Danaxii's Journal

Danaxii's Journal


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A Brief Overview of an Alhieln Druid

20:23 Apr 03 2015
Times Read: 514


Greetings fellow Druids, and curious brothers and sisters of mankind. Let me start off with an introduction, I am called Druid Danex by my friends and inner circle, though I was born Joshua Daniel Randall of Binghamton New York. In these pages I will attempt to share my views and beliefs, not to convert anyone, or to say that my path is the only path. I aim only to share what I have collected over my life through dream walks, meditation, spiritual activities and the like. Other Druids may agree, and some may disagree, but that’s just a part of the path. I hope you take something good away from these pages, and I hope it helps new-comers get a good footing to start their own journey. My own path I call Alhieln Druidry and I walk it every day.


I believe the most important thing to begin with is the fact that Druidry is not the same for everyone, it is not set in stone, it has no religious texts to live by word for word. Druidry is a journey, a journey of self discovery, of learning, teaching and understanding. We may not even know what we believe when we begin, and yet through the simple act of walking the path we begin to grow, and to reach more and more new understandings. These understandings are all the more meaningful as we obtain them ourselves, putting the pieces together as we find them and walking our own path. So what I am telling you is no-one can tell you what to believe, no-one can tell you how to walk your path because it is just that... it is YOUR path. Its up to you to decide where that path will lead. You might find guidance, or support along the way, and those moments and encounters will be a part of your journey... but they will not define you, your path or your beliefs, that is for you to do.

These are the values I live by

Core Belief:

-Respect: all life Including, yourself and others, all the creatures and other nature that surrounds us. As well as the entire universe around us, the ancient paths, and our ancestors.

-Defend: The nature that supports us, the others around us, the balance of life, and the ancient paths.

-Awareness of: all the creatures and other nature that surrounds us, the universe that encompasses us, and the other that can not be explained.

-Understand: Learn from ourselves and others as well as our experiences, pass on what we have learned and build upon the knowledge of our ancestors and the ancient ways.

-Share: All knowledge we possess and any means we possess to obtain knowledge.

A few other values:

1. Approach nature and life with reverence and respect.

2. Always uphold the truth.

3. Walk the way of balance.

4. Preserve the harmony upon your actions.

5. Always abide to the laws of nature.

6. Use wisdom in service to the universe, not to promote selfishness.

7. Never profit from knowledge or the use of powers for the sole purpose of monetary riches.

8. Respect all others, even if their opinions are different.

9. Never break a sworn oath, lest you be forsworn.

10. Strive to learn and share what you have learned with others without prejudice.


Grant me,

Oh "Allt Saman"

(everything together) Thy protection,

And in protection - Strength;

And in Strength - Understanding;

And in Understanding - Knowledge;

And in Knowledge - Wisdom of Oneness;

And in the Wisdom of Oneness - The Love of it;

And in the Love of Oneness -

The Love of "Allt Saman"(everything together);

And in the Love of "Allt Saman"(everything together) -

The Love and Respect of all Life.

Section One: Considering Deities...

Hmmm... where to begin. I suppose I will begin with: I do not give a name or a face to my deity. To explain I will start with a story I wrote...


An old man wakes his grandson from a sound sleep early on the morning of his thirteenth birthday. The old man says to the boy, "Come now wake up, we have a journey to make!"the boy replies, "But it is early and its my birthday why cant I sleep in? "The old man shakes his head with a soft chuckle and says "Exactly, today you turn thirteen and that’s why we must start your journey, the one you will take for your whole life, down the path you choose". The boy groans and rolls out of bed, yawning as he pulls on his clothes "aaaaaaaalright grandpa."

When the boy was ready to go he asked hid grandfather "So where are we going grandpa?"

His grandfather replies "We will start by taking a walk." and with that he leaves the house by the back door and heads for the woods hobbling along on his cane, rather lively for his age. The boy heads after him jogging to catch up still rubbing his eyes and blinking in the cold crisp morning air. They proceed down a forest bath, leaves crunching beneath their feet birds singing, small animals rustling about their busy lives. The sweet smell of maple trees and the sharp scent of pine fill the air as the quietly walk along a path the boy knew well as he had played here often.

