SeraphinaRose's Journal


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2 entries this month

Dracula: Volume Two, Chapter Five

18:22 Oct 17 2019
Times Read: 483



'Want some tea? Quaint little tea shop on route to the gardens.'

"Assam, please. No milk, half-spoon of honey."


Vanessa smirked.

'Black tea? Distinct, hardy. Brave man. I can't drink it without at least a splash of milk, one sugar.'

"When you get to my age, you learn to appreciate deep, bold flavours. You could purchase any tea, remove bag from its packaging and, from smell alone, I could tell you its origin, its name, what it contains."

''Your age?' Do I dare estimate?'

"Go ahead. I assure you, it'll be incorrect..."

'Brazen. Ought to think up more words for brave. I will do, when in the shop. In the meantime? Forty-five/six. Tell me now if you wish to deck me. I'll spare you the horror of seeing my mortified face and go straight home.'

"Deck? Very apt guess."

Apt, indeed. Vlad died aged forty-five...


'Punch, wallop, if you will.'

"I couldn't hurt you if I tried. I couldn't hurt her..."

Vlad paused, occurrence rare, odd for him.

"I would not do such a thing. Horror is my face when I wake. May I speak my mind?"

'Haven't you been doing that already?'

"I have, but, with the comparison I made, reticence would be understandable."

'Your wife?'

"Her image stood before me at the market, refined, familiar fluttering in my stomach accompanying sight."

Fascination struck Vanessa, paying for the teas, reluctantly putting phone into her purse.

She didn't look at Vlad's reply until she got to the gate of the garden...


Sitting, placing cups down, woman pulled off mittens, phone retrieved. She sucked in breath, cheeks hollow, reason, as yet, unclear.

You struck me, began chipping at decades old brick walls, I placed in my mind for reason. Captivating, resplendent, and I believe you do not see it.


Vanessa hissed, nippy breeze biting digits. Deciding whether or not to panic, flee, or go into park, walk straight over to Vlad and blush like hormonal, ovulating teen was deciding between walking on Lego bricks, with bare feet, and upturned pins.

Lego hurt less...

I don't know how to 'flirt.'

And, he's eloquent. I am the furthest thing from it.

Just, talk, about anything or nothing.

Logic spoke up, chiming bell pleasant, sound tingling, body vibrating, anticipation imminent, warming limbs.

If I fuck it up? At least I tried. Can always buy myself a treat, have a bath, find smutty book and let meandering mind wander...


Standing, letting tea warm hands, Vanessa stepped into space, scanning, finding man she'd come to see beyond intricately woven metal gate.

Not giving enough time for anxiety to rear its ugly head, she made towards Vlad, strides purposeful, fortitude cheering her on, every step of the way.


"Thank you, for coming all the way here. That was a sudden, on the spot decision, wasn't it?"

"What, possibly gave you that idea?"

Vanessa handed Vlad cup.

"Because what you need to say wouldn't come across properly, were you to do it via text, or email."

She sat opposite, under vast sprawl of branches. It felt homely, picture worthy.

"Spur of the moment, yes. Mere cursory rhetoric via modern-day technology isn't personable. People have forgotten how to talk, only tap, tap, tap."

"Yes," woman mused, "we have regressed, in terms of language. People abbreviate everything, as if its too hard, deemed languishing to spell out words. I find I like attempting to write out words that I do not, normally use. I, almost always get it wrong, but I learn. Learning is important. Glad you aren't despondent, some modernity can be a good thing. I can think of several positives."

Smiling wryly, Vlad mirrored her.

"Humour me?"

"Do you appreciate bluntness? I am known for it, though am aware it offends some."

Man waved her off, sipping liquid.

"I have heard all, been called 'everything in the book,' and I am well read."

"Could open a library with your collection? I admire that. Well-read denotes wise, at least, observant."

Humming, misty blues closed, opening clearing skies.



