CrackInTheWall's Journal

CrackInTheWall's Journal


Honor: 20    [ Give / Take ]


48 entries this month

00:30 Jun 30 2013
Times Read: 598

On a more serious note (yes folks below was a joke, if you've known me or watched me; I have done MANY of them in my history on VR. Get over yourself already).

I "splurged" and got a dehumidifier as my apt was STICKY. Really , it was seriously gross. I also went out and got flea treatments- as the boys seem to have fleas/mites (no clue which as I've only seen one actual flea). But it needs to be done. I will cut the flea shampoo with the one I usually use, and use my own hair conditioner to end.

I also bought a doggy toothbrush and mouth sanitizer (not toothpaste more the spray and leave, but I'll use with the tooth brush). After bath, doggies will also have major ear clean as both have gross ears, and then toe nail clips. They will be right snuggle buddies after.

Spazz is FINALLY eating again. I bought some sample grain free cat foods, and so far she will eat them both; and she's eating the old food too. So I'll be able to mix them and I'll be happier about her weight (she got down to 1/2 the weight she used to be). It was funny the pet food store was asking: is it her teeth? Nope, she's eating the dog's grain free dog food. She stopped eating her food when I started buying the puppies that instead of puppy food. "Oh." Yup. That's my bitchy kitty! ♥

I don't actually get my space till Tuesday afternoon, which is MAJOR let down as I need to do so much- but well, it gives me a weekend of "rest". And then it's going to be full tilt boogie. Tomorrow I'm doing all the prep work, newsletters, and special offers... but I won't send them until I have the keys in my hands. I also want to make it clear what I will be doing... and then as soon as it's done I will alter the Groupon deal and email it off... then it is insurance, and website updates.

There truthfully is enough to keep myself and the receptionist busy for ages, but I'm also starting my exercise tomorrow. Enough of putting it off for all the different, valid reasons. I'm still at an ok weight, but any more and I'm going to be facing a serious issue with getting it off.

It's a long haul, be patient with me, as I am going to be going a thousand miles a minute and I'm grateful, inspired and loving every second of it, even if it does scare the shit out of me.




00:08 Jun 30 2013
Times Read: 610

The hand's mark?

A high five to the face.

Maybe then people would listen. Heck even better than mark of shame instant level decrease of 5%.

Heh :P




23:48 Jun 27 2013
Times Read: 617

I should know better than to buy a bag of gummy bears.





14:05 Jun 27 2013
Times Read: 632


And it's wonderful! I'm so very excited :D




04:21 Jun 26 2013
Times Read: 638

Let's see if pups let me sleep in past 7 tomorrow...




04:20 Jun 26 2013
Times Read: 639

So I flipped out over text on my friend who is my sponsor as well. She has confirmation of her space, and is "oh it's ok"... um, no.

My business has been on HOLD for over a month. I can't /don't want to bring in new patients with NO WHERE TO TREAT THEM. And I need stability- I am NOT getting it where I am.

The response?

"Always have a contingency plan"


I lost it. This is not ok. I know it's not. And at the same point, I know there has to be space- we just have to have a landlord follow through from showing us the space. OR tell us no thanks. But tomorrow is Wed. I have no car, (it's getting $800 in repairs) and even if I wanted to see a space, I would have no way of getting there. GAH. So incredibly frustrated.

In other news, all three web sites are up and running. So I'm ready on one front.

With the other aspect, I'm slowing working through them so that they too are done.

But I'm exhausted. My one opportunity for a nap, had a neighbour at my door. I'm so ready for a vacation- or just a day of laying around without a list of "to do". It's stressful days like today that make me grateful that I'm not coaching this year- as the timing on that would kill my business.

I just have to remember that everything is happening for a reason, we are moving forward. And ironically the space she will call tomorrow is one I said no to, two months ago.

Can we say I'm stubborn? But in truth, she and I had to look at all of these other spaces, look at all the other potentials- to get here. Where that is? LOL I damn well better know by Friday!




