GinOkami's Journal

GinOkami's Journal


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2 entries this month

Angel and Demon Seduction --- Chapter 2

00:29 Dec 23 2010
Times Read: 498

Chapter 2

It's Not You, It's Me

"Why don't they come up here and, um... arrest us?" Alex asked. He stood with the two women by a statue of an angel on a small rise away from the chapel. His own face was still wet with the blood from the goblet. The chapel was fully engulfed in flames, with firefighters spraying it down and police looking around for who might be in the area.

Both women answered at once. "That's me," the dark-haired one said, while the blonde replied with "I am concealing us." They stopped, looked at each other sharply, and then shrugged it off.

Having a quiet moment to get his bearings, he had realized underneath all the blood and bruises, both women were probably shockingly beautiful. Both seemed to always have either hair or shadow or a convenient stance just barely covering their breasts. The blonde had clearly recovered more quickly, standing taller and more alert. The other slouched a bit, arms crossed over her chest, looking mostly away from the other two.

"So they don't see or hear us here?"

"No," the blonde answered.

"Huh. ...'kay... I can't believe you're both standing, you were hurt so bad..."

"I am recovering rapidly," the blonde answered.

"I'll manage," the other shrugged.

"How did you find us?" the blonde asked. "Did you know about this? Were you sent?"

"I was just here taking pictures," Alex shrugged, jostling his backpack a bit. "Snuck onto the property. I heard the screaming. I really had no idea."

"The Lord does work in mysterious ways," the blonde smiled a bit.

"Bugger your patriarchal sky god," the other woman grimaced.

Alex was silent for a second. Every time he spoke seemed to make this very awkward moment more awkward, but somehow just standing there didn't seem to be all that slick, either. "Are you two cold? 'cause one of you could have my sweatshirt at least..."

The women both looked at him blankly.

"Hey, I'm just trying to help, I mean this is all so crazy, and... who the hell are you two, anyway?"

"Interesting choice of words," the blonde said, looking at the dark-haired one, who spat blood onto the ground.

"Sorry," Alex muttered.

"You may call me Rachel," the blonde began. "I am an angel of the Third Host, charged with... nevermind. It will mean nothing to you. I am an angel, and that is all you need to know. This one," she said, gesturing at the other woman, "is... well, why don't you tell him your name yourself?" she smirked.

"Bitch," the other snapped bitterly.

"That would be one name, yes," Rachel smirked.

"Woah, hey, how about we not fight?" Alex requested, taking a step further between them and holding his hands up peaceably. "Look, I'm Alex, okay? You're Rachel, okay, cool, and what's your name?"

"Call me Lorelei, ma—" she stopped herself.

"Original," Rachel rolled her eyes.

"Look, ladies, can we please cool it? Jeez, you're like cats and dogs or something."

Rachel looked at him evenly, and the notion clicked in Alex's head. He looked at Lorelei with wide-eyed realization. "But... aren't you supposed to have, like, wings?"

Alex felt silly for asking it almost as soon as it had come out of his mouth, but Rachel explained anyway. "They cut off our wings after we were summoned by their sorcery," she said, "and her little horns and tail. That pile of ashes in the room was what was left... it was all burned to block our power. Magic often works in symbolism, and I suppose those features can symbolize power. They wanted to weaken us.

"Lorelei here is a succubus," Rachel went on, a hint of venom in her voice. "Do you know what that is?"

"Er," Alex mumbled, thinking back to the handful of times he played Dungeons & Dragons and flipped through the books. "Isn't that like a hottie girl demon?"

"Yes," Rachel said while Lorelei rolled her eyes. "Hottie girl demon. The succubi seduce men on Earth to sate their own immortal lusts. Their victims give their all until they are shriveled husks, literally abandoning life and everything of importance to fornicate with the evil little trollops. Men fornicate with them to their literal deaths."

"Holy shit, is she serious?" Alex blinked, looking at Lorelei, who only reluctantly raised her eyes to meet Alex's gaze.

"She simplifies, but yes," she said quietly. "Though you have nothing to fear from me, mast—" again, she cut herself off. Rachel looked on with newly aroused interest.

"So you steal souls like that?"

Rachel giggled while Lorelei shook her head. "It's not like that," Lorelei said simply. "I can... tell you later."

"Yes, I'll just bet you can, Lorelei," Rachel said.

"What's so funny about this?" Alex asked.

"Oh, I think Lorelei here was affected by this night much more than I. Do you remember what the fallen priest was saying?"

"Bite your tongue, angel!" Lorelei snapped.

"I was kinda busy trying to rescue you guys and not freak out at the same time. I'm not like a big hero or anything, I'm just a college student."

Rachel looked at him seriously for a moment, and then sighed. "I'm probably not supposed to tell you all this, but the hell with it." She leaned back, casually putting her butt against a headstone. "Those men in there were trying to use sorcery to enslave us both. Well, the priest was, anyway. The others were probably just his dupes. Doubtlessly one of them was the fool who left the front door unlocked. Thankfully.

"They summoned us through ritual magic and imprisoned us. They tortured us to keep us weak. The chains, the whip, tearing off our wings. All of that, just to keep us both vulnerable. And then, with that goblet as a tool, the priest drew out of us part of our essences. My purest good, her foulest evil, just as he said."

Alex's jaw dropped, and he reached up to touch his cheek. "You mean that's what's all over my face? Is that gonna do something to me?"

