Jamie's Journal

Jamie's Journal


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4 entries this month

But I want a pony...

06:25 Apr 26 2005
Times Read: 702

We were all going to ride horses last Thursday. I was so excited! I am told by mom, that I rode a horse when I was younger, in a parade. Hmm, I don't recall that! "Ah mom, you crazy nut, you must stay off the crack.".




08:37 Apr 08 2005
Times Read: 712

I was sitting here at the computer tonight and heard some thumping against the screen door. So I turned on the light and looked outside, and saw one of the cats, batting the head of the bird I found earlier by the steps, around on the porch, in front of the door. I grossed out, cursed the cat and his future bastards and shut the door.

Turned off the light....If he is going to bat around a bird head, then he will do it in the dark!

Okay, that is the second bird in two days, and a mouse I found on the sidewalk. The cats are out of here next weekend!

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~Latest Reciept entry~

08:20 Apr 06 2005
Times Read: 720

Here are the latest additions to the Wal-Mart reciept collection. Some of the clerks look at the reciepts and ask questions. I say to myself, "Let's just move on and don't ask anymore stupid questions, ok?". One seemed like she wanted to call a manager over to see if this signing business was ok to do. I reminded her that the machine accepted the signature ("Why can't you?).

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~Xxxxxxx and Jamie~

10:54 Apr 01 2005
Times Read: 735

Here is another interesting conversation I have had with the lovely Xxxxxxx on here. I think she liked the way I resisted. You know how it works....bottom to top. *smile* ♥

--- On 08:50:00 - Mar 31 2005 - Xxxxxxx wrote --

ur gunna be mine

--- On 07:50:00 - Mar 31 2005 - Xxxxxxx wrote --

God dont get me going

I might keep u

--- On 07:48:52 - Mar 31 2005 - Jamie wrote ---

baby, just click your heels together 3 times.... Image hosted by Photobucket.com

--- On 07:44:42 - Mar 31 2005 - Xxxxxxx wrote ---

God i wanna own u

--- On 07:43:59 - Mar 31 2005 - Jamie wrote ---


i really get a kick out of you.....it is long, isnt it? i wrap myself up in it to cover my assy nipples.

--- On 07:41:48 - Mar 31 2005 - Xxxxxxx wrote ---

grrrrrrrrrrr i wanna tug ur hair

God u make me mad



--- On 07:36:44 - Mar 31 2005 - Xxxxxxx wrote ---

I just think ur hot ...so whatever...take it as u want

--- On 07:35:24 - Mar 31 2005 - Jamie wrote ---

are you only into chicks?

--- On 07:35:47 - Mar 31 2005 - Xxxxxxx wrote ---

awwww u like me

--- On 07:34:54 - Mar 31 2005 - Jamie wrote ---


--- On 07:33:07 - Mar 31 2005 - Xxxxxxx wrote ---

awwwwww ur da one

--- On 07:25:43 - Mar 31 2005 - Jamie wrote ---

i will paint a circle, right on my ass, for you to aim at....there will be no mistakes that way. *smirk*

--- On 07:13:58 - Mar 31 2005 - Xxxxxxx wrote ---

ur my only target

--- On 07:11:39 - Mar 31 2005 - Xxxxxxx wrote ---

i hate how u make me like u

--- On 06:51:19 - Mar 31 2005 - Xxxxxxx wrote ---

men are toys and women are china

--- On 06:44:59 - Mar 31 2005 - Jamie wrote ---

so....do you like chicks or dicks? hahaha.....do you like to dominate both? who is easiest?

--- On 06:33:13 - Mar 31 2005 - Xxxxxxx wrote ---

I know. You are no sub.

But damn your fine

--- On 06:26:27 - Mar 31 2005 - Jamie wrote ---

*laughing*.......im more of a challenge than that. :P bow? tsk tsk.....haha...

--- On 06:12:15 - Mar 31 2005 - Xxxxxxx wrote ---

whatever. Cut the small talk and just kneel or at least pay fucking tribute.


--- On 06:05:44 - Mar 31 2005 - Jamie wrote ---

HA, i saw your message for today, fucking funny. love your off the wall humor. never know what direction it will come from...much like my own!

thought you might find this humorous. ive been using it on here tonight.

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~~~~~~~NEXT DAY~~~~~~~~

--- On 07:50:08 - Mar 30 2005 - Xxxxxxx wrote ---

omg u are so non WASP

ok i give this 2 u pagan

Dec 26th

--- On 07:48:23 - Mar 30 2005 - Jamie wrote ---

*laughing*......well, back to that, thank you! you are too.....and we have come full circle. ha....i noticed you wrote a note on my page.....that was funny. well, come back again and check out new pics, etc.....i will be here. its nice to meet you. btw, when is your bday? was wondering what sign you were. i like to know, so i can know what to expect from people, to a certain extent.

--- On 07:33:25 - Mar 30 2005 - Xxxxxxx wrote ---

First of all...lol whatever.

U are so collar bitch.

Now back 2 email ..i just think u are cute

So whatever

--- On 07:31:46 - Mar 30 2005 - Jamie wrote ---

that rocks! what does it represent to you? i have a cartouche on mine.....im sure you saw it, but thats what it is, in case you werent sure.

interesting, your choice of words with the collar....if i were the type, i would be inclined to take hold of the reigns, myself. *smirk*

i do so love pets, myself.

--- On 07:25:54 - Mar 30 2005 - Xxxxxxx wrote ---

i got a kick ass butterfly above my bum

--- On 07:24:51 - Mar 30 2005 - Jamie wrote ---

*smiles*......what tat is on your back? i have 4....what brings you to rave, btw? fresh meat? ha.....*smirk*

--- On 06:47:20 - Mar 30 2005 - Xxxxxxx wrote ---

so are u. I like the tats. I got one on my back.

Fuck u are cute

--- On 06:46:03 - Mar 30 2005 - Jamie wrote ---

*laughing* ha.....funny girl.......i think i will take that as a compliment. hahaha....i love the way you said that. you are cute!

--- On 06:43:21 - Mar 30 2005 - Xxxxxxx wrote ---

God i'd like 2 collar u



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