03:38 Jun 26 2013
Times Read: 641

I've been listening for the past three hours to the debate in Texas regarding the proposed bill. Talk about a difficult job where semantics are the rule of thumb.

It really makes it clear just how politics are a "sport".




13:34 Jun 24 2013
Times Read: 650

It is hard when one of the failings of a person is follow through, especially when it pertains to your work situation.





05:47 Jun 23 2013
Times Read: 657

That's it for the night. I can struggle through the rest later... much later.

Tomorrow we go out on the Poker Run route and distribute posters. I'm going to see if we can stop by a brewery to try to convince them to sponsor and be at the event (after the ride).

We shall see how much gets done.




23:13 Jun 22 2013
Times Read: 670


Yup, that's what happens when you spend 8 hours working on graphics, content and code.

Now on to some more. o.O

Nope, puppy walk first. And dinner. Food would be helpful.




16:40 Jun 22 2013
Times Read: 681

Ms Moonie, the reason for me seemingly off handed "heh :)" Is because reading your journal I heard this song...




16:09 Jun 22 2013
Times Read: 682

So my car needs a new computer. Ouch.

But there is one coming in from NB next week, found it at a "junk" yard, and it is going to save me about 1,000 (computers are NOT cheap). But... that means I don't have a car today.

And today was Wienerfest. I feel really bad as we didn't go to "bark in the park" because of the car either... and now we are missing all the dog events this summer. Not that the pup's "know" but it is still sad.




22:43 Jun 20 2013
Times Read: 688

FreaK Poker Run

Web site is up and running again!~ Wooo.

Still have things to alter and change but the big things are: you can join our team and help us fundraise, and the donation button is up and running again.

A part of me hates WordPress. Not because it isn't "easy" but because until you are comfortable enough, you can seriously eff it up with one little click. It's ok, today was not a day where this happened :)




21:50 Jun 20 2013
Times Read: 690

Anyone remember when I said "grand opening" solstice? Well I talked to my sponosor today, and we agreed, we have to sign something by this weekend.

Which means- yup, we move in this weekend.

Sometimes my premonitions are scary. Not 100% accurate, but close enough that I simply wonder at it.

Anyways, unless she chooses to look at another space (which I'm certain she will- and keep in mind the space will not due as it is above our price range) it is down to two spaces.

I like them both, and they both will do quite nicely. So now we wait and see.

My preference is the one where she will be in the basement. Reason: because over all it has more room. It allows for some growth and is in an area of downtown that will generate a lot of business for her.

It will cost her a bit more in reno's- but truthfully, she will make more there. Plus it's $300-$400 cheaper.

The other one I like because it has growth potential, and both of us would have almost equal space; but the issue with it, is that we won't have as much signage from the street. It is busy, but it isn't as busy- and it is less square feet for $300-400 more per month.

That to me, makes it a no. Simply put; $300-400 less is our hydro and taxes on the space. Unless it were a "perfect" space, there is no reason to spend that much more. None what-so-ever.

It's in her hands right now. But I feel good about it.




13:08 Jun 20 2013
Times Read: 698

While the car is at the mechanic's, and I have a lot to do; today calls for a nap.

The rest, well yesterday was non-stop. I know several more of those days are on the horizon. Now, that I've answered emails and gotten a few things done it's time to nap.

Besides, the pups are dry now from their morning walk, and well... cuddle time is always nice.




03:20 Jun 20 2013
Times Read: 705

So it was a long day. A couple of snags, but planning and generally a wonderful day.

However, my car broke down on the way home (it was at the mechanic's for three days last week, so we knew it was going to happen) and I got to connect with a past friend's dad *he was the tow truck driver*.

I spent a good portion of the day at Diamond's (you will know her as Grace; Egon and Winston's little sister). AND I MEAN LITTLE. Holy heck. Egon is twice her size and Winston, well he's THREE TIMES HER SIZE. She is Bria's size. WTF?!


