Sanguinepsychadelic's Journal

Sanguinepsychadelic's Journal


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2 entries this month

21:31 Nov 06 2017
Times Read: 376

Chapter 2
A Saga of Lost Hope

Journal 3
The Psychopath

I Heinrich Feuerhurzblut am of inspiration to write of my experiences on this night. Han and I had gone out to find a suitable woman for my ideal fixation. I find their skin so alluring and the taste is much more exquisite than a common man’s filthy blood. My theory has been proving ever more reliable as the more I desire the women the more it seems my physicality and my son Han’s has started to shift, the toxicity we experienced at first of the blood seems to no longer affect us, the fits of vomiting from over feeding no longer seem to be of issue. We hunt regularly almost weekly, and although Han’s never says a word I can tell he enjoys it. He sucks up the knowledge our family has gained and is a true believer in my own theory. I am sure he will pass down this gift to his son…
My mind troubles me now as I seem to have been regularly experiencing the raving episodes of delirium I now know as being caused by the vile foreign disease. Han has now learned how to identify the pathogen and we shall no longer contact it, although for me the damage is already done. My feeding seems to lessen the onset of the rage but I cannot seem to control my temper and have struck Han on numerous occasions. I hope he knows that I do not mean to ever damage him.
However the night tonight was beautiful for hunting, a dense fog rolled over the city and we were able to scan out our target easily. As we had not been here long I choose a remote area were a young farm maiden had been walking home as night began. I had picked her out at the tavern earlier, drunk enough to be handled, but not too drunk to sully her blood. She was radiant and we were out of blood as no one in town seemed in need of us. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her and the skin, oh how marvelous she will taste, and how long we would have her with us.
You see me and Han no longer waste a single drop, with medical precision he drains every bit of her into our canteen and now tank. My father would know with pride that I preserve his legacy even to Han as we ritually drink from the canteen the first drink in honor of the sacrifice made. My father would not kill, but I think all that war made him loose his taste for it. I on the other hand have become the conductor of symphonies of anguish, like a big cat reviling in his prey. Like a cheetah I lap up my prey’s blood as a victory to my life. We preserve what Friedrich gave to us!
Han is a brilliant young student and was even very highly regarded in his academy, but the fear of anyone discovering our secrets left him quiet and beside himself. Luckily he was contacted however by an old friend of the new socialist party last Wednesday. It seems his work on the study of blood toxicology greatly interested the new Nazi party who had started rallying and seem to have taken the country by storm. I warned him that an official position may make him stationary and he would forcibly be caught as deaths would be more noticeable however he seems confident that he can manage. I think this will be my last writing as I dream of wandering until my death little hut to little hut feeding my days away. My clarity almost non-existent I felt this should be my last entry. Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream… merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream and I am its nightmare…

To my son for who I write my memories never forget that we are to be the new species, the new predator. Humans have never had need to fear anything the way they do us and that I hope he can pass that gift to his son as the feeling of drinking is what my father designed us for and what is demanded of him and his descendants.

