Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


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Pauline’s Trip To England Part Three [Complete]

00:16 May 30 2011
Times Read: 852

*For Mature Readers

A long-awaited trip to England and a friend bring fulfillment…

Part Three

"The bed is very comfortable," she said, looking around... and then into his eyes... "Come and sit here with me" she invited him with a smile.

The sun fell into the room and, Nicholas looked to where she’d patted the bed to her left.

Although nervous himself, Nicholas, or Nicky as his Mother had called him, knew in his gut that Pauline felt much as he did. And, he was curious, ‘was her mouth as dry?’

‘Heck’, he mused, ‘she’s come so far and, taken the initiative.’

Nicholas elected to follow her lead.

He sat by her side and looking at her he asked... "Why’d you decide to come to see me all of a sudden? I never imagined you could just do it..."

"Because I needed a vacation, desperately... and the only way to get away from my job was traveling abroad... " She said.

"And why you contacted that NGO?” He quizzed, “you want to leave the embassy? What happened with you there?" he wanted to know...

"I am tired... tired of being mistreated and I suppose that it's time to change. The NGO thing was just accidental,” she answered, crossing her legs again, letting the skirt rise up a little...

With a quick glance in her direction, it was something that Nicholas did not miss. And briefly, he wondered whether Pauline would object, if he slid his hand up her skirt.

Yet, he sat with his hands on his knees, and then turned to look at her; her lips looked good, full and inviting and, he wanted to kiss her.

They had shared much; email, audio messages and, of late, short video’s, from one to the other, some of a most intimate nature and Pauline blushed easily, now that she could match the sweet face to the guy in the videos she received.

Pauline wanted something, but didn’t know how to get it... and she doesn't want to intimidate her fellow so... she hoped he would realize and…

"For a while, I thought that you were running away from something... or somebody" he said to her with a grin.

"Well, smarty pants...” she retorted with a light grin of her own, “part of my decision was made because of that... my boss was the worst..." she told him emphatically.

There was quiet a moment, then Pauline added, "So if I get the other job, I will leave the embassy with no regrets..."

“Really?” He asked curiously. There was so much said and, so much left unsaid.

He looked at her, almost trembling with need and gently caressed her left cheek with his right hand, as Pauline watched his hand, thankful he’d finally reached out.

There was a moment of shared need felt between them. Yet, Nicholas didn’t want to disappoint her: She had come so far and, they knew each other so well… And, looking deep into her eyes, he brought his left hand to her right cheek and holding her face, he leant in toward her and, their lips met.

And, Pauline melted in his arms, as Nicholas drew her to him, her lips opening to accept his tongue, as his hands roamed from her face to her shoulders, then down her back to her full buttocks, that he ached to see naked.

Momentarily they parted, and he held her face once more, his eyes looking to see if her need met his. Concluding that that it did, Nicholas looked into her eyes, while Pauline looked down as he rested his right hand on her right knee.

She watched as she hand drifted up, beneath her skirt and between her warm thighs. And, Pauline sighed, this was what she’d sought, his touch.

She trembled a little, as he held her and kissed her, his right hand now where her heated sex told him what he wanted to know, Pauline wanted him.

Her lips parted for his tongue, as her thigh’s parted, to ensure he had access, to ease the gusset of her panties aside.

She was moist with need and, closed her eyes, as eager fingers entered her liquid warmth and their tongues dueled together, as their restrained passions came to the fore.

And, Pauline clasped him in her arms, holding him tight, as his fingers slid back and forth, her heart rate increasing, to match her lust for the moment; a moment that she had wanted for so-long.

Suddenly, he pulled himself from her embrace, his fingers still deep inside her. And, she opened her eyes, as Nicholas looked at her, with a smile playing on his lips.

“This what you want Pau?” He teased, the tip of his middle-finger wriggling a little, finding a place within, that sent ripples through her body.

“Oh God yes!” she snapped, “I do want this. I want this and, more much more…”

And, she did.

Nicholas had awakened that which she had kept hidden since they had met at the airport; she wanted him, badly.

“Then stand,” he instructed, drawing his fingers from her, leaving her feeling empty and with a need, to be filled once more, with more than just his fingers.

“Stand?” She queried, an eyebrow arched.

“Uh huh,” he muttered, “the skirts too tight.”

He meant, to add ‘for me to get my fingers deeper inside you’, but didn’t need to.

Pauline had thought earlier that the skirt was tight, but knew that from the back, she looked good in it. ‘But, if he wants me to remove it, then we’re going further…” Pauline considered, as she did exactly as he had instructed.

She stood before him, reaching behind, to unzip the unclasp the skirt, prior to easing it over her hips and derriere, watching the smile widen on Nicholas’s face, as she did so.

Finally, she stood before him, both hands held nervously over the front of her burgundy panties, thigh flesh heightened by the suspender straps that hung down to her rear-seam stockings and Nicholas gulped a little, as he reached out.

“Oh yes,” he murmured, “That’s nice Pau… Now, turn round.”

She turned as bid and, didn’t mind being told what to do, for a change.

“Oh they look good on you,” he told her Pauline, as held her hips and placed his face against the soft burgundy material; her soft buttock-flesh surrounding his face.

