Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


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17 entries this month

tomorrow's story.

23:48 Apr 30 2012
Times Read: 708

am lookin forward to puttin the new story up tomorrow.

do far, I've had a new one up every month since I arrived.

and, of late... many have been 'differernt', for me. Hell, I've grown to like some myself.

at last.




no more Sanctury?

15:08 Apr 30 2012
Times Read: 708

After yet another restless night, I rose on Sunday with a myriad idea’s rattling around in my head. And, as the rain that’d started in the night persisted, I had another go at making a dvd, to ensure I had the process right. I had. And, though Dad hadn’t been pleased with the replacement he purchased on Friday, the roast chicken meal he put together was well worth the ‘extra messing’ and, I’d told him so. Anyway, the had rain finally ceased for awhile, at about eight in the evening, just before the documentary that I’d watched with Dad. Then as he went to bed, I sat and finished a story I gleamed from a line said to me, in a message on VR, while watching what seemed like the very last episode of ‘Sanctury’ ever… It ‘d been excellent and, I’d been pleased with the story.




...and, several episodes of ‘Sanctury’

02:13 Apr 29 2012
Times Read: 715

I started Thursday with housework and emergency appt at the dentist.

The x-ray the dentist took showed that I'm missing bone there. It happens when it's previously been eaten away by infection.

What with the gum recession and the infections I've had in the past., none of it surprises me: I’m just pleased I have an nhs dentist so helpful.

Come the evening I went to the project, early; as there’d be no Roger. As it happens, Roger had nearly died on the operating table, thanks to what should have been a ‘routine’ heart operation. That had left just Shirley, Mark and myself and, we had coped quite well.

Friday morning, I woke all achy, the joined Dad for shopping at the Azda. There’d been no roast chicken as the rotisserie was down and, Dad doesn’t like his routine disrupted;, which had been damn awkward. With an alternative thought of and purchased we’d toddled off, having paid £41 for a basic shop, as opposed to £57 from about four weeks ago. It just hadn’t made sense. I’d done some pricking-out of the garlic and some dead0heading of Daffodils and, then cooked a crumble, for tea.

I had spent the evening tryiong to put all three of the original ‘Girl With The Dragon Tattoo’ on disc. Unfortunately, I don’t know as much as I think I do about making them and, the last film was soundless; but the subtitles were there. I sent the night and early morning watching several episodes of ‘Sanctury’, series four.

Come Saturday, I spent much of the day gardening, after getting the milk. Then come tea-time, I did the onions and garlic and tomato; then later I did fresh custard, for the remainder of the crumble, which needless to say, tasted as good as the day before…




‘nazis at the center of the earth’ kept me distracted

00:56 Apr 26 2012
Times Read: 719

Tuesday night Dad and I watched Mary Beard present her view of ancient Rome. And, the critic who made fun of her because of her age and attire should be shot. Well I mean, would he criticise David Attenborough? I think not. It’s sexism, plain and simple. Yet, I digress. As we watched, we had munched, on Toblerone and Bournville chocolate: “Black chocolate is good for you,” ‘they’ say. Toward the end of the show I started to get toothache, stabbing and redhot painful, in the gum, below my few teeth on the right, opposite where the dentist had worked ‘the other day’. Well, having cleaned my teeth and swilled it out, I went to bed early, then started to look at one of the two USB’s I’d been passed: well, needless to say, ‘nazis at the center of the earth’ kept me distracted from the pain, till about two, when I finally sought my bed. It’d been an enjoyable slice of sheer hokum, a kinda hybrid ‘tween horror and a sci-fi dash Nazi resurrection film an yes, I’d recommend it.

Come Wednesday, it was off to book an appointment with the dentist, as the rain fell and the wind got fierce. In the afternoon it was Ingeus, where I discussed with Keith the vacancies I’ve followed, which have transpired to be no more than voluntary; and, as I said to him: I choose to do my voluntary work on a Thursday and, that’s it. Besides which, with my body as it is at present, I could hardly do more of the like… well, not without payment, for associate pain that is.




A throbbing...

01:47 Apr 24 2012
Times Read: 721

Having a throbbing where the second operation was and, I am a tad freaking, as it had been intimated that I might need the damn thing redone it ten to fifteen years time. Hence the X-Ray on Friday.

At least I have my distractions and, they work.

On Sunday I found diversion: I sat in bed, duvet to my neck my robs around me, as I drank coffee and smoked and, listening to my little transistor radio, heard about the giants walking the streets of Liverpool, on Radio Merseyside.