After a while of walking the boy, who had grown very curious asked " Grandpa? How far is it?"

the old man replies " We are nearly their now", he had barely finished speaking before they rounded a corner and in front of them was a very old tree, its roots twisted and protruding from the ground in places, its great twisting branches reaching for the heavens, its bark covered in moss, mushrooms and lichen. The old man says "Ah here we are a great grandfather tree. Are you ready to begin your journey?" The boy, looking rather shocked shakes his head and exclaims "What we haven’t started yet... what was all the walking then?!" the old man laughs and says "Well... to get here of course, your journey is one of your soul not your feet, you will start it today and never stop your whole life." the boy nods "OK grandpa what do I do?" the old man replies "Well, its actually very easy just sit in a comfy spot at the base of this tree, close your eyes and clear your head... the listen close... not just to what you hear, but what you feel deep in your soul.". The boy, who didn’t think it sounded all that easy, and who didn’t fully understand, did as he was told and sat beneath the old tree, closing his eyes and trying to empty his head.

As the boy sat their he noticed many things, the sounds of birds, of bugs and small critters, he heard the wind in the trees and rustling leaves, he smelled a great many things too, the sweet scent of flowers, the smells of the trees and the grass, the dirt and the old musty leaves and many other things. He felt the tree against his back, the bark in his one hand, and the ground in the other, with leaves and sticks covering the soft soil and tiny bugs crawling around. The boy feels the wind on his face and his heart beating in his chest, he hears his heart to. Together it all started to sound like music, like a song forgotten then remembered.

After a good while, without opening his eyes he asks "Grandpa what am I listening for?" the old man answers "Can you hear the world breath, can you feel its heart, its soul, can you feel the pulse deep inside you, beating in time with your heart?" the boy then thinks then sits, listening and feeling. He felt something he could not explain then and thought to himself, "this must be it, This must be the pulse like grandpa said he said to the old man excitedly "I feel it! I do, its beautiful!". The old man smiles and says "That is Allt Saman or All Together, or Oneness, it is the connection between you and me and all life, between us all and the earth and between the earth and all across the universe, you cant see it, you cant touch it or taste it or smell it, but its their and if you try, you can feel it. And if you always let it guide you, it will help guide you on your journey, Its up to you to find out when or how. Do you understand? Allt Saman is always their for you, and will always help you up when you fall, Will always support you when you are weak... you will see as you grow you will see." the boy nods, "I think I understand that i will understand eventually" the old man just smiles and nods. By this time the sun was high in the sky and the old man says "come lets get back before your mother accuses of taking your whole birthday away from her... and I want cake." and with that they both laughed and started walking home together, the boy full of new feelings and ideas, and especially, new possibilities.

"It is never the end" Druid JD Randall "Danex"

As in the story, My deity is Allt Saman, or All Together, or oneness. The energy that binds us all together, everywhere in the universe, Plants, animals, people, insects, elements, planets, everything. Anyway that’s the best I can explain, it is really something you have to feel for yourself.

Section 2: Concerning Rituals etc.

I do not cast spells or perform complicated rituals. My idea of a ritual is the times I spend meditating among nature, communing with Allt Saman. I do have an altar, which I is my sacred space within my home, where I keep things that are important to me, or that have spiritual meaning to me. It is my balancing stone so to speak keeping my home pure and sending my desires to Allt Saman. Really it all comes down to what you enjoy, what makes you comfortable, and what brings you closer to your path.

My Idea of a "spell" is when I am communing with Allt Saman and I make my requests with feelings and thoughts. To me a strong enough feeling and desire is "seen" by Allt Saman and returned in some form. When I light candles its for my alter, or cleansing a space, same with incense and the like. That’s All I have to say on this topic other than... If it works for you, its perfect!

I do however practice Blood Script, In which I express my desires to the universe by writing in my own blood (representing my own soul), be it words or symbols important to me, I then either carry them as charms or burn them on my altar to release them to the universe. It is a personal method that feels right to me, find something that feels right to you.