He briefly kissed her skin then sat back onto his haunches and told Pauline, “Turn back round.” Again, she did as instructed, tremulous with desire for his further touch.

And, her anticipation was confirmed, as his fingers idly traced her belly, then idled very slowly downward.

Nicholas looked up, while she watched what he did.

He took hold of the sides of her panties: “They’ll looks much better lying on the floor…” Nicholas added with a grin, as he edged them over her hips, then down her thighs.

As he eased them down her shapely legs, he knelt, to help her out of them, with his face inches from her trimmed pubis.

And, as Pauline rested her hand on his shoulders for balance, Nicholas lifted one leg then the other, as he helped her from her dampened panties.

She kept her hands there for balance, as he pressed his face between her thighs, his tongue licking up and through her lips, as he tasted her, liking what he’d found.

She groaned, eyes closing, as he held her thigh flesh, lapping at her, as if she were the finest ice-cream at the bottom of the bowl: and to him, it was.

“Oh yes,” she murmured as his teeth gently eased by her clitoral hood and his avid tongue flicked at the nubbin of blood-engorged flesh, “don’t… don’t stop.”

Yet… he did.

Nicholas looked up, as se stared down, her disappointment evident on her face.

“You taste good,” he told her. “But…” He stood: “I want more than the taste of you…”

“Then what to do you want?” Pauline asked teasingly, quite sure that knew what his answer might be.

“What do I want?” He quizzed, standing and taking her hands.

“I want all of you…” Nicholas told her, drawing her back down to the bed, his fight hand already between her thighs, that she raised and opened, in open invitation.

“All of me?” Pauline asked unnecessarily, as his fingers easily entered her once more and, they kissed, conscious of the fact that she was able to taste herself on his lips.

His long fingers moving inside her gave the most incredible pleasure; and with fluttering lashes Pauline looked at him while her fumbling hands dealt with the buttons on her blouse, then played with her bra cups, folding them to reveal her round and firm breasts, her nipples erect and her fingers toying with them, as he bent over to kiss her lips once more and she returned the kiss eagerly...

Her left hand was now looking for her sex, she needed to finger herself a bit, in front of him, knowing that he was watching every move. She closed her eyes when her finger found her clitoris. Having teased back her clitoral hood, Pauline started rubbing her nubbin of flesh, while enjoying Nicholas' fingers penetrating her...

Her back arched when she felt it coming; the wave of pleasure made her moan loudly, her head tossing back and forth.

Nicholas kept on moving his fingers inside her while his other hand fought his zipper... his hardness was fighting to come out... soon his hand was replaced by his firm penis which she received more than willingly, still feeling those waves pf pleasure, as they receding slowly and, he penetrated her deep and hard.

The head of the shaft slowly parting her well-lubricated petals, she gasped as he eased into her welcoming warmth.

"Oh yes, Nick... yes... " She whispered in his ear... 'More... harder... "

Nicholas lay over her his hands either side of her, supporting himself, as she took hold of his tumescent flesh, directing it where she wanted him.

Once half the length was inside her, he paused a moment, allowing Pauline to get used to the sensation, then lowered himself to his lower arms, leaving his lips mere inches from hers.

He slowly eased his way into her, those last few inches and, Pauline wrapped her arms round his neck, drawing his face to hers and, their lips met.

His hips slowly rose and fell and, their tongues dueled together, as their lust rose further still. Then he lifted himself on his arms once more, to look down, as Pauline as she closed her eyes, a wide smile on her face as she accommodated his full length.

With each thrust into her, Pauline grunted, her pleasure evident to Nicholas; and she clasped each of his buttocks, in an effort to draw him further into her, as the sound of their love-making filled the small room.

And their kisses continued, as his thrusts became faster, her hands roving over his flesh, fingers teasing, between his buttocks.

Soon he found a rhythm that suited them both, as he continued to thrust in and out of her heated sex and her eyes suddenly opened wide, as Pauline clutched him tight with her thighs, wrapped her legs round his lower back, crossing her ankles, the heels of her shoes digging into his back.

Nicholas didn’t mind a little pain and quite liked it, this time.

And as his hips rose and fell, with a trembling in his thigh’s announcing the onset of his climax, Nicholas found her lips once more and, they kissed, long and hard.

She knew he would climax, soon.

His pubic bone ground ‘gainst hers, as Nicholas held her, reveling in the feel of her body, her remaining clothes an accompaniment, rather than a hindrance.

There was a grunt from Nicholas, as the trembling of his thighs announced the onset of his orgasm.

Pauline suddenly opened her eyes wide, hanging onto his shoulders, as he gave one final thrust, as Pauline used her muscles down below, clutching his hard shaft tight.

“Oh my,” he cried, enjoying the sensation, as she continued to hold him, whispering in his ear, “Just let go, I want to enjoy this…”

And, they continued to kiss, as Nicholas delivered his gift, shooting his gift deep within.

His orgasm found through physical fulfillment, triggered Pauline’s own satisfaction.

And, from within, a ball of electricity blew up and expanded fast, through her limbs,

Her legs fell from his back, as Pauline sagged beneath Nicholas, lying sated, her head upon the pillow, tousled her all around damped from their exertions.

And, as she relaxed, a faint smile appeared on her lips.

