CrackInTheWall's Journal

CrackInTheWall's Journal


Honor: 40    [ Give / Take ]


43 entries this month

15:16 Jul 30 2013
Times Read: 619

So I lost my lawyer yesterday in what has got to be one of the most fucked up conversations ever.

Here is the scenario:

I call to start permanent residency (LONG story there) and to get information about work permit needing to be renewed.

I saw a new category that works great, I qualify for. Lawyer says no; go this route.

Ok, cool beans.

Now two months pass, and we are in chaos with move and getting everything situated so I'm pushing to get everything going again.

Employer contacts lawyer to start process. Is told I should apply for that new category.

Well great! But I want to clarify, because this same person told me no before.

When I email, I get a response of: "conflict of interest".

Um how?

They call, and ream me that they can't tell me anything as it is between they and my employer.

Wait- employment benefits me, and my employer. Mutual.

My staying here, does the same... how is there any conflict in answering a Yes/no question.

Round and ROUND we go for 5 min. I'm accused of being "upset". Um, no you're wasting my time putting up false legal loop holes and I'm better at this than you. PLUS this is the very thing I SUGGESTED THREE MONTHS AGO AND IT HAS NOT CHANGED.

So I was fired. *sigh*

I'm going to ask another lawyer about their suggestion (not their speciality) and then I'm filing a big ass complaint against this lawyer. Really, you gave me conflicting information and would not clarify. A simply yes you do this- HEY I would have been on it, and no hard feelings- I get how these things change and my situation is complex.

However, don't lie to me and then try to cover it up and not own up to it. Shit I would have been fine with, "oh yes, you want this. Do the other in case but this is your better option for both permit and residency".

How hard is it?

It's isn't. But you have to take responsibility.

And this is after I had to write two emails basically telling the person I suck, and I'm doing ___ to fix it.

Another one bites the dust, and ironically for lack of communication.




03:52 Jul 29 2013
Times Read: 629

I didn't finish my letter, but writing while cross eyed is probably not a good idea.

K nighty night :)




02:12 Jul 29 2013
Times Read: 634

WOO-HOO! Two Groupon vouchers sold :D

Yeah, that isn't going to pay my bills, but it is a start! WOOOOOO

Also today I know that I have for certain done 3500+ Treatments in the past three years.


That doesn't include the 200+ files that my previous employer won't release.

I've been busy. Time to get busier!




15:52 Jul 28 2013
Times Read: 655

Random thought 2,495:

When dealing with potential sponsors and public, you must dumb it down.

For instance we raised $2,400 last year at the Poker Run. We had 50+ people turn out, yet people call it a "failure".


3 Motorcycles in the run.

I need to come up with a better name, will be keeping FreaK and doing Poker Run still; but I need to spin it so that the public knows it's an open event- not just for Motorcycles.

Thoughts or ideas? Please post them below, I'm seriously asking.




15:38 Jul 28 2013
Times Read: 658

Reality can be such a major let down at times... Oh well, time to get on it!




22:08 Jul 27 2013
Times Read: 674

Warning: petty moment to follow (What?! I'm effing human you douchecanoe, and I'm welcome to have them too. Although I don't flaunt it ANYWHERE that the person will see or read. It is my thought, and not intended to ever be shared with the person it is about. That is the difference).

There is a real sick pleasure in seeing an x's pictures and noticing that they are now the parent they swore they would never be. That and their house is a disaster.

Why? Because they came off their high horse and have a happy family life. Although I'm still laughing and the messy house- because when "we were" that would have driven him NUTZ. It's almost as good as when they stared in a movie called "Mulletville"... oh yes, break ups are sometimes the BEST thing in life

/petty thoughts




17:50 Jul 27 2013
Times Read: 679

I think a big difference with this year's Poker Run is the lack of pressure to prove. I've really come to the realization that I'm not going to "fight" people who think things should be done a certain way.

I've gotten a very eye opening/disheartening in sight at the truth of some people simply not even "sharing". And I don't mean with the masses, I mean with their spouse. It is part of the root of all the pain.

