CrackInTheWall's Journal

CrackInTheWall's Journal


Honor: 20    [ Give / Take ]


14 entries this month


18:52 May 24 2006
Times Read: 1,002

Well, I sold my boat yesterday. Now I just have to wait for the funds to clear and my process of moving starts into the FULL TILT boogie.

Sold a bunch more candles and things are on track. YAY me!

Now I wish I didn't feel so disconnected. I am way too impatient, this has become abundanly clear these past few months. The wheels are in motion and I'm DYING to get the move ON. But I still have some big strings to tie before I go... BREATH lmao...

I'm going to need a SERIOUS vacation after all this...





18:39 May 20 2006
Times Read: 1,008

One of my fav routines from college was getting up, making coffee and reading the paper. Well now that the papers as worthless, and I just can't seem to read one more time about rape, arson, drugs or murder in the area....

I am reading VR journals. Now I have 33 on my fav list... you know what- I've READ THEM ALL.

Come on folks get crackin' and write some more I need good reads with my coffee each am. This is my daily dose of CRANK... ME NEEDS.... O_o





21:43 May 18 2006
Times Read: 1,010

Mary, Mary quite contrary…

So here are pictures from my garden…

This is my Lavender rose, it has almost died several times (they are difficult to maintain) but as you can see, it’s still limping along and is the first rose this season!

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My out of control Iris’… did I mention that they BREED? You can’t see the freesia, but they are there… and this bed will finish in the summer with roses.

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My parking strip bed… Iris’ anyone… cripes they are more prolific than rabbits!

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Fire Pokers holding up the rear… and late summer there will be sunflowers.

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Who says Rosemary doesn’t grow in Seattle??? I have a HEDGE of it… well, not yet, but it is 4’ high and about 8 feet across… does anyone need any? I have more than enough....

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See the gazebo is 12’ and well that is some MONSTER Rosemary…

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Did I mention that I HATE mowing? Well it also doesn’t help that my brother KILLED my mower last year, so I have to borrow my mother’s mower. I will take pictures again once I spend the 3 hours mowing the BEAST… yep it’s 4’ high in places… fun fun!

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Here’s a shot of the back gate, and well the nice purdy prairie I have growing there!

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Pssst anyone need wood? LOL I miss my truck!!!

And one parting shot of scary grass/rosemary…

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21:34 May 16 2006
Times Read: 1,023

I don't know about you, but there is NO EXCUSE. This has got to stop... especially since for every ONE person that speaks out- HOW MANY MORE are still silent?


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Doctors urged to look for signs of domestic abuse

Female victims need more help, study says


P-I REPORTER (www.seattlepi.com)

Domestic violence is so common among women that doctors should be doing more to detect cases and get their patients the help they need, according to the authors of two new studies.

Researchers from Group Health Cooperative's Center for Health Studies randomly surveyed about 3,500 women who had been with the health maintenance organization for at least three years. All were between 18 and 64. Most were educated, employed and insured.

About 44 percent of the women in the study said they'd been physically, psychologically or sexually assaulted by a partner in their lifetimes. That's consistent with previous estimates, but the women who participated in this study were more mainstream than those often considered most at risk for domestic violence, said Dr. Robert Thompson, senior investigator at the Center for Health Studies and lead author of one of the studies.

"Look, these are regular, walking-around-type people," said Thompson. "This doesn't only happen to the poor and the single. This is mainline America."

The studies appear in the May issue of the American Journal of Preventative Medicine.

Thompson said doctors are often reluctant to broach the sensitive subject. They also may not know what to do if a patient reveals she's being attacked by her partner, he said.

The second study found that women who've been recently abused or have experienced long-term abuse have poorer physical and mental health. Their support network is also smaller.

For example, women in the study who'd been abused within the past five years were four times more likely than other women to have symptoms of severe depression in addition to at least one other physical symptom, including nausea, back pain, chest pain and headaches.

They were also three times as likely to describe their health as fair or poor.

Although physical abuse was associated with the worst health for women, psychological abuse, such as put-downs, controlling behavior and threats, also affected the women's health.

"We need billboards that say 'Being called names by a partner is hazardous to your health,' " said Amy Bonomi, senior research associate at the Center for Health Studies and lead author of the second paper.

Thompson said he'd like Group Health to add questions about domestic violence to the organization's standard health questionnaire.

"It's pretty clear to me that what needs to happen is (to make the question) universal," Thompson said.

In Northern California, Kaiser Permanente has tripled the number of domestic-violence cases identified among its patients since stepping up efforts to screen all women, including adding questions about abuse to health forms, according to Brigid McCaw, medical director of the Family Violence Prevention Program at Northern California Kaiser Permanente.