"It already has, to all three of us," said Rachel, with a hint of mischief. "Though I can tell that Lorelei here got the worst of it. He worked harder on her. Neither of us can hurt you or lie to you now. That's just the way it is. And again, Lorelei's just not as evil as she was before -- how much difference that makes you'll have to just wait and see. And I," she said, a bit sadly, "am something less now than I was... though the Hosts may be able to remedy that later."

"So you're not a good guy angel anymore and she's not a bad guy demon? What happens with me?"

"Oh, I'm still good at heart, I can tell you that. And Lorelei... well, that's up to her, really. But as for you, again, the ritual was made to enslave us both to the recipient of those essences. I can neither lie to you nor hurt you, though you didn't really have to worry about that to begin with. Lorelei got it worse, though—"

"Go ahead and run your mouth more, wretch," Lorelei grumbled bitterly.

"—or have you not noticed that Lorelei keeps almost calling you 'master?' She's fighting it, but she's losing." Rachel was only slightly suppressing her grin. Angel or not, she found this amusing.

Again, Alex's jaw dropped. "I—what?!" he blurted. He looked between the two women. "I didn't mean—oh my god! Lorelei, I wasn't trying to enslave you, I was trying to help! Holy shit, this is crazy! I don't want you to have to be my slave! That's not right! I just didn't want you to get hurt anymore or raped, or... oh my god..."

Lorelei looked at Alex like he had grown another head and started speaking Chinese. At this, Rachel chuckled. "'Abashed, the Devil stood, and felt how awful goodness is.'"

"Oh, shut up," Lorelei replied bitterly.

"Isn't that from 'The Crow?'" Alex asked.

Rachel sighed. "No. Milton. Paradise Lost. Keep going to college, Alex, you'll get it."

"Is there any way to change it back? What happens when I wash this off my face?"

"Nothing," Lorelei answered. "The blood is a symbol and a conveyance, nothing more. The deed is done. We are both diminished. I cannot mislead or harm you, and... I will not be claiming any more lives as I once did. Master," she added, as if admitting defeat.

Alex was floored. "There's gotta be some way to free you, though, right? I mean, slavery's just... wrong!"

"This is not slavery as you understand it, m-master. That is an oversimplification. Besides, every demon is servant or slave to another in Hell," Lorelei shrugged. "I am far more displeased to be diminished in power than to have my allegiances shifted to this, particularly given the alternatives. Far better you than that fallen priest. And to return to Hell like this would be... unimaginable. Trouble yourself not over my feelings on it."

"Magnanimous for a demon. That pull on your essence must have gone deep," Rachel quipped.

"I would still bite off your wagging tongue, hag."

"Well... so... what am I supposed to do?" Alex blinked. "I mean is some other big bad demon going to come looking for her?"

"Possibly, but unlikely," Lorelei said, more to the ground than to Alex.

"I wouldn't worry about it," Rachel shrugged. "That does seem unlikely, both given Lorelei's situation and the fact that greater demons generally cannot act overtly against mortals. And in any event, there is an angel in your debt. You would be a terribly complicated target."

"You don't have to feel like you owe me anything," he said. "I just did what someone had to do. But, I mean... no offense, Lorelei, but," he turned back to Rachel, "is it really good for a normal guy like me to have a demon, um, working for him? I mean I don't wanna wind up in Hell!"

"Bound to you would be a better term," Rachel offered. "And that is something only time will tell. However, it's not like she can go back where she came from now, and I can't take her with me. I suspect that would end very badly. You'll have to keep her close to you so she doesn't run around being... well, evil." She smirked at the vicious glare her comment drew from Lorelei. "But I should think that someone like you might be a good influence on someone like her. I'll be watching over you, Alex. Remember, she cannot lie to you or try to bring you harm, including to your soul. Trust yourself. Farewell." She turned and started walking away, and as she did, she seemed to gradually fade from sight.

"Wait, you're just leaving? What am I supposed to do now?"

Rachel looked back and shrugged. "What else would you do? Go home."

With the angel gone, Alex slowly turned and looked at the battered but beautiful, naked demoness next to him. There were a million things on his mind, and he had no idea where to begin. But he was exhausted and certainly did want to go home. "So you can stay invisible?"

"I have great ability at illusion, master, yes," she responded evenly. "I haven't the strength just now for much else, but none but you will know I am present."

"Guess you'll have to be invisible on the back of my motorcycle, then, 'cause I only brought one helmet and I don't wanna get a ticket. You sure you don't want my sweatshirt?"

Alex and Lorelei pulled into the underground garage of his condo complex, finding the area devoid of people. Having come to a stop, Lorelei gracefully dismounted and stood behind Alex, who got off the bike somewhat slower and more nervously. He had never brought a girl home... let alone a woman like this.

Standing next to the bike, Alex pulled off his helmet and looked at her, and found the breath knocked right out of him. On the ride home, her bruises vanished and the scarring from the removal of her horns faded completely. Her hair still hung alluringly over her otherwise bare, full breasts. He had just enough presence of mind to not look lower. There was still blood, soot and other marks upon her, but her face had regained its original shape -- again, minus the horns -- and that shape was so beautiful as to leave him speechless.

"I seem able to heal, at least," Lorelei said, noting his very obvious reaction. "It is... good that you are pleased, master."

After a moment more, Alex got hold of himself, and looked around to see if anyone saw him being so awkward and nervous. "We are alone. Were we not, we would still be undetected unless you wished it, master," Lorelei said.