I talked with Garry's parents again yesterday, this time I got their new email (new last year, but it explains why they didn't get any messages this year). I extended for them our ordering process, while telling them nothing was expected, they were more than generous and supporting last year.

From there I messaged a friend who is a spouse of another board member- only to find they weren't offered an opportunity for items. I get they didn't want to pay for whole family, but not to share with the other adult... really? Still I get it. It happens as life is often more complicated.

This is why I'm excited for next year. We have a new sponsor to move the event to. We also have more opportunity to just have fun. Lastly, we have a chance to see if it will "sink or swim". This year- it's a floating by, for sure. Next year, we have a game plan already, and we will be ready to get things going.

Yet in all of it, I'm reminded of how things go here. Someone gets upset, hurt and then lashes out. The other gets upset, hurt and lashes out. It continues until someone walks away.

And folks think there is "nothing real" about virtual environments.

I would say they are as real as you make them, and the behaviour on them mimic the true behaviour of the people doing them. Because they may not say/do things in your face, just like online, as soon as you turn your back you can be certain they are.




23:28 Jul 26 2013
Times Read: 698

Yum! Coconut Bubble Tea with coffee (cafe du monde no less) ice cubes... Heaven in a cup *sips*




03:58 Jul 26 2013
Times Read: 708


I have the makings of bubble tea and I haven't done it yet!!!! WOOO tomorrow bubble tea, here I come :D




00:30 Jul 26 2013
Times Read: 714

Today I sent out my email to friends and family and various connections I have in the community. I will post it here should anyone wish to donate:

Greetings everyone!

Many of you will already know that last year I switched my fundraising charity to the Gene Goodreau Patient Assistance Fund. This fund helps cancer patients in my community pay for aspects of their care that they otherwise would not be able to afford.

Because my dear friend Garry was one of these patients, we are fundraising in his honour again this year, but I am doing this year in honour of two very dear people who have faced cancer.

My friend Martha, who has not only survived but is now in remission! I am so very excited for success stories I can't even express it. Seeing pictures of her, husband and daughter simply make me happy!

And my God-Mother SaraJane who passed away memorial day weekend. SJ (as we called her) was a career hospice nurse, and a huge inspiration to my humour, wit and desire to be an all around good person. I'm still working on many of the things she taught (I am still bad with thank you's but I'm working on it) and loosing her has been a reality that is hard to accept.

For this reason I am asking once again of you, my family, friends and community to help me with this cause. No amount is too little, even a $1 makes a difference as we are only volunteers, and our administration is less than 10%. That means, if you donate a dollar, at least .90 is helping cancer patients right here in my community.

If you are willing to donate, please do so following this link


Otherwise, I encourage, and truthfully want you to comment, post and share our website:


I think you so much for your time and consideration. I thank you for your support however it comes (written or monetary), and I encourage you to also go out into your community and do something, no matter how small.

We are the change.




13:28 Jul 25 2013
Times Read: 721

So this year's poker run hasn't even started, and I'm full on planning next years... and I'm EXCITED! But I'm trying to hold on to that as right now there is so much to do and we are ever behind!

Still YAY! cool things, so many cool, awesome ideas.

And a big email sent. We shall see, after all you don't know unless you ask.

*eep!* :D




03:44 Jul 25 2013
Times Read: 728

I often wonder if people truly never see themselves from the other (outside). I know that viewing thing in a different perspective is hard, but exceedingly rewarding.

It can also be truly tragic, especially when the means to change is there, but the ability to is not.

You are your own worst enemy, and you have no idea.




04:46 Jul 24 2013
Times Read: 746

Johnette of Concrete Blonde will be in Toronto performing on Oct 31st. I am not coaching, and even if I don't have my car fixed by then- the train/bus is about $20 round trip...

Oh I hope the details are released soon. If it's stupid expensive I will have to pass *here is to hoping!*

After all I have the CD, I can listen any time... but Halloween... that would just be cool!




02:54 Jul 24 2013
Times Read: 750

The chairs are perfect! One is a little smaller than the other two, and not as "good" of quality; but still a great deal. The other two are AMAZING. They might be old but the rock swivel and recline. Plus the fabric is flawless. The person I bought them from offered me a large recliner that he isn't using.