Needless to say, there’s always something to bring one to Earth a tad; and in this event it had been my Dad, who had taken the back off the tv to change the colour cast around the broadcast picture. Only thing was, he’d got the darn thing on standby, which gave me a job to do. And, as every remote seems to operate differently and, the manual was shite, figuring out how to align the functions for an analogue remote and a digital were, interesting’, to say the least. But, afterward I’d had a good bath and, then after some gardening between showers, I’d enjoyed a good roast with Dad, toasting Mum, with a fine-tasting red wine.

Come Monday, I woke aching, as I tend to do; so after my pain-killers, it was time for the housework. And yes, it had rained much of the day. But, I got some letters written, I’d intended to write, for days and, then watched, ‘Batman Begins’ ~ a brilliant film.




weird damn things...

00:20 Apr 22 2012
Times Read: 726

A week of doctor, dentist and hospital, I'm tired... very, very tired. BUT, I can still do my voluntary work, like no-one else can.

And, as I'm typing, I'm in a half-lotus... still can't get into the habit of sitting 'properly' in chairs... weird damn things...




... and, ‘The Strange World Of Gurney Slade’

00:45 Apr 21 2012
Times Read: 728

Come Wednesday I was up way too early, to go to the doctors. I had been going to see her about emotional stuff and then, he throbbing began just below my left collar-bone, which they moved when they operated on the shoulder about ten years ago. And, with the throbbing being as bad as it is, I have become a tad concerned about it, as I had been told, way back then, that I might need another operation, sometime, perhaps… Anyways… X-Ray booked I went home, as persistent drizzle fell. After a coffee I made scones, first time in years… and, they’d tasted pretty good. Well that done, I made a copy of Terra Nova, then made the chicken casserole, for the evening meal… after which I went to the dentist. From the dentist I went home, with two filled and re-shaped teeth; I’d finished off the casserole, browning off the cheese coated dumplings beneath the grill, prior to serving Dad. Then I got the train to Birkenhead, as the persistent drizzle continued to fall. I’d met Karl at the main doors and we went in to see ‘Battleship’, which we’d both enjoyed. It was only as we neared Birkenhead station, where I’d cross that Meccano construction, that I realized I didn’t have my tobacco tin on me. So it was back to the flix, where the sweet young thing in black, had shown us to our former seats, where Karl found the tin. Then, it was back to the station, as the persistent drizzle continued to fall… and, I’d got my train home, looking forward, to my portion of the chicken casserole, with dumplings, with cheese melted on top… and as the rain had continued to fall, I had watched, ‘The Strange World Of Gurney Slade,’ starring Anthony Newley; written by Sid Green & Dick Mills, in an intriguing piece of surreal black and white brilliance… from the days of ATV, with some terrific beat music as a backtrack…

After a poor nights sleep I rose on Thursday, to do the housework with Dad; then I was pleased with the tidying up of the piece I’d been writing through the night. And, although there’s a few typos in the piece, I’m really quite pleased with the piece.

Come the evening I was thankful that there were more customers at the door, which meant a busier night. And I got “thank-you’s” galore, which had amused and delighted me and, made up for the fact that my body was truly exhausted. When Mark and Kat went to ‘the pub’ I chose to go straight home to rest. The trouble was I was so-hyper still, I’d no chance of getting to sleep.

It had rained heavily through the night, again. Then, come Friday morning, it was bright and sunny. The Azda seemed ‘different’ this week and, as we left we’d still been puzzling about the bill. The previous week £57 for a basic shop, while this week £55 had bought a basket-full, including stuff that we only get, every now and then.

And, in a time of recession, I still can’t get over how many big-cars there are round and about. I had picked that up particularly, as I’d noticed the amount of them in the car-park… Anyway, once the groceries were put away Dad had his bath, while I sat to type awhile, before I decided to make the best of the pleasant weather and go a walk, to hospital to have the X-Ray I needed to have… needless to say, it rained while I was inside having it done and, still doing so as I left… that heavy rain that… well, thankfully it stopped, before I’d walked to far homeward. But, come the evening my body was shattered… thank gawd, for some well excellent diversion, two episodes of ‘The Big Bang Theory’.




a good afternoon, then eff off?

