Fatalis's Journal


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9 entries this month

It's all about Da Club.........

08:11 May 27 2005
Times Read: 574

Why is it that all recent Hip Hop songs have the words "Da Club" in them? I guess these days without those two words the song will not be endorsed by the Hip-Hop nation.

Along the same line of thought....Why do people put rims and wheels on their cars that are more expensive than the cars themselves? For the Love !!! If you can afford wheels and

rims that cost 500-1000 apiece, Then don't put them on a car that is worth less than your yearly insurance payments!

Gangsta = Wanksta...........




Going to Texas Soon !!!

08:27 May 18 2005
Times Read: 588

They say there is nothing but Steers and Queers in Texas.......Wooohoooo........ I'm there in the near future ! Gonna be fun.............




We will never KNOW

11:39 May 17 2005
Times Read: 594

it doesn't matter what you think.......or who you support.....in some form or fashion.....we all have friends there......Period....no If, Ands, or Buts..........




A Wish.......

11:00 May 17 2005
Times Read: 596

I Really wish more people would read the Poem I put in for my friend Chris.......in the next few months, I'll be writing things or adding things for everyone overseas !!!




A New Poll

10:56 May 17 2005
Times Read: 597

I started a poll.......I'm sure that many who answer it are full of SHIT.......personally......I have one Profile......the results are gonna be funny to me.....this is my first poll.....gonna leave it open for a bit......Cheers !!!!




Thoughts Of A Troopie

09:52 May 12 2005
Times Read: 619

Bush trip over - home again;

Grass and mud and stones and rain.

One hundred dollars - a Troopie's worth;

Dripping trees and soaking earth.

"Skivers" keeping warm and dry,

Theirs is not to do or die.

Athletes at the depot site,

Their backs are sore - they cannot fight.

Sergeants, corporals, at HQ,

Earning more than Troopies do.

Bitterness wells up inside...

They'll never know how Johnny died.


Ten-years-old and four feet high,

History and UDI.

"Today we've struck a blow," said he,

"For Justice and Christianity.

"For Principle we've made a stand,

Courageous people, splendid land.

"Civilised, we stand or fall.

God Save the Queen, God Bless

You all".

And like the years, good friends have


Dave and Richard, Mike and John.

Crash and ambush, mine and mortar.

Cold and heat and dust and water.

Freckled David, Laughing Paul,

and Pete my bravest friend of all.

Write their names on Rolls of Honour,

Scripted bold in golden splendour.

For us will be no Victory Day;

The dogs of war have gone astray.

Now Principle becomes Surrender,

Expediency, the legal tender.

Is Justice just for those who shout?

Is this what Christ is all about?

Will someone tell us why we fight?

What once was Wrong is now what's


Where am I going - where have I been?

Somewhere ... Nowhere .... in


Years of waste - and so I cried,

The day my good friend Johnny died.

*Russell Drysdale*

March, 1978

This is for my Friend Chris.....he is headed back to Iraq....for the second time.....and only 22.....all he wants is to finish College......I'll add the explination of the poem on thursday.....

Okay so it's Saturday.....Sue me! This poem was written for a Rhodesian soldier named John Whitfield. He served with the Territorial wing of the Selous Scouts.

He was from Umtali, Rhodesia (now called Mutare, Zimbabwe) and was killed in an ambush during the civil war there, fought unofficially from 65-80. The actual conflict began in the

early 70's. A "skiver" is one who avoided National Service. UDI was Unilateral Declaration of Independence......it was when Rhodesia broke away from Great Britain in 1965.

The quotes were made by Ian Smith.....the Leader of Rhodesia at the time of UDI.





05:56 May 12 2005
Times Read: 621

They are all Twits.........Twits I tell ya !!!!!




I See Stupid People.....No.....Really I do !

10:01 May 04 2005
Times Read: 631

The inanity of the Human race never ceases to amaze me. I was reading through some journals and profiles earlier tonight. I noticed how it seems that some in the VR community

really need to invest time in anger management. Some of the journals were full of venom towards what seems to be multiple VR members. My thought process on these

ramblings was that if so many people here anger you........then LEAVE ! Why stay somewhere that infuriates you so. Last time I checked no one had a gun pointing

at your head or mine waiting to shoot us if we delete our profiles. I'm thinking about revisions to my 85% Theory........making it a 90 or 95% Theory. Read my Profile if you

don't understand that last sentence.

And the Profiles.......Well......briefly I wished I was turning 15 today instead of 35. Seems that everyone is Bi these days......ahhh

to be 15 again.........

On second thought..........I think I'll stick with 35.......




Half way to 70....

01:10 May 04 2005
Times Read: 638

The Sun is setting on the final day of my 34th year of life. It has been an interesting year. I moved from Atlanta to our farm in August. A few friends have had kids, gotten married or divorced, and a

couple have died. I have travelled a fair amount this last year. Made new friends and watched some old ones fade in their own way. Even had a few I haven't talked to in quit some

time come back into my life. One constant has been my best friend. No matter what I do, say, or think about anything. He is always there for me!

I have been in contact with my sister after little contact over the last nine years. She still seems to be searching for her place in this world....like so many are. The years of searching are

starting to show on her face. Hope she finds it soon !

At 2 am Central time I'll be 35......half way to 70 ! Never thought I would have been around this long. Such is life I guess! Watch out 35.....here I come......



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