Dhyan's Journal

Dhyan's Journal


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19 entries this month

People stop biting me please

16:10 Sep 30 2015
Times Read: 335

Not being rude.... Just got way to much real mail in here and 17 male bites and 7 female bites are enough. I thank you and I am not one for biting. Might have to go up a notch to have the clicker of power of no biting power.

Thank you for your time and I understand that some think its a normal thing not normal for me. If I bite you then you can if I don't please keep that in mind.




20:34 Sep 27 2015
Times Read: 346

After reviewing a few Ginormous animals from the ocean. I have come to the conclusion people in earlier time called these sea creatures and that they still live with have the amount of us killing the sea off we surly have not made a dent in the huge, Ginormous, fish out there or long legged crabs sting rays that are flipping huge...

Uh yeah I understand why the maps used to have huge cod and catfish and weird pictures of starfish with huge teethies...

Could kick your arse in a second.

Keeps toes on the sand and ponders the land and ocean thing




This morning

12:08 Sep 26 2015
Times Read: 353

So this morning I got out of bed and walked Atka as usual. Imagine to my surprise that in front of my door way was a man playing with hula hoops. Probably part of circus. He has been around for a while but did not know he was actually someone was watching him. He is one who travels and lol plays with hoops. He does amazing things with them. He rolls them and throws them up in the air and does this dance and then caught them. He was really good with them and I guess he did not notice me nor Atka for we were right out front.

It was really neat to watch him. He did not realize someone would be out at this time but my animals wake me up at 5 am every morning so this was a new addition to the morning and thought it was neat to share for the guy did not realize I was watching till he looked up and Atka and I were just looking and smiled. He smiled back, dropped a hoop and got embarrassed. It was funny. I normally dance in the rain and luckily no one has caught me but feral cats. So I am just thrilled to say I am not the only weird one out there.



21:35 Sep 28 2015

Just because you do things that are different, does not mean that you are weird. Imagine a world if we were all alike. It would make for a very boring world.LOL!...~Mina

21:55 Sep 28 2015

I am honored to call you ''Friend''.~Mina




17:25 Sep 25 2015
Times Read: 358

Well my wolf tork fell off me the day I told a friend I wear it everyday. So when it fell into my bra I looked for the hoop that was gone.

Today I found it so my celtic wolf is back on with my dragons and iolite. Fixed it and well now feel relaxed.

The tork, I got from SCA swordfighting and was actually given to me by a male who fought for me and I was amazed that I was fought for and he gave it to me as a token. He said I am a warrior and a princess so I need to have it. It is solid silver and handmade. Yeah it was a nifty gift so it reminds me of my self worth and also good times.

Back on track yeahhhhhhhh





01:46 Sep 25 2015
Times Read: 365

Lordy what a day! Needs a drink for all the madness. That or something else....

Never been stalked by a woman before so I am surprised about it. I am not liking it very much either. I thought where I was at I would not have to worry about and well I am now worried about it. She was a friend but she made me realize real quick there is something very off about her.

I dont like talking much about my problems but the journal is a venting page for me. So this is me venting and how do you get a heterosexual off your back? Not sure she is at this point she hunted me down from where I lived before. Not too happy with that at all.

I went to court today. What fun that was, but hey I won so it is all good on that end too. Now in two months I am going to move the fing out of Florida to off the grid mode or at least away from here. GOOODNESSSS. I need to get out of the hell hole I am in. Once that is done then taking fang and moving with the other furbabies and find a new home that is possibly a farm land or forest land live off the land. So many ways to do it now I am going for it just need wireless and I can get that too lol woohoo..

Then I will be at peace and then I can be happy. Finally good ground is coming. Love to garden and plan to.




16:04 Sep 24 2015
Times Read: 368

While walking Atka, I almost got hit by a sparrow, so I basically looked the meaning up. I really must be nervous or something. For I know I am worthy of stuff in general but there was a clear sign of what the heck is going on. Silly blood moon coming up messing up my alignment and such. Wonders if she should stay indoors Saturday and not do anything but hide from the world.

I mean I was going to do some witchy stuff and then larp but now this bird almost hitting me,I believe I need to do a self reflection or something.

The sparrow is one of the most common birds around,

yet it has flourished when other species have failed.

It reflects self-worth.

If a Sparrow totem has entered your life, ask yourself if you know your own self-worth.

The sparrow will show you that even a common little bird can triumph.

The song sparrow reflects the chakra energy awakening from the heart and throat.

It reminds us to sing out our own song of dignity and self-worth.

During the Middle Ages, the Sparrow was the symbol

of peasants and the lower classes.

