"Colour is my day-long obsession, joy and torment."
- Claude Monet.

Hello there. It appears that you have clicked a particular link and consequently stopped by my profile. Congratulations. This profile is most likely entirely similar to the last one you were on, and the one to follow this one, and so on, so forth.
It doesn’t really matter what I tell you on this profile as far as I’m concerned.
I could tell you I was an eighty year old woman with saggy breasts, or I could tell you I was a sixty year old man with a limp dick, and you would be none the wiser as to who I really am.
I’m not one to lie, though. I manipulate, but I never lie. I’m evasive, and often misleading. Sometimes I split the hairs of truth entirely too finely, but I will not lie outright to you. Not in this profile anyway.
Why? Because I see no point in it. If I didn’t really want you to know who I was, I wouldn’t be typing this right now at all. I wouldn’t have a profile at all. Duh.

To begin with I will give out the basic and mundane information which none of you really give a fuck about. But that’s okay, I will write it for my own damn amusement, and perhaps even be surprised by some of those who maybe, just maybe, will read it.
My name is Bailee. I’m an eighteen year old girl, residing in the wonderful country of Australia. Life here is….hot…and dry. *nods*
I am utterly unique, just like every other freaking human on this planet – so it’s no great claim to fame.
I am not a tall, curvaceous, blonde swimsuit model. I am a short, skinny and rather awkward redhead. Yes, I am a redhead. I seem to fit the stereotype as well. My friends are constantly amused by reading redhead jokes and drawing the parallels to me. So I guess the ticket here is to approach with caution. =D

The Coven of The Dragon...the best coven on the rave, without a doubt! ;-)
I belong to this coven for eternity. =D

I am rather opinionated…Okay, I am explosively opinionated. I am also kind of difficult to get along with. As a result of this, I have a few people whom I may call friends, but no more.
For those who approach me with the intentions of picking a fight: I would warn you to be a wee bit careful. I may have to e-beat you up! I’m not sure why you would want to pick a fight, but there are those who quite enjoy causing such conflict. And while I’m a lover of conflict and drama, I will not start anything with anyone. This is the internet. It is ridiculous to be offended by text on a screen, and it is ridiculous to start a fight over here. It is actually quite a boring thing. I’d much rather real life drama… The same as real life sex. Do not attempt to cyber with me. It pisses me off. And when I’m pissed off you would do well to find the nearest bomb shelter and not emerge for a good few hours.
On that note, if you are easily offended you really should rate (or not) and leave for good. I am tactless. Completely, totally and irrevocably blunt. If you don’t like hearing the truth in all its damning horror, then do not message me. In fact, just disappear. Go on, scat. Shoo fly, don’t bother me.
I’m hyperactive, and considered rather immature by most. I’m one of those people that you either love or hate. There is no in between. I either piss you off to hell, or you are amused by me. Your opinion of me, will never change who I am. It may change my point of view, if your opinion is one with merit. But I am who I am. My behaviour will rarely change.

I have the strangest sense of humour. In fact, it’s not really a sense of humour at all. It’s more a case of I-laugh-at-EVERYTHING. Seriously…some of the things I crack up at make me seem like a really friggin’ dweeb. I guess I kinda am a real friggin’ dweeb…Heh, can’t win ‘em all, I guess!

Anyway, I really must toddle on off for the moment. If you want to know more about me, you have two obvious methods; message me, or read my journal. =)
Toodle-loo! =)
