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JustBeingMe carries the Mark of The Prince. Letchworth (Coven) JustBeingMe carries the Mark of Coven Master MalumInSe

Vampire Rave member for 3 years.

Status:  Hellhound (70.68)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Letchworth (Coven)
Mentorship Pupil of Violet Dreamscapes.
Account Type:  Premium
Referred By:  Theodora
Gender:  Androgynous
Birthdate:  January 7, 1975
Age:  49


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About This Profile

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Feeling as uninspired as I have of late, I have had a challenging time developing a theme for this blank slate Cat so generously gifted to me due to it being my referral. Restless, I couldn’t settle on a name for it. In a stroke of inspiration, I settled on SoulDeep and set out writing the text for the profile. Writing was going famously until I had to stop. When I resumed writing, my writing was lackluster, the text feeling flat, emotionless, and rote. For the next week, that unimaginative feeling remained. I find it arduous to do anything, little less something creative such as writing and coding a profile, when my mind is going in a thousand different directions and a theme is not emerging.

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One evening, I got the idea for my HalloQueen profile, which despite some new and more difficult coding, came together perfectly and relatively easily (you should check it out). It seemed that once the creativity started to flow and I had some extra free time the idea for this profile came naturally. I decided to name the profile JustBeingMe. At first, I thought I would have it be an eclectic mix of things with no central theme. The theme of the profile would be that there was no theme. But as I started looking for the perfect background image, a theme emerged indeed. Violets. I will explain the significance of violets in my life in the “Violets” section (brilliant idea, I know).

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This profile will still be different than any of my other profiles, although some of the text remains the same. I have included a section which I have broken down into two sections due to length, called Random Facts About Me 1 and Random Facts About Me 2. If you wish to know more about me, read these two sections. They include information that I have never shared with the online community. Welcome to a different style of profile for me. I will do my best to amuse you while you are here. I hope you enjoy your stay and discover some things about me that you did not know previously.

About Me Generally
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I generally do not post many details about my personal life on my profiles. I invite you to get to know me and, as you do, you will learn more about me. I am also a private person and choose, very carefully, with whom I share my life. I am an introvert and I ordinarily find it hard to trust, especially people with whom I interact on a website. Most people who know me off the site or who know me on other profiles think I must be kidding when I tell them I am an introvert, however, I assure you, this is a true statement. If you asked someone who knows me fairly well offline to describe me, they’d probably use one or more of these words: outgoing, extroverted, and/or social. My job and hobbies have forced me outside of my comfort zone for long enough that I have become a situational extrovert. Yes, that is an actual thing. With my father working for Westinghouse in designing, building, and overseeing alternative power sources/resources, my family moved quite frequently, averaging a move every two years before my high school years. I will nervous sweat my way through a networking event or social function where I don’t know many people because, despite my nerves, I appreciate these opportunities for the reason that I know they are good for me. But after the event is over, I come home and crash.

I have been a practicing attorney in the State of Alabama since 1999. For these more than 20 years, I owned my own, fairly successful family law-dedicated law firm. In 2015, I started to become progressively unhappy with the constant animosity that a family law practice engenders and I started to consider alternative careers. In 2017, I graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Master's in Biblical Counseling. I was ordained and served one of Alabama’s largest churches as a Small Groups and Pastoral Care director. I served in this capacity for 3 years before returning to the practice of law due to being appointed to represent a severely physically and mentally abused child as her guardian ad litem. Recently, I have again left the private practice of law and began working in risk management for one of the nation’s largest law firms. People often ask me what this entails. Simply put, I keep lawyers from getting sued by identifying conflicts of interest.

I have been on VR for about 10 years now. I do not remember the exact details of how I came to find VR, I just know that I did and was immediately drawn to the site. Despite taking many breaks from logging in, I have always returned to the site. It is a place that I feel free to express myself in whatever way I so choose. Although the site has changed drastically over the time I have been a member, I still love it here; getting to express the darker sides of my personality without fear of judgment. Sometimes, I just need a break from my mainstream life.