“’kay?” Nicholas whispered, stroking her forehead with his right hand. Then he leant forward and briefly kissed her lower lip,

“Oh yes,” she sighed, as he began to suckle her left nipple. “I feel good.”

And she did feel good, Pauline considered, wrapping her hand in his hair, as Nicholas lathed her nipple-flesh with an eager tongue; his breathe and touch so tender on her flesh, causing Goosebumps to rise and little waves of pleasure to ripple within her breasts.

Finally, much to her disappointment, he stopped.

He tilted her face to his with gentle fingers and kissed her lips softly.

Then drawing away, Nicholas rolled onto his left side.

“So, how long are you staying again?” He queried, running his right hand over her sweat shined belly.

Pauline turned to look at Nicholas, her left hand idly playing with his now-flaccid manhood, leaking the remains of his emission.

“Long enough for you to go again…” Pauline teased.

Nicholas grinned.

“I didn’t mean, stay in this room, I meant England…” He responded.

She grinned in return, fingers already teasing his shaft back into hardness: “Oh, I know what you meant Nicholas,” she told him with a smile, “but, I do know what I want.”




Dark Angel ~ ‘A Moment Of Now’

01:37 May 29 2011
Times Read: 859


Dressed all in black, Max sat atop the sloped ring around the top of the central spire of The Space Needle.

She had wrapped her arms around her legs that were drawn to her chest and rested her chin on her knees.


She would call and deliver her letter, or package; quickly surveying her surroundings, for anything worth stealing.

Max was fast.

She would scan her environment, for any means of entrance, for locks and alarms; looking into the dark recesses, where the secrets lay waiting for her to discover.

If there had been something of value to find, she would find it.

There was always a demand now, for something or other – since ‘the pulse.’

It had been an easy way to make ‘extra bucks,’ until she’d met Logan Cale.

She had entered the millionaires penthouse cautiously, already aware of how sophisticated his alarm system was.

But, the attractive brunette hadn’t known that her victim had been ‘Eyes Only’ – the last free voice in a turbulent world.

Logan had been injured, trying to defend a witness for ‘Eyes Only’ – and was now confined to a wheelchair, much to his frustration and annoyance.

‘After all,’ he had mused, ‘how could he fight his war for the underdog without the mobility he needed?”

That was when she’d become his foot soldier, in his war against crime and corruption.

A friendship had grown between the transgenic Max and Logan, that had suggested more: and yet couldn’t be, not while her family and identity, waited somewhere ‘out there’ to be found.

Max, designate X5 452, turned her mind away from the past, to stare down at the city below. There was so much hidden down there: so much that could determine whether a man, or woman, would live or die.

The city had become a dark place – a place this soldier understood. She had been designed to fight and survive; and Max would – Manticore had ensured that.


The dark was her ally.

No one had seen her enter, or leave, the facility: nor approach her motorcycle, hidden in bushes. She had straddled the bike and turned the ignition on.

The engine purred into life; it’s light illuminating the road ahead.

Max engaged the clutch, slipped the bike into gear and powered the machine into the darkness.

Then her handiwork discovered, shots were fired, shell-casings thrown into the air; and moments later, a fireball erupted, lighting up the night sky.


“’Drug baron killed by rival.’”

“It makes a good headline.”

“Yes Max, it does, but it’s not the truth, is it?”

“So, who’d believe the truth?” She queried.

“Eyes Only?” Logan asked.

“Huh!” She grinned, “You got me there!”

Logan watched her eyes as she spoke.

He felt he knew the young woman quite well.

She was hiding something: he knew it.

He’d sat his wheelchair before a bank of electronic hardware, she didn’t understand much, yet she felt his eyes follow her, as she paced the length of the lounge several times. Max felt trapped.

Her eyes darted back and forth, until she finally stood at the French windows, to look out at the city below.

From the wheelchair, Logan’s perspective was different than hers.

But even so, he tried to listen – to understand.

“Each light out there is a star born, then reborn.”

“Have you taken up poetry Max?” Logan asked as he adjusted his glasses.

“I was just thinking aloud, that’s all.” She replied dismissively.

“About what?”

“I was thinking about the act of creation.”

“Ah,” he exclaimed, “prophetic poetry.”

“In a way Logan.” She responded distantly.



“You’re being more mysterious. What’s the matter?”

Behind her back Max clasped one hand in the other. She was pensive.

“My barcode…”

She was talking of the marking under her hair, on the back of her neck.

The barcode was an indelible testament to her Manticore heritage.

“I’d heard of another, like me… being held…” she hesitated.

Max didn’t like to think of where she’d been, what she knew.

She didn’t want to remember the dormitory, where she lay awake, so many nights; she and her siblings drugged, indoctrinated; and shorn of their identity; or, so they had let their captors think.

Max didn’t like to think of where she’d been tonight and what she’d seen; what she’d had to do.

“Go on Max…” he prompted.

“I found her. The years had changed her. But, it was her eyes I recall. There was so much pain…”

Logan heard Max, with his ears, with his heart.

“What happened?”

“She was wired up. Hooked to machinery – that kept her alive. While they…” Max walked back toward Logan, tears pouring down her cheeks.

He reached out toward her, his hand shaking; “Max, what is it?”

“They’d removed bits of her. Like… she they’d disassembled a machine…”

Her voice went very quiet, as she said, “…just like a machine.”

