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16:07 Feb 07 - DogsofWar was doing something Mysterious. 16:07 Feb 07 - DogsofWar was looking at their Dashboard. 16:07 Feb 07 - DogsofWar was doing something Mysterious. 16:06 Feb 07 - DogsofWar was looking at someone else's Honor. 16:06 Feb 07 - DogsofWar was giving/taking Honor. 16:06 Feb 07 - DogsofWar was giving/taking Honor. 16:06 Feb 07 - DogsofWar was doing something Mysterious. 16:06 Feb 07 - DogsofWar was giving/taking Honor. 16:06 Feb 07 - DogsofWar was doing something Mysterious. 16:06 Feb 07 - DogsofWar was looking at someone else's Honor. 16:06 Feb 07 - DogsofWar was looking at someone else's Honor. 16:06 Feb 07 - DogsofWar was looking at someone else's Honor. 16:06 Feb 07 - DogsofWar was giving/taking Honor. 16:06 Feb 07 - DogsofWar was doing something Mysterious. 16:06 Feb 07 - DogsofWar was giving/taking Honor. 16:06 Feb 07 - DogsofWar was doing something Mysterious. 16:06 Feb 07 - DogsofWar was looking at someone else's Honor. 16:06 Feb 07 - DogsofWar was looking at someone else's Honor. 16:06 Feb 07 - DogsofWar was browsing Honor. 16:06 Feb 07 - DogsofWar was doing something Mysterious. 21:22 Jan 29 - DogsofWar was doing something Mysterious. 21:22 Jan 29 - DogsofWar was looking at their Dashboard. 21:22 Jan 29 - DogsofWar was looking at someone else's Honor. 21:22 Jan 29 - DogsofWar was giving/taking Honor.
With a tried and proven reputation Dogs of War Broadcasting, streams a broad mix of music genres and entertaining (sometimes educational) podcasts, where priority is always given to the listener and chatter communities that extend well beyond the borders of our own secure servers. As this has been one of our top goals and the bottom line behind every program we bring you, we are dedicated to making sure it always will remain the same.
So in this ever changing digital age, our core principles for the station still hold true.
1. We remain legal.
2. Maintain quality and excellence, for our listeners and the community that take the time to enjoy D.o.W Broadcasting in their online and offline lives.
3. Bring communities together, so they can enjoy themselves without the drama or hassles.
4. To enjoy our own time online by interacting with our community, bring good music of all types, to all types and for our system tech people keeping you up to date on what's out there.
Dogs of War Broadcasting is a closed server all-volunteer station at this time, but we are expanding our horizons everyday to add bits of awesomeness and atmosphere wherever we can. We hope to once again break into the YouTube scene here soon to bring you quality videos and live streams.
All we will ever ask of our listeners is quite simple ... enjoy your experience.
* I will be bringing this along with me while on the site normally, this will all be part of my time spent with your webcam section for now and I hope it will be enjoyable as well as hopefully something somewhat new. More information will be added as I get the chance to update the codes here.
D.o.W.B is an officially licensed ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, SoundExchange, & SOCAN station.
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)