I have some BIG Weenies.

Anyways, they demand my attention now- as I've been gone all day. It is now officially cuddle time. Night y'all.




02:31 Jun 19 2013
Times Read: 721

It isn't often I say this... but it is wine-o-clock.

I'm finishing off the wine from the other night. Two glasses and I'm hoping to sleep like a baby.




02:07 Jun 19 2013
Times Read: 725

Wow. The man showed serious restraint.

Who wants to make popcorn, and a fire. This is either going to be entertaining as all hell, OR common sense will prevail.


Well this is VR... what do you want to bet...




02:05 Jun 19 2013
Times Read: 726

Saw three places today.

First could work- it's nice, but honestly it needs too much work.

Second- really could work and we almost put a bid on it.

Third- o.o nope. way too much money and the space was not use-able.

As it is, there was a fourth that happened after I left.

Cheaper than all three. Had HUGE windows (I wanted this) and a tin ceiling, wood floors... restrooms... PARKING... AND a basement room that is perfect for space for the catering.

Downside, not a great area of town.

BUT, I'm a business that is about working class people and low cost...

DONE. And we might be able to move in this weekend.








14:04 Jun 18 2013
Times Read: 734

Had a good run this morning, and have been enjoying puppy cuddles since then- while answering emails and such.

Tis a great day :)




02:40 Jun 18 2013
Times Read: 746

Watching Backwards on Netflix.

Holy shit aspects of this could be my life.





20:56 Jun 17 2013
Times Read: 755

That's it! I'm going to prank call Images and Moonie all day long. :P





18:04 Jun 17 2013
Times Read: 758



15:21 Jun 17 2013
Times Read: 778

Feeling *annoyed*

Minor rant. I despise people who contact you saying: Let me know, let me know, let me know!!!! Through a FB message.

Then, say: But only text me. Thanks.

Really? While I might be on FB on my phone- it is GLITCHY there. If you want a text- effing TEXT ME. I typically just respond from what/where I'm at. And if I'm on my computer, chances are NOT good that I'll remember by the time I get my phone (true story, I'm absent minded as all hell).

GAH. Next time, you send ME a text.

This rant is right up there with people I'm organizing the poker run with, that can't be bothered to post to an online forum that EMAILS EVERYONE when you post (hey look, uber easy communication!) but wants to chat on facebook. Then gets annoyed because I'm at WORK....


I wanted the website

1. because it's easy

2. I can track without having to go through papers, and organizing to figure it out

3. I can look back instead of through how many emails?

4. I can delete emails and just go to the site...


Yup, I'm in a "dislike" people kinda mood. Let's hope I can get some other productive things happening today. That will make me feel better :)




14:35 Jun 17 2013
Times Read: 779

It was a good weekend. My sponsor and I ended it with movies and wine. I was able to steam clean the carpets, to which Egon choose to "break" them in again. :-/

Granted he hates the vacuum and he hates the steamer, but it was the thunder storm that didn't allow me to walk them that really ruined it. Oh well. I will just have to do them again... (which is why I invested in a steamer years ago).

Started working today right after our walk, answering emails about registration (now insurance companies are turning away other practitioners). And I still have one email I've been not wanting to do, but needs to happen today, and then I get to start in on patient files. I will hopefully finish those in the next couple of days, so that I can take the letter and send it to the college. Maybe I'll get lucky. We shall see.

So much to do, and all of it right now is depending on me finding a space. Hopefully today we hear back from some of these landlords. Goodness knows the one yesterday was HORRID. The space, wasn't too bad... but no way would I ever. Yes one of those, you're trying to put a fast one over me, and I know it. *shudders*

Ok back to work and maybe a little sewing today! :)




17:12 Jun 16 2013
Times Read: 801

I think one of the hardest parts is missing the dynamic energy you get with certain people. I keep meeting people where it starts only to fizzle out.