“Go on Max?” He prompted.

“She looked at me.” Max told Logan, tears in her eyes, “she couldn’t talk… couldn’t cry out… they…” she sobbed, restrained pain coming to the fore, finally.

“They hadn’t even let her cry...”

Logan Cale felt her pain as his, yet it was hers and not his.

All he could do was listen.

“I didn’t know what to do… she is, was… my sister, my family. But, I saw the pain in her eyes. I knew what she wanted, what I would want…”

He didn’t need to ask what she did next: he knew.

Yet, he asked anyway, feeling it was what she needed him to do.

“…you know.” She told him simply.

“Yes, I suppose I do.”

Max began stood and began pacing the apartment.

“I’d just put the weapon down when there armed guard everywhere…”

She looked out, into the night.

“And you know what Logan,” she began in a soft voice, “I’m sure they weren’t Lydeckers men. I don’t even think they were Manticore…”

“Pardon?” He’d heard what she said; it just seemed difficult to assimilate.


“Go on Max…”

“I think there’s someone else who’s involved now.”

“What makes you think that?” He asked.

“They wore different uniforms… and they spoke French. That’d been the giveaway.”

“Yes, it would be!” Logan conceded, a light smile touching his lips.

“So what does it mean?” She queried, the question providing the distraction Max sought to negate her need for solace from Logan.

She didn’t want to appear too weak: too needy.

Thoughtfully he considered all he’d heard and finally pronounced, “Well, it seems there’s new players in town: and I’m sure Eyes Only will need to look into this.”

He finished talking and smiled down at the young woman, hoping his reassurance would help, a little.

It hadn’t, but Max, who stood and smiled, saying to him, “I gotta go…”

She appreciated that Logan made the effort, but she was uncomfortable with his gentle attentive manner, it wasn’t what she was used to at all.

So Max parted from him and left for the night, where she felt more at ease.


Having left Logan, Max had sought distraction, at Crash, the bar she hung at, where she and her friends would endeavour to drown away the ills of the life.

Two jugs of beer hadn’t been enough, nor had the company of friends.

She had ridden her bike, fast and hard.

Yet even an exhilarating ride had not helped.

She had lost a sister: and she was probably being stalked, by yet another faceless enemy.

Max returned to her apartment and began to undress, in the dark, her enhance vision allowing her to see equally as well as if the lights were on.

“Saves on the bills,” Max mused aloud.

‘At least one advantage of feline d.n.a.’ she considered.

She walked from room to room, seeking distraction, but there was none.

Max felt empty, as she paced her rooms, wishing she had company once again.

She had lost a sister and felt very alone.

Yet, a bath hadn’t helped to relieve her tension: another of her family was gone. So she taken to her bed, to try and rest, closing her eyes against all around her.

Max distanced herself from her surroundings, as she had been taught ~ and little by little, allowed her mind to drift, to relax, so she might sleep.

But, her memories were fresh and lingered, into her dreams: and Max slept fitfully, as patterns within the darkness slowly took shape and Max knew that once more, the night was her friend and ally. There, just ahead was the building, even more imposing than she recalled.

She was alone, as she felt anyway, away from her family.

Then the darkness melted to a dim fluorescence, that illuminated the inside of the building: and Max knew what she would find, just down the passage ~ that abruptly opened out into a much larger room, somewhat better lit.

It was Tinga, restrained with her tubes running from her body.

She was naked, shorn of her clothing and her dignity.

Her body gave testament to all she’d endured ~ with bruising and broken bones: and Max knew all this had been done, because like her, on the back of her neck, she bore the barcode that was the mark of Manticore.

Yet it was her eyes that drew Max toward her, as her gut tightened.

Her eyes were beseeching Max to end it all, for her. Demanding it.

Suddenly the woman’s face changed and it was Max being held there, her body theirs to use and abuse as they had her sister.

They were closing in ~ she knew it.

Soon she would be caught and returned to Manticore, for re-indoctrination, or worse. It couldn’t happen – she couldn’t allow it.

And Max awoke sweating profusely, still reeling from the reality of the dream. She sat up and drew her knees up, clasping her hands round her shins.

“What have I actually done?” She asked herself softly.

Then she thought back to her achievements, so far.

There had been the breakout from the Manticore base, where she’d lived since birth; where she had been trained; to begin to realize her true potential.

She and the others in her dorm, her platoon, were special.

That had been drummed into her at regular intervals: ‘she was special.’

Yet, they hadn’t asked for the life they’d known.

But, it was their lot, so they did was they had to in order to survive.

It was what they had been taught.

Her perception of reality had been warped by Manticore.

Yet, she wasn’t the only one. There were others like her; and sometimes that thought and that alone, was enough to make the rest bearable. She wasn’t alone.

She wasn’t the only one.

Max thought of her sister.

She had a tear and a faint smile for her, as she sat in the darkness, much as she had when she had ended her life.

Max hadn’t grieved for her, until now.

She hadn’t afforded herself that luxury, now for just a moment, she could. Now she cried, for a childhood lost ~ for a life wasted.


Dressed all in black, Max sat atop the sloped ring around the top of the central spire of The Space Needle staring ahead at the city below, the flickering yellow pinpricks of light connoting signs of human life, far down below.