Because my life off VR is of a very serious nature, you will find me to be quite silly, often joking. I am also quite perverse and have never met a dirty joke I did not like. Although I am extremely difficult to offend, I do have a few ground rules. I expect to be treated with respect. If you respect me, I will respect you. The converse is also true. If you disrespect me, expect to be disrespected in return. I do not put up with people's bullshit, whining, or drama. I am not kidding. I also live in the real world where there are no delusions. I am not a vampire or were-creature and cannot turn you, so please do not ask me to do so. I am also not here to edit or evaluate your profile, so please do not ask me to do this either. I come here in my free time for enjoyment and to talk to a few close friends that remain on the site. Please, do not flirt with me if you are in a relationship. I cannot stand cheaters. It is not cute or amusing and I consider that drama as well. Also, please do not message me and simply say “hi.” I despise non-substantive messages.

My profiles of late are carrying a theme throughout. These themes represent different facets of my personality, things or stories that I enjoy, and graphics and color schemes that I find pleasing to the eye. I enjoy coding as an expression of my more creative side, which is one of the reasons that I have several profiles.

This profile is dedicated to my favorite time of the year, Halloween and fall generally. I love it when the air gets that first cool, crisp nip in it signaling the nearing end of the “hotter than the 7th hinge of Hell” summers in Alabama. A friend of mine called me “HalloQueen” after hearing Andy Cohen use the term a few years ago.

Please feel free to add me, add my journal, and/or stalk me. After all, we all need a little help with bonuses. Just message me so I can make sure to return the kind favor. Thanks for visiting my profile. I hope you enjoyed your stay.
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Random Facts About Me 1
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I am quite a stream-of-consciousness person and I love words. The fact that I am verbose is likely not a surprise to you if you have read my journals or other profiles. I cannot help myself. I set out to be concise, only to realize later that I have written a novella. For so many years, I was an appellate lawyer, and the need to fully elucidate, including rationale and citations to authority, is something that is forever ingrained in me. For those of you who don’t know, a lawyer who writes appeals take as an unfavorable decision from a lower court, such as a trial court, and requests a higher court, such as a state Supreme Court or the U.S. Supreme Court, to review the lower court’s decision. While the majority of the time, an appellate lawyer is alleging that the lower court’s decision is not based on the correct interpretation of the law, there are times when an appellate lawyer has the opportunity to defend the lower court’s decision. An appellate lawyer is limited to submitting her argument in the written form of a brief, which must be supported by case law, statute, or other legal precedents. Occasionally, oral argument is granted and the appellate attorney must travel to where the appellate court is situated and present her contentions to the full court. There is no trial and it looks nothing like what you see on television. All appellate work commences after the conclusion of the trial. Appellate work takes hours of preparation through legal research and writing. It can take many months, potentially up to one year, for an appellate court to render its decision. It is the one area of practicing law that I enjoyed and the one area that I miss.

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I have lived in multiple places overseas, including Korea, the Phillippines, and Saudi Arabia, to name a few. I was not a military child, but my father worked for Siemens Westinghouse developing, building, and overseeing operations at alternative power source sites. We spent a lot of time with military families and often lived on military bases. I was too young to remember most of living overseas, but moving so frequently did give me the ability to adjust quickly to new environments. It also gave me an open mind, the desire to see the world through travel, and an interest in other cultures. It taught me to seriously challenge my comfort zone regularly. I enjoy that I have been able to maintain a global and multi-cultural friend base.

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I am an introvert, but because of the nature of my job and my hobbies, I have been forced to be an extrovert for so long, that I think I am probably now actually an extrovert. I generally like people except for those who are rude, disrespectful, who take advantage of others, and who abuse children and/or animals.