The Last Entry,
Heinrich Feuerhurzblut

I guess it would be prudent at this time to explain who I am and why I am writing this down, and revealing my secrets. I am Shane Octavo Feuerhurzblut the last in my family’s true bloodline. I was born in California where I went to a good school, and graduated into a profession picked by my family’s history, a doctor.
I am writing this as a testament to one of the greatest scientific experiments ever ran. You see few are willing to put themselves into the lab rats mind and even fewer come back satisfied from their discourse. Yet my family for five generations has done just that, and with each new life we bring the turn of a new world to order. Friedrich Feuerhurzblut was a great man, and a free thinker of his age and from him we spawned a new idea of humanity. Small scale generational human evolution, as his son would call it.
The idea that if you created a physical adaptation on multiple generations it would slowly become its predominant trait in a single species. This had come from Darwin’s ideas, but was increased upon by Friedrich’s son Heinrich. Heinrich saw that localization and isolation created different adaptations just like Darwin, however he believed that the changed manifested from a preference. The birds not only wanted to get to the better nuts which progressively gave long beaked birds an advantage, but that the birds only wanted to go for those nuts because they enjoyed them. This was of course met with criticism as how could you test a bird’s enjoyment, something he made many tests to do. However he also wanted to show that physical adaptations would then result, as the desire to obtain the specialization would push the evolution of it to a high drive. This meant that mind was interacting onto the matter in a reciprocal way, allowing for the beaks to elongate not only because the birds became more successful but because they enjoyed the nuts and targeted them more often.
However growing up in a family built on blood drinking living through a world war and the discovery of what caused syphilis coming at the end of his life he contracted the disease and went into complete delirium by the end although he lived uncharacteristically long for having the disease. Something I could only give Han the credit for as his other writings show a clear lack of self-care. I have chosen to select one of his writings that seemed the most coherent towards the end of his life as he became ever more ingenious in concept but ever crazier in practice.
Most of the pages he left before this last one were nothing more than arrant angry scribbles with blood and a draw out of a tree that had human beings on it with a line drawn away from it to where Feuerhurzblut was circled. Although maybe just a mad dream at the moment he would never see the impact that drawing would bring. He had quite literally become a serial murderer traveling around the European continent preying on young woman and utilizing the unique employment of a traveling doctor to hide his worst offenses. He would become the terror of Europe and unfortunately bring about the true creator of the new race on earth. You see there was only ever one witness to his crimes, one person to see all the damage and carnage that was his son Han Feuerhurzblut.
You see this is where the nightmare truly begins, and Han was very many times more a monster than his father could ever have dreamed to be. You see any idea either personal, governmental, religious, or philosophical always gets blown out of its normal proportions when modern society takes hold. Han used his own life to create something that most other people would have seen as a nightmare. However with the new understandings of evolution being put out on to the table, Han started to realize his father and grandfather’s plan would not work. You see you can have a family mutation that will allow for genetic difference but to stabilize a new race of creatures he needed as many races, and as many women as he could get his hands on. Not to mention his father’s disease had pushed him towards looking into the new bourgeoning world of cellular genetics and making sure his sources were non-contaminated, seeing them as tests subjects not people.
For that very reason Hitler’s Germany was the perfect collection field, and he was going to use his good friend Himmler to his highest advantage. I’ll end this era of explanation by saying that although Heinrich lost his mind from the horrors he lived to see, that madness was simply still just brewing and wouldn’t find true sadism until Han had received his journals, purposely hiding his father’s more coherent texts, because Han saw himself as the artificer of the goal and therefor even chose what to share with his, “Children.”




21:09 Nov 06 2017
Times Read: 381

Journal 2
A Memory That Won’t Be Forgotten

Long since that night I have thought of what Gustav and I did. He has remained next to me since that day always loyal. I think a bond formed that no other person could ever understand. I enjoy his company being younger he was always much better at remembering faces and masks that danced in front of me daily. Yes luckily it had been a German city and had seen no reason in not helping a nobleman of my status stay eat and rest.
Gustav has always joked since then that I had denied truly holding a title in almost every moment of my life until that day. As I knew it he only jested because he probably wouldn’t have made it except for the doctor sent to us as part of my noble right. After a month he had been patched and fitted with an artificial leg and a cane, and we had word sent to bring a horse and carriage to come and get us.
They had taken a while to arrive but the instant the driver had rested I insisted we be taken home. The harsh trip we had taken to arrive wanting to be the last thing in our brains. The canteen still hung on my shoulder though, and as we bounced along it kept reminding me of the events before. What shocked me most was a lack of remorse for the man, I had remembered his face for a while but the image seemed to only be a means we had to take. Even if I didn’t believe it myself my mind gladly accepted the terms of this as it seemed the only means to stay sane.
Our time in the city had been nice, the Prussian’s body had been found leading to a moment of resolute terror. However, the discovery only intensified the rumors of true vampyre’s living in the woods. If they did they seemed more to me like shades from war than supernatural killers. So I went to start anew, the war was over by the time the cart arrived and the town informed us of all of the politics that were buzzing. Though a little behind in news getting, the message seemed to be that the Austrian’s were willing to allow the German’s a parliament. Being that they were still under Austro-Hungarian rule, the states could better decide their needs, but they still held power.

The adventure home took nearly a month to get back to our village. The imposing manor had never seemed to show with such a majesty as to that first glance. Gustav and I rushed to the doors, the whole village had come to greet us home. We waved and smiled and held composed looks for the women who asked for their husbands. Though the army was still coming back, knowing we commanded most of our populace’s soldier’s meant that many of them would be hearing the terrible news soon. Being that we were still exhausted it did not feel right to release the news to already panicking mothers and wives.
The door opened to the manor my wife, daughter, and son all stood waiting. My wife held noble composure until I stepped out the cart, and the moment my foot touched was too much and she rushed to embrace me. I reached to my daughter and son as she released me, and I clutched them the thoughts of them from the woods still fresh in my mind.
Running inside the servants set upon making a bath for both me and as I insisted poor Gustav. They flew through the house as new activities now seemed important that the lord returned. Gustav and I finally stood alone in my study, good beer soaking into our stomach’s we began a discussion that I will record as best I can recall for you to know why the decisions were made that made me how I will be remembered:

“Home is of the land, people are from the land, and the land is good to people, I never really think I understood what that meant until today,” Gustav said in his most sincere idiom voice.
“These people will never know its true meaning, and I find that that is for the better of us all. No one should see what we have seen,” my voice was still a little hard to bring forward as the memories were still tender.
“Or shouldn’t have done…” his voice trailed off, the Prussian’s face came screaming back to me as if a ghost inside my skull. The guilt had never hit until that moment.
“Too many of those actions are done in war, for not a good enough reason old friend. I only fear that we have not done the most terrible thing that occurred there. What other nightmares sit in men’s minds, I only shudder to think of the possibilities.”
“Yet you do think of them, as do I as well. I have always had that problem, and it seemed a common thread between us. You never scoffed at my abstract thoughts or postulations.”
“I guess we can see why we were able to survive that then,” I choked a little bit. I knew I had nothing to fear from Gustav, but I was having trouble admitting it to myself. “So do we find ourselves monsters, drink it away like the old war heroes, or understand ourselves a little better?”
I had expected Gustav to take one of the two former choices, but instead I heard him say, “I don’t want you to think less of me for it, but I did enjoy the taste, I guess that’s something I now know of myself.”
Taken aback I was shocked to find my head nodding in agreement with him. I gasped at myself and thought if I could really trust Gustav with my honest feelings. However, after what we had been through I had no doubt that Gustav would stand by my side no matter what chaotic ideas I brought. But before I could reply, seeing my discomfort he quickly added, “You know that I would do anything you ask of me. You saved my life, and though I knew the method I would be wolf food at this second if it weren’t for you. I don’t properly know how to say it, but I guarantee that I will follow your order for the rest of my life.”
The honesty almost rocked me over, as I found the chair next to me and sat down. I knew that I had saved him, but it had all been in the heat of it. I had never even considered myself a savior, as I knew Gustav would have done the same for me. However the ghost flavor of the Prussian seemed to seep into my brain, tricking my mouth into believing I could almost still smell the canteen. Again Gustav came to words before I could compose myself to speak, “Is it wrong that I long for the canteen, I have never felt excitement and relief in the same moment like that before. Almost as if that were what man should be doing, like all the men I’ve killed have never felt justified…”
“But his most certainly did…” My finishing of his statement startled him as much as his had me. We sat in a dampening silence like nothing I had ever heard in my life. When all of the sudden, a new idea started to bubble up to the surface just inside of my mind. “What was that last thing you said Gustav, like it was what man should be doing. I agree, I have never even been able to justify a dinner on that level, let alone a death.”
Another silence cut in as Gustav finally said, “Killing is wrong, I know that but that feeling should still be available don’t you think?”
I didn’t know what to think, it was so true that I longed to feel the feeling again, but the death toll we had seen made killing in mind a travesty. I mulled it over in my mind and finally replied, “I agree no more death, but I think there is something to the idea we said before. What if Gustav, we became like the Maasai as a treat. Not slaughtering the cow, not eating it but savoring its flavor. I think I may even go as far as to say it is man’s next step. I mean we can verify ourselves that it felt right, and there seems to be more people than animals everywhere in this world now, it would only make sense that man should be our next meal…”
Though I had always been a little philosophical for Gustav’s taste I saw him nodding his head.
“It must be our most guarded secret, and it must as Darwin has suggested be past to the next generation,” my own voice terrified me. I knew that every bit of everything I had ever been told was against what I was saying, but it couldn’t help but feel right.
“Your wife will never understand though Friedrich, I agree that your theory would seem valid in my eyes, but the world will never know our understanding. She would have us hanging from the gallows and your neighbor’s collecting your lands.”
Gustav was of course right as he was most regularly. The man was cleaver even at the worst times for it. I wished that ironically for the secrecy the old regimes held, but laughed at how backwards that would be to everything I had ever fought for. How sad that the only thing I had ever learned to enjoy from my own demeanor would be the only thing that would condemn the open ending of power for the people. At that moment I also realized that I could not make this available as an option through power, as then I would be condemning one of my descendants to a life of misery. No this must come from a pure place, a thankful place, and at last it came dawning to me in a whisper. No I delighted even better a feeding place.
“I must explain to my son that we are different, and your mother marrying into our lives could never understand it. My daughter however will be a different story entirely. I don’t know how it will work with her. She has always favored her mother and for that reason we must start her with animals. I will simply tell her at a young age the animal blood will work, but as she grows older she will need to find human sources.”
“And these human sources, how will they be obtained and kept quiet?” Gustav was a step ahead and the agreement that killing was too far would make a really challenging problem. It also dawned at how strange it was to just naturally be discussing such things.
I laughed and said, “With that crazy pump that English man, ah what was it his name was again… Armstrong. He has used it to treat hemophilia. We saw it demonstrated by that field medic to transfer blood between healthy and wounded parties. If discovered we are taking the blood to hemophiliac studies in another city obviously. Which hopefully should give us just enough time to flee, and if and when they go to check up on us. We can use the transfusion pump to draw the blood as well.”
“So you are suggesting that we set up a study…”
He was cut short as the clatter came from outside the estate. The approaching armored force shock the ground as they came. The army of the city barely had time to assemble basic arms, as they made a small blockade in front of the estate entrance. Gustav and I ran to the front as fast as we could run. Gustav unfortunately was almost half paced as his artificial limb lagged behind him. There was a trumpet sounding and a man in fine studded red painted armor quickly dismounted his horse. By the wig on his head he was a royal emissary. We were exiting the door as his voice came into our ears, and our heart stopped.

