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Blood in the Moonlight

17:01 Jul 20 2007
Times Read: 566

Blood in the Moonlight

By G. Woodruff

© 2007

The wind came soughing through the trees as the sun sank below the horizon. Jacob looked about in the gathering gloom but otherwise did not change his pace. He had thought he’d heard voices but could see no one up or down the road, nor in amongst the boles of the twilit trees.

The road curved ahead about a tumbled wall of an old stone building and he saw a fine lady sitting upon a white steed, holding a lantern up and looking at him. He stopped when he saw her and bowed.

“Come thou here!” she said in a quiet voice that brooked no refusal. Jacob advanced, keeping his eyes downcast lest she think him impertinent.

Regardless, he did notice many things about her. Her skin was white like the lilies of the forest; her long hair was a dark red, braided and carefully coifed about her head. Her eyes glinted green like ivy, her lips were full and red like rose petals. She wore a gown of dark blue that showed more of her shoulders and décolletage than Jacob had seen outside a scullery or was comfortable with in the presence of a woman of quality. It clung to her body, accentuating the swell of her breasts and sweep of her waist, the shape of her hips before flaring and draping over her legs and her mount.

“What is thy name boy?” she said softly, her tone still making no allowance for reticence.

“Jay… Jacob, mistress.” He stammered.

“Jay Jacob?” She said with mild incredulity.

“Jacob, mistress, my father is Lucas, the weaver.” He said with more care in choosing his words.

“What does bring thee out into the forest this late at night boy?” She queried.

“I am returning home from the town mistress, my father sent me to order some dyes from the dye maker.” He answered.

“And hast thou fulfilled thy father’s charge?” She inquired.

“Aye milady.” He said.

“Then thou may accompany me, for I do have need of a strong and faithful youth,” She saw him look up at her in alarm and continued, “fear not, thy father will be well rewarded for thy service unto me.” Jacob nodded, though in his heart he had fear that his father would be very angry.

She turned her horse and he followed, she kept it to a slow trot that he found easy enough to match, though it left him unable to speak, not that he would have dared venture conversation with someone as august as her. The night drew in about them, the shadows lengthening and but for the light of her lantern, shrouding the reaches of the forest in Cimmerian darkness. Their progress also made a fair bit of noise so that he could not be certain if he heard other noises as he jogged to keep pace.

As the moon began to rise, he spied a manor house ahead and let slip a sigh of relief, he had feared she might ride all night. It was an old structure, surrounded by a wall, with a gate house that stood over an arch in the wall. She rode through and he followed, distracted momentarily by someone closing the gate behind him. Who it was he could not tell for in the gloom under the arch of the gate he could barely make out the form of the gate warden. When he turned back, she had dismounted and was striding up to the main door of the house. Her horse was being led away by another dark and shadowy figure that he could not clearly see as it entered the doorway of the stables.

The hall into which she led him was ringed round with windows and through their leaded panes the moon shone its light upon the walls and floor. There were other lights as well, candles burned in sconces upon the wall, but too few to do more than add a golden hue to the moon’s light.

“Come Jacob!” she called, and he strode quickly into her presence. “Look at me!” He raised his eyes, but dared not look her in the eye. “Look me in the eye!” She commanded and he could not but obey. He looked into those dark green pools and as the moon rose higher, its sphere filling the window he quailed at the hunger he saw in them.

She struck then. Her hands catching his as he raised them in defense, fingers like iron, cold as ice locked with his and bent his palms back. He trembled, stumbled and fell to one knee. He pulled his head back in fear and she let out a wicked baleful laugh, her teeth showing vicious and sharp like serrated daggers. Fangs like a vipers closed on his throat and she dropped his hands as the bones in wrists snapped.

She drew him in closer, her arms encircling him, her nails sinking deep into his back, causing to arch more, exposing more of his neck, talons like steel knives shredding his back, opening new wounds. Her dugs pressed against his chest and he became aware that he was becoming aroused.

A low, wet, warm chuckle tickled his ear as his erection continued and he felt her right hand reach down inside his trousers and fondle his scrotum. He was becoming lost in all this pain and pleasure. He felt himself flying and landed against a stone table that stood against the wall, his flesh bruising, a rib or two cracking. Cool night air caressed his legs and loins before he knew what was happening. He looked down and saw that in throwing him across the room, she’d torn away his trousers and left him naked from the waist down.

A grip of iron grabbed his shattered wrists and pulled them back against the stone. Icy manacles closed about his pulpy joints and he screamed in pain. This brought another dark terrifying chuckle from his tormentor. Another set of bonds closed about his ankles, securing him to the top of the slab.

A claw like a giant cat’s raked his chest and tore away his tunic, leaving him fully naked in the pale moon light. He looked at her and saw she was naked too. His eyes ogled her beauty, his flesh responding to the erotic stimuli despite his pain. She slid up onto the stone table, a knee pressing down upon each shoulder and lowered her moist, dripping labia onto his face. A moan of pleasure surged through her as he struggled to suck air into his lungs.

Then she leaned forward and he felt her mouth settle about his still tumescent flesh and as she did so, her hips rocked forward and he sucked in a lungful of air. She rocked back and forth, her hands caressing his thighs, her fingers teasing his scrotum, her nails tickling his nerve endings and pricking his skin.

When he thought he could stand it no longer she shifted her weight and crawling across his body, turned and slid the purple crown of his erection between her labia, deep inside her body, shuddering and sighing with pleasure as she did so. He watched her as she fondled her erect nipples and cupped her firm and swaying breasts. He watched as she flexed her calves, thighs and buttocks and rode up and down the hard flesh of his tumescence. He watched as she leaned forward and with jaws like a trap began to worry at his neck again.

His screams mixed with the sounds of her teeth rending his flesh and the chuckles and moans that escaped her as she continued to writhe upon him, thrusting his phallus deep into her pulsing vulva, dragging the shaft across the throbbing nub of her clitoris and squeezing its length with her interior muscles.

She quivered as she felt him ejaculate and arched her back, pulling her face up and away from his ravaged neck, a strand of tissue pulling taut before snapping as she sat up, first raising her arms and then caressing her body, sliding bloody hands down over her spattered breasts and across the midsection of her abdomen. Wings of fire exploded into being as she conceived and she looked down upon her victim with satisfaction.

“Thou hast done well my boy, very well, for I am now with child.” She purred and looked into his face as his life ebbed and flowed from the gory hole in his neck. “Oh fear not, I’ll not leave thee to suffer so, that would not do for the sire of my progeny.” And with that, she stuck her hands into his flesh under his sternum and pulling up, ripped open his ribcage. She laughed with delight as his spasms made his erection move inside her and then as blood spouted like a gory geyser upon her milky skin, she took hold of his heart in her hand and tore it from his chest. She bit into it as the life faded from his horrified eyes and laughed at his pain and anguish.

She finished the heart and looked down at the ruin that had been the youth. She smiled as she licked her fingers and then looked absently about her. “Yes my dears, you shall feed soon, your mistress has but a few tidbits to collect.” With that she slid from his shattered body and cupping his now flaccid flesh in her hands, cooed over them before burying her face in his loins and biting them off and swallowing the bloody stump in several mouthfuls. She then took the scrotum into her mouth and swallowed it down too.

She turned away from the savaged corpse and the sanguinary stone table and sauntered from the hall. The wings that had sprouted still burning balefully bright, sending shadows racing across the recesses of the hall. As she stepped through a door and exited from the hall, the moon moved clear of the windows; and in its indirect light, dark, vaguely humanoid shapes loped out of the shadows and fell upon the carcass with lupine ferocity.



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