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Random Facts About Me 2
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I was a competitive ice skater for many years under the tutelage of Carol Heiss Jenkins who was the 1960 Olympic gold medalist, the 1956 Olympic silver medalist, and a five-time World champion in ladies' singles figure skating. My skating routines (called programs) were choreographed by either Glyn Watts, who was a British ice dancer and the 1974 World silver medalist and two-time European silver medalist, or Sandra Bezic, who is a famous choreographer. My mom hand-beaded my skating dresses while she watched me practice and at night while I did my homework. She hand-beaded a dress that Debi Thomas wore at the 1988 Olympics where she won a bronze medal. When I first started training with Carol, we lived in Pittsburgh, PA and Carol was located in Cleveland, OH. Every Saturday morning, my dad would get up at 2:00 a.m., carry my sleeping self to the car, and drive the three hour one-way drive to Ohio so that I could receive my lessons. After the lessons were concluded, he would drive us three hours back home to Pennsylvania. During the week, I would go to school, attend ballet lessons, and attend practice sessions on the ice to practice what I’d learned. After about six months of this arrangement, Carol recommended that I take lessons throughout the week, so my mom and I moved to Ohio while my dad remained in Pennsylvania to work. My family lived apart like this for more than 4 years. My parents made a lot of sacrifices for me to skate, including their marriage. I can never thank them enough or repay them in any measurable manner for what they gave up for me. It is very humbling.

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I was on television once for the 1990 U.S. Figure Skating Championships in Salt Lake City, Utah, but I did not place. By that time I’d started to actually grow (I was 4' 11" for years) and my balance was off so I decided to Zamboni the ice rink with my behind. LOL. That was the first competition in which I’d competed where I did not place.

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Growing up, I wanted to be a doctor specializing in pediatric transplant surgery. I spent two years at the University of Florida as a music and theater major before eventually switching to political science. I wanted to go into campaign finance, but decided toward the end of my senior year in college, to attend law school. I attended law school in Birmingham, Alabama where I had my own practice for 20 years before working in my current job. I now work in risk management at a major U.S. law firm. People often are curious about what one does in law firm risk management and I tell them it is simple; I keep lawyers from getting sued. I really enjoy the slower-paced, less stressful nature of my job. I also like getting a stable paycheck.

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I am a bona fide child of the '80s and early '90s. I would say I really enjoy pop culture from those 2 decades; they were some of the best times of my life. If I had to be from another era, it would definitely be the Roaring Twenties. I love everything about that time period, except for the lack of air conditioning. This was a time when the county was confident and rich and there were dance halls filled with jazz, smoke, and flappers; where lavish parties were thrown regularly and people lived a less-inhibited lifestyle. I can definitely see myself having a blast in that era. Another era that fascinates me is the Victorian Era with its corsets, bonnets, top hats, bustles, and petticoats. Literature was characterized by idealized portraits of difficult lives in which hard work, perseverance, love, and luck win out in the end and art contained bright and cheerful colors marked by stark attention to very small details within the scene.

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Rating Approach

My rating approach has changed over the years. I generally rate everyone who has at least attempted to do something to their profile, a 10. Not everyone is a coder by profession or has the equipment and software to elaborately code a profile. I always take that into consideration when I rate. I am also not a “revenge rater.” If you give me a 5, but I like your profile, you will get a 10 from me. That being said, there are those on this site who enjoy rating profiles low just for the hell of it. Those people I will likely rate low. I hope that you will consider the time and effort that I put into this profile prior to rating it. I did not cut and paste code from my other profiles. This is an entirely new layout that I struggled to create. Everything I have learned regarding coding and creating graphics is self-taught, with some occasional help from a few dear friends.

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You may be wondering why Violets are the theme of a Vampire Rave profile. I knew Violets had always been present and significant throughout my life, but it wasn’t until I was in my 20s that it all came together for me. If I had a spirit flower, it would definitely be a Violet.

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Spending the summers at my grandparents’ house nestled in the mountains of picturesque Roaring Gap, North Carolina, was something I always looked forward to when I was a child. Generally, when school was out, my mother and I would pack up the car and hit the long windy road from Pittsburgh to Roaring Gap. There was about a one-week period every summer where my mom would go to Winston-Salem to visit and stay with her brother. During that time, I had my grandmother all to myself. We would take walks down the old forgotten path to a beautiful, sun-filled meadow. We would bring picnics, arts and crafts, and we would always pick the splendid blue-purple Woodland Violets that dotted the meadow. I especially loved the rare Violets with the citrine-colored centers. The meadow was like something from a dream, with tall melodic grasses dancing in the cool mountain breeze. My grandmother taught me that you could preserve these delicate flowers by pressing them between the pages of a heavy book. All these years later, I still have Violets from those times.