Section 3: Concerning Sacred Spaces

I consider sacred spaces to be very important. For one thing the provide a comfortable space to meditate. For another they are very cleansing and balancing. Anyway, any place is capable of being a Sacred space, and they can be consecrated in whatever way you are comfortable with. I use a broom made from spearmint stalks. I find the smell calming and relaxing. I will set up stones, candles and incense. I do try to keep it balanced at the same time. I call this "gathering the elements" And it is what I use to center and balance myself which is what really matters to me, being balanced and centered in my sacred spaces.

Section 4: Concerning Meditation etc.

Druidic Meditation is a little different from most meditation techniques out their. Most techniques in other faiths begin and center around clearing your mind and creating an empty vessel so to speak. In Druidic meditation we do the opposite. We strengthen our mind and focus, by centering on a topic, ideal, idea, belief, person, choice, or anything we wish to understand better, and then we focus and contemplate on our object of meditation, considering possibilities and connections. Sometimes we get sidetracked and that's okay, what we do is backtrack to the original object, following the path that sidetracked us back to the original object of thought. It is a little difficult and not something anyone can master over night. It will take time and practice. But eventually we can reach a state of mind that will allow many things, astral projection, the Other-World (see section 9), understanding, wisdom, mastering the self, and many more things. We can commune with Mother Nature, and ancient druids even were believed to be able to change form though I believe this was done with the astral body, not the physical body. A good Beginning practice is the candle meditation where you start by forming in your mind an image of a candle, from the candle holder to the candlestick up to the flame, see it in your mind, imagine the heat from the flame, the smell of the burning wick and the melting wax. See all the little details from the flickering movement of the flame, the dripping of the wax, the pooling of the wax in the candle holder, the taste of the smoke in the air... focus on forming the complete image till you can sense everything even imagine touching the melting wax and rubbing it between your fingers. Once you can see, smell, touch, taste even hear it in your mind then you know you are ready to move on to anything you want to contemplate on your own. Don't worry if you can't do it on your first go because you will not be able too. It will take time and practice and it can take anywhere from months to years depending for someone to learn this, its not bad to take time, its good, don't rush yourself, be patient and let wisdom grow from practice, passion, dedication, and a strong will. Develop your own method if you want, your own forbidden, its your path after all, in fact I encourage you to so so its always best when it comes from inside yourself, be it meditation or anything in life.

Section 5: Concerning Symbolism

Symbols represent feelings, thoughts, ideas, dreams, hopes, desires and more. Symbols are important to me and I think they are invaluable tools for any druid. On the other hand I do not think what symbol you use matters at all, only what it means to you. So when looking for symbols, just find what symbolizes things for YOU. Again it is your journey.

Section 6: Concerning Divination and Rune Magicks

I use the elder futhark runes, which are less like divination and more a form of tapping into your own subconscious. What you use is up to you but if you would like to know more visit “http://www.sunnyway.com/runes” As for Rune Magicks, I use them as I do symbols, for what they mean to me. Again for more information on the Elder Futhark visit the site above its hands down the best I have found.

Section 7: Concerning Spiritual Humanism

Anyone of any faith can be a spiritual humanist, spiritual humanism simply put : Religion based on logic, reason, and the scientific method. I am a Druidic Spiritual Humanist. For more information on Spiritual Humanism visit " http://www.spiritualhumanism.org "

Section 8: Concerning Holidays

Here are the holidays I celebrate and a brief description:

Samhain (sow-een or sow'-inn)

Traditional date: October 31 to November 1

Midpoint between Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice

The largest and most important festival

The beginning of the dark half of the year, exact opposite day of Beltrane

Third and final harvest festival

The day when day (light) does not exist

Preparation to survive the winter, confront the possibility of death was paramount

Celebrates the last harvest, the cycle of life and spirits passed

Ceremonies involve fire, lights, setting out food and gifts for passing spirits

All fires are extinguished and relit from the sacred bonfire

Stories are told around the fires as there is not much to do outside

The veil between the world (Shield of Skathach) is thin, allowing spirits to cross over

Evolved to Halloween and All Saints Day

Yule (yew-elle)

Traditional date: December 21

Winter Solstice, first day of Winter, shortest day and longest night of the year

Celebrates the end of darkness, the return of light to the earth

Gifts celebrated the sharing of the remaining harvest now that light would return

Ceremonies involve Mistletoe, burning of the Yule log (Icelandic tradition)

Wreath day is the first of four Sundays before Winter Solstice

Evolved into a Christmas celebration


The Druids felt the sun stood still for twelve days during this season and the Yule log was burnt to insure light for those days.