In Ancient Britain, the Sparrow was the symbol of friendly household spirits.

To the Greeks, it was the pet of Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love.





12:09 Sep 24 2015
Times Read: 373

::blinks:: They got rid of the mess, for I spoke to the hotel manager. I guess they love me here. WEG.

I am so grateful that I have a wonderful bunch of people up front. :)

Time to walk Atka. lol





18:08 Sep 23 2015
Times Read: 377

Walked Atka and saw the blue herons again. So beautiful and sacred almost. They watch over the other and literally one watches their back as the other feeds. It was just an awesome sight. Lotus blossoms and blue herons doing their natural dance in the water of dusk.

Like lovers just dancing in a graceful and beautiful manor. stirred my heart this morning.




What the blleeeeeeep 401 am

14:47 Sep 22 2015
Times Read: 380

Okay so I have gotten a freakin new cycle 401am thanks to the loud ass people next to me with a sleeping pill. OMGF wtf 2 hours! I got lack of sleep distinctly gives me 3 hours within 24 hours. WOW thanks to the horn dogs who talk shop about the women in their life and or prey it makes me wonder what the heck these people even are down here. They talk like they are two dollar hoes I am serious when I say I can here everything.

Jacksonville has no culture, not a dime of it, unless you are a gamer well then you have choices but then you kind of have to do stuff in which you really don’t want to go. AKA D and D, magic the gathering new edition, tabletops of all kinds Risk, and such and apparently my name is known around circles as one that is an ice queen, nightmare before xmas chic, him the plus size model that will whip your ass and untouchable to the heart. I have a small cult following that made me think maybe I should make my own comic book but a female comic book writer is unheard of. So I might have to write a novel who knows.

Larping community people know me as that girl. “Luna de tic” A character that was a child of Osiris in a vampire world as a sandman character Muhahahha. Yep, that type of twisted. Now doing a wendigo like I used to but I have to say that going to the dark side of stuff. She is not a normal breed of human and she surly is unusual. She works at an ER at wee hours of the morning and she lives in the swamp. Not normal but she is a bit touched love her. She um is a bit of her rocker. She gets her hearts from the ER deaths and she moves along. She is curious to a fault and about nature but lives not much. Not a fighter a haiku poetry native Indian ehehee. Curious tale right? Ultimate goal for her is to get the frick out of the sept and has to deal with sept. mmmm yeah that type of thing.

Anyways I am walking atka and today I saw a raccoon have not seen one in forever this is what it means quite cool. Something new I never knew got to love the world wide web :)

Dexterity and Disguise

The magic of the Raccoon is in its mask.

Masks are a powerful magical tool:

you can achieve altered states

through the use of mask,

you can become

someone or something else

behind a mask.

A Raccoon totem can teach you how to wear masks for many reasons

as the need arises.

It can teach you how to mask, disguise and transform yourself.

Don't you act differently with your boss, parents, children, husband, friend, strangers.

Those are all masks you put on.

Masks are one of the tools of transformation.

It helps us to change what we are into what we want to be.

Raccoons also teach you how to put asleep the part of you that is not needed

and awaken the aspect of yourself that is.

If you are a Raccoon person, eating mostly fruit and vegetables will be beneficial to your health.

A Raccoon totem has a long influence on your life.

It is not a short-time totem, but rather will stay with you for a long time.




today's ketchiving

17:37 Sep 21 2015
Times Read: 385

Omfg it is 439 am what the heck am I doing up? The neighbors it is like they have the energizer bunny in their freakin beds. What the heck do they teach to be up this freaking early in the morning? There are three of these monsters of doom. A female fawning over the one guy and another guy with a very weird voice. Almost sounds like a pelican if you had to call it a bird of some sort. These people must go. I am going to see if they can get a different room or something for I just don’t get the freakin shiznit. I am mean I just went to sleep maybe an hour ago and they disturb my sleep again. I am going to kill these humans I know it. Bouncy happy shiny energy balls of crazy is that what they are? Good god I am so going after them today. Why can’t I have a quiet person like the old man next store? Oiye vey.

