R.I.P PETER STEELE You will be missed!!

What can one say about
oneself?? I'm here.... for now...
Okay.. I've been asked to say a little more about myself than the above.... well... I was born and raised in California... there are only about 10 states I haven't been either in or through.... so I travel a lot.. Not mainly by my own accord, but because I was searching... for what? Perhaps for someone to share my life *or unlife* with... or for something to make me actually stay in one place for more than a year.... since graduation from high school I've moved 8 times... Nothing seemed to hold my interest.. A.D.D... Perhaps... or I was searching for that last glimmer of hope in the world that there is something worth living for...

Vampires comments and graphics
**I now welcomed my dearest prince into the world (09/17/07). My son is my life.. My reason for living..**
I am a writer... of poetry... and stories.... I am a weaver of tales... ones of my own creation and ones passed down to me by generations of older friends... I have no musical talents to speak of.... I've sang a few times for a few friends bands, but I don't have the self esteem to continue though I've been prodded to do so.... eh.... just not me....
You call to me my dark lover;
Under the moonlit night, beyond my window panes;
I throw open the curtains and look down upon you;
Your hair blowing in the breeze and the silver moon shining;
Though you are so far away I can still smell your lust as I have done so many times before;
Our meetings are nothing new;
You've come to me within mother night's dark embrace;
You've taken me;
My heart, my body, my blood, my soul;
I give to you freely my shadowy lover;
I long for your touch when we are apart;
My body craves you so much even when we are near;
My skin is like a flame to the touch;
I see your eyes staring back at me through the glass that separates us like a thin shield;
In a moments heart beat I am in your arms as I am meant to be;
My hands clawing, kneading, pulling you closer;
The overwhelming powerful electrical touch of your skin upon mine sends shivers;
The smell of your blood within your veins so intoxicating it is unlike any other drug known to man;
All of this combined with our hearts beating as one drives me with desire;
A desire I had not for any man before;
If true death should take me now I would die within your embrace;
My eternal dark lover;
Serenity 4-13-2010

Vampires comments and graphics
I love to draw.. though I keep them to myself... as again.. I am self critical of my own works....
I agree with most of you that to turn that switch that controls the emotions would be wonderful... but... I am a Scorpio... and am controlled by said emotions.... No rest for the emotionally insane I suppose... I go on... night after night... With my emotions wildly out of control..

Zodiac signs comments and graphics
My dark fascination came at quite a young age... I was introduced to the Wiccan religion and the tender age of 8.... one might think that a child of that age would not understand the whole concept of Wicca... well... all I knew is that, hell didn't exist in said religion and I enjoyed that idea.... such is innocence.....

Wiccan/Pagen comments and graphics
I do still follow some of the Wiccan rites... though not so much as before.... I am now classified *by those who classify* a Dark Wiccan.... I believe that if you want it.... it shall be yours.... I don't intentionally hurt anyone.. but screw with me and you shall feel my sting...

Evil/Scary comments and graphics
Hummm.. What else is there to say.... I am me.. take me as I am... or stay the hell

Just a few of my favorite movies:
House of 1,000 Corpses
Devils Rejects

Evil/Scary comments and graphics
Any and all Vampire movies just for the sheer fun of them
Horror Movies in general (the more blood the better)
Romance unless they are too corny then I just wanna gag! lol
Action movies of course! (the more blood the better)
Music: My tastes range from Classical, Blue Grass, Jazz, Country, Blues, R& B, Metal, Classic Rock, Metal, Death Metal, Black Metal- pretty much whatever I want to listen to when the mood strikes me, what ever speaks to me at the time. Except for Rap, at least the new stuff.. I still can't get into the new stuff.. lol
Books: Again, my taste varies anywhere from biography, autobiography, history, nature, travel, science, fiction, science fiction, romance, erotic.. depends upon my mood at the time. I love to read, I devour books and always have.