01:29 Apr 16 2012
Times Read: 733

I woke on Saturday morning with aching knees. Now, I’m used to going to bed with them; but I’m not used to waking with them. I had a coffee, and then as I returned to my room, with the next, the phone had rung. It had been Andy, Vicky’s brother, ‘the long-hairy pot-head’.

“Alright to call down?” “Yes,” I’d told him, “I’d like that.” Well, it’d taken him awhile to travel and while he had I’d got ready. Once Andy arrived, we chatted and smoked and watched t.v. awhile, When we went out, it was to The Mere, my ‘perfect place’, which I had introduced him to, as the world and it’s dog took interest in either the Grand National, or the semi-final and, the ‘local’ derby. I’d shown him the green, as I see it.

We had found my ‘spec’ on the wall, where I’d sat and although he’d a ps3, he had the good grace to play it low, as I pointed below me, to where there were ducklings that made him go “Shhhh.” And then, I’d noticed the plastic back mist the outlet for the Mere, that falls like a small waterfall. And, disliking the plastic being there, as much as the small bags of dog-muck I hurtling roadward, for the motorists, earlier, I had decided to retrieve it. Well, he freaked, “You can’t do that,” he’d said, watching, or rather not-watching, as I clambered over the railing and down the wet-moss covered stonework down and down, to the plastic bag, in the midst of the waterflow. I had picked it up, just as he finished saying in embarrassment, “I’ll walk away…” Then as I clambered up, he had added, “And they’ll be wondering what you were doing…” And, he had pointed to the couple standing by the steps, as I swung my legs over the rail and, began walking across the road to the bin, to deposit someone’s rubbish in the bin. And then as we walked back to mine, he decided he wanted to enter the woods, so I showed him what I see; and needless to say the PS3 came with us, yet he had played it low, as I just enjoyed being and he, chattered away and giggled, as he told me he liked the place and, how ‘away from it all’ it was, while the curve of the road was, just within sight.

Then as I saw him up the hill and home, having felt rejuvenated, I reminded me I’d be cooking for my Dad at 5:30 “So I’ve had an afternoon with you, now you’re kicking me out, are you?” He’d asked. Well, my Dad has his routine, so of course I’d replied, “yes.”




“What is Pam doing with a dolphin in the title sequence for ‘Archer?’"

00:53 Apr 11 2012
Times Read: 744

Think I had about two hours kip Monday night, thinking that I was going for a blood test at 8:40 a.m. As it happens, it had been a review of the ‘health check’ I’d had last year, to ascertain my chances of ‘heart-disease’ and, they now have a new series of markers, for measuring this. Well, tests had been taken, like blood pressure and my weight and, my cholesterol is 5’6, which is high and, won’t go much lower; while my weight is now a stone lower than it should be; yet that said, I now meet the new markers, so according to them, I’m healthier, than last year and, needless to say, when I’d left the doctors I’d been a tad cheesed with that.

Anyways, I’d gone a walk after that, needing it, as I’d felt more than a tad irritated and in pain, as one of the meds I need to stop severe heartburn while taking my Naproxen for joint pain was denied, as I’d taken too many, it seemed. There had been a blue sky, a light wind and, light showers. Then, once in a while, there were hailstones. It was awesome! Anyways, while I was out I’d met a friend who helped me acquire some really good films and, a couple of good shows. Come the afternoon, I’d phoned the doctors and, now I can have what I Need, but till I can get it, I’m in pain. Thank gawd for all the episodes of ‘Archer’ that I watched, ‘coz at the end of it and, I watched a documentary about the T-34 tank.

And my question is ~ “What is Pam doing with a dolphin in the title sequence for ‘Archer?’"

And, if I were a cartoon, what would it take to get off with Lana? She’s just… just… Latina perfection.



01:06 Apr 11 2012

I have taken Naproxin for joint pain before. They took me off of it to after awhile saying that it can cause stomache problems. I don't know how true it is but I have been told that garlic tablets will take cholesterol problems away somewhat. i know that it helps with blood pressure!


...it's 1:08 a.m.