In addition, Kaiser is finding more patients during ordinary primary care visits before they land in the emergency room with serious injuries, McCaw said.

Merril Cousin, executive director of the King County Coalition Against Domestic Violence, said physicians are well-situated to find out what's happening in women's lives.

Because battered women are often socially isolated (sometimes at the insistence of their partner), a doctor's office might be the only place they're alone with someone else, said Kelly Starr, who reviews fatalities related to domestic violence for the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

"People don't necessarily call the police or a domestic-violence program, but they do see a doctor or talk to family and friends," Starr said.

If doctors are asking all women, that could reduce the stigma of talking about domestic violence, Cousin said.

"When I go to the doctor, I get asked about my caffeine intake, how fast I drive my car, how much alcohol I drink. ... We know that intimate partner violence is as serious a concern as any of those other things."

P-I reporter Julie Davidow can be reached at 206-448-8180 or juliedavidow@seattlepi.com.




Hello, my name is Sahahria

02:31 May 16 2006
Times Read: 1,029

And I am a journal whore. I now have 31 journals on my favorites list, and have read everyone of them from front to back.


Chop, chop get back to writing folks I'm going nuts waiting for my fix!




Turning the page to a new chapter

02:33 May 14 2006
Times Read: 1,035

So here are the pictures of my boat. Her specs are: 1995 Empacher K18 (fits weights 155-185lbs), made in Germany, when I bought her, the cost of a brand new boat was 6,000 and 2,000 to ship over from Germany (they have to be sent over in special containers). Now they cost between 9,000-10,000 not including shipping costs. I bought her September 1997, she is 26 feet long, 13-14 inches wide, weighs 30lbs with her riggers and foot stretchers, and she is made of honeycombed fiberglass with aluminium riggers.

Bow of the boat:

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Stern of the boat:

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Full boat:

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Me putting her away in the boathouse that has been my second home for the past 9 years:

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I will miss having her.





19:41 May 13 2006
Times Read: 1,038

This is for a good friend who just called because they found out they has latent TB. I hope this information helps people... and a statistic that will NEVER be published... 70-80% of all healthcare workers are the carriers of this disease- BECAUSE we get exposed and often don't know it.

It is not the turn of the century- this is no longer a death sentence- IF you follow the advise given. Many who know me know that I am cautious about drugs- NOT WITH THIS! Period. The government (for once!) has a good site I recommend for more information. Don't get scared- DO SOMETHING!


How can I get tested for TB?

You should get tested for TB if

You have spent time with a person known to have active TB disease or suspected to have active TB disease; or

You have HIV infection or another condition that puts you at high risk for active TB disease; or

You think you might have active TB disease; or

You are from a country where active TB disease is very common (most countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, and Russia); or

You live somewhere in the United States that active TB disease is more common such as a homeless shelter, migrant farm camp, prison or jail, and some nursing homes); or

You inject illegal drugs.

The TB skin test

The TB skin test may be used to find out if you have TB infection. You can get a skin test at the health department or at your doctor's office. A health care worker will inject a small amount of testing fluid (called tuberculin or PPD) just under the skin on the under side of the forearm. After 2 or 3 days, you must return to have your skin test read by the health care worker. You may have a swelling where the tuberculin was injected. The health care worker will measure this swelling and tell you if your reaction to the test is positive or negative. A positive reaction usually means that you have been infected by someone with active TB disease.

If you have recently spent time with and been exposed to someone with active TB disease, your TB skin test reaction may not be positive yet. You may need a second skin test 8 to 10 weeks after the last time you spent time with the person. This is because it can take several weeks after infection for your immune system to react to the TB skin test. If your reaction to the second test is negative, you probably do not have latent TB infection.

QuantiFERON®-TB Gold

QuantiFERON®-TB Gold (QFT) is a blood test used to find out if you are infected with TB bacteria. The QFT measures the response to TB proteins when they are mixed with a small amount of blood. Currently, few health departments offer the QFT. If your health department does offer the QFT, only one visit is required, at which time your blood is drawn for the test.

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What if I have a positive test for TB?

If you have a positive reaction to the TB skin test or the QFT, your doctor or nurse may do other tests to see if you have active TB disease. These tests usually include a chest x-ray and a test of the phlegm you cough up. Because the TB bacteria may be found somewhere other than your lungs, your doctor or nurse may check your blood or urine, or do other tests. If you have active TB disease, you will need to take medicine to cure the disease.

What if I have been vaccinated with BCG?

BCG is a vaccine for TB. This vaccine is not widely used in the United States, but it is often given to infants and small children in other countries where TB is common. BCG vaccine does not always protect people from getting TB.

