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Mistress0fTheDamned carries the Mark of The Prince. The Cry of the Banshee (Coven)

Proud Covenmaster The Cry of the Banshee and mentor
Set at 09:03 on February 10, 2023

Vampire Rave member for 9 years.

Status:  Royal Sire (215.39)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Master of The Cry of the Banshee (Coven)
Account Type:  Premium
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  September 23, 1971
Age:  53




Bite Mistress0fTheDamned

Stalk Mistress0fTheDamned





If I am an Angel,paint me with Black wings.


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But first, on earth as vampire sent,
Thy corse shall from its tomb be rent:
Then ghastly haunt thy native place,
And suck the blood of all thy race...

by Lord Byron

THE VAMPIRE By Julius Cawein

A lily in a twilight place?
A moonflow'r in the lonely night?—
Strange beauty of a woman's face
Of wildflow'r-white!

The rain that hangs a star's green ray
Slim on a leaf-point's restlessness,
Is not so glimmering green and gray
As was her dress.

I drew her dark hair from her eyes,
And in their deeps beheld a while
Such shadowy moonlight as the skies
Of Hell may smile.

She held her mouth up redly wan,
And burning cold,—I bent and kissed
Such rosy snow as some wild dawn
Makes of a mist.

God shall not take from me that hour,
When round my neck her white arms clung!
When 'neath my lips, like some fierce flower,
Her white throat swung!

Or words she murmured while she leaned!
Witch-words, she holds me softly by,—
The spell that binds me to a fiend
Until I die.

The Vampire Bride [I am come-I am come!]
By Henry Thomas Liddell

"I am come—I am come! once again from the tomb,
In return for the ring which you gave;
That I am thine, and that thou art mine,
This nuptial pledge receive."

He lay like a corse 'neath the Demon's force,
And she wrapp'd him in a shround;
And she fixed her teeth his heart beneath,
And she drank of the warm life-blood!

And ever and anon murmur'd the lips of stone,
"Soft and warm is this couch of thine,
Thou'lt to-morrow be laid on a colder bed—
Albert! that bed will be mine!"

80f2e05a17a89f2d4ff54e08be92ecd1 vampire fangs vampire art

“Like the legend of the living dead, so the origin of the word ‘vampire’ is clouded in mystery. For most readers and authors alike, the vampire is a dark and ominous creature of the woods of Hungary or Transylvania. His name is often believed to be of the same national origin.”

—Katharina M. Wilson in The History of the Word “Vampire”

Vampires have long been portrayed as children of the night. The ancient Greeks believed that redheaded people would become them when they died. They were even accused of spreading the plague in the Middle Ages. Vampirism flourished in European folklore in the eighteenth century, and in the nineteenth century vampires were blamed for another disease: tuberculosis. Vampires became emblematic of Gothic and grotesque literature. There are countless short stories and novels that feature vampires—but what about poetry? Below are four vampire poems to read if you are a lover of Gothic prose.

“Lenore” by Gottfried August Bürger (excerpt)
Up rose Lenore as the red morn wore,
From weary visions starting;
“Art faithless, William, or, William, art dead?
‘Tis long since thy departing.”
For he, with Frederick’s men of might,
In fair Prague waged the uncertain fight;
Nor once had he writ in the hurry of war.
And sad was the true heart that sickened afar.

The Empress and the King,
With ceaseless quarrel tired,
At length relaxed the stubborn hate
Which rivalry inspired:
And the martial throng, with laugh and song,
Spoke of their homes as they rode along.
And clank, clank, clank! came every rank.
With the trumpet-sound that rose and sank.

“Lamia” by John Keats (excerpt)
Upon a time, before the faery broods
Drove Nymph and Satyr from the prosperous woods,
Before King Oberon’s bright diadem,
Sceptre, and mantle, clasp’d with dewy gem,
Frighted away the Dryads and the Fauns
From rushes green, and brakes, and cowslip’d lawns
The ever-smitten Hermes empty left
His golden throne, bent warm on amorous theft:
From high Olympus had he stolen light,
On this side of Jove’s clouds, to escape the sight
Of his great summoner, and made retreat
Into a forest on the shores of Crete.
For somewhere in that sacred island dwelt
A nymph, to whom all hoofed Satyrs knelt;
At whose white feet the languid Tritons poured
Pearls, while on land they wither’d and adored.
Fast by the springs where she to bathe was wont,
And in those meads where sometime she might haunt,
Were strewn rich gifts, unknown to any Muse,
Though Fancy’s casket were unlock’d to choose.

“Le Vampire” by Charles Baudelaire
You who, like the stab of a knife,
Entered my plaintive heart;
You who, strong as a herd
Of demons, came, ardent and adorned,
To make your bed and your domain
Of my humiliated mind
– Infamous bitch to whom I’m bound
Like the convict to his chain,
Like the stubborn gambler to the game,
Like the drunkard to his wine,
Like the maggots to the corpse,
– Accurst, accurst be you!
I begged the swift poniard
To gain for me my liberty,
I asked perfidious poison
To give aid to my cowardice.
Alas! both poison and the knife
Contemptuously said to me:
“You do not deserve to be freed
From your accursed slavery,
Fool! – if from her domination
Our efforts could deliver you,
Your kisses would resuscitate
The cadaver of your vampire!”