"Does it bother you at all," Alex asked hesitantly, "calling me master?"

"Not especially. Does it trouble you?"

"A little. I mean I don't want it going to my head." She gave him that incredulous look again, but he ignored it. "Maybe you should just call me by my name?"

"Very well, Alex. Shall I remain unnoticed when we go inside? Do you have family? A lover?"

"No, nobody, I'm single. I mean yeah. I've got family. I live with my mother. I mean I just turned nineteen, I wanna move out soon, but just yet, I... I'm babbling, aren't I?"

"Yes, Alex," she said, smiling just a bit coyly. "You need not apologize. Your material circumstances are irrelevant to me unless you wish to make them my business."

"Okay, well, Mom's probably sleeping by now, so we should just be quiet and head for my room. Can you make sure neither of us wakes her?"


"Okay. I mean don't wake her tonight," he blurted suddenly, her smirk making him nervous and making him fear the demoness might twist his words. "Just tonight. Like let her sleep normally. Don't like put her to sleep for a hundred years or something!"

Lorelei looked at him evenly. "Alex," she said with a bit of a smile, "You can relax. I am not a genie seeking to shape a carelessly-worded wish into your doom. I will not seek to betray you simply because I am a demon. My first role is -- was -- to ruin and punish the wicked. I was not born to lead the virtuous astray. And no angel, no matter how careless, would have left you in the presence of one such as me if you or others were in danger because of it."

"You're being a lot nicer all of a sudden," Alex said warily.

Her smile broadened a bit. "We're not in the presence of one of the snots of the heavenly hosts," she nodded. "I have had time to recover. You have been kind and considerate. As I said before, I have always had one master or another. To serve is not unusual. And I am more deeply in your debt than I can say. There's no reason to be unpleasant."

Alex didn't know what to say for a long moment. He just stared, and she smiled back. Her voice alone was entrancing, and just standing there talking with her was giving him the stiffest hard-on of his life -- and he wasn't even looking below her smudged-up face.

She looked pleased with this reaction. "How may I serve, master? I'm sorry," she corrected, "Alex?"

"Let's just... uh... go inside." Alex tried to be subtle in adjusting his pants as he walked.

He failed. Lorelei saw, and was unsurprised, but pleased.

Inside, the living room light had been left on for Alex, but thankfully the condo was quiet and his mother was almost certainly asleep. Alex led Lorelei up the stairs, which she ascended with a slight curiosity on her face as she looked around. Alex's mother had done relatively well for herself in the corporate world, but the realities of single-parenting had made them a more or less middle class family.

Alex quietly led her into his bedroom and stealthily shut the door.

"You need not be so careful," Lorelei said casually. "As you wished, I am covering our sounds. All I need do is look in your mother's bedroom and she will sleep soundly through the night. You can relax."

Alex sighed, dropping his backpack and helmet on his relatively bare desk. "Thank you. I'm pretty tired, I guess. I just need a shower."

"As do I," she responded. A more experienced man would have recognized the invitation immediately. Overwhelmed as he was, Alex didn't recognize it as any different from every other smoldering hot word coming out of her mouth, and thus the significance shot right past him.

"Okay. Well, there are two showers; I suppose you could use mine. I can keep it quick so you don't run out of hot water. I guess I'm gonna have to get you some clothes?"

Lorelei cocked her head to one side curiously. It had the effect of raising the hair that dangled over her right breast, revealing more of the curve and giving Alex's already thumping heart an extra beat -- but, as if taunting and teasing just happened on autopilot for Lorelei, it didn't quite go far enough. "Certainly. Or, if you wish me to be seen in public, I can create the illusion of whatever clothes you like for others," she said, "or for yourself as well, if my state makes you uncomfortable?"

A dozen replies tried to come out of Alex's mouth at once, but jammed up until all he got out was, "Whatever's comfortable for you. Are you hungry? Do you actually eat?"

Lorelei shrugged a bit, realizing she'd have to dispense with the minutiae of mortal life. "I do not need food to sustain myself, though I can eat if the mood takes me. Were I not so worn down by tonight's troubles I wouldn't need something so mundane as a shower. I know how to use modern technology and can function perfectly well just as any adult you know. I normally need much less sleep than you would, though after tonight I am very weary and would very much appreciate laying in a bed," she said, indicating Alex's twin-sized bed. "I am many centuries old, Alex, and despite tonight's ill turns, my abilities to take care of myself remain potent. Your concern for my comfort is very kind, but unnecessary," she said, her blue eyes twinkling.

It gave Alex his fourteenth heart attack of the night. "Okay. Cool. I'll just go grab something in the kitchen. I'm beat, really." With that, he grabbed some clothes and stepped out.

Lorelei looked on in awe. As she said, she wasn't fixated on corrupting people of sincere virtue. She had seen shyness before, certainly, and social ignorance. Clearly Alex was missing signals. But there was more to it than that. The erection held in check by his jeans showed that he had a perfectly masculine response to her presence. But while he was understandably nervous about her demonic nature, it was obvious that the notion of her not being a threat to him was settling in.

She briefly looked into the other bedroom, ensuring with a small enchantment that his mother would remain asleep. Lorelei then wandered into the shower, wondering why it was that she was going in alone.

She took her time in cleaning up. By the time she came out of the shower, it was clear that Alex truly was exhausted. He lay on his bed, his short black hair wet and his filthy clothes exchanged for simple blue sweatpants and a t-shirt. A small, half-eaten sandwich on a plate rested on his stomach, and his eyes were closed.

