The Society System Coven Requirements
If a Sire wishes to start their own Coven they must complete the following and send it to The Prince:
Select a Coven name.
Create a Coven crest. The crest must have a black background and be between 300x300 and 400x400 pixels. The file must be in JPG or PNG format.
Create a mark. The mark must be 50x50 pixels. Common symbols such as pentagrams or ankh's are not allowed. You should create a unique mark. The file must be in JPG or PNG format.
Choose a representation for your Coven. A representation is a living or mythical living thing (spider, owl, etc). Your choice cannot already be in use by another House/Coven. The bat is reserved and cannot be chosen.
Create a representation file. The file must be 100x50 pixels, black background, and it must have a 1 pixel solid-color border. The file must be in JPG or PNG format.
After all of the above is submitted and approved, the Coven is set up. Your next step is working on your main Coven page. It is edited like a profile page. You can also start inducting members and competing in contests on your own. |
Great Sire (117)
We were children once playing with toys
00:19 - February 11 2025

Great Sire (114)
Another Winter storm 💜here in KCK🥶 🌨️
23:11 - February 10 2025

Premiere Sire (120)
todays a good day!
21:54 - February 10 2025
Vampire Rave is a member of
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