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One afternoon as we were walking to the meadow, my grandmother said, “Did you know that my first name is Violet?” Known to me as Nan or Justine as people in town called her, I didn’t believe her at first. My grandparents’ last name was Lyon, making my grandmother’s legal name Violet Lyon. I learned that summer that Justine was my grandmother’s middle name and that people had begun calling her that in grade school. Although most people called her Justine, she preferred Violet. Instantly, it made sense to me why my grandmother loved Violets so much. Throughout her Roaring Gap mountain home, as well as her home in the foothills, there were always African Violets and whatever Woodland Violets she could get to take root. My grandmother could grow anything and her Violets were always gorgeous and thriving.

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Years later, it was time for me to go to undergrad. My family was living in Ohio at the time and I planned to go to Ohio State with my friends from high school. Approximately two months before moving to the dorms in Columbus, my father received word from his company that he was being transferred to Orlando, Florida. Not wanting to be over 1000 miles from my parents, I quickly applied to the University of Florida and Florida State University. After being accepted to both, I decided on the University of Florida. Because I was so late in the application process, the only dorms available were in the unairconditioned buildings. Since it is about 500 degrees in central Florida for most of the year, my parents and I decided that it would be best to live in an off-campus apartment. Since I would be residing off-campus, my parents were concerned that I would miss out on the social interactions that living in the dorm would provide. They suggested I go through sorority rush and consider pledging a sorority. My mom had not been in a sorority and I didn’t really know anyone who had, so I had no letters of recommendation to assist me. With over 3000 college women participating in sorority rush and only 18 sororities to choose from, I was apprehensive that I would not get a bid. On the second day of rush, I met Alpha Delta Pi and fell in love. Throughout all the rounds, ADPi was my top choice. Apparently, they fell in love with me as well because when I opened my bid card, there in beautiful azure blue and gold leaf was my name and an invitation to join Alpha Delta Pi.

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In tears, along with the others that had received a bid, I ran down sorority row to the beautiful white house with azure blue shutters, the last house on the left, Alpha Delta Pi. Upon arriving on the lawn, I was greeted by one of the ladies I met during rush. She began handing me gifts, including stuffed lions and a potted African Violet. You see, it turns out that ADPi’s mascot is a lion and the flower is the Woodland Violet (often substituted for an African Violet because Woodland Violets generally do not thrive indoors). Violet. Lion (Lyon). It clicked for me at that moment.

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Interestingly, Violets are also the February birth flower, the month in which both my grandmother, mother, and uncle were born.

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Violets are rich in symbolism as well. The history of Violets dates back to ancient Greek times, and their purple-blue blossoms are seen as symbols of loyalty and purity. In Christian writings, the Violet flower is often seen as a symbolic emblem of humility. Violets are said to have blossomed when Mary learned from the Angel Gabriel that she would be giving birth to the Savior of the World. Violets have also been used throughout history as a calming agent and a headache remedy.

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Since my grandmother passed away several years ago, I have had a patch of Woodland Violets that randomly grow beside my fence every year. These flowers, which are nearing extinction, are considered quite rare and extremely hard to grow. While I do my best to care for this patch of Violets, they grow abundantly without any assistance from me.

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This profile, featuring Violets, is in honor of my beloved grandmother, Violet Lyon, and Violets' symbolism throughout my life.

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Member Since: Jan 19, 2021
Last Login: Dec 15, 2023
Times Viewed: 3,432

Times Rated:113

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Jul 10, 2024
Jun 15, 2024

No pictures. Just a simple rate and a hello. :)

May 11, 2024

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Jun 14 2021

I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)

Superior Sire

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