Completely nude now, Lorelei entered the room brushing her hair and looking down at her new master. She felt very strangely about this indeed; nothing like this had ever happened to her before, but she knew in the back of her mind that she should be scheming for an eventual escape. There was time for that later, though; for now she was indeed diminished, and needed to recover. And, as admitted already, she was under Alex's direct power.

There was no reason she couldn't have plenty of fun with that.

Lorelei reached forward and slipped the plate away from him, laying it casually on the desk, and then grinning down at him as she saw his eyes flutter open. He gasped openly at the sight of her fully nude for the first time. That face would never need make-up. Her hair was back over her shoulders this time to reveal her magnificent chest, which would certainly never need a bra. Her figure was shapely and perfectly curved, her skin flawless, and her body naturally had not a single hair beyond that on her head and exquisite pussy.

"Do you like what you see, Alex?" she smiled seductively, placing one knee between his legs and leaning over him.

"Yes," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Of course. You're so beautiful."

"I am glad. I am glad you find me beautiful... and I am yours, Alex. Nothing on earth can change it." She kept moving in closer, her breasts hanging alluringly close to his mouth. "Take me as you like.""You... Lorelei, you don't have to do this," Alex blinked.

"Don't have to?" she asked, turning her head curiously. What was it with him?!

"I don't want you to feel like you have to have sex with me because I'm your..." his voice trailed off, as if reluctant to give voice to it himself.

It was Lorelei's turn to be shocked. This had never happened. Ever. Oh, she had been cast out by the occasional near-saint yelling, "Get behind me, Satan!" over the centuries, but this was unprecedented. "Were I reluctant to lay with you I would avoid it until you commanded it."

That made sense in Alex's racing mind. He couldn't keep control of his heart pounding, or the heavy feeling in his breath and in his stomach, but at the same time, he was afraid to move. The most gorgeous woman he'd ever met was practically throwing herself on him and he was afraid to move, because he was afraid of what could happen next.

"I do want you," Alex admitted. "I'd be crazy not to. But I'm just... even if you're not going to hurt me, you're a demon. How do I know I won't turn into some crazy perverted loon humping everything with a hole in it and then wind up in Hell?"

Lorelei erupted with laughter. It was not entirely kind, but not entirely mocking, either. "I cannot tell you much about how the Divine judge all things," she said, "but I have seen Hell, and I promise you no one is condemned there for mere fornication, no matter how frequent or how lewd. You poor mortals have been given a very skewed understanding of this."

"Okay, fine, but people don't really just meet and jump into bed with each other. Not in real life. Not without... I dunno... alcohol, anyway!"

"Of course they do!"

Alex paused. "Okay, well it's never happened to me, anyway. That's just something my friends all lie about happening to them."

Lorelei's eyebrows went up. "Well, here I am. I guarantee you in all your life no friend of yours will have anything this good."

"Still. I don't know if we should just... fuck," Alex confessed.

Lorelei paused, and sat upright, giving him yet another view of her beauty in all its glory while she looked at him thoughtfully. "You fear your own lust," she said softly.

"Maybe," he shrugged. "Maybe I'm afraid I'll... think too much of it. Fall in love. Get my heart broken."

Her lips twisted into a smirk. "You're afraid you'll fall in love with me after one night of sex?"

"I could fall in love with you just looking at you."

She fell quiet for a moment, and asked softly, "Then why don't you?"

He shook his head, ignoring the question. "It's more than that. It could go the other way. Fact is you're here because you have to be, not because you chose to be. If I took advantage of it, how's that make me any better than that priest? How's it any better for you? What if you end up hating me?"

Lorelei thought about it for a heartbeat and then shrugged. "Could be fun that way. Kinky."

"Oh my god!" Alex blurted. "Are you serious? I couldn't do that to you!"

"Oh, this is funny," Lorelei sighed, looking around herself briefly. "How old are you?"


"And no girlfriend. A virgin, I take it, yes?"

Alex scowled a bit, but answered defensively, "Yeah. I haven't exactly been lucky with my dating life. I mean I've dated, but—"

"You have a naked, supernaturally sexual woman offering herself to you, bound to you for eternity, and you won't touch me because you're afraid I'll think you see me as just some slut. And you're also afraid that I'll fuck you all the way into Hell itself and you'll burn for all eternity with a broken heart. Is that about right?"

"I guess?"

"That's a lot of hang-ups. At least you're not worried about measuring up as a lover," she mused aloud. The look that crossed Alex's face told her otherwise, and she rolled her eyes. "Put it out of your head. I'm not a normal woman. It doesn't work that way with me. You'll have me panting and begging you for more the moment you start enjoying yourself. Succubus, remember? Hell, half the men I've fucked just laid there until they died, but you wouldn't see me buffing my nails in the middle of it."


"Wow, that makes me feel so much better, Lorelei," Alex said finally.

"That's not -- that's not you and I," she said, softening her tone and tracing a finger down his chest, which alone had him inhaling sharply. "I cannot mislead you, Alex. No one is a masterful lover their first time. But you're doing fine for natural endowment," she said, her finger tracing further down past the waistband of his sweats and giving him a genuine rush. "And you have the best teacher you could possibly ask for."

The conflict on his face was unresolved. Finally she sighed.

"Bound, Alex. Permanently. All the security anyone could dream of. And don't worry about making me feel like I'm some slut. That's very much what I am." Her look became much more direct and meaningful. "Only now I'm your slut."

