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Welcome to my Sanctuary
... Perhaps a bit about myself ...
One never knows what to expect when I enter the scene. I run the full gamut from friendly to intimidating and every stop in between, many have said I am eccentric and idiosyncratic to the extreme ... I can kinda see it. I can say I possess a raw, rare kind of charisma.
My tastes in general and hobbies are eclectic, I'm kinda all over the place. I keep a open mind and love to experience new things at least once. Everything and some days nothing at all.
I am nothing special. I do not hold the answers to any of life's great mysteries, other then the meaning of life. Which is 42. I have, however, managed to solve a few of my own questions over time and will be willing to lend what advise I can. I guess should add now that I am however a solitary creature by nature and most often shun the company of others unless they are invited in but if I am forced to play with others I do my best to make a memorable impression.
My main purpose for joining Vampire Rave was first family and then to be among like-minded individuals who can understand and appreciate my longing to create and sustain the rich sensuous qualities that are the tangible ambiance of embraced darkness. I am sure you can already see my nature and tastes tend to be rather twisted ... though my words will, when at my best, be expertly crafted and unleashed with eloquence. Such elegant mannerisms flatter my sensibilities. Though test me and you shall find that I am a skilled nemesis, unfazed by my release of venomous verbs of ruthless candor ... a cut delivered with calm precision.
Delacroix, creation of the Almighty, do hereby pledge to honor the strictures of this sacred heritage and promise by my faith to be loyal unto my Sovereignty, maintaining my devotion against all persons without deception or forethought. Further, I vow to promote and uphold the principles of Valor, Honor, Honesty, and Humility; and to solemnly and faithfully follow the edicts of my Faith and my Deity. I take this pledge freely, without coercion or expectation of reward, sworn in blessed memory of those who have given their lives to this noble cause.
Now, your likely asking what that was all about...why place a Oath in the middle of the profile out of nowhere, and if your not, you're clearly missing something. Well to me its vitally important for a few reasons, first being I am Christian (no not a unlearned bible thumping neo-nazi style damn you to hell type), next would be my connection to the Order of the Temple, more commonly known as the Knights Templar, and lastly would be the fact I am ex military and I feel this oath is symbolic of my military duties and responsibilities.
Oddly enough I am also in the SCA and have accomplished as follows.

Knight of the SCA {Elevated by: Sir Valharic Caligula Aurelius on 08 Jun, 2000}

Baronial Knight's Marshall

Award of Arms

Award of the Purple Fret {for scout commander intel}

Order of the Cavendish Knot {rapier combat prowess and service}

Order of the Royal Vanguard

Order of the Bronze Ring

Order of the Gold Mace

Order of the Red Company

Order of the Dragon's Tooth

West Kingdom Leaf of Merit

East Kingdom Order of the Tygers Combattant

Golden Feather {for service in rapier of the Barony}