Dragonrouge's Journal

Dragonrouge's Journal


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8 entries this month

It was not death

22:53 Aug 29 2008
Times Read: 1,209

"It was not death by Steiner62 (An Animal seeking his Anima).

It was not death, for I stood up,

And all the dead lie down;

It was not night, for all the bells

Put out their tongues, for noon.

It was not frost, for on my flesh

I felt siroccos crawl, -

Nor fire, for just my marble feet

Could keep a chancel cool.

And yet it tasted like them all;

The figures I have seen

Set orderly, for burial,

Reminded me of mine,

As if my life were shaven

And fitted to a frame,

And could not breathe without a key;

And 'twas like midnight, some,

When everything that ticked has stopped,

And space stares, all around,

Or grisly frosts, first autumn morns

Repeal the beating ground.

But most like chaos - stopless, cool, -

Without a chance or spar,

Or even a report of land

To justify despair."

by Emily Dickinson




empty garden

00:47 Aug 24 2008
Times Read: 1,221

"as i sit in an empty garden and cry with tears down my cheek i look up and see her crying and i see a single rose in the moonlight and think and cry why do you leave me i cry and she said to me and cry it was not me who died and as she faded in the mist i realized the love that i missed"

that is a gift I recieved from my brother Ravenspell

that`s it

just like that




Aya Kato

15:46 Aug 22 2008
Times Read: 1,226


Aya Kato - Yamata-no-orochi

Born in Aichi, Japan, in 1982, Aya Kato studied painting by self-study and graphic design at the Aichi University of Education, graduated in 2004 and started work as an illustrator in 2005.

“The picture is a place of meeting for me. I draw inspiration from my Japanese roots and traditions and became interested in the print process having studied the work of Hokusai and the world of Ukiyoe.

“For me, the beauty of Japanese art is in its two dimensions – its deepness and the beauty of the outlines. I often find inspiration from books or poetic language and my pieces extend from there. I like to think the passion I have for my work is expressed through the images I produce and would love to collaborate with people all over the world – in music, illustration and fashion.”

Yamata-no-orochi “Inspired by one of the famous Japanese myths, Yamata-no-orochi, this image used a traditional Japanese style.”

Yamato... is inspired after a japonese tale with a girl kidnapped by a dragon.If you know where I could read the tale on the internet, please post a comment.

Thank you.





15:34 Aug 22 2008
Times Read: 1,228

Finally I`m home now!

Back in my old city!

All this summer was an incasndescent storm and I saw great places!

I am now thinking at all the great friends, inside VR and outside that made me feel awesome and made the burden of this life much easier to carry.

Yes, you all , thank you!




Blessed day!

02:06 Aug 20 2008
Times Read: 1,238

This is indeed a blessed day!




Ada, Countess Lovelace

11:54 Aug 19 2008
Times Read: 1,243

Ada was Lord Byron's daughter, and, perhaps to counter any leanings toward the arty/literary which so enlivened her father's world, was encouraged to study mathematics and science. She collaborated with Charles Babbage, who invented the 'Analytical Engine' in 1843. The machine was probably never built, but contained the operating principles from which the computer was later developed. Ada translated a text by Manabrea about this calculating engine, and her notes, which took up more space than the original text, are generally agreed to contain the first instances of written software. Some parts of the Analytical Engine were derived from the punched cards used by the Jacquard loom to store and process information. The Jacquard loom itself was developed as a response to the demand for weavings with representational imagery, influenced by fabrics from Asia which became popular in Europe in the 18th century.

"Who can foresee the consequences of such an invention? The Analytical Engine weaves algebraic patterns just as the Jacquard loom weaves flowers and leaves. The engine might compose elaborate and scientific pieces of music of any degree of complexity or extent."

Babbage was impressed by Lovelace's intellect and writing skills. He called her "The Enchantress of Numbers". In 1843 he wrote of her:

Forget this world and all its troubles and if

possible its multitudinous Charlatans - every thing

in short but the Enchantress of Numbers.




Manuscript found in a bottle

13:25 Aug 18 2008
Times Read: 1,253

writer. Pictures, Images and Photos

I read Cortazar and try to awake my soul again... I feel drifted...

For returning to life you must pay a price.

I have to reborn again from my own ashes.

I shield my heart with my will and stand proud in the rising sun of love...

what is flesh may burn...

I retired underground, in the cave of the Time.

What is dead should stay dead!

At least I read that in an old manuscript...





23:36 Aug 10 2008
Times Read: 1,276


You are The Fool

The Fool is the card of infinite possibilities. The bag on the staff indicates that he has all he need to do or be anything he wants, he has only to stop and unpack. He is on his way to a brand new beginning. But the card carries a little bark of warning as well. Stop daydreaming and fantasising and watch your step, lest you fall and end up looking the fool.

What Tarot Card are You?Take the Test to Find Out.

* Number : 0

* Hebrew Letter :

o Anglicized : Aleph

o Character : א

o Value : 1

* Astrology

o Type : Planet

o Name : Uranus; Pluto

o Symbol : ♅

* Alchemy

o Type : Element

o Name : △ (Air)

o Type 2 : Metal

o Name 2 : Uranium

* Colour : Yellow

* Yetziratic Intelligence (Golden Dawn Version): Fiery Intelligence

* Musical Note (Paul Case Version): E Natural

* Cube of Space position : Above-Below

* Tree of Life position : (1,2) (Kether, Chokmah)

o Interpretations :

+ Crown of Wisdom

+ Wisdom of Crown

In the French medieval pack, the Fool is called Le Mat. This word has the same root than the famous checkmate move in the chess game. By analyzing the origin of checkmate, we may be able to understand this archetypal character better :

In Persian, the King and the game of chess bear the same name: Sah, that we translate as check or chess. Mat, translated into mate, means desperate. Thus, literally, checkmate means King desperate.

Le Mat

"That which the fountain sends forth returns again to the fountain."

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


# Cycle

# Renewal

# Quest

# Evolution

# Metamorphosis

# Liberation


# Irrationality

# Insanity

# Escape

# Regression

# Untamed desire

The fool is inhabited by an energetic flow towards life. He represents the primary vital impulse in progress. But this impulse can lead to pitfalls if the fool has unreasoned motivations.




02:25 Aug 13 2008

Yeah, I just had to. ;)

You are Judgement

Happiness, Content, Joy.

Judgment is related to the Hebrew letter Shin, which is fiery and spiritual. A break from the past, going forward.

With Fire as its ruling element, Judgment is about rebirth or resurrection. The idea of Judgment day is that the dead rise, their sins are forgiven, and they move onto heaven. The Judgment card is similar, it asks the resurrection to summon the past, forgive it, and let it go. There are wounds from the past that we never let heal, sins we've committed that we refuse to forgive, bad habits we haven't the courage to lose. Judgment advises us to finally face these, recognize that the past is past, and put them to rest, absolutely and irrevocably. This is also a card of healing, quite literally from an accident or illness, as well as a card signaling great transformation, renewal, change.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

13:29 Aug 18 2008

"This is a card of healing."

Indeed, my friend, indeed...

14:02 Aug 18 2008

I had to too.:)

You are The Empress

Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.

The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents,

beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home

decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.

The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business. While the Magician is the primal spark, the idea made real, and the High Priestess is the one who gives the idea a form, the Empress is the womb where it gestates and grows till it is ready to be born. This is why her symbol is Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love. Even so, the Empress is more Demeter, goddess of abundance, then sensual Venus. She is the giver of Earthly gifts, yet at the same time, she can, in anger withhold, as Demeter did when her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped. In fury and grief, she kept the Earth barren till her child was returned to her.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

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