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19:00 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was doing something Mysterious. 19:00 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was browsing Honor. 19:00 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was looking at their Dashboard. 18:59 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was on the Who's Online page. 18:59 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was in Profiles. 18:59 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was in Profiles. 18:59 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was in Profiles. 18:59 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was in Journals. 18:59 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was doing something Mysterious. 18:59 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was in Journals. 18:59 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was in Profiles. 18:59 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was doing something Mysterious. 18:59 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was in Profiles. 18:59 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was on the Who's Online page. 18:58 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was in the Message Center. 18:58 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was looking at their Dashboard. 18:58 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was doing something Mysterious. 18:58 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was giving/taking Honor. 18:58 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was looking at someone else's Honor. 18:58 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was doing something Mysterious. 18:58 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was giving/taking Honor. 18:58 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was looking at someone else's Honor. 18:58 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was doing something Mysterious. 18:58 Feb 07 - KarmicEffects was giving/taking Honor.
Hell hounds leap at the cowardly kings and carry souls across the river Styx
My coven
Woe to you, oh Earth and Sea, for the Devil sends the beast with wrath
Because he knows the time is short...
Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast
For it is a human number
Its number is Six hundred and sixty six"
I left alone, my mind was blank.
I needed time to think, to get the memories from my mind
What did I see?
Can I believe that what I saw that night was real and not just fantasy
Just what I saw in my old dreams
Were they reflections of my warped mind staring back at me?
'Cause in my dreams it's always there
The evil face that twists my mind and brings me to despair
The night was black, was no use holding back
'Cause I just had to see, was someone watching me
In the mist dark figures move and twist
Was all this for real, or just some kind of hell?
666 the number of the beast
Hell and fire was spawned to be released
Torches blazed and sacred chants were praised
As they start to cry hands held to the sky
In the night the fires are burning bright
The ritual has begun, Satan's work is done
666 the number of the beast
Sacrifice is going on tonight
This can't go on, I must inform the law
Can this still be real or just some crazy dream?
But I feel drawn towards the chanting hordes
They seem to mesmerise...
Can't avoid their eyes
666 the number of the beast
666 the one for you and me
I'm coming back
I will return
And I'll possess your body and I'll make you burn
I have the fire
I have the force
I have the power to make my evil take its course
And the Beast Shall cause all, small and great, rich and poor, slave and free, to receive a Mark upon their Right hand or forehead. And that no man can buy or sell unless he had the Mark of The Beast, or the name of The Beast or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom, Let he who
understanding calculate the
number of The Beast, for his
number is that of a Man and
his number is six hundred and
sixty six Rev:13:16-18
The Beast does not come onto the world scene as a Politician in a three piece suit, as a man with all of the answers and a plan for world peace. Antichrist will claim to called by many names, Krishna to The Hindus, Emmanuel (Messiah) to The Jews, Maitreya to The Buddhists, Iman Mahdi to The Muslims and "Christ" to the one billion Catholics & Christians.
The Beast will claim to be The "Savior" of the lesser known religions as well, SAYOSHANT To Zoroasterism, THE BEAST to The Satanists, MITHRA & HERMES to The Illuminati, The Great Lord to the Witches, The Return of QUEZECOATAL (Mayans) and The GREAT WHITE BROTHER of Hopi Indian Prophecy and the Egyptian god, OSIRUS, resurrected from the dead.
Screams and nightmares
Of a life I want
Can't see living this lie no
A world I haunt
You've lost all control of my
Heart and soul
Satan holds my future
Watch it unfold
I am the Antichrist
It's what I was meant to be
Your God left me behind
And set my soul to be free
Watching disciples
Of the satanic rule
Pentagram of blood
Holds the jackal's truth
Searching for the answer
Christ hasn't come
Awaiting the final moment
The birth of Satan's son
From a life I live
Is what I give
Is what I love
The down fall,
Of the heavens above
About Me
I have been on VR for 8 years. Who I am isn't important to you. I have held many positions in many Covens on this site. I'm not here for drama or name games, about who the person behind this profile is. I don't claim to be a messiah or The Beast of the book of revelation. Nor do I have a messiah complex. I'm actually more of a high functioning sociopath introvert. That spends time on VR leveling my accounts or posting in the forums somewhere. And I usually just stay to myself, and group of friends on VR. All rating and adds will be returned accordingly. Just message me and I will return the favor.
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)