Proud Member Of
In Alliance With
Welcome To The Wolf's Den
Let's get a few things clear before you read any further.
1.) DO NOT! I REPEAT, DO NOT! try to drag me into your DRAMA! If you do, you will be blocked, and you will stay blocked. Do not ask another member to message me and ask me to unblock you. If they do message me asking me to unblock you, they will be blocked as well, and then both of your profiles will be rated a 1 as well.
2.) I am not on here trying to find a mate, so don't message me after talking to me for a week and tell me you love me, or you want to be with me, or you want me to fuck you. First of all, after a week, you wouldn't even know me, and second of all, if you're trying to hook up with me after a week, then you are probably either desperate, or a cyber slut, or both.
3.) I don't care what you are, or what you think you are. it doesn't make a difference to me either way. I know that 90% of the people who claim they are this or that, are only posers anyway.
Now if you are real enough to continue reading, then let's continue.
For those of you who do not know my name, oh well.. I guess it sucks to be you. If you want to know my name, then I guess you will take the time to talk to me and get to know me. this doesn't guaranty that I will ever tell you my name, but it's a bigger possibility. It will depend on whether or not I like you enough to tell you.
Oh One more thing.. I don't like most males, so if you're a male and want to talk to me, then you had better show complete respect and not act like the hormone crazed, testosterone over loaded, pompus ass that you probably are. This is yet another thing that will get you blocked and downrated in a heartbeat.
I'm not goign to go into things I like and dislike, because it's not even important, and quite frankly, It's really none of your damn business!
My Rating System: I normally rate everyone a 10 unless they have given me a reason to down rate them such as the reasons mentioned above. There are other reasons not mentioned, but I guess you will find out if you give me any of these other reasons.
Now, feel free to Add me to your friend's list, Add my journal, and rate me. All I ask is if you do any of these things, please let me know, so I may return the favor in kind.
My Protectors
NOTE: All my protection stamps are linked to the person's profile in case you want to rate them. the links open in a new window so it doesn't take you away from this page.