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2 entries this month

Warning, unmitigated sexual content in the following.

09:31 Feb 24 2008
Times Read: 569

Bodice Ripper

By G. Woodruff

© 2001 – 2006, 2008

Chapter One

Cold hands cupped warm flesh, rising goose bumps and stroking a gasp of surprise and a sigh of pleasure at their caress.

“Where have you been lover?” asked a husky voice.

“Out, can’t you tell?” replied another in throaty tones.

“Yes, you’re cold, …” said the first.

“And you are warm…” came the second.

“Then,” murmured the first, “let me warm you.” And the conversation stops. The sound of rustling sheets, flesh rubbing against flesh, ardent breaths, gasps, groans and moans followed. Inarticulate words purred amid the susurrations as the two lovers tangled and twined upon the bed.

The sun rose, pale and pink, sending warm rays rolling down the sides of the mountains and ushering night away to her boudoir. Dark eyes opened and with the luscious lips that belonged to the same face, smiled as the warmth radiated into the room and slowly swept across the bed in a growing tide of light. Pillows and bolsters shifted as the body associated with those dark, mischievous eyes and warm ambrosial lips rolled over to look at the creature sharing the bed.

Pale limpid orbs smiled back as pouty lips quirked into an invitation to be kissed. Hands reached toward each other’s bodies and arms encircled each torso, pulling close and lightly embracing one another. Tender kisses and caresses added to the impetus for each of them to awaken further and soon they were engrossed in acts of carnal pleasure.

Bare feet stepped lithely upon the floor, making their way down the hall and into the bathroom. Water ran and the sounds of morning preparations and ablutions filled the air, obscuring the sounds of another pair of feet making their way in the same direction. Sounds of surprised mirth met them and in moments the sound of a shower running mixed with, and overpowered the soft-spoken words of love and lust that soon emanated with the mounting cloud of steam that wafted out of the room.

Breakfast, well, now, breakfast was just a mess. Fruit and yoghurt, juice and cream mingled with sweat and other lustier fluids that had been joyously spilt in the kitchen and the boudoir. Clean up was half-heartedly made, as this was also an occasion for sexual play. Another shower ensued, which in turn, led to more amorous display. The pair collapsed onto the bed and once more becoming entwined in cuddling and snuggling following this. The morning was pleasantly spent achieving no other or greater goal.

Mid-afternoon roused the duo with languorous libidinous and an appetite that was only partially sated with food. Lubricious looks passed between them as they fed their bodies at the postmeridian meal. Once again they made their way to the bathtub and disported again in a mischievous mixture of lovemaking and lavation. When the process was completed, the day was fading to early evening and they made their way back to the boudoir. However, this time they made to get dressed, albeit with many a flirtatious and concupiscent caresses and embraces.

He helped her as she attired. First came the aquamarine chopper bar lace panties, these he held in his hands as he knelt before her, she stepped daintily into them first her right foot and then her left, he raised them up the columns of her legs and kissed her mons veneris before letting the fabric cover them. Over this he drew up a matching garter belt.

Then she sat back upon a chaise upholstered in rich maroon and gold silk brocade as he unrolled Cuban foot back seamed aquamarine silk stockings up each leg. He kissed and caressed her calf, knee and thigh as he did so and then as he fastened each to the garter belt, he kissed her quivering abdomen, eliciting giggles of pleasure all the while.

Next she stood and turned so that he could wrap her in a jacquard demi cup corset of teal silk, and then she leaned over the chaise so that he could lace up the back. She braced her buttocks against his groin as he did this and could feel the strength of his erection as her silk clad derriere pressed against him. She could feel herself reacting to the pressure of his erection against her labia and grew wanton in her desire for him.

When he had finished she turned about, knelt and pulled him close, smiling up at him as she took him into her mouth. Moments stretched into eons as he responded to the caresses of her tongue and lips, humming deep in her throat to coax him to climax. When he recovered from the orgasm she licked him clean and smiled up at him once more.

