DireConsequences's Journal

DireConsequences's Journal


Honor: 20    [ Give / Take ]


13 entries this month

Letter to the Past

20:10 Sep 29 2006
Times Read: 974


I am writing this letter to get everything out. I am tired of holding it in and bottling it up. That only gives you power. I am taking all that power back. You hurt me in so many ways. It wouldn’t have hurt so badly if you broke up with me first before cheating on me and not even telling me about it. I guess you weren’t man enough to tell me yourself, that Britany had to do it for you, right? I am still lost of everything. You say that I was a mistake and you regret ever being with me. Yeah, just look back at every conversation we have had and every moment that we shared together. You cannot even begin to say that it was ALL a lie. You cannot say that at least one point in time, you did not love me. If you do, than you are lying to yourself.

This whole time Brett has been trying to get me to open up about you. And until last night, I didn’t really understand why. I know why now. It is so I can regain my power back. So I can banish you from my mind. You don’t even belong in the back of my mind, especially after insulting my dead father. God that was such a low fuckin blow, it is unbelievable! But you do still bring out something in me; you bring out rage and anger in me. The only thing I did was love you and treated me like shit when you left here. Your time will come when someone plays you back though. I know it which is why you should fear the cosmos in probably what will be your next life.

I don’t even know where really to begin in this whole mess of thoughts. I guess I will start by admitting the worse by saying that in some weird fuckin way I still love you. But see the thing is that doesn’t give you power in my life anymore. Nothing gives you power in it except for me bottling it up and not releasing or dealing with it. Well guess what Tommy boy, I am actually confronting and dealing with something for once!

You act like nothing ever happened between us, well sorry to burst your little security bubble but it did. Deal with it now because I am not ever going to be there to pick you up again, I already decided that much. And I am sure that whoever the new person is that you date, that they will not want to put up with you bottling shit up and then breaking down one day because of a ghost of an old girlfriend. But that is your problem, now isn’t it? I am done ever trying to help you again because you can’t help someone who doesn’t want it to begin with. You could probably still change but I doubt that you ever will. You will just keep on becoming like your father and that is your choice since you aren’t trying to stop it. I used to believe in you. God, I thought you did change from your past but you didn’t and it was my ignorance that got me hurt, I guess. Wait, no I correct that! My pain is not my fault and the blame won’t go on me. Yes, I did get involved with you knowing most of your past but I did not control your actions. I did not put the knife through my heart and I did not kill a part of me, you did! I will pass the blame there and I do so rightfully!

I know some of my fears from everything revolving around you. I am scared to discover that everything was a lie or that it was true.

I am scared to find out everything was a lie because it will just hurt worse. But I will be able to just use it as an excuse when I want to hide it in my mind. Well I know it wasn’t a lie, not from my end at least. I did love you and still do in some ways. Which means I did not waste my time with you, I did not leave myself get hurt for nothing, and it means that I need to just believe my gut when it says it wasn’t all a lie.

I am just as scared to find out it was all true because you broke my trust, my heart, the promises you made to me, and everything else. You hurt me worse than anyone ever has and hopefully more than anyone ever will because I don’t think I could handle pain worse than this, especially since I don’t know how to get rid of it. But the pain I will deal with and I have been, it is just you that I want rid of, not the memories of us or anything else, just you. I like the memories, they prove it was all real in some aspect and they leave me remember the person I did fall in love with, not the one who he changed into in what seemed like overnight.

How the fuck could you? You were here only five days before and you forgot all about me! What the fuck!? I guess you lied, every single word you said to me that night and yeah I knew you were going to hurt me, I just didn’t say anything. I didn’t want to believe it. I knew it because the last night you were here, you stopped because you saw fear in my eyes. Remember, and you finally got it out of me that it was the Man in Black that I feared. Well it was something he said, something he showed me. He told me you would hurt me. I don’t know why he told me or why he even helped me considering all the pain he inflicted on me for so many years but he was fuckin right and I didn’t want him to be! I seriously didn’t want him to be right, and yet I wanted him to be. Horrible thing is I won’t ever know why he did what he did since he was destroyed and I will never have to deal with him again; even if I do I know I can defeat him once again during the battle.

