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14:13 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was doing something Mysterious. 14:12 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was editing their Profile. 14:11 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was editing their Profile. 14:11 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was in the Message Center. 14:11 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was in the Message Center. 14:11 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was in the Message Center. 14:10 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was in the Message Center. 14:10 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was in the Message Center. 14:10 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was in the Message Center. 14:10 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was in the Message Center. 14:10 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was in the Message Center. 14:10 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was in the Message Center. 14:09 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was in the Message Center. 14:08 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was doing Premium Member stuff. 14:08 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was doing Premium Member stuff. 14:08 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was doing Premium Member stuff. 14:08 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was doing Premium Member stuff. 14:08 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was doing Premium Member stuff. 14:08 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was doing Premium Member stuff. 14:08 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was doing Premium Member stuff. 14:08 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was doing Premium Member stuff. 14:07 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was in Profiles. 14:07 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was looking at their Profile. 14:07 Feb 10 - IIBoneCollectorII was in Profiles.
Welcome to My World,Bitch.
Ebony is my name. Bones are my game.
And what you see..
Well,what you see is what will likely be sucking the marrow from your bones before your body even hits the floor.But all services are rendered with a smile. Seems only fair,since it's the last thing you'll ever see.
Hm..Have I been here before? Yes. Am I going to explain? No. Nor am I going to fill this profile with long and drawn out explanations of,well..anything. Some of you will get it,and some of you will not.I don't give a shit either way.
Now,on to some cute and simple little charts to give you a quick rundown of what you are dealing with.
Shock Value
Drama Whores
See? That wasn't so bad. And pretty simple. -hint hint- For those of you that might be a bit slow on the uptake.
Shall we try another one?
Show Respect
Expect Bluntness
Have a Sense of Humor
Enjoy Sarcasm
Possess a Backbone
Try to Cyber
Be Rude
Expect Personal Information
Waste My Time
Fuck Me Over
Did you make it through that one too? Awesome! There's hope for you yet. No,not really.
-sharpens the meat cleaver-
I really like your cheek bones.
So,what do you say? One more for the end of your journey, as I work on the menu?
-watches you closely-
Enjoy Myself
Rate Fairly
Avoid Drama
Be Curious
Collect Bones
Play Games
Be a Shrink
Tolerate Stupidity
Explain Myself
Give 2nd Chances
I hope that you learned something by this little visit, but my faith in human intelligence isn't what it used to be. If you'd been smarter,you'd have run when you saw the sign.
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)