He reached down and took her hands, pulling her up to stand before him, and while his left arm snaked around her, bringing her close to him, his right hand lifted her face and he kissed her long and lustily until she feared she might swoon with the passion. He let her up for air and stepped away, returning with a long gown of jade velvet that he held over her head and helped her slide into. It had a cowl neck, princess seams, side slits, scalloped edges, and was lined in gold satin.

He then gently pushed her back onto the chaise and kneeling, took from under it a pair of black suede knee high boots; gently he slid each of her feet into the leather lined sheath. He adjusted the laces at the back so that each boot clung snugly to the shape of her calves.

Then he stood and moving around behind her, opened a jewellery box and retrieved a green satin ribbon choker that featured an emerald set in a gold and surrounded with gold embroidery in a satin stitch and fastened it about her neck. He then pulled her hair back and kissed the back of her neck and she arched her head back and kissed him deeply while he cradled her head.

When the kiss ended, she rose and turned to face him, a smile caressing her face as he surveyed his naked body. She then turned and fetched a pair of black silk briefs, which she knelt and held open for him to step into. As she raised them, she let her fingers caress his legs and leaning forward, nuzzled at his crotch until he was quite hard again. She began to caress his cullions with her left hand and stroking the shaft with her right while she once more took him into her mouth.

“We’ll never get the…” he began but she hummed deep in her throat as her tongue caressed the vein that ran along the underside and then circled the ridge of his crown. Hungrily she drank him in, delighting in the sounds he made, feeling her labia becoming so very moist at his pleasure. His fingers ran through her hair, caressing her scalp and shoulders, his hands teasing at her neck as she swallowed him. She leaned forward as he started to tumble back onto the chaise and a low guttural chuckle deep in her throat finished of his resolve. He exploded in her and she drank each eruption with delight. Then after licking him clean, she finished pulling the garment up over his genitals and buttocks.

“You are an evil woman!” he gasped as she smiled at him.

“Why?” she asked impishly, “because I enjoy indulging my oral fixation?”

“Because you tease me so, how am I to reciprocate when you are clothed?” He asked between ragged breaths.

“You’ll have to owe me. You can pay me back, later.” She winked saucily at him.

“That I will love.” He murmured.

“Now up, I shall finish dressing you.” She stood and pulled him to his feet and then turned and took a black silk t-shirt from the dresser and handed it to him, watching as he slid it on over his broad shoulders and pulled it down over his muscular abdomen. She then took a double-breasted gold silk shirt off of a hanger. She held it up and he slid first his right and then his left arms into the sleeves, shrugging into it as she released it and stepped around him to fasten the frog closures on the front of the shirt.

Next she picked up a pair of soft, velvet leggings intricately patterned in red and gold with small accents in black. These she slid up each of his legs, restraining her urge to tease and excite him again. She tucked in the skirts of the tunic and then closed the clasps, smiling with lascivious promise.

Now she pushed him back onto the chaise and retrieved a pair of low heeled knee high riding boots and slipped them on each of his feet, teasing at his nap of his knees as she did. He arched an eyebrow at her and she bit her lip in mock modesty. His smiled and stood up.

“As much as I love your mouth, I think you can wait until later my love.” He grinned to take any bite out of his comment.

“Yes luv.” she grinned back. She stepped away and returned with a red double-breasted jacket with gold buttons and embroidered cuffs and collar, while he turned and retrieved for her a long thick wrap of sable and emerald. He held the wrap, folded, in his left hand as she held up the jacket for him to slide his right arm in the sleeve. He transferred the wrap to his right hand as he slid his left arm into the other sleeve. He then unfolded the wrap and held it up for her and slid it around her shoulders. They kissed and then went down stairs and out for the fast approaching evening.




Blood's Daughter Part Three

08:27 Feb 19 2008
Times Read: 575

Blood’s Daughter

© 2007, 2008

George Woodruff

Part Three

Nothing. Silence. Darkness. These three held sway over a dreamscape that was blessedly peaceful until; with a suddenness that was devastating they were swept aside by pain. The sensation obliterated all before it and left nothing, but darkness and silence in its wake. Slowly, the sensation returned, this time as a low slow throbbing persistence that drummed through the darkness like a beating heart, a slow march to the madness that threatened. Then slowly the pain began to subside and other sensations came to the fore; hunger, thirst, satiation of these and dreams, dreams that were nothing more than vague flickers of false sight behind her eye.