830 am

I have to say an hour and a half of sleep makes for a very tired ME have to wait till the hotel women come over and get sheets to get new ones. Cats had a turf war while I walked Atka. Which there was a dead moth at my door way. Can I say I was glad that it was dead? YES Do I understand why they come to me the outdoor cats and leave me treats of crazy? I get dead lizards and dead moths from the outdoor kitties. I don’t know if they are trying to woo one of my girls or try to get my boy. But I do know they know we are here. Do I take it as a threat? Eh no kitties have gotten toys from the crazy cat lady and they see I will play with them if they want to but they don’t trust humans at all. When I walk Atka they just look at me like how do you have a dog and not a cat? One you could see was looking at me that way. They were adorable balls of fur and there is a lot of them I called PAWS for these are wildlings’. And they are a cloudier of kitties. They are grey and white booties and all black cats except for one that is fluffy and black and white on the chest. Do I studied them as they study me? Yes, why to make sure they are ok. However, saw the woman that feeds them like a shiznit ton of food and they are well fed because of her. She comes by in a car and gives them food and water and drives away. Why does she do it? I guess she likes the cats like I do but in a way I am not a crazy cat lady. I save one cat at a time. Since I don’t have the nerve to save every cat just ones that come to me yep that is me. Though I have enough animals I still want a Brazilian white and black tegu they are adorable and perfectly cute if you train them to be loveable too. My friend has one and he is awesome he likes people he likes cats he likes being pet and he likes to get on you and just perch. Yes I guarantee he is bigger than I last saw him. His name was Cash (they loved Johnny Cash). So I want a girl so I can get them to breed and have a baby CashiEkins. I keep on asking if they have a girl and they don’t so I am like hmm if I get a girl then they can breed and have the cutest babies, just have to find a girl.. lol that is likeable.


Ahhhhh the teachers came back bloody hell now they sleep? ! Not on my watch….

Breaking Benjamins are on loud and clear. MFers need to get a new room. LOL They are complaining lol the head person knows I am not going to turn my music down till maybe 9pm lol they are checking to see why I have my music up. I normally only do that when I hear them. Lol now that I cannot hear them . I am good. I am tired cranky and have not been able to sleep might have to change rooms myself. Get a colder room maybe, who knows.




Dear Hotel wantabees

17:27 Sep 20 2015
Times Read: 396

Dear Hotel Wantabees,

I am next to teachers that are young and dumb and full of cum. Last night they came to my Hotel.. lol Yes I say mine. They need to leave I have lived here for a month for it was peaceful. Till they were up all night and shit up all day. They freaking were annoying with their sports so I decided to play

Game on by the Guild

Want to date my avatar By the Guild

I am the one that is cool By the Guild

Goth girls By Nerdlife dude sir front a lot or some shit like that

Then Billy Squire everybody wants you, the stroke, lonely is the night.

Then Bodies by Drowning pool

The little things by Danny Elfman

And my favorite Damn Yankees for I am a damned Yankee. Very proud of that why most of hate in my family for we are mostly MS peeps. ( taps heart to her peeps you know who you are)

What was I saying I can be as loud as them the only difference I can have fun doing it. Making fun of them was a lot of fun. So now they can hear really loud music, laptop is my mind fuck of the hour they were not expecting music, and they are now whispering. Imagine that jocks turned teachers turned pussy whipped in a few key strokes. Awe so sorry the music loud? Not a problem I can turn that up louder for you. LOL I am a gaming geek aka gothic old school not new wave and of course first and foremost you fookers woke my ass off on ::::A Sunday.:::: Fook that shiznit…. Worst nightmare? Bring it I have metal bands that will make you cry…. I have gothic metal and old school metal bands I can put a whole bunch of type o negative before they were popular to before Peter Steele died. I can put some serious goofy german shiznit on and you would not what the fook it said. Oh you want Lords of Acid let me laugh the fook off while you watch your football that is a mockery to Rugby anyways.

Sincerely a pissed off goth chic aka Dhyan aka the fookin chicck you woke up and is not a morning person when in pain!

You have a great game and I hope your group looses!

Turns up volume Lords of acid stylin'

Peace out





19:12 Sep 19 2015
Times Read: 407

I am so excited! I have active members in my coven and did not know it. I had gone thru three pages of members of which showed no activity and I was like huh what in the world is this coven? I was thankful to say the least that my coven actually is alive and kicking for I was wanting to get out for I did not see anyone on line. So I went to marks and found out that there are active people!

So I went to the forums and bam! I found some. I am excited and look forward to talking to my coven mates.

Other than that found my wolf necklace and it has Iolite in it so I looked it up and it makes a lot of sense to why I found it all of the sudden thought I lost it but I did not woohoo. So thru all my transitions this works the best. So I am looking forward to balance and calm and peace and also a fulfilling week.





22:47 Sep 18 2015
Times Read: 417

love many, trust few, and always paddle your own canoe. Yes a Native Indian proverb.

Today was a very interesting day of trials one gift card visa thingys can only be used at grocery stores fyi. Cannot use it at Uhaul nor Cabs. And of course you dont get a pin so you use it for what food?


What is the point of getting this card visa thing if you don't want a debit card and you don't want fraud over again? Apparently visa gift cards are not the answer to paying bills.