I might take him up on it, but not right now. These three are exactly what I need and will work perfectly.

Dogs were GREAT today! One tiny piddle from Winston, and nothing from Egon. I think they are liking that they have "full reign" of the house when I'm at work as toys are all over, but my things aren't being touched. *proud doxie mama moment* :P




19:42 Jul 23 2013
Times Read: 762

I'm going to put this out to the "universe".

I found 3 leather recliners that are exactly what I'm looking for having in my community acupuncture setting. All three for $100. Now I just have to find a way to make this happen, as with the moves and not working steadily this is a difficult amount for me.

Positive thoughts that I "find" money would be greatly appreciated, because right now I'm behind on rent and in the hole. But I'm working!

Small steps, and they are full of gratitude, I just need some help (and I've found tons so far).




04:11 Jul 23 2013
Times Read: 779

Opsy. I missed my 8th Anniversary. *le tear*




03:58 Jul 22 2013
Times Read: 785

Bed time. Lots done today, lots more to do tomorrow. I didn't even dent my list. But it also doesn't help that I got up late. K Bed, now.




16:54 Jul 21 2013
Times Read: 801

It's a warm day. Not the hot humid ick of this last week, but a nice hot day. I'm thinking I'm going to go down to the festival downtown and then to the office for a few.

I have to bathe and steam the carpets today as I want to kill of as many fleas as possible... but not in the heat. Even with it being a basement, I don't want to be "dripping" buckets.

Yesterday, I didn't get some of the work done I wanted (will do that today) but it was a total win. Went to the habitat for humanity store- they had 50% off everything in the store and those comfy waiting room chairs that every Dr's office has? They had so many they were only charging $5 each... so I got two for the waiting area for $5! WOOO. Then we went to some other demolition areas for doors and finally Rona which is closing. They had poster frames for less than Walmart, and less than Michaels even! Plus more off... so for less than the cost of the frame originally, I got the frame and hooks for my treatment room.

I think I should go back today, but I also have other things to do... hmm. Well we'll see if I can maybe do both.





04:54 Jul 21 2013
Times Read: 806



17:42 Jul 20 2013
Times Read: 810

Today I get information together and write my blogs. o.O

EEEP I've been silent since April. Time to get back in the swing of things. After I will go to the fair down town and chillax.

Puppies are in their kennel today as Winston is good with no potty in the house, but Egon is a little asshole that is only "potty trained" when mommy is home *sigh* life with Dachshunds. That and I got them a beaver yesterday (every weenie needs a beaver) and thus ensued the biggest dog fight I've seen with those two (no broken skin- but it was not nice).

Problem is Winston is uber selfish and won't share with Egon, even with attention. It's getting time to have one on one time with the boys as they haven't ever really been separated. It's time. And boy this aspect of training will not be fun.




13:28 Jul 19 2013
Times Read: 826

I'm trying to get caught up in reading journals, but I seem to be suffering from a bad case of nostalgia.

This past year I've been writing about the closings of a chapter, and now I feel that it is. That is moving forward and that we are in fact heading in the right direction.

There still is lots to do and a lot of stress about it, yet I'm hopeful- no I know it will pass. I just really wish I had an element that I'm really missing right now. Not a person per say, but an element of what they represent. I'm rather ambivalent about it really, I don't want to hold myself back in life, but the conflict of thought, emotion and spirit when I think of this is great. One aspect I truly want the comradery, in the same instance I really like where life is now.

It is not a case of "life would be better"... now that I am in space and working- I love how things are laying out- I love my life... that is a huge gift. The feeling is more that... what is it?

I simply don't know, or don't have the words yet.




15:35 Jul 18 2013
Times Read: 834

I have to get going. *sigh* the car has to go in again, and hopefully I can get a ride to get some equiptment I was hoping to get today... but... we shall see :)




15:39 Jul 17 2013
Times Read: 840

So yesterday I moved the last of my files and file cabinet to my new office. SO excited :) that said, I still have a bunch of work to complete and I need to get my things organized, printer up and running... etc.