Another heart attack. He'd dreamt of girls saying something like that before. But that didn't change the fact that this was no ordinary girl. He'd seen her breathe fire all over someone tonight. "Maybe we could just... take it slow?"

She shook her head, looking away a moment and trying not to laugh. "As you wish, of course. The angel herself said you had nothing to fear from me. May I lie next to you? I promise not to molest you in your sleep."

"Sure," Alex said, and with that, Lorelei pulled up the sheets over them both and curled up in the bed beside him.

"Lust itself is not a real sin, Alex," Lorelei told him softly. "Your churches have had that part wrong all these years and the angels never bothered to straighten it out. The sin comes from causing harm in pursuit of lust. I was naked and in your power, and your first thought was to offer me the shirt off your back... and even now, you are concerned with showing me respect. I don't think you need to fear your own lust."

"Maybe I'm just too inexperienced to understand it," Alex whispered, "but with all this? It doesn't sit right. I can't explain it. I don't want to do something I'll regret."

"I could explain your lust to you, if you wanted. I could learn it and explain it in ways you would not articulate for yourself."

"You could? How?"

"It's simple. I merely have to drink it," she smiled, delicately brushing a suggestive hand across his groin as she reached over and turned out the light. "Goodnight, Alex."

That had Alex lying awake for hours.



19:42 Mar 31 2011

This is unbelievable! Charming, funny, dark, intense,.. all at once! This could really be a published series.. I mean it!

Curiously awaiting Chapter 3..

00:47 Apr 13 2011

that was quiteeeeeee sexual arousing on me lol


Angel and Demon Seduction --- Chapter 1

00:21 Dec 23 2010
Times Read: 499

Chapter 1

No Good Deed...

Spooky as it was, the full moon and the stillness of the night wasn't the scary part. It wasn't the cemetery just on the other side of the hedge, either. No, it was walking through the pools of direct light under the street lamps that freaked Alex out the most.

By the second or third such spot, he realized that maybe he should've worn something other than all black to walk down the street in the middle of the night. After all, some cop might roll by and think, Hey, I wonder if that dude in all black with the black backpack and black gloves is up to something shady?

When he got to the far end of the cemetery and turned into the thin alley between it and the storage rental complex, though, he felt better. He lingered in the darkness for a few deep breaths, reminding himself that no, really, people don't do crazy cult stuff in graveyards under the full moon. That was all just movie bullshit.

The climb up the vine-covered iron fence wasn't too hard. Alex wasn't a serious athlete, but at least he was thin and close to being in shape. He was feeling good about the climb until it came to the three strings of barbed wire at the top that had been concealed by all the leaves.

Okay, he thought, no problem. I'm not impaled, just scratched. I can afford another black sweatshirt. Just go slow, haul it up, over and okay not there, that's another barb, grab that overhanging branch, haul it up, ow ow ow my leg ow fuck!

It was awkward. Had any of his friends been there, they'd have made fun of him and called him a slowpoke, a klutz, a total pussy and a thousand other shitty things, but he made it over. His landing was surely less noisy than a car crash.

Okay, that's just nerves, he thought. I'm doing fine. Just a rustle and a thump. No big deal. Alley cats are noisier.

Nobody's here. I'm fine. I'm fine.

Total ninja.

Then his cell phone went off.

"Fuck!" he hissed, and clutched at his back pocket. The sounds of his Tool ringtone reminded him that yes, he was in fact a complete tool for forgetting to put the phone on vibrate before he went sneaking into a graveyard.

He silenced it, then looked at the display while trying to cover up the light from the screen with one hand. It was Jason, who would probably keep calling until he got an answer. Alex cursed his friends for being nineteen and stupid... mindfully including himself in that on both counts.

"What?" he grumbled quietly by way of greeting. At least the cemetery still seemed dead despite the disturbance. No sirens, no floodlights or groundskeeper's flashlights, no ghosts or zombies. Yet.

"Yo, nigga, where you at?"

"Jason, when you get your ass beat by some black guy who doesn't like hearing white people call each other that, I'm seriously gonna point at you and laugh."

"Yeah, if you ain't runnin'. Seriously, where are you?"

"Doing my photography homework."

"At ten thirty on a Monday?"

"I need night shots," Alex said tersely.

"I thought you only took that class 'cause it was full of hotties?"

"Yeah, well, the cute ones are all taking the class real seriously, so I guess I'd better, too. College is weird like that. Jason, I can't talk right now, what do you want?"

"Jus' callin' to say we're playin' pool if you wanna come."

Alex sighed and rolled his eyes. The lesson here was to come up with his good photo concepts before his friends decided on something fun to do. "No," he said, "not tonight. I'm good, thanks."

"Okay. What're you doing, anyway?"

JESUS! What part of "I can't talk" is so unintelligible? "I'll show you later," Alex said. "I gotta go. Later, man." He flipped the phone shut, made absolutely sure to put it on silent, and slipped it back into his pocket.

A minute of stillness later, Alex had his nerves good and settled. Nobody came out looking for him after all that noise, so whatever night watchman this place had was doubtlessly not really watching.

Sacred Heart cemetery was fairly large, with ground that gently rose and fell and a few bushes and low hedgerows here and there. It was creepy and quiet at this hour. The only lights shining within the grounds were a couple of external floodlights at the large chapel at the center of the cemetery and a few more at the closed-up main gate.

Alex kept low and moved slowly, still mindful of using whatever trees and bushes he could for concealment from the chapel and main gate, just in case.