Imbolc (ihm-olk) Imbolg or Oimelc

Traditional date: Feb 1 or 2

Midpoint between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox 

Festival of Lights

Celebrates the quickening of spring, the end of winter, time of abundance of milk 

Time of planning and hopes, fire and purification are prominent factors

Ceremonies involve water, candles pledges and planting a hope or a seed, making candles

Burn your Yule tree and light candles


Traditional date: March 21

First day of Spring, actual Vernal or Spring Equinox, the night and day stand equal

Celebrates the the birth of spring, rebirth

Time of planting

Rare day of magic due to the rare balance of light and dark

Evolved into Easter

Beltaine or Beltane

Traditional date: April 30 and/or May 1

Midpoint between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice

The second largest and most important festival, great tribal gatherings

The beginning of the light half of the year, exact opposite day of Samhain

"Light of the Earth"

Time of rebirth 

House fires were extinguished and re-lit from hilltop bonfires

Need-fires are built, walk between for purification

The veil between worlds (Shield of Skathach) is thin, allowing faeries to cross over


Traditional date: June 21

Summer Solstice, first day of summer, longest day of the year

Mid Summer's Eve

Celebrates the light and the sun without there would be no life

Time of strengths and accomplishments

Gather herbs as "Herb Night" is when they are most potent

Lughnasadh or Lammas (Luh guh' nahs eye or Loo nas saw)

Traditional date: August 1

Midpoint between Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox 

First harvest festival

Celebrates the beginning of harvest season, the decline of summer to winter

Time of dismiss regrets, farewells, preparation for winter

Ceremonies involve breads, grains and harvest corn dolls


Traditional date: September 21

Autumn Equinox, first day of Autumn, the night and day stand equal

Second harvest festival

Celebrates harvest, death of the sun

A day of magick due to the rare balance of light and dark

Time for thanks and learning, repairing all things

Section 9: Concerning Reincarnation and Other-World

Ancient Druidism held belief an a place called by some “The Other-world” a place you enter either when you die or through meditation and spiritual awareness. As I do retain memories of past lives that I have accessed through my own meditation, and as I have reached “The Other-world” which I think of as the in-between, or the place of choice, it is something that I have a firm belief in and reverence for. I will not say it is right for everyone, we all find our beliefs during our journeys and we all make our own choices. I will say that what I have seen in my own journey has taught me this about Other-world: It is a place where the knowledge and wisdom of the universe is gathered from everyone and everything is collected, Where the energy that binds us all together (remember Allt Saman from earlier or Everything Together?) joins up and meets before continuing back out to the universe... A kind of central point what one might consider the center of the universe or the center of life. It is also the place where souls go after each life, where they reside while they decide weather to rejoin physical life or join the flow of everything and become the energy of life itself. Another choice that can be made is to reside in Other-world either temporarily or forever if chosen. Some choose to remain in Other-world as guides to travelers of Other-world, be it in meditation or in death. Don't take my word for it though, seek it yourself or don't as you walk your path.

Section 10: Concerning Life

I would just like to say here... follow your journey, be positive, and have good values and you will live a good life. Simple things like the golden rule, and returning a lost wallet etc... will bring you positive energy. Same goes for the opposite... Its up to YOU to be the best you you can be.

Section 11: A Few More Words

Here I will just say good luck to any new people and to remind you that if you follow your innermost feelings, you will have a good journey! Thank you for reading...

"It is never the end" Druid JD Randall "Danex"



20:32 Apr 03 2015


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