HauntingWords's Journal

HauntingWords's Journal


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~Cemetary Row~

21:32 Dec 04 2013
Times Read: 327


As the twilight faded into the darkness of the night, a cool breeze began moving about the earth. Quietly I strolled along the road as the many thoughts drifted through my mind. So many times I had been told how wrong it was for a woman to roam alone through the dark streets of night, but it was that moon that brought me out. It was a large silvery moon that hung low in the sky. Generally such beauty could only been seen through the art of the world, but this night… this moon was different.

I had a strong sense of urgency that pulled me along the path of the night. There was something special that brewed in the air. Something that called lustfully out my name. I strolled quietly, gazing into the glow of the moon. Just as I was reeling in its magnificence something, or rather someone, caught my eye. Instantly my breath was caught in my throat as my gaze shifted to the dark figure moving only a short distance from me. Even from across the street I could sense his essence. It was in that moment that every fiber of my being was realigned, and now tugged me toward him.

Who was this creature of the night I wondered. Where had he come from and why was I so eager to be in his presence. The visions of his hands running across my body quickly consumed my mind for a moment, before I shook myself back into reality. How was it that I desired someone I did not even know. Why did I ache for his breath to burn my ears… for his hands to carve his name upon my flesh. The answer was simple, as I did know him. We were one in the same and I felt it through every fiber of my being. He was the other half of my soul that I needed to feel complete. Quietly I followed him until he reached the gates of the old cemetery. He stopped for a moment and looked up to the moon. I instantly froze and when he turned his head to look over his shoulder, I was quick to duck behind a tree along the road.

My heart raced as I wondered if he had saw me. I was not sure I could explain why it was I felt the need to stare at him. Why I felt the need to be close enough to feel the intensity of his energy. Then a panic washed over me as I began to question whether or not he knew I had been following him this whole time. A breeze in the night air seemed to catch my velvet cloak and pull me with it from behind the tree. As I stepped back out into the night, I noticed he was gone. Quickly I hurried my pace as I walked through the gates of the cemetery. I was desperate to find him. I simply had to know why he would visit such a hollowed place the dead of the night.

This sacred place was often my sanctuary. It was the one place where I felt at home. The one place where no matter what emotions carried me through the day, this was the place where I would let them all go. Anxiously, I walked the many twisting paths trying to find the dark man of the night, but alas he was no where to be found. Finally ending the search I found the tomb in which I often lied upon. I relaxed for some time basking in the light of the moon before I decided it was time for me to head back home. The day would come quicker than I would want, and some rest would be needed to tackle the many mundane tasks.

After several weeks, my dreams often would be the same. Visions of the dark man passing through the old iron gates of the cemetery. His hand waving me to come join him on my cold unmarked tomb. Samhain was soon to arrive once more. It would be a night where I would celebrate the love of those passed. Where I would rejoice in the spirits that spoke to me often, and share with them a bounty from my harvest. On this one particular night though, I found myself enraptured of the blood moon. The air was crisp and clear, and I could sense a change in the energy around me. I ached to be out in the dark of the night. I needed to lay upon my tomb and rest my soul. To let the cool of the evening speak out to me and show me the path of enlightenment.

Quietly I strolled with my velvet cloak pulled tightly around my body. Often I could walk the streets and not be noticed by another, but this night seemed different. It almost felt as though I were being stalked. As though someone was shadowing my every step. I moved quicker than normal using long quiet strides. It was not until I was through the gates that my soul settled. That I felt that sense of safety once more. Slowing my pace, I finally found my tomb. There was something about this one particular tomb that called me from the very first day. Many times I searched for markings to tell why it called me, but nothing was ever found. Still, I knew it was my alter. The place where I could lay myself in offering to the darkness. Slipping off my cloak, I slid it over the cold stone before laying down in my sheer gown. The air was calm and cool. It felt well as it washed over my flesh.

Quietly I laid and stared up at the blood drenched moon. It was so full that I was sure it could drip out its essence, and coat the world in a new light. Softly I sighed feeling a sense of contentment wash over me. It was then a voice caught my attention. A voice that was deep… multi layered as though it was singing with the night air. It was pure and velvety, filled with an essence of passion and dexterity.

“I have never seen a more magnificent moon, and yet as if that was not enough I have the opportunity to share it with another amazing creature.”