You know what the fuck made me laugh the most? You accused me of being unfaithful to you while we were dating. Um sorry but I never cheat on people. I am not like that and I am not like you, never will be. So stop trying to justify your pathetic actions by passing guilt. I have nothing to be guilty for because I was always there for you 100% and you didn’t want me. God, you couldn’t even step up for your actions when Britany first contacted me. Tried to say she was lying and she was just some obsessed girl you have known forever. You even told your sister that, remember. I am happy that you are with the obsessed one. Haha I wonder if she even knows you said that about her but oh well I don’t even care to talk to either of you after writing this letter. I have blocked all the screen names you both use that I know of so far and e-mail addresses. I am happier knowing that I have and yeah, I don’t care anymore if I ever speak to you again. This is my last words of contact unless something else does happen but other than that you are gone.

Even looking at the conversations I had with you, I think most of what you said was just a lie. I was stupid for not believing in my dreams, that is one thing I probably would change. But you know what? If I did listen to those dreams, Brett and I wouldn’t be together probably. But that is something I don’t even care to tell you about because if I listened to what my soul was trying to tell me then you would have gotten that Dear John letter. I was thinking about him while I was with you but see I never even flirted with him once during that time and I actually avoided him. You were the one that is pathetic, the weak minded one and could not even break up with someone before messing with someone else.

Yeah I know I was horrible for telling Britany I was pregnant but you know what I made her just as miserable as I was because of her at the time. You didn’t even care that she was harassing me at that time or even when she fuckin ims me now. But when I made her cry and shit while we were still together, oh of course you defended her. Yeah, shows how much you loved me, right? I just have to laugh because I know one day it will happen to her. Just because you hide your actions, doesn’t mean shit. I know you have probably already cheated on her. I just hope someone tells her like she did for me. Because she does deserve that much and she doesn’t deserve being cheated on.

I have realized something though with a couple of recent events. I have realized how much of a coward you actually are. You could have told me about everything before you went back into training. You could have been a real man and admitted your mistakes back when they happened. All I can say is you may be a Marine and made it through a life of hell but you are just a coward. You are the scared little boy you have always been. You will always hurt people and use them because you are so afraid to be alone and for no one to miss you. I can even remember your sister warning me about all of that and some of your fears. I don’t doubt you used me because you wanted someone to miss you while you went through boot camp. At least I helped you through that part of your life, I guess.

Yeah I still have every letter you ever sent to me, every conversation you and I had, and everything you sent to me. Brett won’t even leave me delete the files on my computer that are from, to, or about you. I keep on trying to figure out what went wrong and where exactly it did start to crumble. God I even try to figure out what exactly I did wrong for you to call me a psycho bitch and tell me to kill myself. But either way, I admit I have my problems, hell I will even admit some of the problems to complete strangers sometimes. But you are another story. You need to admit the problems I even saw while we were together; you need to admit them to yourself at least. Like I said before, you are only lying to yourself. I won’t leave myself feel guilty for what happened between us because I know it wasn’t my fault. The nice little voices in the back of my mind would like me to think otherwise but yeah I will never leave them convince me. You could have ended it back when you cheated me but instead you lied about it and avoided it altogether. I have to laugh because at least I try to work through my problems but you will not even make a movement toward yours to help yourself. At least you tried when you were with me, and now you don’t even do that. You just pass the blame onto someone else or try to justify your actions that you know and feel are wrong, yet you do them anyway. At least take this advice and find a way to get some will power to resist temptation or every relationship you get into will end miserably.

As for you telling me to kill myself, um yeah sorry but you are never worth my life, never! You broke almost every promise you have ever made to me! God, even Jared has not done that to me. At least he does keep ones that he knows mean something to me. He even broke off his friendship with me and everything else and still I know I can always depend on him.

Fuck you! I don’t want you in my life anymore! Especially since you broke the promise to Tyler, the one you should have never made! But oh well, he is forgetting about you, just as everyone else will and is. Only thing is that I won’t forget you since I know I need to remember what lessons you taught me during the months we were dating and even during the last conversation we had, you taught me lessons. If I forgot you than I would forget the lessons. Well I am sure as hell hoping for a way around that one but oh well, just reminds me the pathetic state of a lot of service men, hell a lot of men period! At least most of them admit they only care for a good fuck and that is it. But no! Little sex addict Tommy has to lie and manipulate women into believing he is perfect for them, he loves them, wants to marry them, that he has changed when he does wrong, and then wants them to just say bye bye in such a cheery manner when he breaks their heart, something he needs to seriously experience.

