DevilishDeMuth's Journal

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The Swarm

20:15 Jan 07 2009
Times Read: 825

The Swarm is a mass of individuals who on the accord of a common belief system is convinced that those who are not accustomed to their policies are regarded as outsiders or inferior. The Swarm is a manipulated mass consumed with the image of loyalty, pride and or patriotism to the point of sacrificing the sensible approach to life as to conform their individualist perceptions into the ideologies of the common belief system, especially since the individuals within this common current accepted understanding peer pressure one another into a social commune of similar views for the glory of loyalty, pride and or patriotism to the common bound beliefs.

Once your mind has been converted to the understanding of the socially accepted belief system, your perceived values of truth filter through what you are taught or want to understand within this juncture of pressured mentalities to create self manipulation, inadvertently and or directly benefiting the agenda of the hierarchy or political figureheads and officials governing the swarm. As the distraction of your focus and situational awareness is now fully concentrated on the ideologies of loyalty, pride and or patriotism, aiding those who represent the region or nation by explicitly devoting faith through benefit of the doubt to the instance of blinding yourself in the process, only to accept the positive qualities and outcomes of where your loyalty, pride and or patriotism rests as truth.

This is a very dangerous and unequal reality as many who are honest and truthful not being within the swarm can easily be contested as liars and or threats in order for the swarm to remain undoubtful about their personal acts and actions to be considered justifiable through loyalty, pride and or patriotism retaining the balance in the structural belief system within the security of common policies to stay intact.

When this is realized, Individuals guiding the swarm can create a common enemy in order for social cohesion and control. A common enemy is almost always required for the upkeep of cohesion to exist within the Swarm, since a common enemy is the foundation in which problems can be expelled onto or developed within and the social cohesion can now be sustained while adverting negative attention beyond the clutches of the swarm, in the process building unity, camaraderie, and self esteem.

Once within the swarm and fallen victim to the artificial truths assisted and self created for the adaptation of a mentality to reflect the values and belief systems socially and politically manipulated, Truth can be what you want to make of it and no long the truth as authority but authority as the truth.




The Overmind

20:14 Jan 07 2009
Times Read: 826

The Common Current Accepted Understanding can unite all minds within a Group Mentality causing a pressure system of collective thoughts for the purpose of fulfilling and sustaining the image of the united mentality through actions that define the agenda of the collected mind. Common Current Accepted Understanding Mentality usually has a set standard of formal practices which confine individual thought or mental freedom from expressing true common sense because of devoting oneself to the manipulative Overmind that requires a sense of submissive conscience. This form of practice can denounce individual separatism of understanding through ostracism or vocally announcing them as traitors, depending on the time or standard practice within the Overmind determines the outcome of those individuals.

The Overmind is a conscious standard of beliefs that distinguishes and determines individuals based on a level of Loyalty. The more Loyalty an individual is willing to accept for the purpose of the united mentality also carries the burden of dismissing the conscience of personal beliefs and can be used as a tool for the furthering advance of the ambitious intentions within the Overmind. The faith in a united mentality can overturn personal beliefs to conform to the standard ideologies of the Overmind creating ignorance and a superiority complex viewing those not under the same united mentality as inferior, incorrect, and risky, keeping those not conformed to the ideologies at bay or labeling them as threats.

The Difference in appearance and change in beliefs can scare those of formal practices into a loophole of confusion because those under this united mentality has a false sense of safety within consistencies, afraid that change will diminish the superiority complex resulting in lost control over individualist perceptions and the fabrication of a dramatic outlook of future possibilities consulting new ideas or change to develop the hatred or the indifference to those who present new ideologies, and can prevent the constant human adaptation from prevailing.

Humans should know that the pace in which we adapt ideologies can determine the security of our future, because time changes with technologies and the course of obstacles we create or face. Depending on the adaptable approach we embrace the better chance we have at conquering individual and large scale problems. This does not constitute the radical overcorrection of countering the obstacles of Now with retaining older or previous ideologies.

The Overmind is the united conscious belief system created by the Common Current Accepted Understanding as both are intertwined as opposites still both are unilaterally and structurally imposing the free will humans want to be so in tune with as to obtain the will to become free humans. Once the Common Current Accepted Understanding and the Overmind are understood the sooner (You) will be able to dictate the thoughts perceived filtering not through favoring these mental brain casts and not becoming part of The Swarm.




