CruelHatred's Journal

CruelHatred's Journal


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8 entries this month

00:25 Jul 30 2009
Times Read: 585

I think my friend is starting to hate me just slightly, and unfortunately it is probably my fault.

The last few days she asks me to hang out with her...But I was at pilates, went for an hour walk in the park, too OCD to go into a public pool, so on so forth and so I'm tired and don't feel like going out at 9 pm until when ever.

And when I can hang out she's working.




00:43 Jul 30 2009

If you want her to still be your friend, it sounds like you might need to make some compromises...

I used to be the same way about pools but my friends all loved to swim. I had to get over the pool thing.. They taught me how to swim and now I love it.

I still get kind of grossed out and have to scrub myself for at least half an hour afterward but hanging out with my friends makes it worth it. ^_^


06:06 Jul 27 2009
Times Read: 589

Okay so here are a few pictures from North Battleford, Saskatchewan. Oh and slightly too lazy to re-size, and edit you get the raw picture. Sorry.





Now here are some from Kirkland Lake, Ontario. Woo Hoo!


Okay this one deserves an explanation, the car in this picture is Herbie. It is a tradition that everyone participates in. Herbie is parked on a frozen lake, that will eventually melt in the spring. Now everyone buys tickets that have a time on them like 6:45 there is no pm or am or exact date, so its like a raffle lottery kind of thing. There is a clock inside the car that stops when it hits the water, I'm guessing its just a wind up clock that no longer works when wet. But if Herbie falls in the lake at the exact time on your ticket you win about $15 000. Its pretty cool I think.


Welcome to the Federal Slimes!



This one is at the Cochrane Polar Bear Habitat.





Did you know?

03:22 Jul 27 2009
Times Read: 597

When you go and drop clothes off at charities, feeling like you've done your part as a good person; do you know what they do with it?

I worked in the Maritimes for three months with a man from Africa. What he did was he took all the clothes from places like the red cross, Salvation army and other local charities/ thrift stores that were headed to a landfill. Every week he would get in over 100 industrial sized garbage bags full of clothes.

While I went through sorting children and adult I found clothes that still had the tags on them!

They were brand new, never been worn and headed straight for the landfill.

We got boxes and boxes full of shoes, that were brand new nothing wrong with them other than the fact that they were old stock from the local Joe store.

Know how he got all this stuff not by going to the local charities because they had already turned him down because they didn't want people to know what they were throwing away. He had to go to the Garbage men and make a deal to them so they'd just bring the clothes to him instead of the landfill.

Here is what I really find sick, this was in a small city of about 10 000. How much is being wasted across the country?

But I guess if there's ever the need we could all just go digging for clothes in the landfills.



This is a bad picture from my cell phone of the bags upon bags of clothes we recieved...Each week. This is one week of clothes headed to the landfill from two charities.




19:20 Jul 26 2009
Times Read: 599

I want to completely change my profile...But super lazy and too complicated right now...




I just don't understand..

19:19 Jul 26 2009
Times Read: 600

I really don't understand religion.

I respect it but don't understand it.

I spent two years in religious studies, and have had many amazing conversations with my friend who is a Mormon missionary.

Everyone believes that there religion is the right one that there has to be a way to find the one true religion.

I don't believe any of this.

Maybe once upon a time there was one religion but due to how stories and traditions it got skewed along the way and broke off.

The way things are told are always slightly different than what was heard. The telephone game is a great example.

How you perceive something is always different from others. Glass half full or half empty?

So as things get passed down and passed down they change and evolve into something new based on perceptions and personal beliefs until you get to what we have today all over the world.

And in the end shouldn't all just be about being a good person?

I know a town full of people who are good Christians...on Sunday. The rest of the week it doesn't apply. I'm not saying all people are like this of course.

So for those that are like this why not aim for being a good person in general rather than spending time in church pretending...

Okay that is my religious rant..I will now have another discussion with Elder Cade...





07:09 Jul 24 2009
Times Read: 604

I just want to disappear.

I want to go to an airport and buy a ticket to somewhere in Asia or Africa, without telling anyone and just disappear for a few years.

Leave all that I know, and have learned to love.

I'd be leaving behind an amazing boyfriend, and family...Why do I feel this way.





06:46 Jul 22 2009
Times Read: 607

It is odd what you miss most when its gone...all the things that you thought you hated and were most annoyed with...

I miss Lawren and his odd quirkiness that never quite made sense.

I miss having drag shows in the living room.

Having someone always there whether you want them there or not.

Have people around that know what your feeling without ever having to say it out loud.

Having crazy discussions with Mormon missionaries, and secretly being in love with them.

Snow banks three times your height.

Kids cheating at bingo.


having the fireplace in the bedroom on until it was disgustingly hot

eating at 6 pm every day

Speaking french..or trying..

Nick..my little brother as well as pop pop..

Having a chamber of passions...with a bed...

Knowing everyone so well that you no longer have anything of interest to talk about

I secretly wish I could go back..




I stay the same while the world changes around me

08:41 Jul 21 2009
Times Read: 609

I was so excited to come home after almost a year of being away traveling Canada...

I was excited to visit my old haunts and see all the old friends I used to know.

After being gone for so long on a program that nobody knows about and going through things that nobody could possibly understand unless they had been in Katimavik. And seeing so much and doing the unimaginable. I feel like everything and everyone has changed but I've stayed the same even though I'm insanely different from when I left.

I feel like everything is the same and I never left, but just completely different like I've entered an alternate reality that is so very confusing.

I have only been home for 5 days and already I feel like I must leave. I have been here too long its like being in a place that doesn't want you...I have been rejected, the city no longer needs me nor I her................



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