So most of my day was trudging around trying to figure out how to use this card and what I could use it for. yeah. Waste of time yeah.

It rained again and I was very grateful due to the fact my arthritis was acting up and the rain is the only thing that releaves it.

Saw a blue heron the meaning so true:

If Heron has come wading across your path;

It is time to look deeper into aspects of your life that will bring out innate wisdom and show you how to become self-reliant. Are you grounding yourself regularly? Heron teaches that grounding yourself in the earth and your spiritual beliefs will help you discover emotional insights more clearly and more quickly.

Alternatively he could be teaching you how how to become comfortable in uncertain situations and to be watchful of opportunities to arise so that you can quickly grasp them and move on.

If Heron is your Animal Totem;

You love to explore various activities and dimensions of Earth life. On the surface, this may seem like a form of dabbling, but more than likely you are wonderfully successful at being a traditional ‘Jack of all trades’.

This ability enables you to follow their own path. Most people will never quite understand the way you live because on the surface it seems to be unstructured without stability or security to it. It is, though, just a matter of perspective. There is security underneath it all, for it gives you the ability to do a variety of tasks. If one way does not work, then another will. This is something you seem to inherently know.

You do not seem to need a lot of people in your life, nor do you feel pressured to keep up with the material world, or to be traditional in your life roles. You stand out in your uniqueness, and you know how to snatch and take advantage of things and events that the average person would not even bother with.

If Heron has come to you in your dreams;

To see a heron in your dream represents self-reliance, stability, tactfulness and careful forethought. You will achieve much success through your efforts. Alternatively, dreaming of a heron signifies your ability to explore and delve into your subconscious.





15:39 Sep 17 2015
Times Read: 427

I took a beauty break to enjoy the rain and nature in its beauty and glory and looking at the pond of lotus blossoms made me think how lucky I am to be alive and how life in general is just working as God had intended it I guess. I found myself wanting to stay out in the rain and just enjoy the warm drops of bliss and let my doggie deal with the walk but she was not having it. Walking my dog is hillarious when it rains she is like oh hell no... Let me get this done now!

Runs right back.

Hope Charles is okay on his journey to his father passed away and I am not sure how to take it. I worry for him. I hope he is okay is all. He has not called me and it is making he nuts. IS that normal? I guess it is..



16:41 Sep 17 2015

I love nature as well like this.. it was raining yesterday and me and my daughter went out and did the same thing.. although we didnt go to a pond we walked to Starbucks haha.. Does that count ? lol

23:47 Sep 17 2015

Yes that counts

21:47 Sep 28 2015

I love taking walks in the rain and thunderstorms. The rain hides your tears and the thunder covers your screams. My dogs are terrified of the rain, though - no getting them out to potty. I do however, have to pry the fat one from behind the commode where he hides from aq storm and gets stuck. O.O ~Mina


So me

20:22 Sep 15 2015
Times Read: 434


I am a gamer geek and I know it





20:24 Sep 09 2015
Times Read: 446

Well dang I have learned a lot today.

Some people have stayed on line which is awesome then meeting new people that is cool too.

Having lunch. Cheesey fries with yes my cat. He likes them for some reason. I named him Osiris for he looked like I a cat I had long time ago. ( ambrose ) but eats alot of veggies weirdly enough.

Yep the weird and the wonderful together.




Welcome to waking up

00:32 Sep 09 2015
Times Read: 455

Okay there is a lot new on vr

Looking at it as on my coven only a few are awakened and well I did not remember this coven at all. some of the names ring bells but alot are in the fallen out stage it looks like.

So I guess waking up was a good thing.

Noticed a few oddities

This honor thing odd but okay.

kindergoths are realllllllllllllyyyyyyyy more emo than I knew them.

kindergoths have no sense of sensuality or themselves either.

kindergoths pretend to be something they are not. To get to their core you have to treat them like a child and than snap them out of it.

Like they never really knew that low self esteem, is bad for you.

Like jumping a total stranger thinking you know me is normal.

looks forward to the sleepers to wake up...




Made me laugh today

20:56 Sep 07 2015
Times Read: 468

Send "Bite" for my muse to turn into a vampire who's craving for your muse's sweet blood




So yeah wow it has been awhile

20:24 Sep 07 2015
Times Read: 470

So I was advised to go to vampire social. Interesting to say the least. Being odd somehow gives you a different view of the world I guess.

So tell me what makes you smile?

What is worth living for?

What is worth dying for?

And my favorite question to ask....

Tell me a story about yourself that no one knows about you.

::tilts head and waits on couch::

In a friendly way not a sexual way.




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