Common Current Accepted Understanding(CCAU) Normality

20:13 Jan 07 2009
Times Read: 827

Common Current Accepted Understanding better known as (Normal)or(Normality) is a guideline of boundaries we trap many with from true self expressions and inhibit individual thought from being totally understood because one filters their own understanding with the Common current accepted understanding.

It’s as if, if you don’t accept what is considered normal then your personal ideas must be wrong in the instance that your relation to yourself isn’t cohesive with the CCAU, then socially or individually insisted that it must be wrong, in turn people then grasp the CCAU thinking of this as truth then present their perspective of truth primarily talking about the same reflections with others who grasp that interpreted version of CCAU as well. When an individual believes that their interpretation must be truth it can cause a reaction to ignite the argumentation that their interpretation of CCAU has more legitimacy then other interpretations that have different conformities of CCAU when interactively or indirectly disputing legitimate reasons for belief and to ostracize other interpretations of CCAU beliefs as inferior or incorrect, as to not notice that reasons for why one believes is individual legitimacy in itself, and not to notice that there are many different purposed CCAUs’.

The pressure to infuse others as to what truth is captivates many to fall into the understanding of a common current accepted understanding, which on a mass scale can persuade many into false beliefs, lies, and the easily manipulative structure to ensue masses into the hypnotized words spoken directly or indirectly by those in power that follow the same corresponding CCAU. Be aware that truth at this point can be conformed to what those in power want the masses to perceive, at this point the sway of the populous balances in favor of those manipulating and the course of the people can surprisingly follow the guidelines to conquer and achieve the goals and ambitions of those controlling the media filtered into the Common Current Accepted Understanding.

“Conversion and ostracism are the two phenomenon linked to Common Current Accepted Understanding” and can be applied on a small or large scale understanding as to how cultures and social structures persuade drifters or even other cultural beliefs and social structures into one another creating and maintaining personal legitimacy through the power of word or by the use of force, domineering individual rights to congregate mass into a utility of media manipulation or manipulation through peer and social pressure for the purpose of personal agendas.

The Common Current Accepted Understanding is only relevant within the common mind and is only currently accepted, if one decides to they don’t have to rely on understanding only through this living adaptable shift of Normality that adheres to the culture developed coherently with technological advances, the constant conformity of social belonging.

“Those who don’t understand react with radical over correction”

Those who see the pattern of Normality but don’t understand the reason as to why social pressure and conformity exist can be susceptible to radical over correction and may see image as a way to represent themselves as different and possibly become lost in the obsession with personal image and of others. This reaction of disconcerning oneself the dislike of environmental aspects by creating a fictitious world through image only empowers those who control the populous to exclaim those who represent through image as naive, lost, and immature.

The power to recognize the pattern of “normality” and mentalities of persuasiveness’s that flow to convince those who give the benefit of doubt representing a group, region, or nations social and political agendas can present itself to you the lies that can be built into structural relations, as the more you try to understand and link the relations between the proxies of social and political properties can present an understanding of contrived farces and manipulated truths. Instead of reacting to present difference of understanding through image, the power we have to collectively change the inconsistencies and the rights of the people for equality in any aspect through the word of mouth and the presence of a mass to revolt against the friction is staggering.

The individuals that are lost in representation of personal imagery can remain suppressed by contesting one another’s image of portrayal to legitimize the individual reasons as to why they represent themselves against their perceived “common flow” of personal image, Titling oneself as” Unique”.

Individuals of different portrayals of imagery have discrepancies as to how image should be represented, not realizing that everyone lost in the obsession with personal image and of others are under the same ideals of indifference to the Common Current Accepted Understanding.

Individuals who raise their self esteem through interpreting other self expressions of imagery as a use of legitimizing self interests conform to the Common Current Accepted Understanding and create the Mental Boundary in which other radical corrections can flourish.