“The Vampire Bride” by Henry Thomas Liddell
“I am come—I am come! once again from the tomb,
In return for the ring which you gave;
That I am thine, and that thou art mine,
This nuptial pledge receive.”

He lay like a corse ‘neath the Demon’s force,
And she wrapp’d him in a shround;
And she fixed her teeth his heart beneath,
And she drank of the warm life-blood!

And ever and anon murmur’d the lips of stone,
“Soft and warm is this couch of thine,
Thou’lt to-morrow be laid on a colder bed—
Albert! that bed will be mine!”

83ae36aa6d55e8abf19388b948592c2e vampire bites vampire art

Crimson Night

Night falls and I awaken
Light of day I have forsaken,
My Vampire eyes seek far and wide
There is nowhere safe for you to hide

My prey calls to me upon each rising
Their blood I seek , so appetising...
moonlight bright, I grow stronger
Makes me wish the night was longer.

Wicked wings through the sky
Watching as the world flys by..
Hunger claws me inside out
The need to feed makes my route..

Finding you here your blood so strong
Fangs sink deep where I belong
Sweet and hot my crimson high,
Your pulse is fading, you slowly die..

Stop me before the demon rises
Human life is what he despises
I try to take just what I need
But the demon trys to take the lead..

So cold and still in my arms,
Your fate is sealed in stone..
You rest in peace at heaven's gate,
But my Crimson Night's alone...

Mother moon

Mother moon you are my guide
With father night by my side;
The rain and thunder, are my brother born
Winds and lightning, my sister storm...

My family close I hold them dear,
And with that strength I have no fear..
But my immortal enemy is Sun the King,
for my death, will one touch bring..

So I wrap my soul in family mine
and never for my foe to find..
shrouded in darkness pleases me
I wing my way so fast so free

Whispers softly of shadows untold,
listening closely as legends unfold;
I walk with pride in Darkest night ,
my beloved family feels so right...


Dark Dreamer

My dreams of you take my breath
Dark Spectar,you, nocturnal born
your nightly visits leave me weak
nothing left my heart is torn;

Do I give up the sun for you and my soul?
There is more than blood you silently stole..
harvest me, brave one of the dark
your immortal kiss has left it's mark

taken me my mortal life
feed from me your eternal wife..
For you the sun no longer shines
and the timeless clock no longer chimes...

darkness awaits us the magic brings,
shrouded in shadows nocturnal things..
My vampire blood feels so right..
with you my love, The endless night...

Love Stakes
Very Very Long Ago
There lived a Girl who didn’t know
Appearances can be Deceiving
Some things are beyond Believing

Alone she walked one Stormy Night
Tearful after a Lover’s fight
Distraught she cried beneath a Tree
“He was not the Guy for me”

Men they come in many Shapes and Sizes
But Vampires pick the best Disguises
“Pretty Girl, Why do you Cry?
The Stars are Shining in the Sky

Tonight is Magical, Can’t you See?
Please take my hand and come with me
Your Eyes, they Sparkle with Glistening Tears
Let me Try to End your Fears”

In front of her, there Stood a Stranger
Tall and Dark, She Sensed the Danger
Hair as Black as the Dead of Night
Seductive Eyes and Teeth, Pure White

A Flash of this guys Smile Could Kill
All the Girls were at his Will
A Man unequalled in the Handsome Stakes
The Gorgeous Ones are always Fakes

Raising her head, He touched her face
Her Heartbeat had begun to Race
He took her Hand, they began to Walk
He was Silent, Mysterious, He did not Talk

Eventually they stopped by a River Bank
He said, “My Darling I’ll be Frank
You’re unlike any girl I’ve ever Seen
But Baby, you don’t seem that keen

I Want your Body, I Want your Soul
Tonight you are my only Goal
Your Eyes, Your Smile, Your Blood Red Lips
Your Ample Breasts and Shapely Hips

To feel your Smooth Skin next to mine
Oh Honey, that would be Divine
Forget this World, Live for the Night”
And with these Words, He took a Bite

Screaming with Fear, She tried to get Free
He flung her down, “You’re Staying with Me”
Transfixed by his Eyes, She gave in to his Charms
An Innocent Girl in a Vampire’s Arms

And when she lay Drained
The Stranger Departed
But was this girl Dead
Or just Broken Hearted?


“In front of her, there Stood a Stranger
Tall and Dark, She Sensed the Danger
Hair as Black as the Dead of Night
Seductive Eyes and Teeth, Pure White”

“Screaming with Fear, She tried to get Free
He flung her down, “You’re Staying with Me”
Transfixed by his Eyes, She gave in to his Charms
An Innocent Girl in a Vampire’s Arms”

The Eternal Kiss
One kiss from my lips, and eternity is yours.
A never-ending lifetime
to explore the farther shores.

One kiss from your lips
and we two will never part.
My love will sustain you
and my blood will fill your heart.
Even though we're from different times,
Yours an ancient Roman life,
Mine a flapper gangster's wife,
There is no age difference for us
For in your gaze
I only see
my sire,
I only know
your love,
I only want
with you.



The Cry of the Banshee (Coven)


House Of The Night

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Last Login: Feb 09, 2025
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Jan 25, 2025

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Jan 12, 2025
Dec 26, 2024

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


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Jun 14 2021

I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)

Superior Sire

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