HauntingWords's Journal

HauntingWords's Journal


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~Shadows of Darkness~

16:49 Oct 16 2013
Times Read: 319

The darkness… how does one come back from the darkness? That was the question I asked myself as I lied here in the darkness. How it began seemed so very long ago now that I look back upon it. It had been a long dreary night at work. It seemed as though there was far more work to tend to than usual. As the fast paced evening began to die down, I decided to retreat outside for a small break.

Lately the weather had shifted and the feeling of winter was fast upon us. On this particular night it seemed a little extra frigid to me. Still, I moved into the cold dark night in search of a much needed time out. With ease I slipped around the corner, as I often did so that I was not clearly visible to others moving about on the street. This was my way of having a moment where nobody would bother me. As usual, I found myself floating off in to the dark of the night. When I noticed a familiar face arriving I knew I should hide myself just a bit more in to avoid a conversation. So, further back into the shadow is what I did.

See, this particular person consistently was in need of my attention. Normally, I maintained a polite attitude and the proper level of respect was given to the situation. On this night though, I was desperate to simply not participate in any form. At least not at this moment. Slowly I began creeping backwards into the corner of the building. I had hoped that the shadows would cover me a sight unseen, but when I bumped into what felt like another body I could not help myself but to jump nervously. When I went to turn to apologize I was quickly seized by the shoulders. The strange hands were strong and forceful as they held me place. It was then that a dark deep voice filled my ear.

“The shadows can be a wonderful place to hide one’s self.”

“Indeed I could not agree more.” I meekly replied as remained facing forward. “Please forgive me. I did not see you were standing there.”

Softly the haunting voice chuckled before replying, “How could you have noticed when you were not even looking?”

My head lowered in defeat at the words were true. Here I had always been taught to keep a close eye on where I was going so not to trample over another person, and now I had done just that.

“Yes” I whispered, “Yes, you are correct. Perhaps I should pay more attention to where I am going dear Sir.”

Softly I trembled as the cold wind picked up and began running through my thin white shirt. Those strong hands would be my savior though as they took hold and pulled me back into the weight of his long heavy leather coat. The way it wrapped around me gave me a sense of safety. Like there was nothing, nor no one that could harm me. The heat of his body radiating against mine caused me to sigh softly in content, but it was the strength of his touch that had me trembling more.

“Still cold my dear?” He whispered against my ear.

His breath almost burned the flesh of my neck as I sank against his form.

Softly I stammered, “Um… ah… no… I am, uh, fine. I suppose I should get back to work though.”

With that I quickly slipped from his grasp and reentered the warmth of the building. For the rest of the evening I would find myself lost in the thoughts of my dark encounter. My thoughts melted from me like a flow of molten lava from a volcano. This was the beginning of my self questioning. Why did I not find out who this dark shadow was? Why did I leave so quickly, when I had never felt so safe before?

For several days after the encounter my thoughts would hold onto that night. They would hold onto his commanding touch. To his burning breath… to his darkened deep voice. How the rhythmic way he spoke made me swoon. Nightly I would find myself retreating out into the cold in search of him. Never would he be found though. It wasn’t until three days later that I found myself, once again, swamped in the chaos of work. It was yet another night where I could find myself needing to retreat into my corner of serenity for a much deserved break.

This time I made it a point to check to see that my strange man was not lurking in the shadows of the night. When I found that he was not there I sighed in disappointment and turned to soak in the looming night. When I noticed that familiar face of the bothersome fellow arriving, I slowly eased myself back into my protective corner. That was the moment that those wonderfully strong hands found my arms once more.

“Alas we meet again.” He cooed in his sing song style.

How could this be I wondered. I looked into the corner, and yet I saw nothing lingering in the corner.

“Oh, please forgive me. I thought I looked close enough, and I did not see you.”

I went to move away but he was quick to grasp me tighter and pull me back into his heavy coat. I was captivated. I could not help but to moan softly as his breath stung me once more.

