Ahmes's Journal

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Knight of Darkness

02:49 Oct 14 2015
Times Read: 535

This is a story I wrote on the fly for a free writing class in high school, hope you guys enjoy it~

I sit up straight in my bed after the nightmare I have had. I breathe heavily, terrified, and I wait for something to come after me in the darkness. I take a breath to steady myself as my brother, a lanky fourteen year old, lies beside me, breath coming steadily as he sleeps. I, the oldest, keep us both safe after both our mother and father had disappeared after the apocalypse.

My brother stirs, and I stroke his hair, trying to get him to sleep again. His eyes open in the darkness. “Kani?” he asks. I whisper, “Hush. There might be demons outside.” In referring to the demons, I meant all the mythical creatures once thought to be just what they were called—myths. However, fourteen years ago, vampires, werewolves, zombies—what I called demons—took over the country, if not the world. The Vampires ruled, while the zombies and werewolves were their guards. We lived in one such city that was ruled by a vampire by the name of Azalia-Kana. He was better than most vampires, but everyone feared him and those he creates.

I hear a thud outside, and my brother, Jedi, jumps. “What was that?” he whispered, scared. I whispered back, “I’ll go look. If I scream, I want you to run.” He shook his head, his bright silver eyes wide.

“No. What if you die?” I sighed. “I’ve taught you well, Jed. You know how to handle a sword, dagger and crossbow. Here.” I handed the weapons to him, and he told me, “Take the dagger, at least. You’ll need it.” I took the blade and I held it at the ready. I look out the door at the person walking the streets. I see him walk about outside the door. I then pull aside the curtain a little more. I see him turn slightly, knowing just by looking at him that he is a vampire. He had shaggy black hair that fell to his shoulders, and such deep red eyes that they were black. I then see the werewolf guard by him.

I grip my dagger in now sweaty hands, and the vampire stops. I hear him say something in a deep voice, and then he comes to my door. I back away as he kicks in the door. I hide as he says in his deep voice, “I know you are awake, human. Come out, and we’ll be merciful in dealing with your insolence.” Insolence? For being awake? I stay where I am. Then I remember…

It is against the law to be awake past curfew. I suddenly become very frightened. I press myself to the wall as the vampire cocks his head, then looks straight in my direction. I feel myself press against the wall so much that I cannot move anymore.

Then something pulls me out of the darkness and I screech loudly, enough to warn my brother to run into the basement. I am thrown to the floor and my head pulled up, baring my throat. The vampire kneels down in front of me, and then he looks deep into my eyes. He sees courage despite fear; I know this as he mumbles something under his breath.

“Why are you awake, human?” He asks me. I say nothing, and then the hand gripping my hair pulls it again, making me scream in pain. I whisper, “I had a nightmare. Nothing more.” My hair is released, and then the werewolf lets me fall onto the floor. A zombie walks toward me. When I say zombie, I mean a mindless human—a brainwashed human. He kneels down and grunts something, and then he looks at the vampire. “Sir, she is telling the truth.” I realized this zombie was a mind reader. Zombies are made into zombies when they have some sort of special talent the vampires can use. This one was a mind reader, obviously.

The vampire holds back a smirk of triumph. Then he says to the Zombie and Werewolf, “Bring her.” They grip my arms so hard that I bite back a cry of pain, and they almost drag me from my house. I look back, trying to struggle, but they are too strong. They bring me to a high skyscraper, to the Azalia-Kana’s quarters. I look at the vampire in front of me and I realize he is the Master of the city. He grips my arm and tells the Werewolf and Zombie, both with white eyes, “Leave us.” They bow and leave us alone. Lovely—here I am with the Master of the city who will probably now torture me, or worse.

He looks through some files as he releases me, bolting the door from the other side. Now I cannot escape. He looks up at me and asks, “What is your name? You are not on my list of known people.” I say nothing. He sighs. “I have all night.” I still say nothing, in a last show of defiance. He gets up and he shoves me. “I asked you a question, child. What is your name?” I finally spit out, “Kanera.”

“No last name?”


“Why?” he asks.

“My parents never told me my last name. They said it was to keep my brother and I safe from vampires like you.”

He laughs. “I am not the enemy, Miss Kanera. You would do well to remember it.” He takes a goblet of a deep red liquid into his hands, and I already know what it is. He then looks right at me as he drinks it. “Unless you mean you and your brother are the children of…” He laughs again, more menacing. “Oh, but you are. Your parents are alive, not to worry. However…they are in my dungeon. Mr. And Mrs. Knight. Or you know them as James and Kendra.” I grip my dagger in my hand. “Yes. I am their child. The only one they taught to hunt creatures like you.”

He laughs, more jovial this time. He stalks toward me, putting his goblet down. He is now in my face. He grips the arm that holds the dagger and he twists it in one hard motion. I scream in anger, dropping the dagger. He lifts it in his hands, examining it. “Ah…your mother’s knife. Beautiful craftsmanship—simple, yet elegant. However…” He threw it off into the shadowy corners of the room. “It will not help you now, Kanera Knight.” I go to kick him, but he grips my leg. I growl low in my throat as he releases me.

Then he sinks his fangs into my throat.



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