Alex's assignment was for night photography of still subjects. He could have picked a considerably easier site... but there were a couple of drop-dead hot goth girls in his photography class. They seemed to like creepy stuff, so he figured --- naively, he had to admit -- some shots of the cemetery at night would at least be conversation starters.

The cemetery groundskeeper hadn't bought into it when Alex called and asked during the day if he could do this with permission. The guy was uninterested in Alex's assignment and probably hadn't even listened.

Alex wasn't normally one for doing crazy things like this, but lately, that very factor seemed to chafe at him. He didn't take enough risks. He tended to play by the rules. Just boring, nice guy Alex, never with anything crazy to share at parties.

Even now, his hopes that this little stunt could turn his life around were not high. A single act of trespassing doesn't change life forever. He was just out for a couple shots as icebreakers with Molly and "Onyx," nothing more.

Yeah, those are from Sacred Heart cemetery. No, they don't allow you to get in there at night. But if you climb the fence and stumble around in the dark anyway, you can get this really cool shot of this stature here. And you can sneak up on the chapel and get a pic of the steeple with the moon overhead, and it feels totally creepy and there's this mist and stuff,and you almost feel like you can hear wailing...

...Alex stopped taking pictures and listened. Was that really wailing? It sounded like a scream coming from the chapel. A woman's scream, in fear or pain or both. Alex stopped, and listened, and heard another one, sounding like someone yelling "no."

His imagination ran away with him for a moment, but he quickly stopped himself with a deep breath. For all he knew the groundskeeper was inside watching a movie with the volume on full blast or something. Still, Alex wanted to know what was up. He was more concerned than curious. If a woman really was screaming about something bad, the last thing he wanted to do was walk away because he was afraid of being yelled at or maybe hit with a fine for a little after-hours photography.

Slipping closer to the chapel -- quickly now, as he was pretty sure whatever was going on inside would give him some cover -- he thought he heard men chanting something unintelligible, muffled by windows blocked by curtains. A dim orange glow flickered behind those curtains.

Up close to the walls and windows now, he heard a sharp shriek of pain, almost certainly a woman, while another woman distinctly yelled, "Stop this, please! You don't know what you're doing!"

"Silence her!" bellowed a man's voice, breaking the chant only momentarily. There was a sharp crack, a grunt, and then the cries of agony from the first woman's voice continued. Alex's heart raced and he suddenly felt out of breath, but did his best to stay calm. He still couldn't be sure this was really what it sounded like, though he was completely sure this wasn't someone's television.

Alex stayed low and alert as he moved around to the back door. It was locked, naturally, and the windows were shut. Crazy as it was, he thought about checking the front door. There were lights there, but this place was truly dead outside the chapel itself. The noise wasn't going to carry beyond the cemetery and the odds of someone looking right when he ran up were pretty slim.

The first woman's yelling stopped, leaving only the male chanting to be heard. It was quieter here closer to the front of the building, away from the action. He heard the sharp "crack," though, which elicited a yelp of pain, followed by another, and then another. It sounded like the women were being whipped.

He decided to go for it. Alex slipped up onto the porch quickly, slowed himself as he grabbed the doorknob... and found it opening. He had no more time to think now that he was exposed in that light. Alex pushed the door open all the way and then slipped inside.

The foyer, thankfully, was empty and dark, lit mainly by the intense glow of candlelight from down hallways on opposite sides of the room, leading to a central chamber. It had comfortable chairs and random pictures on the walls and a shelf of books that probably nobody ever read.

From down the hallways off to his right Alex heard the sharp crack of the whip and the cries it forced out of its victims, along with the chanting of those male voices. It sounded like there were only a couple of them. The air was thick and warm with a distinctly smoky, sulfur smell that overrode other stenches.

"Why are you doing this?" a woman asked in a fearful, almost sobbing voice. "This is insanity! It's evil! You're going to -- aaaaaarrrrhhhhh!" Her inquiry ended in another scream.

"You don't know--!" The whip cracked. "Agh! -- what you're—" Crack. "Gngh! -- playing with, old fool!" It was a different voice -- still feminine, but lower and angrier.

"I know precisely what I am doing, whore daughter of Satan," said the deeper, clearly male voice. The others, Alex figured two, were still chanting. "How else did you come to this? Why are you trapped? Why do you bleed?"

Alex crept up to the hallway. This is totally crazy, he thought, but he didn't want to go calling the cops on just what he was hearing. What if it was... he scowled fearfully. He didn't know what it could possibly be. He had to see.

The memorial service chamber was cleared of furniture. It seemed like a lit candle occupied every possible space along the walls, enough of them to kick out some serious heat. Crazy runes were strewn about the floor in some powder, some of them in circular shapes, with the bloody bodies of dead dogs, cats and birds in the center. Alex could even make out a human hand in the mess. A smoldering pile of ashes occupied another large circular outline near the hallway.

Two bloodied, mostly-naked women stood at about the center of the room, or more accurately hung from chains attached to the ceiling. They were spaced several feet apart facing away from Alex. Bloody pentagrams had been drawn on the floor around the feet of each. A trio of men lurked around them, one with a whip and one with a goblet and a bloody, wavy-looking dagger. Both women were bleeding from nearly identical wounds on their backs: two deep vertical gashes parallel to the spine, below the shoulders.