Wow! I wonder if anything you even told me about Amber Rose was true. If it was, I bet she must really be turning over in her grave because of how much you have changed for the worse since she was with you. And no that is not anything like what you said about my father. I am not insulting her, just stating what the truth probably is. You even lied to either your sister or me there. Because you told me you and Amber never had sex, yet your sister remembered you telling her that Amber was your first. Hmm amazing how lies add up in the end!

You hurt me more than anyone ever has and hopefully I will never avoid bringing things I already know to light again. I will never be the same from the damage you caused me. You took something that changed my outlook on the world for the better, manipulated it, and made it do a U-turn for the complete worse and harsh reality. I was doing so much better and you kill all the progress I had ever made. I hope you know that. These pictures show just how much pain you have placed within me, hidden in my eyes, and scorched into my soul. I don’t think I can ever forgive you for it, Tommy. I hope one day I can but I am not sure that I will be able to.

Vampire Rave - The Ultimate Vampire Resource and Directory - http://www/VampireRave.com Vampire Rave - The Ultimate Vampire Resource and Directory - http://www/VampireRave.com

Vampire Rave - The Ultimate Vampire Resource and Directory - http://www/VampireRave.com Vampire Rave - The Ultimate Vampire Resource and Directory - http://www/VampireRave.com

Vampire Rave - The Ultimate Vampire Resource and Directory - http://www/VampireRave.com

One thing I can be sure of though, you will never have another chance with me again! I cannot allow myself to be hurt by you again. You hurt me once and when I gave the second chance, I knew what was probably going to happen. There is really no way I could ever give you a third chance. I knew that if I did, the pain would not be far behind. God, I still love you and I think that part of me always will but there would be no point in a third chance. I don’t trust you anymore and any kind of relationship is built on trust. I don’t think I could ever give you the amount of trust you once had from me. I know I cannot even leave myself trust you at all again. Trust is something that really cannot be revived once it is completely butchered. I had saved what little trust I did have for you from when you first broke up with me and everything. I had kept in alive and allowed you the second chance but you killed it when you left me for the second time. There is no hope for my trust in you to return to life. I know I still have some faith in you and some judgments that will probably change with time, but the trust is gone, which I guess it is sad in some ways. You were one of the people that instant trust was granted to and there are only two other people in that category. You blew it. There is nothing of that complete and instant trust left now and I am scared because I know how much I once trusted you and in an instant it was completely gone and my world came crashing down. I refuse to leave myself ever forget the lessons you taught me. How people don’t deserve instant trust, no matter who they are. How I should never leave my guard down and take someone’s word over my dreams. Most of all, how truly selfish people are and they do not care who the hell gets hurt in their lives, as long as they get everything they want, when they want it. Well when you want me again, you won’t ever get me.

Goodbye Tommy.

I will never forget you or the lessons I learned from you, I will probably always love you no matter how much I want those feelings to die off and leave me be, I hope you never leave the cycles in your family continue with you (although it seems they already have started), and most of all, I guess I still believe in you.

The beautiful little cutter, who cuts no more,

But wishes she could take the blade to her body once again,

Tiffany Rose





05:59 Sep 16 2006
Times Read: 1,002


**Explanation is simple... I sent Tommy my security scissors before my birthday which was March 6. He wanted them because I would not promise him I would not cut so he got what I was always most likely to cut with. I have been wanting them back since he broke up with me the first time. Well his sister, Chrissy just told me that she mailed them out and I should have them by next week! I am so freakin' happy!**




Damaged by TLC

12:19 Sep 15 2006
Times Read: 1,013

**I have been listening to a lot of TLC’s songs along with some other songs I usually wouldn’t be listening to but right now I love them. This is another TLC song.

I have been through a lot within the past couple of months, not even considering the distant past just the recent. I hope Brett knows what he is getting into with me. I love him so much and fear hurting him because I still hurt. I am paranoid to trust; yet I still trust him. He has given opportunities to look into things. I don’t even though I know I can if I seriously wanted to. I want to but I don’t want to become like that, I don’t want to be paranoid with him. My trust will be there unless he does something that I need to reduce it or try to at least. I won’t punish him for someone else’s mistakes. And even though I say that, it is a lie. If I cannot heal than I will hurt him, even though he says that I cannot hurt him, I know my words can feed demons and hurt him, whether he will admit it or not, I know it to be the truth. I don’t compare him but he compares himself, just as I compare myself. I hope I can stop comparing myself and just accept me as me. I can change traits I do not like with the right amount of self-determination and help along the way.