She had wrapped her arms around her legs, drawn to her chest; and her chin rested on her knees. A tear slowly ran down her face and determination filled her anew.

She would find the others…





Dark Angel A History.

01:07 May 29 2011
Times Read: 860

She had broken into his penthouse suite, to take a statue she’d seen.

The entrance had been accomplished.

It’d only been when the young woman had been inside did she realize that the apartment belonged to something more than a millionaire with an extravagant lifestyle.

As she his she’d seen a young fair-haired man sitting before a complex bank of equipment, a small camera directed toward his face.

A nearby monitor had shown the image to be out-put: his eyes, young but intense, filled with passion, were displayed on the screen. This had been Logan.

At the top and the bottom of the image ran the words ‘Eyes Only’ scrolling on and on.

She had stayed hidden, as she’d heard him speak, “This is Eyes Only…”

Above and below the image of eye’s staring outward at the viewer, were the words, ‘Eyes Only’ repeated; scrolled through, again and again.

Her job as a courier had served well, for someone who had been a cat burglar, as it gave her access to a sector pass and comparative freedom of the city.

It had had acted to conceal her more profitable/lucrative occupation: and made the best of all she had been taught at Manticore.

She had made her theft, then been intercepted as she had sought to escape, which she had finally made, yet not before losing what she had entered his apartment to acquire.

Knowing what he’d learnt of the young woman’s skills/abilities, Logan had asked Max for assistance protecting a witness, for ‘Eyes Only.’

Logan though felt compelled to help, as ‘Eyes Only’ and sought to protect the mother and daughter, the only useful witness in a case ‘Eyes Only’ had been working on.

But, in a fire-fight, during an ambush, the witness and her daughter were taken, whilst Logan was injured and left unable to use his legs.

Feeling responsible, Max had sought to help and freed the mother and daughter, so allowing justice to prevail; and Logan the opportunity to get them to safety, in Canada.

Logan, in turn, had given her what Max had entered his apartment to steal, a small black statue of Bast, the Egyptian cat-god; and called her his Dark Angel.





Night Traveller

16:24 May 26 2011
Times Read: 877

In hindsight, I blame Doctor Strange. It was through him and Marvel Comics I read as a child that I’d learnt of astral travel. Then I’d seen a documentary about it on television, on BBC 2, I think.

Well, with my curiosity piqued, I’d begun my investigation into the subject.

At first I’d read every book in our local library. But, the material I’d found there was limited; so I’d gone to Liverpool and the reference section of The Central Library.

It was then I’d hit the web, to research the subject further still: and found enough there to begin my own experimentation.

All of that had been nearly a year ago and leads to last night, when I’d looked down at my body, seemingly asleep.

It’d been my third time on the astral plane, intersected with our reality.

I’d not previously travelled outside the confines of my bedroom, but ‘tonight I will’ had been my reasoning, as I’d passed through my bedroom wall and into the night air, easily enough.

At first I’d panicked at being so high from the ground. But, the sensation of flying had felt so exhilarating, it’s soon overcome my panic: and that’d been when I’d begun to float over my hometown of Bromborough in my intangible form of consciousness.

Although it was past closing time, well past it, there’d been several people out on the street, perhaps heading home.

I’d neared the Old Saxon cross in the middle of the village that I’d seen the couple arguing – both dressed, or undressed for a club night.

They’d been loud and irascible I’d found, but amusing to watch and follow awhile.

Then a brunette, short in height, had taken my attention; perhaps a Latino, walking by with what a friend of mine would call a black woman’s butt: full buttocks encased in coal-black jeans. Boy- had she looked good.

And for a while, I’d followed her as she had walked, her derriere a sheer fascination to me, as it seemed to undulate, with each step.

Yet as she’d passed the school I used to go to, the school that had become a ‘Learning Resource Centre’ I’d heard a scream.

Turning toward the sound, I’d decided to investigate. I should’ve left alone, as then I wouldn’t be in the quandary I am now. And looking back, I do wish I’d chosen some other night to venture further than my room. Yet as it happens, I’d decided that I’d investigate further. And when I’d heard a second scream, louder than the first.

I’d pin-pointed where it’d come from and made my way toward it, as fast as I were able to, then having found the house I passed through a bedroom wall.

Having found myself in a cold, dark room I’d quickly realized I had to look further.

So, I’d passed through one room, then across the landing into another.

This room was lit and illuminated a scene that will stay with me for a long time.

There’d been a large double bed dominating the middle of the room, with fitted wardrobe at the bottom, with mirrors embedded in each door.

I’d viewed the scene reflected at first, her long naked back as the she sat astride his prone body. She’d been straddling his belly, as he lay dying, a large gaping maw in his throat, oozing blood. In her right hand she’d still held the carving knife, it’s blade dripping with his blood.

“Now you won’t cheat on me,” I’d heard, as I’d moved a little closer in to hear her what she’d been muttering. That’d been when I’d left that room, my mind whirling with my discovery.

Now, I have a real problem. For having learnt what I have, how do I do something about it? I mean, how on earth can I go to the police and explain how I found out what I had?



20:37 May 26 2011

Very exciting


Self, reflected

00:36 May 24 2011
Times Read: 892

The too-slim brunette stared into the bathroom mirror, as she shimmied out of her yellowed cotton panties.