How do you say, "I don't miss you, but how you made me feel? There is no one else that makes me even remotely seem pretty. Since then, in fact, I've felt more than gender neutral. I feel as if I'm an "it". Because of this, when people try to "hit on me" it rings false, petty and not anything that I'm interested in.

I want the discussions of dreams, politics and religion (or lack there of). The dance of words where the only thing stopping me, is myself. Because what I'm expressing isn't who I've wanted to be. The hypocrisy I'm expressing and you're calling me out on it. Challenging me to face that, and change it to what is right for me- and for me to be a better person.

My desire to shine, express and simply do more. In part because there always was an unspoken competition between us. But it was always was cheers for success, and a question of what can be done better for when it failed.

Hope, like the fire of desire that tomorrow is the golden egg. That all of what we've been through will mean something, will matter and that some mark will be left behind."

I wonder if you would see where I am as a failure. I simply just want to work, do what I love and hide away. There is no one that really makes me want to go out. Oh, I do, but on my terms. Gone is the aspect where I felt I had to, and was constantly there.

I get enough of people when I walk the dogs, and work.

Once the nostalgia is gone, a part of me hates you. Not because we didn't have a good time, but because now the living is so much... less. And it isn't for trying. But you can't fake certain things, especially not with me.

So I do as I "should", I put a mask on, I tolerate people and "go out"... but it isn't the same. Oh, there are great times, and lots of laughter... but there is something hollow about all of it now. It's like the "bloom" is simply gone, to now only live in memory.

I am happy. Make no mistake about that.

I just can't shake the "lesser than before" type of feeling. Like there was so much more, when we had so very little.

You once told me you live for those times, because they don't happen that often. I didn't understand, because I grew up with them, and loved them- but they were my norm. Now that you are gone, a part of me despises that you pointed that out for me. Perhaps I would have felt it less without the comparison. So don't think I dishonour you when I wonder, what it would have been like without you, to never have known you.

Because then, I could have settled for less. I simply didn't know better.

Now I do. And it has been irreconcilable to me.




19:46 Jun 15 2013
Times Read: 805

I don't think I'm going to do much today aside from watching Doctor Who again. I'm simply exhausted. Strange thing is I slept really well the past couple of nights.

Oh well, I'll view it as just my body's way of dealing with the stress of the past few months. Hopefully today or tomorrow we find out more about the space.




23:05 Jun 13 2013
Times Read: 814

Bought my brother's birthday gift, just have to order it so he gets it before his birthday (a month from now)...

Today was a long day, and I'm tired as I ended up walking home from work. I think it's a good night to spend with the Doctor...




03:22 Jun 13 2013
Times Read: 824

I think I may start kenneling the pups when I vacuum. EVERY single time, Egon poops after.


I think by adjusting them to being in the kennel while I clean and then a nice walk after, we will get them out of this horrid destruction of my carpets.

As it is, I've spent 6+ hours on the POCA forums reading on set ups of CA. It's time for bed. Tomorrow I get up to run, and then I treat my one client.

I also have discussion with the manager- we'll see how that goes. Still no word on the car, and they want to keep it till Friday. *sigh*




00:04 Jun 13 2013
Times Read: 835

Poor Winston has now learned the "danger" of too much licking. He started last week, and well- no fleas, two baths and he's licked some raw points... so what am I to do?

Red pepper powder.

30 seconds later, the urge to lick is gone.




00:34 Jun 12 2013
Times Read: 839

I am so very frustrated.

The place I put all that energy into, fell through. And that is ok, but now I'm in the downward spiral that if I can't step it up, I am going to be in further shit.

Today I got the information for getting my records that I need for immigration. I also got the information for the test I have to take - yay... another 1,000 I'll be out by the end of next month.

Plus my car broke down today.

I hate times like this. Where I simply don't see an end to it.