If you were vaccinated with BCG, you may have a positive reaction to a TB skin test. This reaction may be due to the BCG vaccine itself or due to infection with the TB bacteria. Your positive reaction probably means you have been infected with TB bacteria if

You recently spent time with a person who has active TB disease; or

You are from an area of the world where active TB disease is very common (such as most countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, and Russia); or

You spend time where TB disease is common (homeless shelters, migrant farm camps, drug-treatment centers, health care clinics, jails, prisons).

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If I have latent TB infection, how can I keep from developing active TB disease?

Many people who have latent TB infection never develop active TB disease. But some people who have latent TB infection are more likely to develop active TB disease than others. These people are at high risk for active TB disease. They include

people with HIV infection

people who became infected with TB bacteria in the last 2 years

babies and young children

people who inject illegal drugs

people who are sick with other diseases that weaken the immune system

elderly people

people who were not treated correctly for TB in the past

If you have latent TB infection (a positive TB skin test reaction or positive QFT) and you are in one of these high-risk groups, you need to take medicine to keep from developing active TB disease. This is called treatment for latent TB infection. There are several treatment options. You and your health care provider must decide which treatment is best for you.

The medicine usually taken for the treatment of latent TB infection is called isoniazid (INH). INH kills the TB bacteria that are in the body. If you take your medicine as instructed by your doctor or nurse, it can keep you from developing active TB disease. Children and people with HIV infection may need to take INH for a longer time.

Because there are less bacteria in a person with latent TB infection, treatment is much easier. Usually, only one drug is needed to treat latent TB infection. A person with active TB disease has a large amount of TB bacteria in the body. Several drugs are needed to treat active TB disease.

Sometimes people are given treatment for latent TB infection even if their skin test reaction is not positive. This is often done with infants, children, and HIV-infected people who have recently spent time with someone with active TB disease. This is because they are at very high risk of developing active TB disease soon after they become infected with TB bacteria.

It is important that you take all the pills as prescribed. If you start taking INH, you will need to see your doctor or nurse on a regular schedule. He or she will check on how you are doing. Some people have serious side effects from INH. If you have any of the following side effects, call your doctor or nurse right away:

no appetite



yellowish skin or eyes

fever for 3 or more days

abdominal pain

tingling in the fingers and toes

Warning: Drinking alcoholic beverages (wine, beer, and liquor) while taking INH can be dangerous. Check with your doctor or nurse for more information.

People who have latent TB infection need to know the symptoms of active TB disease. If they develop symptoms of active TB disease, they should see a doctor right away.

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What if I have HIV infection?

A person can have latent TB infection for years. But if that person's immune system gets weak, the infection can quickly turn into active TB disease. Also, if a person who has a weak immune system spends time with someone with active TB disease, he or she may become infected with TB bacteria and quickly develop active TB disease.

Because HIV infection weakens the immune system, people with latent TB infection and HIV infection are at very high risk of developing active TB disease. All persons with HIV infection should be tested to find out if they have latent TB infection. If they have latent TB infection, they need treatment as soon as possible to prevent them from developing active TB disease. If they have active TB disease, they must take medicine to cure the disease.

Active TB disease can be prevented and cured, even in people with HIV infection.


PLEASE go to the web site this is from (yes I cut and pasted it):





One step

18:36 May 13 2006
Times Read: 1,040

Everything seemed to fall into place yesterday.

I spent the early am coaching my rowing class and then the rest of it preping my boat for sale. There were several people who asked, "are you going out" (I used to row all the time, but have difficulty with it now due to memories/things I'm working on). When I replied that I preping the boat to sell, I was given so much support...

I cried.

I don't cry- Ever even alone if I can help it. It is something that I have difficulty with unless it is watching a movie- then I will cry. Yes, I know I'm detached... again things I am working on.

But I realized that it is real. My boat (baby) is going to belong to someone else hopefully in the next week or so. So many memories as I spent THOUSANDS of hours in her (remember I trained for the Olympics- which means about 6 hours a day for 2.5 years).

All the hurt and expectations seem to sit with her. I am hoping that this will finally help me clear the air, that using the money from her sale will finally help me take that next step. She is still in excellent condition. Not for an elite male, but an elite female or any master's rower would do well in her as I have taken care of her.

1987 is when I started rowing. 1993 Olympic Sports Festival.

1995 Pac 10's/Nationals. 1998 Nike World Master's Games. 2001 The Head of the Charles. All of these I placed in or won.

Walking the line everytime, holding back- for I don't know what- perhaps myself I still don't know my limit, perchance this move will allow me space to learn myself. It is all still there, even out of shape and fat- my scores are just brimming the surface. And now that I am old- what am I waiting for? I think the answer is simple.





will it NEVER stop???