I want to be able to fight back, to be able to take control, to leave out what I want the most, to be able to express what is inside of me more than I can right now, and to be able to let myself go… at least with one trusted person and I want that person to be Brett right now.

I want it to be him because I know Courtney has enough to deal with, taking care of herself and her own problems.

I love Brett, he wants in and I don’t want to fight myself anymore to keep him out. The hard part is actually doing it now, to open the floodgates and leave it all out. I know he will save me in the floodwaters and help me learn to swim in those waters. I have confidence in that but I wonder if he knows just how damaged I am…

Vampire Rave - The Ultimate Vampire Resource and Directory - http://www/VampireRave.com

I wonder if anyone, including myself, really knows how damaged I really am… But I am sure they will see how much I have healed when I am done…**

I know I'm kinda strange, to you sometimes

Don't always say, what's on my mind

You know that I've been hurt, by some guy

But I don't wanna mess up this time


And I really really really care

And I really really really want you

And I think I'm kinda scared

Cause I don't want to lose you

If you really really really care

Then maybe you can hang through

I hope you understand

Its nothing to you


My hearts at a low

I'm so much to manage

I think you should know that

I've been damaged

I'm falling in love

There's one disadvantage

I think you should know that I've been damaged

I might look through your stuff, for what I don't wanna find

Or I might just set you up, to see if you're all mine

I'm a little paranoid, from what I've been through

Don't know what you got yourself into

And I really really really care (and I care about you so much)

And I really really really want you (I really do want you)

And I think I'm kinda scared (but I'm scared with every touch)

Cause I don't want to lose you (cos I don't want to lose you)

If you really really really care (if you care for me like you say)

Then maybe you can hang through (then maybe you can hang through)

I hope you understand (I hope you understand)

Its nothing to you (its nothing to you, you)

My hearts at a low (low)

I'm so much to manage

I think you should know that (I think you should know)

I've been damaged

I'm falling in love (I'm falling in love)

There's one disadvantage

I think you should know that I've been damaged (I think you should know that)

My hearts at a low

I'm so much to manage (I'm so much to manage)

I think you should know that (I think you should know that)

I've been damaged (I've been damaged)

I'm falling in love (I love you so)

There's one disadvantage (I love you so)

I think you should know that I've been damaged

And I really really really want you

And I think I'm kinda scared

Cause I don't want to lose you

If you really really really care

Then maybe you can hang through

I hope you understand

Its nothing to you (its nothing to you)

My hearts at a low

I'm so much to manage

I think you should know that (ooh I think you should know I've been damaged)

I've been damaged (I've been damaged baby)

I'm falling in love (falling in love with you baby, yeah)

There's one disadvantage

I think you should know that I've been damaged

My hearts at a low

I'm so much to manage

I think you should know that

I've been damaged

I'm falling in love

There's one disadvantage

I think you should know that I've been damaged





12:00 Sep 15 2006
Times Read: 1,015

I need to heal not only for myself but for other people too, including Brett, family and friends. I love them all and I cannot even help right now and it is really getting to me. I want to so badly help and I know I need to help myself first. I have been trying to keep myself busy so that I do not see my own drama but I know I will tire myself out quickly. I am aware of it and I think I am trying to get to that point. At least if I can get there my walls will be down and my defenses will be down some more. It means I will leave myself see the real reasons I am jealous of some people, why I am fearing the future so much, what exactly I am fearing and worrying about, and it will hopefully allow me to heal some within discovering truths. The truths will get rid of most of the lies; the lies that keep me awake at night and make me fear many situations or even phrases.

To heal to me means that I will accept the past and who I am as much as I possibly can at the current time, I will be able to admit truths to myself, I will be able to conquer some of my fears, if not a lot of them (all of them is out of the question right now), and I want to destroy the limits I have placed upon myself.

Those are what I set out to accomplish for now, these will change as I go. But hopefully they will help me to find a point to start at since there is no right place to begin at. I am glad there isn’t. I think the best place to start is with the most current, what has been bothering me most and what has been causing me nightmares. The rest of my issues will be able to wait but I need to take care of that which won’t leave me sleep regularly and causes me to become depressed the most first. I think it will be better that way.