Good thing: I splurged on NIN tickets because it is right before my birthday, and greyhound tickets to my friends house are just $20- so that is as cheap, if not cheaper than gas. I just have to stay positive.

I know this is a test, but I'm honestly so very tired of these tests. I just want an "easier" go at it. I know it's coming, it's just getting there that is making me feel ill. It's useless feeling that way- but the truth has to be said, it has an effect, because I care. And that is not something I'm willing to stop doing.




00:22 Jun 12 2013
Times Read: 845

Best VR Troll?


Hands down. He (we think he was he, lol) was smart, educated and knew when something was a loosing battle. He would troll all over the place, push buttons- but he always knew and understood where the line truly was.

Trolls these days are simply dumb, they don't understand and are ignorant to boot.

Tis a sad thing really. A good troll, can liven discussion by their "switching" sides and valid points they will bring out. Even better, when you call them out for crossing the line, they "pout and moan" but typically stop the crap as they know there is another discussion to be had in another forum post or journal entry.

Where have all the good trolls gone?




13:57 Jun 11 2013
Times Read: 850

Coffee in the morning makes me happpiieeeeeeee...

Seriously though, the pups are getting schooled by Spazz. Every time she uses the litter box they gather by the kitchen doorway, and wait till she leaves the litterbox- and then BAM they chase her. Only she get's tired of it, stops and sqats them. Then they run back into the living room wrestling. Silly little pups.




20:33 Jun 10 2013
Times Read: 858

So I was going to buy another set of glasses (hey under $50 with shipping WOOT) but then I got the message that NIN is going on tour. Tickets go on pre-sale tomorrow.

I'm not certain how much they will be, but I'm hoping they are just a bit more than the glasses would have been. If they are too much- well then, I will just have to wait. But still, NIN is one of those bands (artist) I really want to see live.

Aside from that, still in the waiting zone, hoping to have more information very soon about space. Some interesting shifts happened this weekend, and well- I think it's good. Just a matter of time really. And we all know how wobbly that can be ;)




00:13 Jun 07 2013
Times Read: 884

In honour of Kismet fighting, I give you:

My kismet.


The truth has been spoken, TheHand is quite capable of not only killing you with just her *heh* hand... but that hand has also been trained to shoot.

Think on that next time you throw a tantrum her way. ;)

Just Sayin'...




03:59 Jun 06 2013
Times Read: 895

Numb. That is how I feel. Utterly numb.

Overwhelmed yet again.

I want to ask when can I get a break? But that takes too much time. Time that is better spent doing things- even if the "thing" is relaxing.

Ok I think I'm tired enough to sleep after all those messages.




02:37 Jun 06 2013
Times Read: 898


and the stress hits, information on the test- just put up. o.o


I don't know what gets my blood pressure up more, having to take a test, or that it is going to cost me 1,000.




01:21 Jun 06 2013
Times Read: 907

One thing I can always count on... Winston wanting to lay right next to me, and Egon wanting my lap. And if I don't give him my lap?

Why he sits across from me and pouts.

Brats. Both of them.




01:20 Jun 06 2013
Times Read: 908

Still no word on the space. However the relator has been negotiating a larger deal in arbitration... so...

What does my gut say? Soon. Not yet, but soon. While it is frustrating, I know it is true. It's like a torture to me, lol... and I had some dreams. Still positive, but that things are "in turmoil"- not about me, more a transition type.

I feel ok about it. However I will be upset if I don't get it, as then I could have contacted other agents about other spaces I've had my eye on. *sigh*

However, I'm still confident it is happening. Something says next week, or about then. We shall see.

I'm having a difficult time getting my hunger up right now. Had to eat some butterscotch chips just to make me want to eat. Not a good sign, it means I went too long without food. Good thing I've got Gumbo. Early bed for me. I run in the am and hopfully tonight I'm not up in the middle of the night as I have been the past few nights.

I'm really feeling the lack of sleep.