Softly I smiled as he moved closer revealing himself from the dark. How regal he looked beneath the light of the moon. His long curled locks softly drifting within the breeze of the air. His dark smoldering eyes pulling my soul into a world of lost emotions. He easily had a view of the curves of my body through the sheer of the dress I had chosen, but I simply did not care. The nights voice had been far too strong to even conceive of putting something more modest on, and I needed to be vulnerable on this particular night. At the time I had not known why, but as he moved even closer the answer was becoming clearer than the night itself.

I could tell he was surveying every inch of my body. His eyes showed no shame as he moved closer soaking in every inch. Any other time I would be quick to cover myself, but not for this man. No, I needed him to feel the longing that radiated off me. The neediness for his touch that filled my soul. His vision moved back up my body and seemed to rest upon the pouting of my lips. I wanted to speak a word, but there were none that could escape with my breath. His hand raised gently to cup my face. His thumb tracing along my bottom lip as his voice whispered into the night air.

“When I stepped out into the evening I thought it was the beauty of the moon calling my name. Now I see it was something far greater than that. Did you call for me lovely?”

What words could be spoken. Too many words often spilled from me. This time I did not wish to speak, I wished to show him the passion that encased my soul. As his thumb continued to trace my lip, I opened my mouth to slide my tongue across the tip. He smiled as I continued to wrap my lips around his thumb and suck gently upon it. Letting out a long deep sigh, he pulled his digit free of my mouth and pulled me closer to him. The feeling of his heated breath upon my flesh sent a chill through my spine as an excitement grew within me. I am not sure how it is you can meet someone and instantly know that nothing less than pleasure shall be found with them, but this was something I most definitely knew.

Before my mind could even conjure up another thought he pulled me close. Tightly his lips pressed against mine. The warmth of his mouth made my soul jolt alive as I savored the sweet taste of his lips. The kiss was long and deep. Every ounce of desire was given to him in that kiss. Every begging of my needing his touch called through that very kiss. When we broke free I could feel my head swirling in the thought of wanting more. A tingle crossed my sex as I came more alive, aching for more of his lingering touch. He moved away and sat on a nearby stump. I stood against the tomb completely lost in words. My mind twisted and turned in search of something to say. Something half way intelligent, but all I could mutter out was…

“I cannot think.”

A smile curved upon his lips, and as quick as he moved away, he had me in his arms once more. Again his kissed captivated me. The outside world melted away as my soul filled with the intensity of the fire that came from him. I savored how his lips were so intensely captivating. My quest to further taste him increased as I carefully licked his lips until they parted. His tongue quickly found mine, and I let out another deep sigh of contentment. I wanted this dark creature of the night. I wanted him right here, right now, on this spot. He must have felt the need as he pushed me against the cold stone. His hands moved along my body as he lifted the light fabric from my frame. I shivered slightly as the cool wind drifted between us. He was quick in his movements as he gathered my hands into his. Laying me back on the tomb he moved my hands above my head. His body pressed tightly against mine, as he leaned down to run his tongue across my lips. Softly I let out a sweet sigh as I had dreamt of this moment many times before.

The feeling of his body pressing tightly against mine, sent my soul reeling into a world of bliss. My veins throbbed beneath the heat of his breath as he tenderly raked his sharp teeth further down along my jaw, then along the line of my neck. I felt him pause for a moment as he seemed to stop on the perfect pulse point. I could feel my heart quicken as I longed for what I knew was to come next. With a kiss, then a quick nick of his tooth upon my neck I could feel the warmth of a tear forming from the broken skin. With ease he pressed his tongue on that very spot and my body melted into the heat of his. I could feel the wetness increasing between my thighs. How lovely it was to feel the heat of his breath, while his teeth scraped along my neck.

“Please…” I whispered.

I needed to feel his flesh. I needed to touch his body. How needy I was in wanting to show him all my desires. My hips instinctively followed suit as they lifted, circling against his hardness that was trapped within his clothing. I longed to taste the sweet nectar that I knew existed within him. Part of me wanted to break free from his grip, but the other part need to feel the control he had over me. Again I whispered in his ear as his mouth continued moving along my neck.

“Please… please let me taste you.”

Lightly he moaned as he moved away from me. I rose from the tomb and quickly followed as I helped him out of his clothing. The fabric seemingly fell from his skin as the moment was becoming a lustful blur. His skin was like silk that was partially painted by the darkness that lived within. For a moment it was almost like we were dancing in the wind as we whirled about. He now rested on the tomb as I crawled easily between his legs. I could feel my excitement increasing as I admired the glorious body that now rested on my personal grave. My fingers lightly wrapped themselves around his hardness as I stroked him for a brief moment. He watched as I lowered my mouth down inhaling the sweet scent of his manhood.