13:44 May 12 2006
Times Read: 1,042

comb jones

to sarahl

More options 03:02(2 hours ago)


i saw your ads about selling your mentioned item...i will like to know the best price of it with the pics and the present conidition...ok




Good new aside from this ass opening ANOTHER yahoo account is that I have a real person rowing the boat on Mon... Whoo-hoo! Now if only it sells , cross your fingers for me! :D




Internet Fucks....

00:54 May 12 2006
Times Read: 1,044

> On 11/05/06, fred williams wrote:

> >

> > hello,

> > iam interested in your ad , if it is still available for sale.pls get back

> > to me with the last asking price and present condition.

> > thanks

> Sahahria wrote:

> Greetings,


> Yes it is available, it is in very good condition. Where are you located?


> ~A

On 11/05/06, fred williams wrote:


> can you tell me your last asking price


sahahria wrote:

To be honest, I have not gotten that far with anyone yet. I am asking

4500, and am certain that I am offering the boat at a fair price as it

is still in such good condition that the elite athletes ask to use my

boat when visiting or when they have shipped their boats off for the

races they will be attending. The boat has also not been used more

than 6x per year since 2000. So it has low mileage overall.

Hope this helps.


fred williams to me

More options 16:33 (10 minutes ago)

Thank you for your response,after discussing

with my client who really commended your boat

instructed to move on with the deal at the price of

($4,500),he said he will be going on a vacation soon

and will rest virtually all the transaction on my

shoulder and assign a shipper like wise that i will

work with and stressed that he will be issuing out a

cashier check of ($10,500) which was a refund payment

of a cancelled order earlier made by him but

will be filed in your name,you are only required to

deduct the cost of your boat($4,500) and

send the differece ($6,000) when payment gets to you to a

shipping agent whoose information will be given to

you as at when due, he will be needing the fund to

offset shipping charges, taxes and other cosmetic

repairs/touches,the agent will be responsible for

signing andtransferin! g of title paper and also pickup.

So i require of you to send me your NAME,ADDRESS AND

PHONE NUMBER for payment to be delivered to you via

fedex courier services All other information needed

in completion of this transaction will be given to

you in due time.


~Here's the Deal Fred, I don't do 3rd parties... hmmm shipping and title papers??? Obviously you've never bought a ROWING BOAT- NO papers. OH and your emails- guess what going to the authorities... Bastards wasting my time...





00:36 May 12 2006
Times Read: 1,045

Whew... another wasted day and for what??? One more level that's what!!!

SO much work to do and I'm worried about levels lmao... such a geek... kay I'm off for the real world- gain back one step more of what was taken.

But YAY destroyer... now to DESTROY my stuff!




A good day

02:51 May 08 2006
Times Read: 1,049

It started by walking the doggies and then going to one of my favorite breakfast places, the waitress is the daughter of the owner and it's a greek pizza place that has cheap good food. Yep you guessed it, my own neighborhood "my big fat greek wedding" resturaunt. Told her that I will be in at least one more time before I move, and in true fashion she told me, "you'll have better luck" where I'm moving. :)

Spent the afternoon with my friend Wendy who was in Seattle to help me and my mother having a wonderful chat. My brother PortlandBarFly actually logged onto VR so I could chat with him as well (OMG I thought I was seeing things).

Took the dogs on an afternoon walk after Wendy and I watched Titan AE (heh heh Planet Bob...) and then came back to find someone with an interest in my boat which I put up for sale yesterday.

I then proceeded to go on a longer walk (my puppies are old) and was hit by the smell of a BBQ and lilacs. Walking past a house that my grandfather owned over 40 years ago, I looked up to see a Canadian Flag and took that as a positive omen. I now am going to fill the orders for salts and candles (whoo-hoo makin stinkies!) and go through my closet.

Not worn in one year, doesn't fit, I don't like- IT'S OUTTA HERE. New energies and outlooks almost daily. Most of all I realize that it is always my perception of the reality that determines my state of mind.

I will find the magic and the yummy. There is enough shit without my adding to it.




CRIPES.... part 2

05:57 May 05 2006
Times Read: 1,061

Contrary to what MANY of you it seems to believe....

1. I did NOT go to Ontario to get laid

2. I did not plan this trip for sex

3. I DID NOT GET LAID .... you all loose your bets.

Shhheeeesh... and some of you *looks pointedly at Stygian* should remember this about me. I do have a reputation to up hold as being an uptight biddy after all. Don't forget that :P




cripes... not crapes

05:24 May 05 2006
Times Read: 1,062

Well I've returned from Ontario... and well ~ PUT ME BACK!!!

Soon, it looks like the move will happen in the next month or ASAP =/ Ahhhh so much to do, and so little time...

I have already had several comments on how calm I am- funny- once things fall into place I usually don't have an issue... it the point of WHAT IS GOING ON that I'm nutzo in...

Now, pleanty to do... I'm lurkey lurkey...



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