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00:24 Feb 02 - vXVampre was doing something Mysterious. 00:24 Feb 02 - vXVampre was doing something Mysterious. 21:56 Jan 31 - vXVampre was doing something Mysterious. 21:56 Jan 31 - vXVampre was looking at their Profile. 19:17 Jan 31 - vXVampre was doing something Mysterious. 19:15 Jan 31 - vXVampre was doing something Mysterious. 19:15 Jan 31 - vXVampre was doing something Mysterious. 19:06 Jan 31 - vXVampre was in the Message Center. 19:06 Jan 31 - vXVampre was in the Message Center. 19:06 Jan 31 - vXVampre was in the Message Center. 19:06 Jan 31 - vXVampre was doing something Mysterious. 01:25 Jan 30 - vXVampre was doing something Mysterious. 01:25 Jan 30 - vXVampre was doing something Mysterious. 00:08 Jan 29 - vXVampre was doing something Mysterious. 00:07 Jan 29 - vXVampre was looking at their Dashboard. 23:52 Jan 28 - vXVampre was in Journals. 23:51 Jan 28 - vXVampre was in Journals. 23:51 Jan 28 - vXVampre was in Journals. 23:50 Jan 28 - vXVampre was in Profiles. 23:50 Jan 28 - vXVampre was doing something Mysterious. 23:50 Jan 28 - vXVampre was giving/taking Honor. 23:50 Jan 28 - vXVampre was giving/taking Honor. 23:50 Jan 28 - vXVampre was doing something Mysterious. 23:50 Jan 28 - vXVampre was giving/taking Honor.
"I find your lack of 3rd party hosting disturbing"
I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)