How delightful it was to touch him. How quickly my excitement grew as I ran my tongue just over the very tip of his cock. Letting out a soft sigh, I knew I needed more and was ready to please him to the fullest extent. Gingerly I ran my tongue up one side, paused to circle the very tip, then down the other of his hardness. How delicious this creature tasted. My desires took hold as with every pump of him between my lips, made me moan in ecstasy. Occasionally I would pause from the tasting of him, to tease the perfect spot along his groin. I knew this was as sensitive spot on a man, and I knew it would only heighten his pleasure.

My own arousal was growing more intense as I would swallow every hard inch of him, pausing to run my tongue playfully across his tender flesh. I did love how this man tasted. How he fit perfectly within my mouth. My intensity grew with every time I would consume his rigid flesh, then move my mouth to nibble every so gently along his lower abdomen or groin. A light purr mixed with an evil growl would escape from me. I was becoming consumed with his darkness. I was craving so much more of him. I needed to feel the heat of him burning me alive. He must have sensed this as he quickly moved me from between his legs. With ease he laid me back on the tomb. My cloak must have been lost in the shuffle, as all I felt was the cold hard cement that laid beneath me, but alas that did not matter. The coldness mixed with the heat of intensity only heightened my arousal.

Again he gave me the deepest of kisses. His mouth tasted so sweet as it mixed with mine. I could feel him parting my legs as he slipped his hardness between my moist lips. I expected him to thrust, but what I was given was something even better. Slowly he slid his hardness along my drenched lips. Each time the head of him rubbed perfectly against my throbbing clit. How was it that this man knew exactly how to torture my body into a world of utter delight. Slowly he continued to play me like a well tuned instrument of desire. As he hovered over me I could see the pleasure in his eyes. Lightly I moaned, in the feeling of myself reaching a point of climax. Never had a man been so gentle, yet so savage in the way he toyed with my body. Inside I could feel my soul screaming for release and that was just what I gave it.

Softly I began to shudder, and it was that exact moment that he would thrust himself deep into my cavern. Instantly my back arched as I let out a loud gasp of pleasure. He seemed to rest himself for a moment as though he was waiting for me to gather myself for yet another round. My hands across his shoulders and down his arms just in time to grip him tightly as he pulled himself free, then pushed himself all the way back in. His movements were slow and deliberate. Each stroke seemed to touch a new part of my core. His hips would grind in unison with mine, as he eagerly grazed every part of my dripping cavern. I was not able to contain myself. Loud cries of pleasure and tender sweet purrs filled the night air. Occasionally, I could hear an echoing of pleasure against the many resting plots of souls. It was almost as though the spirits were rejoicing in the offerings being left upon the alter of lust.

Quicker his hips picked up the pace. I pulled my legs up to give him better access. Granting him the ability to drive himself as deep as he wish. Loudly he groaned in satisfaction as his hands moved to the back of my knees, holding me in place. I could see him leaning his head back in prurience. That morbid form of desire that only few could every understand. Again, I was finding myself succumb in weakness of needing to release into him. My body began softly to tremble as another light purring began. He growled and looked down to me.

His fingers dug into my legs as he began to thrust harder and deeper. My purrs turned to cries as my body started shaking harder in release. There, simply was no way I could stop what he was doing to me. He knew, and with one final deep penetration froze, throwing his head back in utter satisfaction. Our bodies shook together for a few moments before he moved beside me on the tomb of passion. Gently he wrapped his body around mine. I wanted to move but my body was frozen against him. My cloak soon followed to shelter us from the cold. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep. Visions of the dark stranger filled my minds eye as I slept quietly. My soul burned for more of his touch. It craved the spine tingling passion that he gave to me, and I knew in that moment all that was dead inside me was now brought back to life.

This was our tomb that I often sought after. The story of my love, my undying passion. The love I would die a thousand times over if only to feel it once more. This was the place where our souls forever would find themselves united in a world of unknown desire. It is upon this alter I lie in the silence of the cemetery, waiting for the darkness to consume me again. The warmth of our alter would always bring us together in ways that none other could ever really know. This was our place of life… and of death~



15:41 Dec 28 2013

That was magnificent.

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