The woman on the right was blonde, and an odd scattering of long, white feathers lay around her bare feet. A few more of them stuck to her body by stains of blood. A white cloth of some sort hung around her waist, torn and sagging off of her hips.

The one on the left had no feathers around her, but had apparently shed more blood. She bore an additional deep and wide gash just above the crack of her ass, which was itself bare. Her dark-haired head slumped forward as more blood dripped from it. Alex couldn't see either one's face. Both had shapely, young bodies, but at the moment Alex certainly wasn't thinking about their measurements.

Watching from the shadow of the hallway, Alex got a good look at the three men. The apparent leader was dressed in a priest's cassock and looked fairly old, but hardened. The others wore ordinary street clothes.

The first goon, wielding the whip, was a scruffy fortysomething; he grinned as he let loose another lash, looking more than a little crazy. The other, with the goblet and dagger, was probably in his forties, noticeably bigger and looked marginally more kempt. Scary as the scene was, none of them looked super-imposing, and beyond the funky dagger and whip they weren't really armed with anything.

The whipping paused and the chanting picked up. It made the air tenser. Alex watched as the priest took the goblet and held it between the two women, chanting something new, loudly and forcefully.

"No!" the blonde shrieked. "Don't do this!"

The other woman yelled nothing, but raised her head enough to spit a bloody mess onto the priest's face. His eyes flared, and he faltered in his incantation, but began again and this time finished it. He held the goblet under the dark-haired woman's bleeding head, which he had to hold in place to prevent her from resisting, and then turned to catch blood running from the wounds at the blonde woman's back. "With this cup, I gather your essences," the priest said. "The purest of your good. The foulest of your evil. You will bend to my will, and you will serve loyally and faithfully forever."

The other two men paused and looked at each other. "And us, too," the whip-wielder reminded.

"Shut up," the priest growled.

The men glanced at one another again. "Just sayin' is all," muttered the first, mostly to his feet.

"Don't do this! You can't!" yelled the blonde. "You're damning your own souls!"

"It is already done," said the priest. "You can feel it."

"You'll burn in Hell for this," hissed the other woman.

"Perhaps, whore daughter of Satan... but I have no intention of ever dying. I'll have you both to protect me from that. And with all this defiance you're showing," the priest said, glancing between the two women, "I think I'll start with you first.

"Harold. Troy. Spread her out on the altar." He waited a moment, and then rolled his eyes as the other two men hesitated.

He sighed. "You'll have her when I'm done with her, of course, but it's necessary for the spell!"

"Ooohhh," the two men nodded, and quickly set to undoing her chains.

"You're going to rape her?!" the blonde gasped.

"Both of you, before I'm through," the priest grinned.

Oh, fuck that noise, Alex thought from his hiding spot. He retreated back a bit, frantically trying to figure out what to do. Call the cops, definitely, but by the time they get here... Alex frowned. He couldn't waste time talking to them right now anyway. Quickly he found a phone in the foyer, picked it up off the receiver, dialed 911 and then left it off the hook. The cops would get there when they got there... hopefully in time to rescue my own stupid ass, he frowned.

Dropping the backpack, Alex fished around in his pockets and found the pepper spray he'd brought along just in case there really were freaks in the cemetery. It wasn't enough, though. He had heard that crazy people weren't always put down by pepper spray. What if he missed? What if the canister jammed?

He looked into the side rooms. Like most funeral chapels, this one had extra small rooms for private conversations and grieving and such, but comfortable chairs and boxes of tissues weren't going to be of much use. The first room had nothing useful, but in the second was a fireplace, complete with a set of fireplace tools. Alex rushed in and grabbed the long, heavy iron poker. It would have to do.

This is fucking nuts, he thought to himself. I'm going to get caught. I'm going to die. If I hadn't pulled this stupid stunt I wouldn't know this was even going on...

"Nooo!" one of the women yelled.

I'll never forgive myself if I don't do something.


At the far end of the room was an altar, desecrated not only by candles and what Alex could only assume was random spooky cultist ritual junk but also by the spread-eagled, dark-haired woman. The chains were still on her arms, both of them wrapped around the legs of the altar, while apparently sheets or tablecloths had been wrapped around her ankles, tied off to the other altar legs to keep hers apart.

The priest stood before her, removing his cassock. The others stood by, with the blonde, still hanging from chains, shouting at the priest about how wrong all of this was.

"Harold, shut her up. Troy, hold the cup for a moment," he said. The whip-wielder stepped back behind the blonde, yanking her hair back hard, while the priest cast aside his cassock and undid his belt buckle.

Alex couldn't think of a better moment to ambush three guys than when their backs were turned and one had just dropped his pants.

"I'll see you burn, you fucking bastard!" the woman on the altar shouted at the priest.

"Don't do this, you fools!!" the blonde screamed.

Under this distraction, Alex quickly covered the few feet between his hiding spot and Harold. With the fire-poker coiled up to strike from behind his shoulder, he brought it down across the back of Harold's head in a vicious arc with all the torque he could muster. The curved head of the poker struck squarely across Harold's skull, leaving him reeling and falling to the floor. The blonde's scream ended in sharp surprise as she looked up. Alex pulled the spray canister out of his pocket and kept going.

"The blood anoints your master! It protects from your lies and your curses! Your master's pleasure is your pleasure! You shall loyally and faithfully serve and protect the anointed one!" The priest reached off to the side for the cup -- but Troy, looking backward at the curious sound, faltered.

