
Legion (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 3 years.

Status:  Vampling (25.21)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  Legion (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Referred By:  BlackValentine
Gender:  Androgynous
Birthdate:  January 31, 1992
Age:  32

Bite meh1

Stalk meh1



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Welcome inside my domain, before we get into who I am and what makes me tick I would like to give a piece of advice; read my profiles yes folks I said profiles. Do not send me messages that have a flirting nature this will get your ass blocked without a damn explanation. I am not your Baby, Sweetie, Sweetheart, or any other god damn pet names the use of these disrespectful names will end with your ass blocked without a damn explanation. If you can’t find enough self-control to not violate this simple request then....

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My name is Catelyn. Although I do answer to Cat or Kitty but only if I see you as a friend, not a parasite. Sorry Not Sorry, I am extremely blunt...I'm a bit of spice with a dash of icy venom. I find the stupidity of the human race extremely annoying and not entertaining. I am a firm believer in removing all warning labels and allowing natural selection to run its course.
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I am a very private person and I keep my circle of friends small. Although I never said that I don't have puppets. I'm a very twisted person, if I have any inclination that you can't be trusted then I will lace you with fake info and watch the show. Trust me, this game never gets old. I love when people are dumb enough to lie especially when I am looking at the proof. It's quite pathetic to be honest.

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I have a very lethal personality which those who know my history know why I find human life to be absolutely worthless and in need of extermination. I am a believer in removing all warning labels and allowing natural selection to eliminate those who are clearly undeserving of life. Which probably would mean 95% of the planet would need repopulated.... I guess that means the burning of condoms well maybe not most act as if they are afraid of them but anyways...moving on.
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Just like some people I have nasty skeletons in my closet which explain my bitchy in your face everything but unlike human life which failed me on more occasions than numbers exist for, there was something that brought me hope which were my ferrets. In total I have had close to 20 ferrets over the years. Most of them rescues. My love for my ferrets led to the rescue and adoption of two cats in need, Damn I still wonder what the hell I was thinking when it comes to Fusser and Butterz....they are so evil but not the point. Without these fur butts I would have ceased to exist a long time ago.

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I am polyamorous by nature which means I practice having more than one romantic relationship at a time. No this does not make me a whore like some lacking brain cells would think it just supports the that I believe love is free flowing. I currently am within three different relationships and quite happy all my partners are male.
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I am a proud bisexual female, alright before we continue put your damn hands back on the keyboard and forget those twisted fantasies in your little heads. I dont date women I only play with them and once done they go the hell home. End of story!
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I live within the BDSM lifestyle but I think my name gives that away but I know some people are beyond stupid even though they claim they are intelligent. I have been in this lifestyle since I turned 18 its one of the few places I honestly can say I feel at home in other words I am kinky little bitch but I think I made that clear already. Within my lifestyle I am what is known as a Switch yes people I am both Dominant and submissive.
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As far as my Dominant side I fall within the Sadist and Primal Hunter category, yes I love torture trust me mind games are something I am rather talented with. I am also very territorial and in tune with my inner beast. So the phrase my bark is worse than my bite doesnt apply to me.
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My submissive side is split into many categories...I am a little, pet, brat, masochist, and rope slut. Out of those categories the favorite target of fake Doms would be the little she is my most fragile stage while my pet side will rip your face off without hesitation.

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As I stated in another section of information I am a little within the BDSM community. I have a huge heart and when my little is triggered I am highly sensitive. I love coloring I have a lot of coloring books. I also enjoy Disney, favorite things to watch would be Stitch and Pooh Bear. Above all I absolutely adore stuffed animals which is why my name on this account is plushie. I know most wont understand but plushies arent just an object they are friends that talk I know it sounds crazy but I dont care if you think I am crazy or not. I am not here to appease judgmental asswipes so kindly keep your mouth shut and fuck off.

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Over the years I have explored many different sides of myself with men who claimed to be Dominant and only were abusers in hiding. I thought this past round I completely lost myself to the shadows but then TheOrc came forward and brought me back. At the start of things I will honest this was never suppose to be permeant but life has a way of bringing things into view that were never expected.
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On 2/14/21 I became TheOrcs Dollie and I will never regret that choice. Yes just like everyone else we have our ups and downs but he has not once gave up on me. Unlike others who ran when things got bad he picks me up and reminds I am his which this fact will not change. On 6/17/21 I received my hand crafted collar marking me not only be words but my collar as his. In my opinion this is the only good thing that has ever happened on that date. I do plan on eventually relocating to be closer or under the same roof as him for without him I would not know what it feels like to be loved for even my shadows.

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Now comes the portion of my profile where I explain how much of a damn bitch I can be. For your personal benefit I would like to state I have a nice collection of accounts ranging in levels so what one account does more than likely all of mine will do. Here is my suggestion read this section carefully because if you end up blocked or issued ones don’t whine because more than likely you brought it on yourself. I do add mostly anyone but spamming me the same damn message on several accounts will ALWAYS end with you blocked.
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I will always rate those who can't seem to stop being suspended for ignorance or stupidity a damn one...don't like well then fucking behave like a normal person I know it's hard. To those who use mass numbers of profiles to bully and harass others you also get ones when you don’t pay for your profiles...don't whine when you get ones because you violate TOS by having over 3 free profiles and you can't find someone use to pay for them. Just in case you forget Cancer has a rating scale of 1 to 10 so get over your righteous bullshit of thinking you deserve 10s for utter shit or displays of cruelty.

Member Since: Jan 22, 2021
Last Login: Mar 06, 2024
Times Viewed: 2,205

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