“You wish to leave me again dear lady?”

His voice was so lustrous I thought as it rang through the night air. Slightly out of breath from the sensations of his heated body against mine I managed to whisper, “Not really. I have looked for you often.”

“What is it you wish from me then?”

The question was so simple, yet so complex. I found myself stumped as I searched my mind for the words I needed in order to response appropriately. It was useless, however as I found myself speechless. I fought hard within the confines of my mind to speak some form of intelligence. I needed to have an answer not just to his question, but to the desires that were quick to fill my soul. Slowly he pulled me closer, his breath becoming hotter on my neck.

“Do you wish for me?” He growled into my ear.

Again I stammered as this dark soul consumed my every existence. Only one word would come to my mind, it was a very simple.


Gently he kissed my neck as though he were smiling in the satisfaction of hearing my response. My body felt as though it was completely paralyzed under his touch. His hands moved up my body and across my chest. I shuddered softly under his touch as I felt my soul burst in anticipation of what he might do to me. Very slowly his fingers began to unbutton my shirt. The pounding of my heart seemed to fill the silence of the night. Again, I would try to speak but failed miserably as my mind spun wildly out of control.

With ease my shirt began to drift off my shoulders, as he pulled his coat tightly around me to shield me from any view. I leaned my head back against his shoulder. His touches was what I craved most, and knew I would never be able to deny. His breath grew hotter against my neck as he slowly began to trace along my throbbing vein. I was completely under his spell. Completely captivated by every movement he made upon my body.

Gently I tilted my head to the side to allow him easier access for the tender sweet kisses. His breathing increased as his lips traced along my neck in search of that perfect spot. In a matter of seconds he found his sweet spot, and a sharp luxurious pain shot through my body. I moaned quietly as a pleasurable pain consumed me fully. I could feel a wet stream move from the spot where he sank his teeth into my flesh, down along my collar bone. Instantly I grew limp against him, but when friend came calling my name the spell was broken.

When I opened my eyes I was staring at her looking at me as though I had lost my mind. I was resting against the cold cement of the building and wondered where my dark shadow had went.

“Where did he go?” I stammered.

“Who are you talking about? Are you feeling alright?” She asked.

I said nothing more but hurried back into the building to finish my work for the night. So began the search for him again. To my dismay no success would be found. After several weeks I would still find myself wishing to feel his touch again. Part of me resented my friend for interrupting the heated moment of the night, part of me wondered where my dark shadow had vanished so quickly. How did he managed to escape without being noticed?

As I savored a few days off from work I enjoyed the peace of the cool evening air. I had just taken a relaxing bath and was ready to rest my head into the wonderment of dreams. I had never felt more relaxed in my life as I slept comfortably. It was the chill in the night air coursing across my body that caused me to jerk awake in haste. As I sat up I could see the curtains flowing long and full across the floor. There was an odd smell that filled the air of the room. It was a morbid, yet intoxicating smell. I could not resist but to take a deep breath in to savor its very essence. The curtains shifted slightly as a dark creature entered the room.

My mind screamed to run, but my body begged to stay. His hair flowed around his face as though it were a shield to protect his identity. There was only one part that could be seen… that was his eyes. They were the eyes of darkness, of a primal cruelty that was sure to consume any soul he gazed upon. Slowly he moved closer, his scent becoming more distinct. With a wave of his hand my blankets were thrown off my naked body. My mind screamed louder, but my body responded by laying back into my pillows. There was a familiar safety that I felt radiating off this dark shadow. A need to feel his strong hand taking what he wished. I could feel the scars on my neck beginning to throb as he moved closer to the bed.

Softly his hand moved up my thigh tenderly caressing the warmth of my flesh. There was something exciting about him, a sense of terrifying passion that consumed me. As his hand moved across my belly and between the valley of my breasts, my breathing increased in excitement. Who was this wicked man I said to myself? It was then that I realized this was the man I craved. The one I found myself melting against in the cold of the night. The one I searched my corner of solitude for often.

