meet me on mortangia.deviantart.com
Set at 18:05 on February 28, 2012

Quote: ~the imprint is always there, nothing is ever really forgotten ~

*soon a new update when I've got the time for it ^^*

My real name is Marloes. Mortangia is my wiccan name that I made-up by myself. Some asked me what my name �mortangia�means. It means Death Angel. �mort�is French for death and �angia� is made from the word �angel�. So if you see someone else with the same name and it isn�t me, that sick idiot has stole it from me.
I live with my both parents and my lil' brother in the north of The Netherlands. I'm still going to school to become a teacher that I always wanted to be. It is hard work to this study but it is worth it.

My parents and even my little brother. I like my real friends who are always there for me when I need them. And I really like all my pets. My both red cats called Jason (picture) and Altobelli, the neighbour cat Soessie (also Altobelli his mom). My bunny Gomez and my guinea pig Wybe. And al those love ones who died, who's got a special place in my heart.

I like cats, painting, chocolate, poetry, writing, the fantasy world, reading books, mysterious stories, listening to music, movies and in the dark world lays my interests. Since oktober 2008 I've got Second Life, my name over there is "Mortangia Lorefield".. maybe I'll see some of you around in SL ;)

I really hate people who are lying to me or others, people who think they are TO perfect for the world, people who steal, girly girls who are wearing to much make up, bullies, people who are thinking that gothic is a disease, going to school, posers, pedofily, sodomy, animal abuse and last but not least The people who called themself friends but let me down when I needed them.. I really hate them all.
I also don't like people here on VR that don't read my profile. The members that only rate me because they get a higher ratingscore. To be fair to the people that really read my profile, put this line in your comment to me "I love reading" and than followed by a personal comment or a stamp, whatever you want. When you put that line in your comment to me, I will visit your profile and rate/comment you back. If you don't I'm not going to visit you and rate you back. I don't rate a 1, I just ignore your comment/rating. Seemed fair to me ^.^ I rate only 10, unless a person downrates me or is an awefull person.

I adore a lot of different types of music. I like femal vocal metal bands the most. I also like some metal bands. I do also like some britisch rock bands and new age music and even some pop music.
I like bands like:
*after forever
*cradle of filth
*In Extremo
*lacuna coil
*leave's eyes
*my chemical romance
*my dying bride
*nightwish (I love the old NW more.. but the new.. it's fine)
*red hot chilli peppers
*system of a down
*Tarja Turunen
*theatre of tragedy
*the cure
*trail of tears
*within temtation
I like to go to concerts, and when I go, I mostly go with my father. We like the same kind of music. And yes, he is also paying my ticket! ^^ yeah

-the queen of the damned
-interview with a vampire
-the crow
-the grudge
-the ring
-kingdom hospital
-what lies beneath
-vampire in brooklyn
-the blair witch project
-the lord of the rings
-the craft
-turbulence 3
-the exorcist ^_^
-edward scissorshand
-sleepy hollow
-the tribe
-buffy the vampire slayer
-the ghost wishperer
and many more
I just like watching movies, even Romantic Comedies ^^ haha

-Victoria Frances
-Amy Brown
-Luis Royo
-Boris Vallejo
-Carloz Diez
-David Gough
-Dorian Cleavenger
-John Bolton
-Joseph Vargo
-Julie Bell
-Olivia de Bernadinis
-and many more

Member Since: | Dec 09, 2005 |
Last Login: | Apr 19, 2012 |
Times Viewed: | 50,235 |
Times Rated: | 1,455 |
Rating: | 9.771 |
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As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…

You have been visited & rated by Royal Sire NikkiAidyn....
Ylvax has stalked by and rated you fairly.

Enjoy the darkness..
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