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Between our birth and death we may touch understanding, As a moth brushes a window with its wing. -Christopher Fry
*This profile is currently being revamped*
My name is Stefanie, but most call me Stef or Nikki(NikkiAidyn is the name of my main profile, so if you want to know more about me or view my portfolio, that's where you'll go). My other profiles are: Amaranthine, Ylvax, XZenithX, FeralHeart, and a few others that I currently consider inactive. Besides all of these, I also share the accounts MsNephthys and Anpu with a good friend of mine.
About Me:
~I'm married & I love him with all that I am. Obviously I won't tolerate flirting because of this, so if you're looking for love or lust you're in the wrong place. I am 100% loyal to him and plan on spending the rest of my days on Earth with this lovely man.
~I'm currently self-employed, which allows me more free time and flexibility, which I like a lot. It allows me to pursue side word for extra money, take on another job if I want to make more, take classes or go back to school, learn new skills or anything of interest, travel, spend more time with family and friends, and basically anything I wish.~
~ I have a variety of interests and hobbies... Traveling, exploring the world and walking the unmarked paths in deep forests are among my cherished pursuits in life.
Some of my other interests include: Reading, Studying/learning, Writing, Drawing, Gardening, Tarot/Other forms of Divination, Hiking/Exploring, Spending Time with Pets, Meditating, Listening to Music, Blogging, & More.~
~I'm highly spiritual and attuned to my higher self, the world & its spirits... I practice a mixture of ways & walk my lone path. ~
~If you want to know more I'm a message away. If you add, favor my journal or rate me I will return the favors... ~ Thanks for stopping by...~
"Off then with the old,
The decay, and the mouldering mustiness
Of this shapeless mass;
On then with the eternal vastness
Of an unfettered spirit-
A being of such freedom
As moving seems apart
Even from Reality
And projects the image
Of eternal hope
Into the tiniest gem or dewdrop
Cupped within a blossom rare"
“Oftentimes we call Life bitter names, but only when we ourselves are bitter and dark. And we deem her empty and unprofitable, but only when the soul goes wandering in desolate places, and the heart is drunken with overmindfulness of self.
Life is deep and high and distant; and though only your vast vision can reach even her feet, yet she is near; and though only the breath of your breath reaches her heart, the shadow of your shadow crosses her face, and the echo of your faintest cry becomes a spring and an autumn in her breast.
And life is veiled and hidden, even as your greater self is hidden and veiled. Yet when Life speaks, all the winds become words; and when she speaks again, the smiles upon your lips and the tears in your eyes turn also into words. When she sings, the deaf hear and are held; and when she comes walking, the sightless behold her and are amazed and follow her in wonder and astonishment.”
- Khalil Gibran
Proud Assistant Coven Master of:
"Dreams are like the old stories where wolves are seekers always running, and women carry fire in their bare hands and light the dark paths before them.
Old stories hold that the birds will fly all the miles of the world to tell your secrets to the rising moon, and men will walk over oceans of ice to find one truth."
-Tamara Rendell
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)