With her hands on the edge of the sink, she peered closely, pleased that the puffy yellowed flesh beneath her left eyes was fading.

Gentle fingertips traced the small circular scar an inch from her right nipple, near the under swell of her underdeveloped right breast.

She ran her hands down her across her prominent ribcage, then further down to the top of her thin coltish legs.

Like her Mother, Mark had an obsession with weight and dieting, he liked her to be a size six and, look good for him.

Yet she could hardly recall an occasion, during their time together, when he had taken them out for the evening, and she could dress-up, as she used to do.

She looked down, to where hands rested.

And briefly she smiled, thinking, “Well, at least I won’t have to shave ‘down there’ anymore.”

She finished washing her hands, thankful that the blood had come off as easily as it had. And, for a moment she stared glassy-eyed at her reflected self, idly wondering if Mark’s blood would come off the carpet as easily.



01:25 May 26 2011

this one is freaky but I like it alot

01:26 May 26 2011


01:39 May 26 2011

she killed him?


Pauline's Trip To England Part Three

17:04 May 08 2011
Times Read: 922

Intended for a Mature audience


A long-awaited trip to England and a friend brings the promise of fulfilment…

Part Three

"The bed is very comfortable" she said, looking around... and then into his eyes... "Come and sit here with me" she invited him with a smile.

The sun fell into the room and, Nicholas looked to where she’d patted the bed to her left.

Although nervous himself, Nicholas, or Nicky as his Mother had called him, knew in his gut that Pauline felt much as he did.

And, he was curious, ‘was her mouth as dry?’

‘Heck’, he mused, ‘she’s come so far and, taken the initiative.’

Nicholas elected to follow her lead.

He sat by her side and looking at her he asked... "Why you decided to come to see me all of a sudden? I never imagined you could just do it..."

"Because I needed a vacation, desperately... and the only way to get away from my job was traveling abroad... " She said.

"And why you contacted that NGO?” He quizzed, “you want to leave the embassy? What happened with you there?" he wanted to know...

"I am tired... tired of being mistreated and I suppose that it's time to change. The NGO thing was just accidental,” she answered, crossing her legs again, letting the skirt rise up a little...

With a quick glance in her direction, it was something that Nicholas did not miss. And briefly, he wondered whether Pauline would object, if he slid his hand up her skirt.

Yet, he sat with his hands on his knees, and then turned to look at her; her lips looked good, full and inviting and, he wanted to kiss her.

Yet, they had shared much; email, audio messages and, of late, short video’s, from one to the other, some of a most intimate nature and Pauline would blush easily, now that she could match the sweet face to the guy in the videos she received.

Pauline wanted something, but didn’t know how to get it... and she doesn't want to intimidate her fellow so... she hoped he would realize and…

"For a while, I thought that you were running away from something... or somebody" he said to her with a grin.

"Well, smarty pants...” she retorted with a light grin of her own, “part of my decision was made because of that... my boss was the worst..." she told him emphatically.

There was quiet a moment, then Pauline added, "So if I get the other job, I will leave the embassy with no regrets..."

“Really?” He asked curiously. There was so much said and, so much left unsaid.

He looked at her, almost trembling with need and gently caressed her left cheek with his right hand, as Pauline watched his hand, thankful he’d finally reached out.

There was a moment of shared need felt between them. Yet, Nicholas didn’t want to disappoint her: She had come so far and, they knew each other so well… And, looking deep into her eyes, he brought his left hand to her right cheek and holding her face, he leant in toward her and, their lips met.

And, Pauline melted in his arms, as Nicholas drew her to him, her lips opening to accept his tongue, as his hands roamed from her face to her shoulders, then down her back to her full buttocks, that he ached to see naked.

Momentarily they parted, and he held her face once more, his eyes looking to see if her need met his. Concluding that that it did, Nicholas looked into her eyes, while Pauline looked down as he rested his right hand on her right knee.

She watched as she hand drifted up, beneath her skirt and between her warm thighs. And, Pauline sighed, this was what she’d sought, his touch.

She trembled a little, as he held her and kissed her, his right hand now where her heated sex told him what he wanted to know, Pauline wanted him.

Her lips parted for his tongue, as her thigh’s parted, to ensure he had access, to ease the gusset of he panties aside.

She was moist with need and, closed her eyes, as eager fingers entered her liquid warmth and their tongues dueled together, as their restrained passions came to the fore.

And, Pauline clasped him in her arms, holding him tight, as his fingers slid back and forth, her heart rate increasing, to match her lust for the moment; a moment that she had wanted for so-long.

Suddenly, he pulled himself from her embrace, his fingers still deep inside her. And, she opened her eyes, as Nicholas looked at her, with a smile playing on his lips.

“This what you want Pau?” He teased, the tip of his middle-finger wriggling a little, finding a place within, that sent ripples through her body.

“Oh God yes!” she snapped, “I do want this. I want this and, more much more…”

And, she did.

Nicholas had awakened that which she had kept hidden since they had met at the airport; she wanted him, badly.

“Then stand,” he instructed, drawing his fingers from her, leaving her feeling empty and with a need, to be filled once more, with more than just his fingers.

“Stand?” She queried, an eyebrow arched.