My fingers tightly gripped the sheets as a wave of delight, and fear completely captivated me. I could feel the blood pulsating through my veins, my soul throbbing in the eagerness of wanting him. His hand moved across my neck, pausing for a moment to trace the marks he left on my body once before. A wicked smile curled upon his luscious lips as he moved closer. Pulling me to him, our lips connected in a deep entrancing kiss. My mind whirled in the delights of his touch on my body. Breaking from out intoxicating kiss, his lips moved further down my neck. His body drew closer to mine, and that warmth I had savored before took hold once more.

I could not remember him taking off his clothes, but then my mind was lost in the dark recesses of the moment. His hands moving across my flesh was the foreplay of desire that I needed so much. Tightly he gripped just under my knee and pulled my leg up as he quickly buried his hardness deep within me. There was a forceful safety that came from his movements. My back instinctively arched in the thrill of him taking control. I never dreamed that it would be possible to enjoy a gentle, yet rough form of pleasure until this very moment. The way his hips grinded into me made me swoon in the sensations of his hardness rubbing against my inner walls. His mouth continued its exploration as his lips moved along my collarbone.

Soft sighs quickly escaped me as my hands moved themselves across the bitter coldness of his skin. How was it that I could feel a heat radiating off of him, yet his flesh felt like he had been buried in a tub of ice. Those questions would quickly be lost in the moment though. The more he penetrated me, the more I lost my inhibitions and began grinding my hips against him. My hands took on a mind of their own as they drifted down his body in search of his hips. I could not help but to gently squeeze to encourage his pulsating thrusts to increase. He growled softly in delight as his pounding intensified.

“Yes… yes please!” I whispered in delight. “Take me…”

He rose for a brief moment so he could look deep into my eyes. A fire now could be seen within the darkness. His eyes glowed with the fiercest of love and passion. His thrusting increased and I found myself digging my nails into his cold rigid flesh. My mind… my body… my soul screamed for release as my hips moved wildly against him.

With every tight tiny circle I made I could feel my inner walls becoming more drenched. Tightly I clamped myself around him as I felt his lips began to move over my neck. There was a wild flood of passion flowing through me. It was like a dam of desire had been unleashed. Never had I imagined giving into a man such as I was now, nor would I ever wish to with anyone else again. His hard, deep thrusts finally captivated me to the point that my body began to shake in a violent eruption. The lustful rage of passion that I had never known before completely consumed my every essence.

My mind swirled into an abyss of desire, just as my body ache to release every drop of radiating energy. He growled in my ear and I knew I was safe. I knew it was alright to let myself go into his body. Hard I began to tremble. As I shook into a violent whirlwind of pleasure I watched him rise his head up and back. His fangs glimmered in the shine of the moon as they quickly found their mark and embedded themselves deep into my veins. My body shook harder as I cried out lustfully. His drinking continued as he pulled my helpless body up with him.

A dizzy sense of passion captured me as I was sent further into the orgasmic sense of his control. There was a peace in his control that I had been aching for, that I needed in order to feel complete. A cold line of blood trailed down between my heaving breasts as he finished drinking all that he desired. Finally releasing me, he moved down my quivering body. His tongue crossed over the blood line to clean me up. I laid there feeling lost within the darkness that he just granted me. My mind hazed over by his every sense.

Softly he kissed my lips once more and whispered, “You shall be mind for all eternity.”

This much I knew was truth. I would be his forever more. Now as the days carry onward and the question of how one comes back from the darkness arises the answer is simple. Why would anyone wish to come back from the darkness when it is the shadows that hold the purest of pleasure. It is the shadows that are my comfort. Why are they my comfort you ask? Its simple… you see I am the shadows. I am the darkest of passion that fills the night air in search of the heated flesh to consume. Beware my dears, as you just never know when you might be consumed in a way you never dreamed. In a way that is believed to not be possible, but you secretly have ached for. Beware as on this night it is the shadows that may just consume you~



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