suffer their own curse

Let these candles be their candles

This burning be their burning

This curse be their curse

Let the pain they have caused me and mine

Fall upon themselves

Do this spell for five consecutive nights (as close to midnight as possible) and each night

chant the spell until the candles are spent.



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