Funny how it is "expected" that we should be online, when I was actually at my work till 10pm. I ate my dinner at 11:00pm and was asleep by midnight. Only to get up at 7... ok no, I rolled over as the pain has been bad with my back, up by 8:30 and working by 9am.

Yes I'm checking things out here, but I'm also trying to deal with email, setting up deals and marketing. Last I checked, there was a big old world outside of VR. Who am I kidding? Most people forget there is a world outside of their front door.

Shame on how much they are missing out on.





15:15 Jul 16 2013
Times Read: 846

It seems so strange that you are not here for it. The nostalgia of today is hitting hard, because I can't go where I want to.

Yet today is the warmest day so far this year. Fitting. You would have wanted to hit the bike trails or the beach later on.

Seeing how people alter and believe different things, watching the tides turning- I'm reminded we all must simply choose. Because even a lack of choice is a choice- to think otherwise is silly.

The current will keep taking you further and further, but the defining moment is when you choose to swim to shore, or do you let the wildness choose for you?

It is all about choice.




02:26 Jul 16 2013
Times Read: 857

So it looks like I will be getting a desk for $10, YAY! And I have the place mostly set up as of tonight. I still have a bunch of organizing and well, there is enough work to keep me working for "like ever, man". LOL

Damn it is a huge relief to be able to just start working. Now it's time to put my nose down and get to it.

In other news, puppies had two accidents today. I'm rather proud as they were not put in their kennel all day. However, it was Egon. :-/

*sigh* now I'm going to walk the boys and pass out in the hopes that my back relaxes from the massive seizing it is doing.




19:48 Jul 15 2013
Times Read: 865

So I'm moving my stuff into the space today... only I threw out my back :(

But most of it is there, I just have to finish and then I'm ready for tomorrow :)




01:40 Jul 15 2013
Times Read: 880

Egon is a barking bitch.

Drives me nutz. Almost as much as people who can't read exactly what I write. Sometimes you tell someone exactly what and where to look, and they choose to not listen or see.

Other times people will surprise you.

Tonight, I choose booze. And my barking bitch. Because he's cuddly like that.




01:04 Jul 15 2013
Times Read: 903

Admin are not allowed to get involved in member disputes.

However that does not mean that DMCA can be broken. For a full account of what to do, each page on VR has a link of DMCA Policy




23:23 Jul 14 2013
Times Read: 907

I've done some packing for the new office for tomorrow. I have a bunch more to pack later... but for now a movie, puppy cuddles and a movie.

Oh and booze.

Lots of booze.




14:50 Jul 13 2013
Times Read: 930

Ever have one of those days where things are going so very WRONG, that you finally have to laugh...?


Then drink a bottle of wine?

Yeah, that was yesterday.

But one of my long term clients was so excited with the new space and "all the potential" :D




02:10 Jul 11 2013
Times Read: 944

Well I finally got into the space. It sucks.

It is pretty, and it will "work" but it is not what I'm looking for. If I were only doing my private practice it would be fine. But for community- it effing blows.

I'm seriously wondering if I even want to take my private practice to the other office, as I simply don't know how I'm going to make this work. Oh I can "make do" but it will not be enough for where I want to go.

Setting up the one chair and showing the business partner this, she went "oh". Yup. It blows. not at all what I was hoping for. But she and and her daughter will be renting the upper portion and the lower will be good for her too.

It is workable. But I fear that if we are compliant, workable will keep us from stepping the game up in the future- so we need to start planning NOW. It will take at least 6 months to get "settled" and then from there we will need 6 months to find a space (as this last search proved). Thankfully it is only a one year lease.

Best part were the heroin needles, that everyone went, what is that? REALLY? We're putting up motion sensor lights AND a video camera. FUCK THAT SHIT> they are not shooting up in our parking lot any more.

Such is the nature of downtown, and especially with the building being "empty" at night. Since the biz partner and her daughter will be in the upstairs, I think it will be better. However, it also means she can't keep anything in her car- EVER. Or they will break into it.

I'm venting.