Finally with a start she realised she was alive and awake and sat up. The pain of that movement wrenched a gasp from her that brought someone running into the darkened room. Her eye screamed at the blinding brightness of the dim candle in the lantern in the person’s hand made her flinch anew and her right arm struck her in the face as she tried to shield them from the incandescent glare.

“Shit!” She groaned as she saw stars for a moment and the lantern was obscured as the person turned and set it upon a table nearby. Then she could see the face of the form that stood over her. Young round eyes stared at her in surprise and fumbling hands flittered about her ineffectually. “Who are you and where the hell am I?” She growled in a throat she barely recognised as her own.

“Sis… sister Mary…” came the reply, followed by a stunned pause and then as she was about to demand the information again, “you’re at the Convent of the Sisters of Mercy”

“Is there aught to drink Mary, I’m feeling a mite parched.” She growled with less severity. The novice turned and fetched her a beaker and poured some water into it from a pitcher that stood on the table. “Thanks,” she murmured as she took it and nearly dropped it. Mary helped her get the vessel to her lips and dribble the cool refreshing liquid down her throat, one hand holding the cup, the other supporting her back as she swayed on the cot she’d been sleeping upon. “Again Mary, thanks.” She gasped as she pushed the nearly empty cup from her. “So… what now Mary?” The young nun looked abashed and then stammered.

“I… I should go and get Sister Helena, she’s the healer who has been seeing to you and tending your wounds.” She nodded at the novitiates words and allowed herself to be laid back upon her pillows, fading in and out of consciousness as she waited for Sister Helena.

“So… Mary says you’ve decided to stay with us.” A voice interrupted her semi-somnolence. She looked at the older woman who now sat beside her and smiled down with tired eyes.

“Huh? What?” She started to sit up but a firm hand held her down, urging her to rest. “Who said I was joining your order?” She queried with a quavering voice.

“Forgive me friend, I meant that you had decided to remain alive, A-Via-Stygian as it were.” The woman said with a smile in her voice. She smiled at that and laughed, her chuckle changing to a chocking cough that quieted as she sipped water from the cup that Mary proffered to her.

“I like that one, Aviastygian, something of a wit as well as a scholar you are.” She managed to whisper when she could breathe and talk again. The nun inclined her head and smiled at the compliment.

“Thank you sword-sister, I appreciate your appreciation.” She looked suddenly at the nun when she addressed her as a sword-sister.

“Does it show?” she asked.

“To one who has worn armour and wielded weapons, yes, though you seem soft for one so young, let me guess, your training was interrupted.” It was more of a statement Helena made than a question. She nodded in sullen response.

“Yes, my father died and my mother’s sister felt I should be taught to be a ‘proper lady.’” She growled with frustration.

“Well I’m sure she meant well, but I’m sure you know how the road to Hell was paved?” Helena said. She grunted in agreement and smiled. “So, do you have a name Aviastygian? She made to answer and then paused. Sister Helena watched her intently with veiled eyes until she looked hard at the nun with surprise in her eye.

“You know, I can’t remember.” She said.

“Do you remember your father’s name?” Helena asked. She thought and her head hurt as she tried to remember.

“No, I can’t.” Anger flared in her voice at the realisation. “Nor can I recall my mother or her sister.” She paused, her face flushing with the emotions that came with the realisation that that part of her life seemed lost to her. “I can’t recall any names other then yours and Sister Mary’s.” She snapped. Her body trembled with the frustration that welled up within her and her breath became ragged and hoarse as she searched her memory for familiar names only to find nothing. Helena put a gentle hand upon her right arm and the touch seemed to send a soothing balm spreading through her.

“Rest now, it is not as important as it seems right now. Be at peace and in time it will come to you.” She nodded at Helena’s words and as the anger passed so did her energy and she slumped into the woman’s arms. Gently she was laid back upon her pillows and the covers tucked up about her shoulders. She closed her eye and was soon sleeping deeply.



03:04 Feb 20 2008

Well written dear Sir.. very nice indeed..

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