"Modern views? I share many of those. I say it like it is, what I see. I am far from nasty, malicious, however. I do not put up with nonsense. If someone feeds me crap, I ask them to leave, or leave them. I adore sex, intimacy, though understand lust, simply sating need. I am monogamous. I see little issue with polyamory, as long as those involved are responsible adults. Its when lies lay beneath the sheets, lacking respect. I cannot stand the 'women hate sex,' spiel. We hate when we aren't listened too, when someone assumes we will love what a previous partner did. We aren't always ready in an instant. We require work, and, no, our vaginas are not pavement, and penises aren't drills. Unless we ask, don't shove it in. It will hurt. I shouldn't have to say this. No one's needs should be neglected, unless there is a contract, of sorts, between parties."

"With age comes wisdom?" Smirking, Vlad hissed. "Tripe. Wisdom comes with practise, when you know yourself, learn to listen, learn to observe. Why would women not enjoy sex? The type of men you speak of are the ones who were taught that they are all that matters. Rut until you orgasm. Women don't, can't? Nonsense. Just because it isn't simple doesn't mean it cannot be done."

"Bar medical conditions." Vlad agreed. "It can, under a minute, if I am rather happy. See, that's ironic." She simpered. "If women can orgasm quickly, that's attractive. If men do, its 'laughable.' Women can do as they wish, men can't. Not right at all. I despise that. Say if you stood, made towards me? I can guarantee you'd be tackled to the ground, someone would call the police for assault, even if I didn't utter single word. If I slapped you? Shouted? It would be assumed that you'd done something wrong, 'deserved' it, somehow."

"We could test that theory."

Woman frowned, lines deep.

"Slap you? I'd need reason."

"If I told you what I must, that is reason enough."

"Tell me. If I dislike it, I will go, delete your number, forget any of this happened. I won't hurt you, not purposefully. Please?"


"History dictated me monster. They were correct to do so. If I informed you who I was? You are free to think me mad, leave. I won't pursue."

Vanessa remained quiet, pulling hair around side, tousling wavy locks.

"My true, given name is Vlad Dracul III, named after my Father. I was Voivode of Wallachia three times, murdered, aged forty-five, millennia ago. Before I was killed, slain by my older brother, he performed blood rite, ritual, forced me to imbibe life blood, source unknown, at the time. I awoke, in seventeen-sixty-five, lain asleep for near three-hundred years. Radu took everything from me, except youngest child, my son, Zaleska. I found out he lived full life, did lineage proud."

"You're five-hundred-forty-three years old? Ought to ask your beauty regime. Is it what I think it is?"

"Other people's blood? Care to smother face, body in that?"

Woman shuddered, sipping tea to combat chill.

"I would use my own, thanks."

Vlad grinned.

"Care to drink it?"

"I'd rather drink my own, if I had to. So, well...," she sighed, "I have questions. I won't inconvenience you with them."

"I shall answer the easiest..."



"Second of November."

"Forth. I'm diverting, aren't I?"

He nodded, shutting eyes.

"You mentioned you have seen your 'wife' many times, over the years. Did you, I don't know to phrase it exactly, feel a connection, somehow? Or were you promised to each other from birth, some archaic twaddle?"

"At the time, most marriages were arranged. Ours was not."

"That's lovely. Meeting someone now is a joke. People hide behind masks, they claim they want love, but end up in random beds, with random people, feeling something for a few hours, but its not enough. It never is. Depression is cruel bitch, far from mistress. Whatever. But, be honest. All I ask for is honesty, someone who washes their hands and knows what contraception is. I don't want children. I decided this long ago. My mind will not be swayed, opinion remains the same."

"I am dead. That would not be issue."

Vanessa snorted, having taken off cup lid, she managed to keep liquid in cup, not splutter it everywhere, impolitely.

"Is that an attempt at panache? You're asking me to fuck you? Is that what this is about? You miss your wife, I happen to look like her, therefore, you think you can charm me into bed? I am not her, remember? I recall you told me that."