Dear Lie by TLC

18:18 Sep 13 2006
Times Read: 1,022

**This song speaks to me on many levels right now. I am becoming addicted to it. I know I lie to myself about a lot of things, especially right now. And as I cut out drama from my life, I can see my own drama more. It is scary where I am headed and the truths I am about to find.**

Dear lie

You suck

You said you could fix anything

Instead Im fucked

You made things even worse for me

If I had balls Id tell you get away from me

Guess Im not smart

I let you unnerve me

I let you control me

Afraid the truth would hurt me

When its you that hurts me more


Get outta my mouth

Get outta my head

Get outta my mind

Stop puttin words in my head

Get outta my mouth

Youre nothing but trouble

Get outta my life

Get out of me

Out of me out of me

Out of me

Out of me lie

Lie lie lie lie

Dear lie

Youre dumb

You think youve got the best of me

You think you won

Misread my vulnerability

Ive got your walls

Now get the hell away from me

Ive learned your art

Wont let you unnerve me

Wont let you control me

The truth will only free me

And your lies wont hurt no

No more


Lie lie

Ive got

Your walls

Now get the hell away from me

I learned your art

Wont let you unnerve me

Wont let you control me

The truth will only free me

And your lies wont hurt no

No more


Lie lie

Dear lie

Lie lie lie lie

Lie lie

Dear lie





16:14 Sep 13 2006
Times Read: 1,025

Okay I am going through some emotions and thoughts right now, more like a process of healing and growing. My journal will reflect that a lot within this whole period. I have adopted a drama-free policy for now. Which means I can no longer help my friends with their problems. I have come to a resting stop where I am of no help to anyone. I need to help myself in the resting stage, then I can go back to helping friends.

This is really getting to me, not helping friends with their problems. It is like an addiction, as my one friend and teacher put it this morning. I know this will be hard for me, to step away from everyone else's problems. I have never really stopped helping people before.

Other than that, I need to bring my concentration down to only a few people. That way there is not so much drama and that way I will be able to concentrate on my own problems/drama. I feel horrible, as though I am abandoning friends, but in the end this will all be worth it. I will be able to clear my mind and be able to help my friends even more than what I have been able to do.

Right now I have narrowed it down to Brett, Courtney, Stephen, and Caitie. I need to get rid of a little more drama within that ring of friends though. God I hate this kind of decision. I love each of them and I want to help them all so badly. Plus I don't want anyone thinking I have given up on them or their problems. I am only taking a raincheck for now.




Starting of the Rants on Tommy

09:30 Sep 12 2006
Times Read: 1,040

I know that in my last entry stating "Am I such a horrible person to say I seriously, really hope to hell he dies in Iraq." Yes I know I have no right to make that statement to begin with in most eyes. Well you don’t have to live with making it, I do and I will not regret this statement. And no it is not a threat, only wishful thinking. You know what? Tommy hurt me more than anyone ever did in my whole life. I trusted him and he turned into an ass. He broke promises, he lied, he cheated, and then he claims I was the worse mistake he ever made. Well I won't say it was a mistake dating him for almost six months or spending my time with him and writing him letters was a waste of my time. He taught me many things and those lessons will always be with me. Sadly enough so will the pain. I don't take back what I said and I won't ever feel the need to. I want him to see what true war is about. The type of war my father saw and dreamt about every night of his life since. I don't even know half of what my father went through during that war but I want Tommy to suffer as my dad did and then he will have the right to say he is more of a man than him if he can survive better than my dad did, that is. Tommy has not even survived his life up to now that well. He has tried to escape his problems, not confront them. I have the same problem and I admit that, I don't care. But my father did something about his problems and solved most of them during his life. He did not escape them and never tried to but once, which is when he first came home from Vietnam and I do not blame him there. But Tommy has a lot to learn about life, more than he can imagine since he has no respect for the dead. He should die as he truly deserves and that is what I wish upon him. The cosmos keep everything in balance and this will all be resolved in the end, I know that.

Yeah this is only a small portion of the rants that will be placed in here soon enough on him. Thanks to Brett, I am supposed to get it all out and I don't blame him for reminding me of Tommy every so often because he knows the pain he caused that he can no longer cause. But the damage that originally was there still remains and I still have to work completely through it. Brett knows that and he always holds my hand through it all, even though so of my words end up hurting him in the end because I know I give the demons fuel to burn more images into his head. I will continue another entry later on but yeah this is it for now.