“Uh huh,” he muttered, “the skirts too tight.”

He meant, to add ‘for me to get my fingers deeper inside you’, but didn’t need to.

Pauline had thought earlier that the skirt was tight, but knew that from the back, she looked good in it. ‘But, if he wants me to remove it, then we’re going further…” Pauline considered, as she did exactly as he had instructed.

She stood before him, reaching behind, to unzip the unclasp the skirt, prior to easing it over her hips and derriere, watching the smile widen on Nicholas’s face, as she did so.

Finally, she stood before him, both hands held nervously over the front of her burgundy panties, thigh flesh heightened by the suspender straps that hung down to her rear-seam stockings and Nicholas gulped a little, as he reached out.

“Oh yes,” he murmured, “that’s nice Pau… Now, turn round.”

She turned as bid and, didn’t mind being told what to do, for a change.

“Oh they look good on you,” he told her Pauline, as held her hips and placed his face against the soft burgundy material; her soft buttock-flesh surrounding his face.

He briefly kissing her skin then sat back onto his haunches and told Pauline, “Turn back round.” Again, she did as instructed, tremulous with desire for his further touch.

And, her anticipation was confirmed, as his fingers idly traced her belly, then idled very slowly downward.

Nicholas looked up, while she watched what he did.

He took hold of the sides of her panties: “They’ll looks much better lying on the floor…” Nicholas added with a grin, as he edged them over her hips, then down her thighs.

As he eased them down her shapely legs, he knelt, to help her out of them, with his face inches from her trimmed pubis.

And, as Pauline rested her hand on his shoulders for balance, Nicholas lifted one leg then the other, as he helped her from her dampened panties.

She kept them there, as he pressed his face between her thighs, his tongue licking up and through her lips, as he tasted her, liking what he’d found.

She groaned, eyes closing, as he held her thigh flesh, lapping at her, as if she were the finest ice-cream at the bottom of the bowl: and to him, it was.

“Oh yes,” she murmured as his teeth gently eased by her clitoral hood and his avid tongue flicked at the nubbin of blood-engorged flesh, “don’t… don’t stop.”

Yet… he did.

Nicholas looked up, as se stared down, her disappointment evident on her face.

“You taste good,” he told her. “But…” He stood: “I want more than the taste of you…”

“Then what to do you want?” Pauline asked teasingly, quite sure that knew what his answer might be.

“What do I want?” He quizzed, standing and taking her hands.

“I want all of you…” Nicholas told her, drawing her back down to the bed, his fight hand already between her thighs, that she raised and opened, in open invitation.

“All of me?” She asked unnecessarily, as his fingers easily entered her once more and, they kissed, conscious of the fact that she was able to taste herself on his lips.



22:05 May 28 2011

Looooove this please finish it!!!!


Blurred words

22:39 May 03 2011
Times Read: 936

It was 1970 and there we’d sat, a line of desks in the big hall; children sitting in their wooden back chairs, hunched over as we were told, “you can open the packs up now.”

I recall that as I’d looked at the question, the words blurred and I’ll concede I don’t recall much after that, other than I’d ended up in the headmasters office.

Such was my eleven plus, the exam that decided whether you went onto an academic education in the grammar system, or go on to secondary school and a more vocational education. But, the stress got to me and, that was when I’d had my first breakdown.

As I’d looked rather blankly around the headmasters office from where I’d sat on a chair in the centre of the small office, the small lightly built fellow in a tweed jacket had spoken to me, slowly and patiently: “IF you go to a grammar school, you’ll end up in one of the lower streams. BUT, if you go to a secondary school, you’ll be in one of the upper streams…” I was borderline, it had seems at the age of eleven I could choose there and then, which path to take.

And, the way it was phrased to me, the path of least resistance was the secondary school, there’d be less pressure there, I was assured and, I’d be in one of the upper streams: ‘So, it was all good then’, it seemed.

Finally, I left Secondary School thinking, “effin teachers”, in part through the art teacher, considering myself as good as 'the best', in art at 15... nearly: but, he got put through for the full exam, not me. And, the same happened with English. Again, the class favourite got put through for the better exam and, they were my two favourite subjects.

The Head Of The Catering Dept. also my fencing master, called in the Chester and Cheshire Remedial Society, as he decided I was “doing average and, could do better”, so they came in and, did this 2-4 hours battery of tests.

He called me in his office, to discuss the results.

The papers on me were lying on his desk and, I can read quite well upside down. And, that’s when I learnt that I had an absurdly high potential IQ

I do reiterate, ‘potential’…

I had left his office and less than quarter of an hour later I was going through my second breakdown: and, I calmly unwrapped my knives, as I sat in a cubicle toilet, selected a knife and, slit my wrists.

I then promptly fainted, at the sight of my own blood.

As it was, I had cut across, i.e., 'the wrong way' and, there was little real damage.

I’d woken up minutes later, bandaged my wrists and, went back to class.

After that, I didn't stay doing catering for much longer, as they decided to put pressure on me ‘for my own good’ and, I do not like pressure.

Furthermore, I just couldn’t get my head round these teachers not realising I had this great potential and, that had been another reason I’d given up on all of them.

Yet, a short while later, I began to study studying and my own ability to study itself and, I’m still learning today.