Swatting, Vanessa twirled scarf.

"Please. It takes more than 'I look like your dead wife, so screw me,' to make me put a man on his back. I am Vanessa, I am not..."

"Justina...her name was Justina."

Vlad huffed, nostrils flaring, clearly irked.

"You aren't used to the word 'no,' are you? Okay. At least you are open with that, fairly. Forgive me if comparison to a dead woman isn't 'making me squirm...,' or the idea of being intimate with a reanimated corpse isn't doing it for me. Actually, the idea is rather different, potentially interesting?"

Man studied face, scanning for minute twitches, movements.

"I sound like novelty. Am I novelty to you?"

Vanessa coughed.

"No. More, confusing, intriguing. I'm being harsh. I, this is strange. I apologise. See? Blunt, careless. I dragged you out here, only to berate. God..."


Woman scoffed, wondering why she'd ripped into man. Yes, his story was odd, bizarre, but it was his. He didn't have to tell her. He revealed personal story, life story precious, volumes plentiful.

And she'd torn them, paper viciously pulled, spines severed, leather scratched, nails dragged down them, some breaking in the process.


"Care to slap me? I, would like to remind you that, I did say it would sound untrue. You have every right to be alarmed."

"I'd be alarmed if you assumed I was yours, based on what happened in the past. Could have tried it on, you didn't."

"You haven't offended me. I have heard all, words tried and failed to damage me."

Vlad kept distance, Vanessa holding cards here.

"As for 'fucking' me? Only if you wish too. Never wish to see me again? I shall go. This wasn't ever about me."

"Does my figure look similar? Because...,' she looked southward, "they need all the help they can get."

"I cannot agree."

Opinion came into mind, vulgar, unsurprisingly, one begging to be uttered.

Uttering it would involve opening mouth, which she so desperately tried to keep closed...


"It isn't your blood, when you get hard, is it..."

"Rhetoric? Must be..."

His laugh shot straight through Vanessa, lance powerful.

"What are you wearing?"

Vlad inhaled roses, jasmine blooming behind, musk close third.

"Victoria Secret. Why?"

Blown pupils and hitched breath told the man Vanessa's guard was dropping.

He would leave it to her to drop it entirely, however.


"Please," using her way of speaking further prompted her forward, "it takes more than crotch-less underwear and lace to entice me."

"Dior, Poison. Cost me an arm and a leg, but I work hard for my money. I pay my way, my taxes, I save, so, why not?"

Offering hand, crystal irises sparked concern.

"Feel free to call me a 'bitch,' whatever. I can be too much, too rowdy. Simply put, I won't get on my back, and I know would not want that, unless I agreed. Otherwise...I may well have had to hit you."

Vlad shook her hand, cautiously holding it, lightly, so she could pull away, if necessary.

"That is abhorrent. Trust me when I say I could never, possibly harm a woman, especially not in such barbaric manner. I only act upon consent, as with my wife, each woman I lay with. Of course, disagreement makes one discouraged, though that isn't grounds for harm."

"I couldn't act, if a man said no. My body won't respond, if that's the correct word. As soon as I hear it, I pull away, shudder even. It isn't always verbal."

"Vanessa." Her grip tightened. "Ask, tell me to walk away. I shall. I have thrown much at you. Its expected one would flee to safety. I am something to be feared, after all."

Woman smiled, tad wryness in the corners.

"You can't act in daylight, or 'transform,' so..."

"Bram's book is not based on me."

"So, I am not your Mina?"

She laughed, fast becoming audible, belly laughter.

"You wish 'Johnathan' type? Saccharine? Refuses to grow backbone? Leaves his wife alone, fully knowing that 'I' could materialise through walls, windows, cracks in foundation? Coward."

