I have come to the conclussion stupid people should not drive as they do not have the common sense to stop when something is in the road whether it be human or animal that may be in the road instead they seem to for whatever reason hit the object with no remorse or common respect for life.If you fall into this catagory please do the world a favor and stay the fuck off the road because you people really have no reasons to drive.How the hell would you like me to hit you the momet you stepped foot on the pavement and not stop to see if you are ok.Would you like to lay there and bleed to death?Would you like to lay there helpless to do anything to save yourself, no I didn't think so well guess what asshole neither would anything else that is living.Everything has feelings and nothing deserves to die cause of people without a clue or care for life.I lost a very loved pet his name was Shadow because of a careless and heartless driver.So from now on people pay fuckin attention and stop being so fucking stupid cause next time it could be one of my children instead of a puppy and guess what if that be the case kiss your ass good bye and pray to what ever God you believe cause I will show no mercy.
00:48 Jun 24 2008
I agree, DASD, God help whoever hurts one I love, be them animal or human....I feel ya friend. People need to wake up and understand every living thing has feelings.