Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


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8 entries this month

Port Sunlight In Miniature

22:53 Aug 25 2006
Times Read: 1,039

It was sunny when I'd wanted it to be, so I'd travelled to Port Sunlight Village & 'Port Sunlight Vision,' where they are going to be exhibiting my Fathers model of the village.

Well, it wasn't open.

But, it being my Fathers model, the executive director came down to give me a tour. And it was being shown as I'd want & the whole exhibit about Levers looked as good as anything in L'Pool.

I'd been delighted with its presentation.

Photos will go up in the portfolio...

Then, I'd gone for a whiskey and a 'very nice man' in bling and tan bought me another and then his friends got me a third ~ all doubles, of course.

I'd slept the early evening away... as it began to rain hard... and then to VR to put a few pics on my Profile, by Chris Guido...




Thursday and its Sunny

12:19 Aug 24 2006
Times Read: 1,042

As I write there's a blue sky and the washing is blowing in a gentle breeze.

And, the black fugue I've been under has lifted somewhat, thankfully.

Just one good evening and someone listening ~ and I feel like I've had a holiday.

And later I'll go to voluntary work and feel up to it... which I certainly wouldn't have been a few days ago.

So, it's Thursday... and it's sunny...




Is that what she'll teach her son?

20:34 Aug 22 2006
Times Read: 1,046

I've been working in the garden today and feel much better than the depressed person I was yesterday and I've resigned myself to not seeing Cecilia again.

I've written 'My greatest wish is to be known and my greatest fear is to be known.' It is a dichoty I have been wrestling with for years.

And right now, my heads gone west, as someone I rate, just wants a man to look after her and I expected more, from her.

Is that what she'll teach her son?

Work hard son and you can look after someone who is with you, to be looked after...




20th August 2006

12:26 Aug 20 2006
Times Read: 1,051

This room is a mess, by my standard. I got to bed at about 1:00 a.m. or so, after filling in an application form, Yes, I’ve found something to apply for.

I went to the Lady Lever Museum with Cecilia and after hearing there was a vacancy going, I’d thought to myself, ‘I’d like to do that.’

And I’d better shut up, I don’t want to jinx things, the weather has done that.

Oh yes, the weather… I swear down, if it carries on raining like this I’ll be looking for an Ark. And, I do feel sorry for those going to the Southport Flower Show, but then it’s a flower show and gardeners don’t worry about a bit of rain… but, this hasn’t been a bit. Anyway, ‘Scary Movie 4’ is good.

I won’t say anymore than that… ideally you’ll get to see it… but… it’s a return to form, after the not-so-good 2 & 3




It's 10:25 p.m. and Big Brother

22:34 Aug 18 2006
Times Read: 1,055

It's 10:25 and I've just left my room after a smoke and a cup of tea and I caught the Big Brother Final.

Pete the Tourettes sufferer and all round good egg won, which was hands down.

But, Clynn the flag flying Welshman coming secind was a surprise I'd thought.

After all, everyone was sure Nikki would win... and, she didn't... thankfully... she was horrible, nasty, shouty and whiney... and they were her better qualities.

At least Glynn had matured a little ~ and, learnt something from the experience of Big Brother.




...it amused me

13:30 Aug 12 2006
Times Read: 1,064

...and if you've seen my photos you've seen what I look like in shorts?

So, there's me battling with a duvet, in my shorts... with the radio on, to the sound of Elvis singing 'Viva Las Vegas'




Anyway, talking of competitions

12:45 Aug 12 2006
Times Read: 1,065

Anyway, talking of competitions, as in football, brings me to Friday and calling on Simon who had a flatful; and his sister Vicky was there; who I met in ’92 and a few others. And they were playing an XBox game that I was told “Even you can play this..” and they weren’t being insulting… as I’m not very dextrous; especially right now, as my left hand doesn’t like me very much, at all.

The objective had been to direct your vehicle into the traffic and cause as much chaos and carnage as possible.

Now, for someone who isn’t too sociable, I had a whale of a time… and yes, I’d not done especially well… and at one point, I missed hitting anything whatsoever…

…but, what had struck me what that although we were being competitive, the air was light-hearted, as we enthused one another… and boy did I laugh…

And little Mother went out with Dad for her Saturday lunch out… and, she’s been a little more positive, the last few day’s… and yes, she has her moments of indecision.

But, other than that, she went out for her meal feeling pretty bright… just like the day and I’ve got windows to wash, soon.




9th August 2006

14:34 Aug 10 2006
Times Read: 1,071

9th August 2006

I got in at 11:20 and was plenty hungry, so ate fish fingers and mushroom stroganoff and rice: an Azda ‘ready meal.’ Enjoyable, before rest… as I listened to the wind that blew hard outside, as the clouds had gathered round the full moon.

I’d gone to a friend, as he been suicidal the day before and I’d ended up getting in at 2:00 a.m., after trying to be helpful.

So, I’d visited again, after phoning first to ensure he was still alive ~ as I’d felt that worried about his safety.

He had been alive. He’d answered the phone.

And, truth be told, when I’d left his, I’d not really known one way, or another, what I discover today. Furthermore, I’m really pleased I’d had enough money on me so I’d not had to walk. Instead I’d got a taxi, from Seacombe to Bromborough.

(It’s about 10 miles – I know, I’ve walked it several times!)

And, my idea about going to his today was to ensure he had a chance to talk, if he’d wanted to. As it was, I’d ended up entranced by the Liverpool match.



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