Here you go, something to read...

20:59 Sep 11 2006
Times Read: 1,049

Here let's clear up confusion... monkeybabe would be Britany and Waddles is me.

**Am I such a horrible person to say I seriously, really hope to hell he dies in Iraq. And I now officially pity her more than anyone. Just wait for him to cheat on her and things. Yeah I know it will happen one day, once a cheater always a cheater. You can hide the spots of a leopard but you cannot change the fact that it is a leopard, wise words from a woman in my Psychology class. She was right and I know he will never ever change, just hope Britany will have fun when her world comes down from his deceiving ways.**

monkeybabe304 [3:34 P.M.]: So what tommy do to u this time? If ur boyfriend wants to pitty me tell him don't

Waddles852 [3:35 P.M.]: what?

monkeybabe304 [3:36 P.M.]: his vampire website

monkeybabe304 [3:37 P.M.]: Tell him not to pitty me. If he must pitty someone it should be everyone who let tommy go my husband is the most amazing man plus ur bf needs not worry tommys mine we are married he isn't coming back to ur life.

Waddles852 [3:37 P.M.]: it was a rant that he did... we have been putting whatever is on our minds in our journals.

Waddles852 [3:37 P.M.]: and congrats

monkeybabe304 [3:38 P.M.]: Well he shouldn't pitty me the way I see it he should pitty u or even his self.

monkeybabe304 [3:39 P.M.]: U lost the LOVE of ur life when I got tommy he's in LOVE with someone who can't let go of the past

monkeybabe304 [3:39 P.M.]: And stay off his myspace.

Waddles852 [3:41 P.M.]: okay as for my boyfriend supposed to be pitying himself, no he should never do that. he has never done anything to be able to do that. as for self pity, right now I full of it and guilt. I just woke up from nightmares about my dad's death and the past so yeah thanks for attacking me. and I can go where ever I want to online.

monkeybabe304 [3:42 P.M.]: He should pitty himself becuz he's stuck with u

monkeybabe304 [3:42 P.M.]: Go to tommys page u won't be able to see it anymore sorry

Waddles852 [3:43 P.M.]: he can leave me anytime he pleases to, he can even go back to his ex if he wants... he doesn't want to.

monkeybabe304 [3:45 P.M.]: Just stay off his myspace don't u get it ur tommys past a past he completly forgot about and he's married leave him alone

Waddles852 [3:45 P.M.]: oh and by the way, a warning... there will soon be an entry in my journal about Tommy. and no it isn't because he has done anything recently, just yeah.

monkeybabe304 [3:46 P.M.]: U should leave him in ur past.

monkeybabe304 [3:46 P.M.]: He's done it wit u.

monkeybabe304 [3:46 P.M.]: But I guess that's all that matters he mine and he loves me goodbye ur a fucking wacko

Waddles852 [3:46 P.M.]: haha I don't care... I can write, think, do, or say what ever I damn please

monkeybabe304 [3:47 P.M.]: Ur fucking dumb just don't threatin him or ull be sorry he's government property.

Waddles852 [3:48 P.M.]: I don't give a shit about his ass as for the rants on VR it is called dealing with the ghost of a memory

monkeybabe304 [3:48 P.M.]: Lol ur a loser.

monkeybabe304 [3:48 P.M.]: Get over him move on completely with brett

Waddles852 [3:48 P.M.]: as for the government, they are fuckin stupid as hell.

Waddles852 [3:49 P.M.]: and what speed I go with Brett is no one business but my own

monkeybabe304 [3:49 P.M.]: My husband fights for ur dumb ass to say shit like that

Waddles852 [3:49 P.M.]: haha your husband hasn't even seen war

Waddles852 [3:49 P.M.]: real war

Waddles852 [3:49 P.M.]: my dad did

Waddles852 [3:50 P.M.]: my dad was in Vietnam

Waddles852 [3:50 P.M.]: had to kill 11 year olds and woman

monkeybabe304 [3:50 P.M.]: Whatever just know u aren't ever gonna get him back

Waddles852 [3:50 P.M.]: the youngest he killed was 7 or 8

Waddles852 [3:50 P.M.]: i don't want him back

Waddles852 [3:50 P.M.]: not to get hurt again and cheated on and lied to

Waddles852 [3:50 P.M.]: hell no

Waddles852 [3:50 P.M.]: never

monkeybabe304 [3:50 P.M.]: Tommy will end up in iraq fuck u. Just don't u wish u knew when well u don't cuz he hates u