01:09 Apr 10 2012
Times Read: 747

It's 1:08 and Morpheus still won't find me & I have to give much needed red stuff at 8:40 a.m.




perchance to dream…

19:01 Apr 09 2012
Times Read: 750

After a long night on VR I got disturbed by my Dad at 3:00, reminding me it was time f’t bed. Thankfully, I’d done all I’d intended, including posting several stories on my Blogspot. After seven hours sleep, I was up & watching my t.v. shows, ‘Fringe,’ and ‘Person Of Interest.’ Then after a bath, I’d listened to Radio Merseyside, only to hear to my dismay, that the two presenters were ending their seventeen-year run. It had been shortly tea that my left wrist went on me, leaving it seemingly without power: such is the joys of age & tendonitis. Then late-evening, after chocolate & a really good documentary with Dad I watched a couple of films whilst he slept. Once he’d gone to bed I saw a British film, ‘Veteran,’ a really pretty good little British thriller, with themes relevant to the present day and, more than a little reminiscent of another british film, ‘Outlaw’, again about a returing veteran who becomes embroiled in vigilante justice.Then I’d put the bins out, then returned to my room, to watch ‘The Girl From The Golden Eye,’ a pulp-novel given form: a kind of martial arts film, crossed with ‘Max Payne’, mixed with a heavy dash of ‘Sin City’ and I’d loved it Once it had ended I’d strapped up my wrist, as I heard it raining again outside my bedroom window, as I lay down to rest to sleep, perchance to dream…




Dad and 'High Plains Drifter'...

02:17 Apr 08 2012
Times Read: 756

This Saturday, we’d watched yet another of the interminable series of Titanic documentaries; albeit it had been quite interesting, as it had been about the myths and fantasies around the story; things like the third class passengers having had no chance of escape, while the first class had access to the few lifeboats; and things like many of the headlines printed about the event in America were stories built up to talk up the first-class passengers, in newspapers run by Randolph Hearst, a man who had told untruths about Ismay, who he’d already had a falling out with. For me, it had been the stories around those who had no chance that fascinated me, still does.

Damn class system here!

Then once the documentary had finished I had gone through to my room to watch the remainder of the ‘Shrek’ documentary, about a Scottish sounding ogre, as narrated by a very Scottish David Tennant, one of my favourite Doctor Who’s.

Well, once CSI ended I went through to make his hot-chocolate and, there he was, more than a tad irritated by ‘High-Plains Drifter’. Now he’s not keen on any of the Leone or Dirty Harry movies, so I was surprised that he was watching it: “They wouldn’t put up with it…” he’d muttered, talking of the townspeople, who endure much, under their town’s saviour, as portrayed by Clint Eastwood. “It’s about redemption and revenge,” I had muttered, “It’s very Old-Testament…” Well, a few minutes later after I had given his drink and, he muttered again, “They just wouldn’t put up with it…” So I explained to him, “Just think on it, seventeen people on the front bench of Parliament and, they’re telling sixty-five million of us what to do… it’s just the same.”




Only ten!?!

18:27 Apr 06 2012
Times Read: 761

Thursday evening was a bit of a bugger, as only about ten turned up for a meal, much to Roger’s chagrin. He’d spent quite a bit on putting together a roast for ‘the lads’ and small caramel eggs and those who turned up got fed well, it’d been a real pity for him, that the night had gone as it had. As it was, there had also been Chloe and Sarah and Kat and Mark and, a good pint at the end of the night. That and an early night, which should have provided the rest that my body much-needed; except that there’d been the first night of a bright Full-Moon that’s sent my mind into overdrive and, I’d sought the end of a story until about three, in the morning…




~ a volunteer who needs committing.

16:42 Apr 05 2012
Times Read: 763

I just got in from signing-on, body aching onna sunny day and, am off to help on the soup kitchen, full of meds... that's either a commited volunteer, or a volunteer who needs committing.




Hopefully, there will be a Series Three.

01:19 Apr 05 2012
Times Read: 765

Prevarication became the name of the game, come Wednesday. I had risen feeling tired and tetchy, knowing full well that I had to go out to face the remnant of the howling gales from the night before. When I finally went out, I’d taken nearly an hour to find the right coat to wear. And, all of that to go to the chemists, to pick up some much-needed Nasonex, to relief my sinuses. Come the evening, after a bit of Internet hassle, I managed to acquire to watch the last episode of series two of ‘Lost Girl’, a show which I been really into of late. It had ended with a song playing, ‘Everything Changes’ and, to judge from the two events occurring in the last scene, we saw a hint of what they were. Hopefully, there will be a Series Three.




...two countries divided by a common language.

