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Grab a seat and pop some popcorn. I do love this time of year. This is another look into the craziness that is my brain. Enjoy "smiles"
Sasha read the article and jumped to call her best friend. Heather answered the phone. " Hey you what's up"? You could hardly contain your excitement. " Heather your not gonna believe this!" "What is it Sasha ?" You beam with excitement as you tell her about the article. " The haunted house is coming to our town this year!" Heather looked down at her cell phone. "Sasha don't play with me". " You know how long I have wanted to find that haunted house".
Sasha takes a deep breath. "I know Heather". " We will find it". "It is rumored to be at the top of the hill past the cemetery this year." Biting her lip she can barely contain her emotions." Do you think he will be there Sasha? "Heather there is only one way to find out."
The girls met up at the Halloween store in town. As they looked over the costumes one in particular called out to Heather. It was a Vampire costume. She picked it up and held it to her. Heather looked at the costume and her reflection in the mirror. " This is the one Sasha." Sasha smiles at her. "Heather I think I am going to go as a witch lol."
The girls paid for their costumes and decided on a movie to watch. They settled in their seats with their drinks and popcorn. Sasha got a chill down her back. She turned but didn't see anyone. The movie began to play. Heather began to feel as though someone was watching her. She looked all around but didn't see anyone. They both felt like someone was watching them.
The horror movie was about a company that made Halloween candy and costumes. They twisted in their seats as they felt even more uncomfortable. As the movie played, the pumpkins came to life and chased the actors in the movie. You laughed at the movie plot. You look over at Heather, she seems frightened. In the movie the costumes squeezed the characters until they exploded. The candy in their bags turned the actors into zombies.
You laugh to yourself again. "This is a stupid movie lol." The credits began to play and you look over to Heather. She looks like she is in a trance. She gets up and walks to the bathroom without saying a word. You follow her. As you reach the bathroom entrance. A chill runs thru you. Then all of a sudden Heather screams. You jump. "Jesus Christ! What the hell is wrong with you Heather?"
Heather is very pale. You feel she is gonna hit the floor. You hug her. She snaps out of her trance. "Sasha maybe we shouldn't go to the haunted house". "Carrie still isn't right since she lost her little brother in that house." "Heather we may never have another chance." "It moves every year." "It only pops up the day of Halloween and at midnight it disappears."
Heather takes a deep breath. " "I know Sasha, but maybe I shouldn't try to meet him." Sasha looks at her best friend. "Would you regret losing your one chance to meet him?" Heather thinks for a moment. "Sasha I am drawn to a man I don't know." "He haunts my dreams." " We spend each night together walking down candle lit cobblestone streets." It was another time and place." "I do believe it was also another life." "Sasha I am not sure if I should meet him." " I have the feeling that I will never be the same again."
Two weeks passes very quickly. Its a crisp Autumn night. There is a chill in the air. The two girls walk thru the cemetery. The look up on the hill. There air catches in the chest. Their hearts in their throat. " OH my god Heather look!" " It's actually up on the hill. "
The girls walk up the hill and get into the line awaiting to go into the haunted house. They fill out the release forms and pay the admission. They look at each other. "Sasha this is it." " He is in there waiting for me. " "I feel him."
They pick up one of the lanterns off the table and begin to walk towards the door. As they step through the door, there are two doors. The door you choose determines your experience. A few parents lead their children to the left door. Heather closes her eyes. Then she looks at you. "Sasha he is through the right door." " Ok Heather lets go."
Sasha knows how much this means to her best friend. Some how though She feels like this is wrong . A feeling of dread washes over her. Sasha grabs Heather's hand. "I don't think we should do this. I have a bad feeling." Heather looks at her. "Sasha I have too. "I have to know if he is really real." They walk through the right door along a corridor. It feels different somehow. Like they crossed back in time. There is a door at the end of the hall. Heather opens it. Her breath catches.
Sasha looks around. They are no longer in the haunted house they had walked into. They are outside. Cobblestone streets and houses lined up along it. With candles in the windows. There is a horse and carriage coming towards them. It stops beside them. The driver hops down and opens the carriage door. A man steps out. His hair is black and shoulder length. It's pulled back from his face. He extends his hand to Heather. Time stood still.
Then time once again began. You look you no longer see your friend. Your back in the hallway. The door is gone. Your breath catches. You feel panic. There is a desk in the place of where the door once stood. You open the drawer. There is a journal and a picture. You look at the picture and you can't breathe. It's the man and Heather in the picture. Only her name in the Journal is Catherine. The pictures say the couple is Thomas and Catherine Caligari. They are rumored to be vampires.
In a instant you see Heather, she stands before you with fangs and immortality. "Sasha I came back for you." "I came to give you a life you could never have dreamed of." "Can you leave all you have known behind and come with me?" Your heart catches in your throat, You think, your mind races. Then you look at her. "Mi'lady Catherine yes, I devote myself to you."
In that instant you are gone from the haunted house that everyone else has seen. You are standing now on a full moon night in the cobblestone street. You look toward the shadows. A man you have never seen before, but yet you know comes towards you and takes your hand. He bites down into your shoulder, and you feel pure bliss."
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)