"I can handle myself. However, it would be nice to be with someone who listens, doesn't just fuck off without word, doesn't need to be 'grr, me man, hear me roar.' Someone willing to be themselves in a world full of clones. Emotions are normal, wholly. Rather a guy cry than beat the shit out of me, someone else, or break his knuckles via wall."

"If crying is vulnerability, than all of us are vulnerable. It is a lie, manufactured by a society that expects men to fall apart, then complains when they do. Here."

Vlad got out fountain pen, jotting down email on folded receipt.

"If you wish to keep chatting."

Vanessa took note, pocketing it.

"After something this vital coming to the fore? Of course I do. Thank you."

Getting out cafe receipt, woman wrote email.

"You ought to be getting back to our good old capital, will take a few hours. Again, forgive my tongue, it holds barbs, and they like to latch onto things, rhetoric that's rather acidic. Don't want to burn you, so to speak."

"Burning would warm my cold, dead heart. Long since frozen, hence why I have not touched you, not without gloves."

"I dislike cold. It makes me cranky. Not in all instance, not all entirely unpleasant..."

Abdomen twitched, reflex from man's aquamarine's sparkling mischief.



Needing to keep repartee witty, Vanessa had to think, long, hard, tilting head causing locks to spill over, thumb and index finger musing jaw.

"Remind me to buy you binder. I have to get you something, since you came all this way, for little old me."

"If it is binder, filled to brim with knowledge of you, background, interests and the rest? I will take you up on that."

"Like an old-fashioned dating profile?" Assumptive, Vanessa tried looking nonchalant. "Okay. Does that mean we're dating?"

Vlad half-nodded, woman catching sort of glint that preempted prurience. Vanessa continued incline.


She grinned, blushing before she knew it had blossomed on cheeks.

"Walk you to the station?"

Man stood, arm extended. Linking that came as easily as breathing, woman deciding she'd question what on earth had just happened later in the evening, over glass of wine and dinner...




Dracula: Volume Two, Chapter Four

19:55 Oct 03 2019
Times Read: 519


"Good morning, Vanessa."

'Ah! Hello Vlad. Back in the UK?'

Vanessa sat, fresh mug of coffee in hand, placing lunch, seeded bagel with cheddar cheese on the kitchen counter calling to rumbling stomach.

"I am in London, Covent Garden, quaint cafe, quiet corner. London, whilst spirited, animated, can feel too much."

'That's why I live outside the capital. Manchester may be a large city, but its never felt like anything other than home. The right fit, you know? Romania? May I ask what life was like there?'

Vlad snorted, wording crucial, yet, tiresome. Truth irked, telling it causing woman to, inevitably think him escaped ward of the state, off his 'meds,' rationale questionable.


He went with partially ingenuous.

"Romania consisted of small, old-fashioned, off the beaten track villages. I lived a top the Carpathian mountain range. My home crumbled, long ago. Events that occurred, and what followed cast me away, home no longer."

Picking up crumb of cheese, Vanessa frowned.

"I heard West Country lilt when you spoke."

'Well spotted. I thought I'd lost it. I am from Cornwall, moved to the North West for a dear friend, from school. She'd just had a baby, but the Father left suddenly. Reason? He 'couldn't be bothered,' being a Dad 'tired him out.' I understand that a fretting baby can, and will cause lack of sleep, but flat out fucking off? Complete, selfish toss pot...'

Vanessa hit send, regretting it immediately.

'Sorry. I try to keep vulgarity to a minimum, but some times, it slips out.'

Sipping caffeine, woman savoured hazelnut, almond, toffee notes. Coffee was something she didn't skimp on. She wanted something she could sip, properly enjoy, without heartburn, plaguing her later on.

Something she could drink, without wanting to vomit afterwards. The cheap stuff made her feel ill...


"I prefer to spit profanities in person..."

Vanessa's jaw hung.

'I simple cannot imagine you, 'painting the air blue.' Dignified, holding level of grace. How does my description fare?'