The Common Current Accepted Understanding can be applied to an individual representative of methods and cultural beliefs, a group, a region, a nation, or the Species, because Normality is an abnormal condition, a symptom of persuasive humanized social and mental pressures that can be assimilated on any group sized (Mentality) that traps individual thoughts of expressionism and personal perceptions being restrained creating the Overmind.




Don't Tread lightly the power of Thought

20:12 Jan 07 2009
Times Read: 828

It’s amazing to understand how either the Positivity or Negativity of thought can Predict the obstacles of your life. Obviously we like to surround ourselves with how we Feel to either legitimize our feelings or to relieve our reflections and cascade into another mood after we have Embraced It. Some need the Presence of Others to relinquish themselves of distress and some can Manipulate Themselves into believing what they need in order to follow the path to cleanse old thoughts and welcome the new. In some form or another there is something that sheds us from one emotion to another, the visual scenery ideals that Consecrate who we are or some who Feed off of others to control the result.

It’s almost a sense of how tangible our emotions are, how our thoughts are reflected through how people react to your mode or what inflictions you have towards your surroundings based on how you want to treat, affect or even salvage opportunities based upon personal inflicted interpreted desires of survivability.

Don’t tread lightly the power of thought as we think what we become and become what we think, how imagination gives us goals and day dreams solidify the presence of peace or the ability to control. Never under mind the power one creates when sunk deep within what justifies our connection to all that we are surrounded by. Possibilities are endless and if it can be thought it can be done within reason. Just as our bodies can be in unison with our nervous system is just how we should apply our thoughts into reality. The understanding of one’s obstacles are shrouded over by the mental strategy we all face like the boundaries of gravity, we restrain ourselves behind walls of understanding from others or the over estimation we like to create when presented the situation to further your presence in what you believe in.

In Order to sustain the most out of your thoughts is to apply the timeline of your life into what you should see as approachable when dealing with Your world. Reasonable but fair decisions on what you could or should accomplish cannot be determined by only external motivation but the internal faith of realizing the fortitude of personal strength, that’s why change the ability to alter priorities has been a distinct portion of our survivability. The ability to change priorities based on the faith of being able to face obstacles is the strengthened fortitude of survival instincts.

Thought the process of thinking is the grandest skill we have over many animals, the ability to process what we see fit into which ever category of emotion. Yet many have trouble controlling this asset thinking it’s the environment which controls it. A dangerous responsibility you can lose yourself in like a vortex of proton and neutron knowledge implicated reactive emotions many bounce back and forth from. It is a personal based acception to allow the mental filter dictate what perceptions you perceive based upon which thoughts you currently think.

We can be controlled by our emotions like animals are controlled by basic instincts, when we believe that our environments are in control of our emotional reactions, then our emotions are in control of dictating our adaptation to the environment.

The Power of thought can exemplify the reasoning of self control through the ability to dictate individualist intentions.




Theres No time Like the Present

20:11 Jan 07 2009
Times Read: 829

To Understand one another you must find the Root Essence of yourself, every individual from the Beginning of their First Encounter with air and light has been Presented with the Unique Ability to filter what they see through the Complex Emotional Barrier that is created through the traits passed down from the generations of your Bloodline History. Depending of what Core Basic Instincts that has been either Weakened or Strengthened through the actions your ancestors took could Undoubtly create a baseline start from which you began Applying those traits Subconsciously to your Environment for the reactions to Ignite the Fundamental Guideline in which you Perceive Life. We are all presented diverse and complicated mathematical surroundings to filter through these pin pointed traits that has been developed within our understanding of life, thus there is no blame for others or situations but to take sole responsibility for how you create reactions. It’s even harder to recognize this if you don’t understand the power of the human mind to manipulate oneself into believing what you want, especially when you factor in emotional barriers. The emotional barrier equation is= emotional effect by the means of situational determination by what is presented within the environment.

It’s hard to Apply Reality and what is the meaning of existence when what seams real is fabricated by us to Release the Stress of Reality. What do you do when these traits from which you so belong are the backbone for which you are doesn’t Reflect what society constitutes as either normality or common acceptance? A lot of us seem to Run into what might be our safe haven…. Into the journey of our mind, the most secure of our thoughts. Why is it when we try to express our core emotions we hide behind imagery of common ground? What does it take to come to a place of interest in another? Fascinating creatures, I myself am a creature because I don’t hold myself higher than the universe. Who are we to Suspend Ourselves in Animation above the Laws of Life, and if it takes mutual beneficial substance to express our inner selves then we are the greediest of all Animals to claim this green earth as ours.

