1. There is zero tolerance for abuse, racism, sexist behavior (from both sexes), religious intolerance, drama or gossiping. Anyone who violates this principle will be blinded and/or sent to Poveglia Island or HELL Covens.
2. It is expected that all members will abide by The VR Manual and TOS.
3. Always check your
System inbox for important messages from the Coven Master or any of the Coven Admins.
4. What happens within the Coven/Alliance shall remain within the Coven/Alliance. There will be NO betrayal of confidences.
5. Absolutely NO DRAMA! Do not bring drama over the threshold of the Coven once you have entered here. Anyone who causes drama will be blinded and dealt with accordingly.
6. There is valuable information that can be found in the Coven Forums and important messages that may not go out in a Society message, so it is important to visit the Coven Forums.
7. Have fun!
*These principles are subject to change at the discretion of the Coven Master.*