Fixing cravat, Vlad made note of woman, pretty, petite blond looking his way.

'I mean, three-piece suits, impeccably groomed, recherché cologne vociferate 'grace,' for me.'

Finishing meal, woman wrapped digits around mug, weather numbing them and toes.


Vlad, openly dismissed blond, woman positively mortified that he'd rebuffed her.

"How novel."

Blues clouded, woman simpering.

'Its a beautiful language. I do not allude to its 'romantic' persuasion. Oh! And, do tell me if I am disturbing anything. I am certain your work isn't simply finding local eateries and markets. Do you write a blog?'

"I make personal entries, and for my employer, if they ask. I find desolate buildings, cottages, cellars filled with caskets of wine. That was one of my favourite discoveries. Then, my employer creates holiday packages, including those areas. Most are outside of city limits, tourists having traversed through it wanting something different, off the beaten track."

'Sounds wonderful. Excursions are something I wish to participate in more often. Just, fuck off somewhere, for one week, two weeks...'

She snorted.

Like work would allow that...

"They should. If you limit holidays throughout the year, that, in turn builds up."

Vanessa grinned, drinking last dregs of brew.

'Is that offer of 'tour guide?' I'll take it!'

Urge to put smiley emoji in there was palpable, substantial.

She fought it, with all her 'might...'


"I think it would be, somewhat prudent to exchange emails, given my work would incur charges, were we to continue texting. Wouldn't there be concern present. in your workplace? You merely leave, for quite the while, with a man you scant know? There ought to be."

'You wish to keep chatting to me? Aw, I'm touched. And, I wasn't about to suggest we stay in the same hotel, same bed. I document things, whether written or with my camera. There'd be evidence, Vlad, and I am rather, proficient at hiding things. Plain sight is obvious, as is somewhere, decidedly tricky.'

Questions loomed, hanging in the air, strings stretching to accommodate weight.

'You warn me against being alone with yourself. Am I dealing with a serial killer here? I know, you aren't supposed to say that. I should say I appreciate your honesty. I do.'

"Its merely precaution. You look eerily similar to my late wife, Justina. I, find myself falling back into routine I had, with her. You are not her, this is clear. My heart's woe confuses mind's logic.

'I am sorry to hear that. I think we should talk that over, smooth any potential bumps in the road. I can, assume then that she was your better half?'

Vlad concurred, breath drawn, cheeks hollow.

"Always. Cataclysms lay within me, she danced around them, diffusing wrath, combating grief with lilt, joy. Her radiance pulled me from abyss I thought unending."

Hesitant (with good reason) Vanessa's fingers hovered above letters, breath held.

'You used similar words, with me, last we spoke. That explains it. I...I don't really know what to say, in these regards. I can't apologise for how I look. Apologising wouldn't be right, it would be an injustice. Should we (try) to meet up? Clear the air, so to speak.'

"You are not her, I am fully aware. I likely sound deranged."

'You could have kept that secret, its precious knowledge. You let me know. I really appreciate that.'

Standing, Vlad payed his bill.

"It would take me two hours to get to Manchester, express train."

'Hmm? If its okay with you, wouldn't want you to go out of your way.'

"I would not offer if I planned on rescinding."

'I would like that.'

'Would you like me to pick up anything? Dietary requirements? Wouldn't want to poison, kill you, or anything...'

Vlad laughed, loudly, leaving cafe before enquiring eyes found him.

"None, and I thoroughly appreciate the ellipses. And, no, thank you. I've already eaten. Heading to the train station now."


Vanessa had typed, 'I look forward to it,' deleting it, naivety budding.

'Acacia Gardens. Lovely, this time of year. My address is personal. I will, reserve meandering thoughts, withhold that, for now.'

"Public. Smart woman. What I admitted would make anyone want to be surrounded by pedestrians, in case I am, indeed deranged..."



22:14 Nov 11 2019

nicely done

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