Waddles852 [3:51 P.M.]: fuck i dont care

Waddles852 [3:51 P.M.]: iraqw and current lil wars and shit are not real war

Waddles852 [3:51 P.M.]: get the rifle

Waddles852 [3:51 P.M.]: long range

Waddles852 [3:51 P.M.]: haha

Waddles852 [3:51 P.M.]: fuck that shit

monkeybabe304 [3:51 P.M.]: Fuck u.

Waddles852 [3:51 P.M.]: and yeah i know what i am talking about because i know people who have been in iraq2

Waddles852 [3:51 P.M.]: *iraq

monkeybabe304 [3:51 P.M.]: The men and women over the fighting are fighting just same as ur dad did bitch

Waddles852 [3:51 P.M.]: and desert storm

Waddles852 [3:52 P.M.]: um no

Waddles852 [3:52 P.M.]: Vietnam was the worse war ever

monkeybabe304 [3:52 P.M.]: God I'm done with u go wollow in self pitty. About ur dad who's gone and nothing can be done about it u bhold on to the past way to much gooodbye

Waddles852 [3:52 P.M.]: Tommy wont have to kill lil kids and women under hs officers command, will he? no

Waddles852 [3:53 P.M.]: haha you have no clue about my past

monkeybabe304 [3:53 P.M.]: Yeah they are over killing little kids and women u know nothing bitch. I said goodbye

Waddles852 [3:53 P.M.]: not the way in which my dad had to

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Jealousy Showing Itself

23:25 Sep 05 2006
Times Read: 1,060

Jealousy is a horrible and destructive thing. Currently I am dealing with it and so is my boyfriend, along with some of my friends too. I hate feeling the emotions involved with jealousy and I really hate feeling envious of someone else, especially when there is really no reason to be. I don't know why I feel this way though. Either I don't know or I am denying the reasons behind the emotions, and I would have to say it is more likely the last one instead of the first. But I seriously doubt if I will admit those reasons to myself, let alone others. I want so badly to open up to Brett. Yet every time I try to open up, I just become paralyzed and I am silent for a long time after the failed attempt. I hate being quiet sometimes, especially when I just want to scream what is on my mind. I know I cannot leave everything build up more than what it already is or the consequences will be dire. Wow looks like this also explains where I came up with my name from. Every time I try to fix something in the way I feel is right, it backfires on me. We learn as children about consequences. But not only did I learn of consequences, I learned how badly the outcome of my actions could be. I am fearful to move right now, like I am the eight year old I once was. I don't like feeling like her and I refuse to leave myself stay in this state for long. I worry about what it is doing to all of my relationships. I have not even talked to my best friend for a while now and I have been avoiding talking to friends on here as well. I know I shouldn't cut myself off but I know that the words I speak right now could be harsh and I don't want them to have to deal with it all. I know that Brett is by my side no matter what I tell him or how much I try to push him away. Yes, I will admit I have caught myself several times trying to push him away, including when I first met him, but he always pushes back. But I don't want him out of my life, ever; I want him to be in it always. I am just scared of leaving anyone that close to me for so long. It scares me how close we are right now, and I can even feel the connection I share with him growing stronger and he can feel it, the same. I know he will be one of the so few people to know what I am thinking, how I will react in situations, and what emotions I am feeling at a given time. He already does some of that right now. I am only used to a couple of close friends being able to do it. I don't know if I want it or not because my judgment is clouded right now by all the negative emotions and thoughts running around my head right now. The negative emotions and thoughts are the reason why I am admitting to write a letter to Brett about it all, trying to get it all out. I know I won't get it all out, probably not even 3/4ths of it all but at least it will be a start and we have someplace to start from. One of my greatest fears is of messing everything up with him. I don't want to lose him. I feel I can't but then what if something does happen? I cannot even stand to think about that right now but I know if something does happen to someone I love, I cannot allow myself to cause pain in my life or take the easy way out. I know that my loved ones would never want me to take my own life or cause myself pain or go back to cutting.




Just Here...

