Think of me as the quintessential librarian ..
A curvy ,5ft 6in ,dark eyed ..
long ,wavy haired ,brunette (usually pulled back) ..
with pink ,rosied lips ..
glasses wearin ..
dimple sportin (both cheeks) nerd ..with one GLARIN difference ..
My leather wearin ..
motorcycle lovin ..
take NO shit n tellya how it is ..
protect my own ,not 'fraid of much ..
biker-sized attitude n personality ..Still
there beats a warm heart ..
thats ALL fuckin woman ..
...... Stereotyped ,Im Not ......
... I sleep by day ... Thrive by night ...
.."Killin me softly ..with his words" (and his song)
..... "Bury me softly this world" ...
... Free Bird .."And this bird you cannot chaaange" ..
CAN'T ABIDE: Liars ..Thieves ..Bullies ..Animal ,Child ,or Domestic Abuse ..
..Back Stabbin ,Two-Faced 'Bitches' (female AND male) ..
..Punks ..Wannabes ..Rumor Mongers ..Ill Mannered people ,includin children ,and the 'parents' who allow said behavior ..
..Cruelty ..Downright Nastiness ..Intolerance ..Racism n Prejudice ..Judgmental Know-it-Alls ..
CAN ABIDE : TRUTH .. Honesty ..Loyalty ..Putting Ones Children First ..
.... Reliability ..No Hidden Agendas ..Curiosity ..Speakin Your Mind ..Manners ,of ANY sort ..
... Care Givers ,of ANY sort..
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ BEFORE 'DYING' @@@@@@@@@@@@@
I was an extrovert ,a social butterfly ..Knew many n many knew me ..
The bars n strip clubs were a favorite ,drinkin ,dancin n socializin ,mhmm ,'especially dancin ..
Didn't matter to me if i was alone or not on dance floor ..cuz i OWNED it either way ..closed my eyes ,let music take me ..
THAT was MY fuckin world ..and nobody else mattered ..
Bartendin n waitressin was my gig ..til motherhood came a-callin ,unexpectedly ..but now ,thankfully ..
Sooo ,new career path ..moms a nurse ..nursin college ..naturally ..
Fuckin LOVED college n bein a mother ..a single mother .. and excelled in BOTH ..til one seemingly 'normal' day ..
@@@@@@@@@@@@@ AFTER 'DYING' @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Got hit by a car 2 yr old boy in backseat ..him ,not a scratch ,almost died ..
Body n brain busted up badly ..I survive ..and i say 'survive' cuz what im doin i dont think is 'livin' ,course ..what the HELL do i know? ..anyway ,ahem ..
I survive with severe chronic pain ,yep! ,you got it! 24/7,dude n ta top it off memory LOVES playin 'hide n seek' with me ..
SCROLL TO 15 YEARS LATER AND: This past year ,i basically ,shut out ,tuned out ,n pushed out ..
Resultin in a much smaller ,more manageable existence ..
Escapin into this realm ,and others alike ,was way of coping ..
Not gonna bore ya with details ,but these realms ..allowed me ..
Ta keep what was left of my waining sanity ..So yayyy .
Songs close ta my heart: 'Turn the Page' ,'Always a Woman To Me' ,'Bridge Over Troubled Water' ,
'Desperado' ,'Hotel California' ,'imagine' (John Lennon) ,'Sound of Silence' (Disturbed n S n G's) ,
'Freebird' ,'Killin Me Softly' ,Me n Bobby McGee' ,'Talks to Angels' ,'Enter Sandman' ,'Freak on a Leash' ,
Most of 'The Crow' soundtrack ,especially 'It Cant Rain All The Time' ,The Doors' (period) ,'Creep'
NOW ..this needs ta be said ..
If ur a stranger to me here ,do not ask me to
rate n especially add you
You will be ignored
I dont want that n you dont want that ,im thinkin ..