And really. It is a nice space. But the landlord needs to move her shit out. the entire main floor is taken up with her stuff and they are like, "oh you want to use this space now?" Why don't you use your home??

OMFG... really?

Add to it, someone I consider a friend loaned me money a while back. As you can imagine with everything I'm just floating by at the moment. Well. He took me on a trip that was 30 miles round trip. I offered to pay for gas, he said not to worry about it. What get's back to me today?

Oh she owes me....

WTF? Over $10 and $10 outstanding from before. Well I'm DONE playing the game of "he said/she said" so I sent a text saying you might want to pick up the money for the gas and what I owe you. I'm just sorry I forgot to give it to you, and that you forgot to ask for it.

I am so done with this childish behaviour. Are we 12 or in our 40's?

Any way, we had some good things come out of today; KEYS!

I can actually start seeing people even though I can't yet "claim the space" (yes there IS that much stuff- and it's for autistic kids) but if it isn't out by the 15th I'm arguing that we get Free time. Plus with all the work we're going to have to do to the yards and such. Still the rest of it is in good order. I just need to figure out how to lay things out so that I can work properly.

It was a good day, a tad frustrating, but good none the less.




01:54 Jul 10 2013
Times Read: 956

One more day.

But I've been assured it is the last. It seems my email of this afternoon solved all the potential issues by putting in writing that we won't be changing anything without written permission from the landlords.

Well duh. Seriously, this has been the most unprofessional go of finding space EVER. Not this last group, they didn't always give full disclosure, but they did keep things professional and moving forward at the fastest possible pace (they just didn't inform us of what they would require to make it move faster).

Seems the excuse the last landlord gave us, was because it scared him that I wanted an escape clause. That we give 90 days and are still responsible for two months rent, and forgo last month should the need arise. Granted it is highly unlikely, but in a 5 year lease- what if I became pregnant and had to close my portion of the business? Or my partner go sick? Really? Life happens. He said that "freaked" him out. He said no, my partner was ok with no- which means I'm voted out- what's the problem?

There isn't one. It is his excuse. At the same point where we are going is a bit better area (one block from Police station) and from what I've been told very nice.

So now it's a matter of getting everything moving forward and getting clients booked.





02:38 Jul 09 2013
Times Read: 967

If you haven't played with today's Roswell Google Doodle, you should :)




02:06 Jul 09 2013
Times Read: 973

I've been sleeping a lot more these past few days. Two hour naps each day. Each time I take the nap on the couch thinking it will take "less time" than if I slept in my bed, and it's just as long if not longer.

Plus I'm sleeping longer at night.

Keys should be in our hands in the next day or so. I was REALLY hoping to get them today.

It's rather infuriating how people are dismissive over how much this has effected my business. I know they think "this too shall pass" is a nice thing to say, or "it will get better"... but that does nothing to help me in the very real issue I'm in now.

I have a backlog of work to do- but really am waiting to be in a space to do it (working from home is productive when I have an office where certain things get done in). I need to call about internet at the new space tomorrow. Once that is up and running, I need to take the phones I have here *VoIP* and hook them up over there. Hopefully I won't have to get another phone line. If I do it's still much less than paying for internet from the other companies around here.

And I've found I'm quite the killer of fleas. Little bastards have gotten on the dogs, so I comb them 2-3x day right now and bathe them ever second/third day. So far the numbers are decreasing. I still need to find borax so I can kill them once and for all. Right now I have to use witch hazel on the pups because most of their itching isn't fleas any more- it is the dry skin from licking.

I feel like I've been in the land of perpetual wait, and I can't even express how frustrating it has been. Hopefully that changes very soon so that I can get right back to where I've been working so hard to be.




15:39 Jul 07 2013
Times Read: 979

I think I need to go see Superman at the matinee today. I also think I'll walk down there and then do some grocery shopping on the way home (it is exactly 2 miles there).

Before I go I'm going to bathe the pups again. It will be third time this week, but until the fleas are GONE I need to "rinse repeat". Good news is they are "itching less" and while I'm constantly doing laundry and vacuuming, it's nice to see it "disappearing". I also think I will pick up some borax (naturally kills fleas- and isn't as toxic as Boric Acid - which is different).