00:40 Sep 05 2006
Times Read: 1,069

I found out today why I am always so cold, it is because I am probably anemic. My mom first mentioned it to be about a week ago that I could possibly be anemic. So since I refuse to go to the doctor's, she called mine and told him everything that is going on with my symptoms. He told her, she was probably right but there is no way of knowing for sure unless I get a blood test. Well I refuse to go around any doctors right now and until after October 13th since I will be depressed enough without doctor appointments weighing me down too.

I was in pretty bad shape last night and I apologize for making people worry but I had to get it out somehow. I am okay today for the most part. My stomach hurts really bad and I threw up some more blood this morning but it was only a little bit and I haven't done it since. I am tired of keeping everything bottled up, especially right now but every time I go to open up to someone, I feel paralyzed.




i just want my daddy

08:38 Sep 04 2006
Times Read: 1,076

i dont know what to do right now i am sitting here breaking down and trying to get my breathing regular again i fell asleep while waiting for brett to call me and woke up with a dream that my dad was still alive and everything was great again i was even talking to him about everything that is on my mind right now and all my fears and just everything and i woke up and it was all gone... everything just gone again i even believed it was all reality and he wasnt dead and i even went to his rooom to tell him good morning and make sure he was okay and if he wanted something to eat and then when i saw his empty bed i knew it was all a dream i just want my daddy back that is all just for a hug from him and for him to tell me everything is okay once again i cant stand this right now i just want to go back to cutting so badly right now and i know i cant i cant do that to myself too brett to my friends to my family to tyler and to my dad he made me promise the morning he died that i wouldnt hurt myself and i went back on it that very ssame day i cant forgive myself for doing it that time let alone the relapses i have since then and i cant even pull the knife across my arm i want to so badly feel that pain again it isnt that extreme but i cant do it to the ones i love and the ones who actually care about me so instead i did something i used to do when i couldnt cut anymore and io binge ate and then made myself sick til i puked up blood if i cant cut i need pain somehow i have to have it right now i am even scared of leaving myself fall asleep i know i could call brett right now or courtney or someone but i cant i dont want to wake them up just because of me they both need sleep more then they need my problems maybe people are right and i have to many problems but i know if i work at them i can make it through all of this i brought myself out of the corner at least i know there is hope for me just like there is for everyone else i just have to find it and i already think i did... all my reasons not to cut or take another way out i need to face this head on and i know it i need to accept that my dad is dead and i need to stop blaming myself i just wish i could erase that look in his eyes out of my head and just forget the pain i saw that morning i just want rid of my dreams and to stop acting like the princess i never was and reverting back to when i was eight i just want a way out right now out my my mind that is all i want to escape for a while

i just want my daddy back... come back daddy, come back! please ive been a good girl, just come back! dont leave me alone by myself, please daddy PLEASE

please come home daddy, we still wait, everything almost the same since you left... we watch for you to come through those doors and leave your bed alone, daddy please come home!




Going Insane...

00:14 Sep 04 2006
Times Read: 1,081

A lot has been on my mind lately and every time I feel like I have solved one problem or accepted one thought on my mind, another one comes into focus. I cannot even narrow down most of the thoughts or even the fears. All I can do is try to deal with them as they come and go as they please.

Some of the fears I have narrowed down, so far are:

the future

the past

self doubts

am I good enough?

will I ever be?

losing loved ones

being forgotten

being hurt

not getting the pain I want and feel I need

becoming paralyzed

breaking promises

not being true to myself

disappointing those I love

failing those I love and depend on me

being someone who has to depend on another

giving up on someone

my thoughts and fears

unanswered questions

the damage past relationships can do to current ones


*This does not even account for half of what is on my mind or what my fears are right now.*




Happiness For Niceness

20:35 Sep 01 2006
Times Read: 1,086

Okay, I owe a lot to my one professor! I had C's in both of the classes that I take for her, keyword had. She has e-mailed all the students and is giving us until 5 p.m. on Sunday to redo and makeup assignments. Wow I am so grateful right now. I already brought up one of the grades to a B and I plan on earning the other 31-50 points to get an A. The other class is more of a challenge since I have missed some of the chats, thanks to inconvenient times. But I can take the chat preparation questions and answer them in depth and put my references for the answers with it all. I am sure she will count it and might even give me some extra points since I would be doing more work then the ones that attended the chats. But by the end of the time span, I should have at least a B in the course. I am so happy that she gave us this chance since many of the students have been missing due dates and chat sessions.



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