"Boss!" he yelled, just before getting a face full of pepper spray. Reflexively, he lashed out with the only thing in his hand. The cup of blood splashed across Alex's face and torso, bonking him on the cheek without really hurting him. Troy went down on the floor screaming.

The priest whirled around, then stumbled with his pants still around his ankles. Alex narrowly missed him with the second blast of spray. It was close enough to make him choke, though. The priest he fell backwards, bumping into the altar and then hitting the ground. Alex pressed on, kicking him hard in the genitals and then stomping on his side when the fallen man lurched forward reflexively.

Another attempt with the pepper spray showed it was empty already. He dropped it on the floor, heaved back with the fire poker and swung it down on the priest's head. It was an awkward strike, getting more shoulder and neck than head. Alex wiped some of the spilled blood from his eyes and wound up for another strike.

That was when Harold came barreling into him from the side. "Kill ya, you little fuck!" he growled, pushing Alex's head down onto the altar and groping for his neck. Alex groped too, fumbling around for a way to hurt the man, and finally found the thug's crotch and grabbed as hard and viciously as he could. Harold roared in pain, stumbling back a step and giving Alex the chance to shove him off.

Alex hit Harold again with the fire poker, this time squarely in the base of the skull, which sent the older man staggering to the ground.

"I can't see!" Troy wailed, blindly crawling away from the action.

"Free me!" both women yelled. "No, me first!" they both yelled again when they realized they had spoken simultaneously.

"Not her, me!"

"Stop!" the priest groaned, trying to get up. "Don't know what you're... doing..."

Not stopping to say anything witty, Alex swung his foot up into the priest's forehead, knocking him back onto the floor again. He looked quickly at the blonde and her chains; her shackles were attached by chains to hooks in the ceiling, with too little slack for her feet to even touch the floor. The dark-haired woman on the altar was tied by cloth around her feet, and the chains around her arms were simply circled around the far legs of the altar itself. She struggled to keep her head up to see, allowing Alex to see her wounds -- two round gouges in the skin of her forehead, each slightly below the scalp not far out of line from her eyes. Her face was stained with blood and bruises.

Alex's eyes flared in shock at how badly the women were hurt. He looked at the manacles of the one on the altar; the fasteners didn't look locked, and so he tried to unlatch the one on her left wrist. Naturally, it was tough to budge.

"Hurry," the captive urged. "I can help you if I can just get... free..."

With one wrist finally freed, Alex looked up to check on the men. Troy was almost to his feet, blindly, as was Harold. Not wanting to let them regroup, Alex shoved Troy into Harold. The two crashed to the ground through the big pile of ashes near the hallway.

"No!" Alex heard the priest gasp.

"Yesss!" the woman on the altar hissed, pulling herself part-way up now that one arm was freed. She looked at the horrified priest with an odd mix of triumph and rage. It was as if time had stopped for just that moment. Realization and fear washed over the priest's face.

The woman on the altar inhaled deeply and then bellowed a long stream of flame at the priest. He shrieked, engulfed almost completely, and his burning form flailed about in panic.

"Holy shit!" Alex blurted. The woman began to laugh viciously. Alex looked at the blonde, who caught his gaze with her own pleading eyes.

"Get me down," she said. "She -- we won't hurt you, but you have to free us both, now!"

Alex didn't think twice. He wrapped one arm around the blonde's waist, heaving her up a bit to give the chains some slack and then unlatched the manacles around her wrists. It was clumsy and it took a few tries. By then the priest had crashed into a far wall, knocking candles and bookshelves over onto the floor with a crash. The place was going to catch on fire.

"I only need a moment," the blonde said, gasping and slumping in Alex's arms. "Leave me. Get her off the altar."

Alex obeyed, allowing the blonde to sink to the floor while he rushed over to the other woman and worked on the knots around her ankles. The heat and smell from the burning priest, now surely dead, were overwhelming, but Alex pushed past his fear and forced himself to get the job done.

"My hand, mort...mas...no," the woman groaned. Apparently breathing fire had taken every bit of strength she had left in her, because she couldn't twist enough to reach her chained wrist with her freed hand. Alex reached over her naked chest and fought to unlatch the iron around her wrists.

"I'll get you out, you're gonna be okay, we're gonna be okay" Alex said in a rush. He was trying to convince himself as much as her. With her hand freed, he pulled her upright, holding her to him and moving away from the altar, and turned straight around to see Troy and Harold on their feet, staggered but recovered enough to fight. "Oh, shit," Alex said, seeing the bloody, wavy dagger in Troy's hand.

"You have done your part, mortal," the blonde said, rising to step out of the pentagram beneath her and holding out one arm to the ceiling. A long sheet of flame extended from her palm, and as she lowered it to her side it formed a sword of flame.

Alex, Harold and Troy all had a moment to be stunned.

The woman in Alex's arms just grunted. "Showoff," she muttered.

"This desecration of the Lord's house will not stand," the blonde said gravely, and she swung her sword wide, cutting through both Harold and Troy and igniting their bodies as if they were dressed in flash paper.

"Jesus Christ!" Alex blurted.

"Don't blaspheme," the blonde replied absently, looking around the room. "My strength returns. Take her and get out."

"Right," Alex said, not wanting to argue with the woman with the flaming sword. Alex hauled the dark-haired woman out to the foyer, having just enough presence of mind to grab his backpack where he'd left it before heading out into the night. Behind him, he heard the screams of burning men and the roar of an inferno coming to life.



23:41 Apr 12 2011

awesome chapter =) more more more more =)

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