Basically, I'm looking forward to a lazy Sunday. Although now that I look out the window, I might be driving (significant rain clouds).

Yup, it's going to be a good day and a great start to the week :)




16:09 Jul 06 2013
Times Read: 1,006

Pounding Pussy




23:05 Jul 05 2013
Times Read: 1,014

I'm calling this a new form of treatment: "AcuCrap" when we don't give a shit to know what to do, but will take money for it any ways.

This article angers me.

Because this is the statistical RESEARCHED DATA from properly trained individuals.

Side note- Check was written today... we simply are waiting for keys :D




15:33 Jul 05 2013
Times Read: 1,024

I read an article about how job interviewers should be more professional. And I have to agree, and say the same thing about people who are renting spaces.

Four weeks ago we said, we would love this space.

Three weeks ago we were told to come get the keys.

Two weeks ago I played phone tag and set up an appointment.

So from the sounds of this, the landlord will be coming with a lease, right?

Last week we waited an hour for the landlord to show (I had to call to remind him we were waiting).

He shows up with no lease, and instead doesn't tell us he is doing a credit check, but asks for personal information that equates to one. Then he keeps saying he has lost our email, it didn't come through, you should have a better system.


You use effing HOTMAIL dude. Seriously? You're an ass. And more over- it puts us back with a space that I haven't seen, but was ok with the sounds of it. And hoping this relator is faster- as I do NOT want to treat clients out of the home again.

Don't get me wrong, it went well. But it's not what I want, and I don't live in an area where it is "ok". One or two times? Sure. But all the time. Nope, not for me (esp with dogs and cats).

Up side is, this relator we contacted, got back to us right away (from his vacation) so I'm hoping that TODAY is the DAY! :D If not today I think it will be tomorrow as where we left the deal was: a good lease, that just needed to be drawn up.

So this has been a huge lesson to me that "avoiding the issue" does not make it go away. Does not make the situation "nice"... it pisses the person off even more. Now I will GLADLY go out of my way to discuss how unprofessional this landlord is. Just like the relator of the other space.

"I'm sorry, this won't work"

See? not rude, not confrontational, just simple plain and clear.

And yes I plan on doing this more and more. And people who can't, I'm cutting out. I'm done waiting for others and stopping my own momentum.




19:31 Jul 03 2013
Times Read: 1,037

Ok some cleaning done, more tonight when not hot as stupid. But now shopping and marketing for Poker run :)




17:52 Jul 03 2013
Times Read: 1,041

So I'm doing what I "swore" I would not do.

I'm treating people out of my home tomorrow. I HATE IT.

Ok for those who like the idea think of this:

I have three pets. That means daily massive clean. That means NOTHING PERSONAL OUT. That means I have NO PERSONAL SPACE. And the animals have to be shut into a room when they are used to roaming the entire space. It is going to be a long day.

Yes I don't have to pay rent, and yes it's right at home, but it is major inconvenience. I would much rather have my office ready. :(




01:41 Jul 03 2013
Times Read: 1,049

Oh Bones, I most definitely was and am POURing something. :P

However I should have a contract for a local PT that is two blocks from previous work. I also should have space the end of this week... so it is slowly coming together.





21:35 Jul 02 2013
Times Read: 1,059

I am really piss pour with patience right now. Truly.




14:31 Jul 02 2013
Times Read: 1,072

Yesterday was Canada day and I spent way too much time doing education/database and laundry than I should have. Still it gives me a good working idea as to what I want for the space, and what I'll need to purchase to make it happen.

It also looks like my scheduling program will also take over mailchimp. It's too bad in a way because I like mail chimp- but at the same point, you have to look at the big picture (even if you're still on the small) to see where you want to go.

So I've got a rather full plate today, and then tomorrow I'm supposed to be going to Canada's wonderland, but I just don't know. While it has been planned, it was also expected by this point I would be in my new space, which I'm not. ...

*sigh* I need to clone myself. Truly, it would make so many things so much simpler.



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