“Lord Feuerhurzblut is sentenced for treason to the empire! Therefor this shall result in the seizing of his lands as tribute, and the confiscation of his children to work as royal servants! His wife would be thrown into flames for enabling treason without coming forward. His execution will be held in the royal capital for all to bear witness to and learn from his futility! This is the decree of the Emperor’s will may God find his judgement fair! ”
Gustav grabbed me as I ran for my wife and kids, the sound of the soldiers grabbing them their shrill call, I grabbed my pistol and loaded as I killed the man holding my son. My wife and daughter were dragged off, the horses moving too fast to comprehend. My sudden intervention had drawn the attention for me and Gustav, who with his injuries was mounting the horse next to him as I ran toward my son. “It does nothing if you’re dead!” His voice was like a soft echo I did not care at that moment. I ran head long as the first round of muskets pointed, my only son now running towards me had his back turned to the barrels. I barely had time to yell “Duck!” As the bullets flew over him and caught me in my shoulder. I bit hard at least the others flew wide I grabbed the horse of the man I shot his horse in terror as the bullets had flown right in front of his bridle. I grab the reigns with all the force I could and slowed the horse, the officer I had shot was frantically trying to call off the next round as I’m sure he had paid a small fortune for the Arabian steed. My son had caught a bullet in his thigh and I quickly scooped him up and turned to run on the horse. I could feel the next volley behind us, so close it had worried me that he might have taken another bullet from the shots falling behind us.

“Gustav go, go, go!” The command used the air left in my now aching lung. I bit hard as the expansion pushed on the bullet lodged in my shoulder. I barely heard the screaming of my wife, and the sound of my daughter weeping, but the company of soldiers was no longer shocked by the disturbance and was quickly making ground on us. We used what little lead we had to break into the deep undergrowth of the forest and quickly used the labyrinth of trees we knew from childhood to guard us.
My son sobbed softly the ball had blown through his leg but we would need help if not to stop an infection, and unfortunately not to many friends near to my lands were left to run to. I cursed the air and began the first plan to regain my stature, and as I said in the beginning I would find and hunt down every man who had allowed this to occur. The screaming of my wife made no man of those men innocent, and the Feuerhurzblut’s would have their revenge, even if it took years.

Even when we are now signing in the parliament, that only five men are left to kill, and I have used this decade to facilitate ever dream I have mentioned, for we are a people who achieve the impossible. I made every one of their worst nightmares become a real reality. You see we sign in the parliament as the last European authorities will rot away and I have passed this vengeance to my son, and he will continue our goals with my daughter until our family is restored.

We had survived and the following years lead to great strives for our cause. Seeking asylum with one of my allies we had begun the blood studies. The technology was being used in several ways and our fortunes soon began to climb as the wars continued. However the tragedy was still fresh in my mind that my wife had burned. Her beautiful face had been chard as we were escaping, the smell and scream still lingered in my mind. Yet at least her torture had been swift and temporary, my daughter now was enslaved to a church deacon. The church and the empire would pay, even with my last breath I would take my vengeance. Gustav was starting to worry about me as a darkness seemed to be looming over me pushing the once conversational thought of drinking to a fever pitch of activity. Always worried the church would burn us we kept our business running, killing the small rumors that escaped.

I will continue my quest to oblivion,
Friedrich Feuerhurzblut

In tragic accord he would never actually change Germany the way he had hoped, you see his new practice required discretion and no public figure could ever go far with that skeleton in their closet. The tide would change as the European nations mature towards a fascist mentality. The worst being in that his grand vision would take on a different image than he ever intended, he was a noble man but honor just like Charlemagne doesn’t always pass to the next in line. And the need to maintain the secret had taken a sinister tone that his child found much more comforting than the action its self, I respect him as my elder but his son would only every be describable as a psychopath. Something caused by the very isolation of their practice, and unknowingly he would inspire his grandchild in ways even he would have subdued. I guess the real question to me is would he have ever started it if he would have for seen the inevitable damage caused by his children’s children.



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