AsphaltTears's Journal

AsphaltTears's Journal


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4 entries this month

17:24 Jun 18 2011
Times Read: 654

dark Pictures, Images and Photos




22:00 Jun 12 2011
Times Read: 666

Wow, those dang Teen Wolf ads again, lol. Just screws up my backgrounds totally. They disappear. I hope these ads go away soon. It doesn't affect those with the more classic profiles but those with the info at the top it does. Hopefully another way will be found to promote the show. I thought I had seen the last of it when it was removed awhile back...guess not...sighs.



12:13 Jun 14 2011

... ah, but is the show any good?

16:05 Jun 17 2011

I don't know. Watching the vampire shows, lol. Not so sure I am interested in a Teen Wolf. Didn't like the one on Being Human, in fact didn't like the show at all, either one of them. I really don't know why. They just didn't grab me.


Addressed to ApertureStar

11:55 Jun 11 2011
Times Read: 678

I didn't want to go offtopic in the Forum nor bother you with a private emailing. I thought if you were interested you could read my viewpoint because I see from time to time people make remarks about "Americans."

I am probably a lot older than you which doesn't mean I know more or am smarter. You mentioned that Americans change everything. Who do you think Americans are? They are everyone from everywhere in the world. It is not an ethnicity like being Indian from India. So to make a blanket statement is a little erroneous to say the least.

It is true that forms of yoga were introduced here as early as just prior to the turn of the 20th Century and there have been other aspects, but one of the biggest happenings in getting it noticed was back in the 60s. This was somewhat due to the Beatles interest in the philosophy of India. Many from that country came to the United States and reintroduced Hinduism here. Ashrams were set up and classes given in forms of meditation, the religious viewpoints and other details which became absorbed by society here as well as Canada. These so-called Gurus were responsible for spreading a lot of the information and people, depending on what circles they followed picked up on it, and went with it while others just considered it a passing fad.

Yoga became very popular but isn't usually looked upon the same way as in India. Many Eastern philosophies and practices became popular over the years such as martial arts. This can be attributed some to Bruce Lee who took on students in the California Bay area from every ethnicity interested. From there other forms filtered in and many new forms were created by those who mastered it. I met a Grand Master from Nepal in San Diego while doing respite. He spent a long time talking to me, (his website: http://www.kungchido.com/ ) who has written a book on the origin of Martial Arts which he claims comes from Nepal and then went to China. The viewpoints on things vary from culture to culture. He is naturalized I believe so he would be an "American."

But the people involved are from everywhere in the world from first generations to many generations down and in the southwest many are of a Spanish descent and quite involved as well in these things. Most people are proud of their heritage and have views that get mixed into other things or their perceptions of it are different depending on the instructor and background culture.

The average person is not so materialistic as represented, but "free enterprise" has not been all it's been cracked up to be and that brings politics into the picture. Most people are not involved in it and have little say. They are just trying to raise families. The views of Hinduism are very foreign to most and I can say that the average person who belongs to the most dominant religious group in the US knows little of other religions because they are taught as evil. They don't get involved with them but amusingly enough, many are involved with Yoga all the same from a non-religious ideological stance. It has nothing to do with materialistic views or having false ideas, it has to do with beliefs period and others that would not be accepted even if they were told except in passing even if they wanted to listen. They are taught not to listen to other belief system ideas. This is why things have evolved away somewhat from origin.





18:59 Jun 07 2011
Times Read: 682

I watched this science fiction mini series streaming from Netflix called Invasion: Earth. I don't remember if I had ever heard of it because it was from 1998. I think I was living back in San Diego then but I may have been too busy at that time to have watched the show.

It was a collaboration of the BBC and the Sci fi Channel. Not too bad I must say. It was a very dark, dramatic, straight science fiction show. I liked it but it does leave you hanging as to the outcome. It is left to the watcher to decide what might have happened.

The only thing I don't like is that most aliens are seen as monstrous predators. I am not entirely sure that would be the case in all actuality overall. It was entertaining and the acting was wonderful. I am not familiar with most British actors except those that appear in American movies. I thought it interesting there was one American with a major part in the movie as a Nato officer. I did recognize him. Some of the best actors are those who play Americans but really aren't, lol.

I am getting used to movies made with British actors or those with accents from around the world. Some like Chrisitian Bale, I didn't even realize wasn't American until I watched a Bio on him. I have never heard him speak in his own accent. He is one of the great unsung actors in my opinion.



19:23 Jun 08 2011

I remember that one. I liked it. Lately I have seem a number of alien attack movies come out. I wonder if our governments are trying to tell us something.

Peace and Blessings.

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