Bob says

18:38 May 01 2011
Times Read: 945

*intended for mature readers

It’d been one of those conversations that starts with the second or third pint of Wobbly Bob and, can continue on through the night.

It had started when he’d sat full lotus on his stool, much to her amusement and, that of those seated nearby.

“You double-jointed?” Crysti had asked.

“Nah,” he’d slurred a little. “I’m just supple and, I’ve been practising since I was sixteen...”

There was a pause, of a moment or so, then Leon had added, “And, I can get my legs round my neck…”

She’d leant forward, then asked quietly, a twinkle to her eyes, “Can you?”

“Nah,” He’d replied with a grin, “it’s like Bill Hicks said, we have got two too many vertebrae to allow that…”

They’d both laughed, at that.

Then Crysti had stopped laughing and, told him with as much seriousness as she could manage, which was little, “I can get my ankles round my neck…”

“Really?” He asked, with a grin, that widened madly as he conjured the image; “Now, that I’d like to see…”

And, blushing madly, she caressed the right side of her long brown thin hair and said to him, “It’s closing-time soon. Come back to mine and, I’ll show you…”

Crysti had looked down to her mobile and keys, then back to his piercing light blue-eyes, “If you want to see?” And, then she had giggled, a little.

‘Did he?’ Both brains said, ‘yes.’ So that’s what Leon told her, “Yes.”

So, come closing time, Crysti took his hand, as they walked a little unsteadily out of the pub, down the narrow street, onto the main road and they hailed a black cab.

And, although the drive wasn’t long, it seemed interminably so, to them both; that is, until they finally arrived at her flat, on the second floor of a small block, recently renovated, due to it’s city location and, a rather hefty grant.

But none of that mattered to either of them, who entered the building, giggling madly.

They made it up the stairs, somehow; then after a struggle, the key found the lock and was turned, allowing the two of them to fall into the hallway, literally.

“I have an open bottle of red wine in the fridge,” Crysti called to him as she rose, and then stumbled forwards into the lounge.

“Sounds good to me,” Leon responded, idly looking round the room, as she entered the kitchen.

Soon, the wine and two glasses were produced and on the table, as they both removed their jackets.

And, with The Best Of Blondie playing, they both drank, laughing about the evening and who had paired of with whom and, all that they had talked of.

Finally there was a moment’s silence, during which Leon looked down, the remains of his second glass still untouched in his hand. To his surprise, he realized that he was holding her hand with his other hand: “So…” he began, with a grin on his face, “are you going to show me what you can do?”

Standing, Crysti nodded, “Well, I’ll need to take these off, they’re waaay too tight for doing it…”

Hands clasped between his knees, Leon nodded eagerly, “Uh-huh.”

She stood and, easing her skin-tight jeans over her hips, Crysti wriggled her way out of them; then realized she still had her boots on.

Sitting down and giggling again, she unzipped then removed first one boot, then the other; and then, finished easing her blue-jeans, from her long, shapely shaven legs.

And, there she sat, eyes alight with merriment her black sleeveless tee-shirt, black hip-hugging panties and white ankle-socks.

“I want my drink,” she pouted.

In answer, Leon handed Crysti her glass, which she emptied, all-in-one.

Then she stared at him, as he knelt before her.

“What are you doing>” She quizzed, with a grin.

“Studying technique,” Leon answered, trying hard to keep a straight face.

For a moment there was silence between them, bar for Debbie Harry’s voice,

Finally, Crysti took her tight foot in hand and she guided her leg, to tuck it behind her neck. Then she stared into Leon’s eyes, as she grasped her left foot and replicated her movements.

With both ankles crossed round each other, behind her neck, Crysti rolled backwards, exclaiming, “Oh frig!”

With his smile widening by a mile, Leon quickly leant forward, placing his hands on her buttocks.

Easing the panties gusset aside, he pressed his face amidst her thigh’s and began to lap at her shaven lips: and Crysti squealed, with surprise and delight, as he continued his oral assault, licking at her avidly.

As a wave of pleasure swept upward from her heated sex, Crysti gasped with pleasure

And uncrossed her legs then draped them over his shoulders.

Leon grasped her thighs, and, continuing to tongue her, he found her little bud, already suffused with blood and erect within it’s hood.

Moaning her pleasure aloud, Crysti gripped his head, as he flicked at her clitoris with thetip of his tongue.

“Oh… Oh, yes…” Crysti exclaimed, closed eyelids fluttering, her thighs trembling, as she pushed herself hard against his face, as he enjoyed the taste of her liquid warmth.

And then, arching her back, Crysti realized the orgasm she’d anticipate, since he’d begun, to taste her…

Then, she sighed, a long drawn-out sigh, as her body relaxed and, he knelt back onto his haunches, wiping his face with the back of his right hand.

And, Blondie’s Best had finished, so that her panting was the only sound that filled the room as Leon gazed at Crysti lying back, replete with satisfaction. Grinning he watched her raise herself onto her elbows to look at him with a sheepish looking grin of her own.

“Well,” be began, “you did tell me you could get your ankles round your neck. And, you did…”

And, once again, their collective giggles filled the room and continued, for quite awhile…



03:00 May 05 2011

*claps hands* I remember the conversation that sparked this story... I love it.

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