LadyDarkRayne's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


4 entries this month

22:18 Sep 22 2012
Times Read: 763

Sometimes you just can't help but laugh at how ignorant people are. Hope your having fun creating these new free profiles. Referred by silentkiller

Your attempt at going to people to ask if they are friends with me, and asking them to join your crazy ass army to harrass and bother people is really sad. It really doesn't bother me in the slightest at all. It just makes me feel bad for you. And it is always the same thinsg when they don't agree with you you block them. Man your blocked list must be pretty damn long.

You have been busy today. Really, that was indeed pretty stupid.

Your newest acct :


14:12 Sep 22 - imagesinwordsinwords was doing something Mysterious.

14:12 Sep 22 - imagesinwordsinwords was editing their Profile.

14:12 Sep 22 - imagesinwordsinwords was in Profiles.

14:11 Sep 22 - imagesinwordsinwords was editing their Profile.

14:10 Sep 22 - imagesinwordsinwords was in the Message Center.

14:10 Sep 22 - imagesinwordsinwords was looking at LadyDarkRayne's Profile.

14:10 Sep 22 - imagesinwordsinwords was in Profiles.

14:10 Sep 22 - imagesinwordsinwords was looking at ladydarkrayne's Profile.

14:10 Sep 22 - imagesinwordsinwords was reading LadyDarkRayne's Journal.

14:10 Sep 22 - imagesinwordsinwords was doing something Mysterious.

14:09 Sep 22 - imagesinwordsinwords was in Profiles.

14:09 Sep 22 - imagesinwordsinwords was in Journals.

14:09 Sep 22 - imagesinwordsinwords was in the Message Center.

14:09 Sep 22 - imagesinwordsinwords was in the Message Center.

14:08 Sep 22 - imagesinwordsinwords was doing something Mysterious.

And then you made : SILENTKILLER21

Claiming to be Marci - because going to her and asking her to help give me negatives didn't exactly work in your favor. Nice try though.


08:26 Sep 22 - SilentKiller21 was doing something Mysterious.

08:26 Sep 22 - SilentKiller21 was looking at SilentKiller21's Profile.

08:26 Sep 22 - SilentKiller21 was in the Message Center.

08:26 Sep 22 - SilentKiller21 was looking at LadyDarkRayne's Profile.

08:26 Sep 22 - SilentKiller21 was in Profiles.

08:25 Sep 22 - SilentKiller21 was looking at LadyDarkRayne's Profile.

08:25 Sep 22 - SilentKiller21 was browsing Honor.

08:25 Sep 22 - SilentKiller21 was editing their Profile.

08:25 Sep 22 - SilentKiller21 was in Profiles.

08:24 Sep 22 - SilentKiller21 was editing their Profile.

08:23 Sep 22 - SilentKiller21 was doing something Mysterious.

08:23 Sep 22 - SilentKiller21 was in the Message Center.

08:23 Sep 22 - SilentKiller21 was in the Message Center.

08:23 Sep 22 - SilentKiller21 was doing something Mysterious.

And then we have SILENTKILLER2122


08:12 Sep 22 - SilentKiller2211 was doing something Mysterious.

08:11 Sep 22 - SilentKiller2211 was in Journals.

08:11 Sep 22 - SilentKiller2211 was doing something Mysterious.

08:08 Sep 22 - SilentKiller2211 was watching VR Webcams.

08:07 Sep 22 - SilentKiller2211 was in the Message Center.

08:07 Sep 22 - SilentKiller2211 was in the Message Center.

08:07 Sep 22 - SilentKiller2211 was looking at LadyDarkRayne's Profile.

08:07 Sep 22 - SilentKiller2211 was in Profiles.

08:06 Sep 22 - SilentKiller2211 was looking at LadyDarkRayne's Profile.

08:06 Sep 22 - SilentKiller2211 was browsing Honor.

08:06 Sep 22 - SilentKiller2211 was in the Message Center.

08:06 Sep 22 - SilentKiller2211 was doing something Mysterious.

08:05 Sep 22 - SilentKiller2211 was doing something Mysterious.

I'm curious as to what you find so interesting about my profile, other then your childish behavior, because no one wants to play your games. Just as ImmortalxKiss told your dumb ass this morning while you attempted to harrass the hell out of her. So gather all your little info- because in the end your still look like a complete jackass.



00:37 Sep 23 2012

Par for the course.


23:09 Sep 21 2012
Times Read: 821

Your more delusional than I ever thought. You claim I ave no reason to dislike you. Over the last 3 years, you have given enough reasons to dislike you. You still claim this is due to you being blinded and sent to purgatory for no good reason.

As the VR Manual states:

A Master may choose to blind any member of their House or Coven. When a member is Blind they cannot see the Society Forum or News, and they will not receive any Society messages.

A Master may choose to blind a member for any number of reasons, including problematic members. Who a Master chooses to blind is totally up to the Master.

While blind a member still earns Favor for their House/Coven. A Master may decide to un-blind a member after they have achieved a certain Favor goal.


May 24 2008

You complain but you NEVER read the rules You jump to assumptions every damn time. Hell this goes back to 3 years ago. Get OVER IT.

Your Mark was taken away along with everyone else in the coven, you just happen to log on during the process of what was going on. A society message was sent out which you failed to read, you just immediatly went apeshit and started shit in the coven and bashing in your journal. So ya you never got the mark back and you got sent to purgatory. That is the right of every society master.