14:25 Apr 03 2012
Times Read: 767

Come Sunday morning I woke at 8:00 feeling all comfy cosy. And, having had my pee and painkillers, I’d gone back to bed and sleep, quickly and easily. When I woke again two hours later, I’d made another coffee, then folded the washing, prior to returning to my bed to type awhile. Unlike my Dad, I don’t need to be paid to have a bath, so had one after posting my new story on VR. Come the early afternoon, I put polythene down over where I’d been working the previous day or so, to encourage the seed to grow, at my Fathers suggestion. Come our meal, we toasted Mum, as we do every Sunday and have done, ever since her passing. Come late evening I returned to the PC, to record and delete some file then go on VR awhile. Well, ‘awhile’ lasted longer than expected and, I went to bed later than I’d intended, consequently when I rose to do the housework on Monday morning, I was shattered, totally physically shattered. That said, I did get on with the day and, came up with a simple tasty recipe. But, it was on VR much later that I found cause for frustration: I’d been trying to help someone with helpful suggestions, but for whatever reason, it had seemed to me that she lacked the necessary understanding, or education, to follow what I’d been saying. Then in the end she had taken umbrage at something I’d said feeling quite angry, while trying to be understanding I had explained myself one last time, but added, if that’s it, ‘Fine. Good.’ And, what’s worse for me had been having a woman from Czechoslovakia understand me well, as do many others from other countries. But, when I quizzed a friend about it at the time, via Yahoo, she hadn’t seemed too surprised, saying that many her age lacked education. She had also said many other things, that weren’t kind; but this young woman has sense and, I’ll go with her; although it did bring to mind a quote from Churchill, when he’d said we were two countries divided by a common language.




Dwelling again and, a POI 'spoiler' [warning.]

13:08 Apr 01 2012
Times Read: 773

Thursday night had been a strange one at the project: one of the young-un’s ‘Ginger’ turned up, with her Spanish friend ‘Pinnay’. And, what with Mark and Kat it had looked like a moderately easy night, for me. As it was, it was also quiet at the door, with only about ten turning up. The rationale had been that the rest had been downtown, enjoying the fine weather. Well, those there got fed well, very well and, what was left went to a hostel round the corner from the church. And, after the project Kat, Mark and myself went for a pint, which had been good, as was the deep-pan pizza I’d eaten on my return home. Unfortunately I slept poorly and, had to wake early to go to the Azda with Dad. And, the roads were almost empty, by usual standards, thanks to the school holiday and, the hassle the government have created over a proposed tanker strike, causing panic buying. Come the afternoon I worked on the back lawn, then tidied up the story I wrote on the way to the project. All-in-all, it had been a productive afternoon and then, I’d cooked tea; baked potato with salmon [from a tin] then and, a Neil-mix, with melted cheese on top. I lay down awhile after tea, to res my knees and, when I woke I learnt that a bolt on my bed was broken. That had entailed me getting the ‘other’ bed from beneath it. I had made it up, then made Dad’s drink, before retiring to write. I had watched the last episode of series one of ‘Alcatraz’, which had what had been quite probably the best car chase I’ve seen, other than that in the film ‘Bullitt’.


“I’ll give you a pound if you have my bath for me…” Dad said, as he got his towel and fresh clothes together.

I smiled: “You know I like my baths, so you’d be giving your money away.”


Come Saturday morning my Dad was soon regretting getting rid of much of his collection of bolts and screws, but eventually got it fixed. I went a walk to the Azda, for Dad’s blueberry yogurt drinks, enjoying the walk and finally made the bed back up after several hours working in the back garden. While working there I’d got dwelling, as I have a tendency to do: I was employed at Ridgeway School and Community library after the Head Librarian had talked with me for quite awhile. She knew of my interest in VR and although as a Christian, she hadn’t been too happy with my choice of website, hadn’t minded me viewing it at my lunchtime break, but going by Kath McKean’s face, she had. And Kath McKean was the one who actively encouraged me to use my password to the system for library users and, it was her who shut the system down to fourteen year-old males, who knew more than her. As for the ‘evidence’ she produced for the Chief Librarian to get rid of me? Well, it was so dubious because of her own actions, that the firm who’d employed me had pressured me into returning to work. As it was, because of Kath McKean, I ‘banned’ myself from the libraries, ripping my library cards up, in front of my employer. And Rachael from the party blanked me, because of her? Well, piddle on her! Anyway… just before an early night, I had watched the new episode of ‘Person Of Interest,’ feeling like I’d finally learnt something of the lead character, in that final scene. And because I like that show as I do, it was quite satisfying… to hear Harold say to the camera, “Goodnight Nathan.”



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