08:19 Jun 05 2013
Times Read: 920

Woke from "indigestion"... well sort of. Just having one of those moments when stress hits and it is all in the "gut".

Hopefully I cool off enough to fall back asleep and hopefully pups let me sleep in.




01:38 Jun 05 2013
Times Read: 939

It's funny, I'm really over the entire atheist "don't pray for me" statements.

Really? Saying someone is thinking about you, and sending positivity is a bad thing? Get over yourself. Really, you just proved you are Douche Bag #1.

Say thank you. Leave it at that. Agree to disagree, be gracious. From there, lead by being a positive example... because while I have beliefs- they are mine, and not for everyone. But I certainly don't want you doing what you view others as doing to you.

Stop shoving your lack of religion, faith, etc down my throat.

I choose to keep faith, because for no other reason Hope is something we all will need and have to rely on at some point in our futures. How you get that, well, that is up to you- and your "God" or lack there of.




23:41 Jun 04 2013
Times Read: 941


Name that tune:

OH we're half way there,

OH-OH With Jesus and a prayer...

Take my hand and I'll take you there,

OH-OH with Jesus and a prayer!

*shamelessly stolen from MsMooniePie*

Let the creative naming start... NOW!




22:13 Jun 04 2013
Times Read: 943

Had one of those luxurious afternoon naps. Was amazing- so much so, I didn't want to get up. At all.

But I did, and had a wonderful time in clinic.

I still feel overwhelmed at everything, but I'm feeling like the pieces are still coming together




16:23 Jun 04 2013
Times Read: 956

Dear Raccoons that choose last night at 3:50 am to fight outside of my window... EFF off. Truly. That is a horrible noise, plus you woke the birds.

Went for my run, walked the doggies and have answered several emails, even took time to give the dogs a bath.

It is now nap time. Then clients and more worky work. I can do this.





02:36 Jun 04 2013
Times Read: 963



02:33 Jun 04 2013
Times Read: 964

So we finally have a date for this year's poker run. I worked on and finished posters today... tomorrow I have to contact people and see where they are in donations etc...

Then it is marketing till cows come home.

We shall see how many step up, so far only one is following through, and I keep reminding her: we need the community to start stepping in and being a part of this for it to be worth the extra effort.

Because of everything that has been going on with me, I've been simply floundering just trying to keep my head above water. Still it will be what it will be. Perhaps tomorrow I will know more... but there is no certainty with that simply because, frankly I am "costing them" money... Not really, but with what's happening technically it is not a huge profit margin that it was.

Ok I have to run in the am, and I need sleep. Slowly I'm feeling "caught up" on it.. but right now, I'm just exhausted. zzzzzz




14:54 Jun 03 2013
Times Read: 975

A part of me is scared shitless right now. There is simply so much to process, and everywhere I turn people are actively trying to get me to stop doing my community Acupuncture.

They want me to do my private but drop rates to where I had them 5 years ago.

They want me to do things that "make more"... but I can't get them to understand: people can't afford that. And the ones that can, already are in my private practise... or they see someone else.

But I CANNOT justify the 1,000 a month some charge for private. Can't. WON'T. When I have someone like that- I put them on a package; For the price of 2 months I'll treat them 6 months.

And in community: If I'm treating 16 people a day x5 days that is 1600 week. That will pay my bills effectively and is only 3 more people than what I was doing before. Plus for the client, they can pay what they choose 20-50 per session.

How is this not a win-win?

There it is again, the fear....




13:02 Jun 01 2013
Times Read: 979

So a counter offer came in last nigh that really scares me. It is totally "doable" on my own, but still... things are going to be tight.

What makes this a go, is that my former co-worker that I love, had a dream... and there were enough of the right things in place that yes... this is the right path.

Now I just hope I can get things moving and get things out of the red and into the black... Wish me luck, send positivity... whatever it is that you jive with.

I'm just a wee be scared shitless.



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