In a sense we don’t have the right to judge one another’s actions based upon the result of their decisions, we only apply how we would judge ourselves onto one another. When I distinguished the components of our minds and labeled them as computers, we compute our environment into how we want to understand it, into what we feel is comfortable. Our environment is just as much as a reflection of us as we are a reflection of our environment.

People base their paths in life in correspondence to how they filter what they want or feel what they need. To Prioritize the Result and Outcome of your life is the difference between Controlling what you Contribute into Your Environment and acting upon the Result of Outcomes to Judge How you Prioritize.

We all have the same components just adapting differently like the evolution of the genetic gene adapting for survival in relation to necessity in life. All of our actions based Instinctively side by side with Confidence in success or the Retraction of failure and the emotional downplay to gather the gears towards the collective strategy to pursue ambitious and emotional strongholds again.




Self Enlightenment

20:09 Jan 07 2009
Times Read: 831

These are my Thoughts Pouring from my Mind for the Consumption of others, I warn the feeble minded and individuals who believe everything they know now as the truth, as truth changes with time like the acceptance of cultures developed coherently with technology.

My name is Devin Ray DeMuth Ex-Soldier but still a soldier of truth and a knowledge seeker and Free Thinker, Even though we are all Intricate Computers of Actions and Reactions.

The Meaning of Life is the personal Interpretation through the adaptation of your Environment, Which co-exists with personalities that are actions and reactions of your environment in turn altering your perceptive basic instincts. People do what they need to out of necessity to legitimize who they are, not to convince others but to convince themselves.

Your Visions are Similar to mine though. I too wish for a Productive society Of Knowledge and Not Greed. I’m not sure what Influences Men to Control others Through Power like a Dictator. Why do Governments Persuade the society To Focus on Insignificant Subjects and keep the Truth Hidden, Because Some are Self Infused with the thought process of Control over others as if they think they are benefitting our lives making it seem like we are nothing more than bacteria in a “Petri Dish”. I've been contemplating what’s really going on in the world and I hate to believe that the Media Manipulation Has made my fellow Humans and many cultures of this world Inadvertently Sheep for Personal Gain or glory. Even though the Purpose of Life is based on an Individual Bases Who’s to say we can’t Congregate and Co-Operatively Build a Society Worthy of Portraying to the Universe as a Proper Interpretation of a Human Civilization. The Human conscience can transcend into Self enlightenment through Purification of the Soul, spiritually and mentally within an open mind for knowledge of Life, truth and the pursuit of Happiness. But many have been deterred away from being free thinkers afraid that a free thinker will exploit the weaknesses of the Hierarchy or Fill the general populous with thoughts other then what the Overmind intends for them to know and even possibly be afraid of doubting ones’ own supposed truth. I am Very Afraid of what is soon to come, if you have been briefed or if you have sought out the knowledge yourself you might also be feeling what is falling down as a blanket of smoke over this world. You cannot force a Free thinker or you will only have followers, Instead seek out ones who have broken the chains of Illusions then you will have a Diverse team of Colleagues. I would most sincerely Appreciate the exchange of Intellect and the Ability to provide a Mind with a unique Perspective on Life. I have good thoughts of a Strong Integrity Infrastructured back bone society. I am willing to Learn which is a must, you should know what happens when somebody feels as if they know all and what follows their trail. Have an Open Mind and accept all forms of Truth.

Opening the Doors through different possibilities in life can Alter the meaning of Truth which if Allowing the Mind to absorb everything that is and the current status of what is will lead you a journey into the center of Your Mind. If you are Going down the path of truth then reading this shouldn’t raise a question of doubt because how can one bring forth anything different than the truth life has to offer, unless those who block out what they feel as weakness and accept what they want as truth then this might be what you were looking for or perceive this as blasphemy. Before you judge a situation, Decide the Context of both sides of Life before devoting to one understanding indefinitely because indefinite devotion to one understanding will only present one side of life.



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