:Face Palm:

Ok let's see what else you had to say.

LDR has stopped attacking me for now. She doesn't need to, she has images to do that.

Images, addressed that in her own journal. But to even suggest that she is attacking you, shows just how stupid you are. My honors have been going to Images, because she deserves them for all she does and the crap she gets from people like you.

Now fro the next clip from your latest journal entry.

On 18:45:06 Sep 19 2012 (-0 GMT) therealthing wrote:


I needed to write you before I do anything else because as I have observed, you seem to be the only honest and just admin on this site. I have been bullied for years here and am getting ready to file a lawsuit. But I was required by my attorney to try one more time to contact the uppers here at this site to give them one more chance to correct the wrongs here.

I have had my profile altered a while back, which is criminal. That was either Daire or radu that did that because they are friends with LadyDarkRayne, who hates me for no reason as far as I see. I did nothing to her. She has attacked my entire Coven, and my friends, and even stated she is trying to run me off this site on my Honor log a while back. BTW she ran off LadyK. I know that personally. LDR is a failed security guard with nothing to do but sit home on the internet 24/7. xRobin3X asked her about the welfare of her infant because LDR has to have no time for the child if she is on VR so much, and bam she got suspended for page refreshing. She even sent a copy of her browsing history to Cancer, which he ignored. Then she brags about her deeds in her journal, but if anyone writes about her in their journal, there will be hell to pay, which evidentially according to her was my original crime. Well, it is my journal and I can write what U want in it as long as I don't break Federal laws.

LDR complains to imagesinwords about me, and others; that are getting suspended right and left without just cause or proof, which actually violates VR's TOS, especially if that person has a PM account.

I am going to say this one more time. So listen very carefully. All of this bullshit is of your own making.

I have never created an account called Thunderfoot ----So please go ahead add that to you list, you will be laughed at.

Yes me and LadyK had a falling out, but ya know what it wasn't just me she had a falling out with. It was weeks later after her and I said, I won't bother you and you dont bother me. Again you assume you know the reasons why and again you never have all the facts straight.

How is it that you know for a fact that I was a failed security guard ? That is a bold faced lie. Just some crack pot shit that you made up. Because I have NEVER been a security guard.

You and robins accusations that my child is not cared for. I take better care of my child then you do for you own animals . So enough shit about my child. Why don't you focus more on your own shit instead of other peoples. Because you have no idea. Funny how you think I spend way too much time on VR. r How is that any of your conern how much I log into a site ? Its just you stirring up shit like you always do.

Robin didn't get suspended fro saying that about my child, she got suspended because SHE WAS using a page refresher.

If admin are suspending your friends accounts then she must have had a reason because as she has already told you, Profiles are not just suspended for no reason.

All the rest of your long list of bullshit accusations are just that bullshit. So maybe you ought to do what have been told to do, shut up. Because all you are doing is making it more clear for other people to see that you are just what you accuse others to be, a bully.

A perfect exaple of that is when you you wrote to Billy with your list of complaints and he gave you the straight fact answers and you didn't like it. Too bad, get over it !



00:37 Sep 22 2012

It all sounds like freedom of speech to me, Jerry Springer style.

16:21 Sep 22 2012


You know,everytime I see this type of long drawn out bs,it has always..ALWAYS been because someone finally get caught at their shinanigans and insist that it is all because one person not liking them,and of couse,admin abusing them.

Interestingly enough,then they start pulling the "Bully" and "Lawsuit " card, when all along?

They have been the bully.Not only to you,but to many .

Im callin it like I see it.


23:53 Sep 19 2012
Times Read: 872

Again with the accusations. If your going to accuse me something, you might want to get your facts straight.

Yes, I do have multiple profiles. Yes I am allowed to have 3 free profiles. I do not have anymore than 3 free profiles.

This profile you speak of, Thunderfoot was not a profile I created nor is it my profile. You claim it is a violation of laws. Well than is that so say that others profiles that are a person names are in vilation too in your opinion ?

Rating you a 1 and blocking you is NOT a Violation of TOS. Cancer gave us those tools to use so we don't have to listen to other peoples ignorant rants and accusations. It keeps people like you out of site out of mind.

Let's address your next accusation.

From therealthings profile description. And ya this would be a quote not plagiarizing, because you do not seem to know the difference.

"I almost fell over when I saw how many false referral accounts LDR made in xRobin3x's name. Another crime yet again and admin. turns a blind eye. Why is it okay for LDR and no one else ?"

I have not now or ever before made an account and used it for a referral to any of robins accounts. Why would I want to help a cheater gain levels ? I wouldn't. It's not a crime to use friends as a referral.

Moving on to you next crazy notion again quoting from your therealthing profile.

And what about Covens like Hell and Purgatory that are designed for cyberstalking /cyberbullying ? That means admin. not only turns a blind eye, which is legal neglect and obstruction of justice, but actually condones the cyberbullying.

Wow, legal neglect and obstruction of justice, are you serious ? Purgatory was created a long time ago way before you even joined this site. Purgatory was a place to send members that can't and won't function in a normal society. Those that caused chaos in what ever society they were in. So they got sent to Purgatory. Much like how we sent you to Purgatory almost 3 years ago. Because you can't not cause chaos where ever you go.

*rolls eyes* you really are pathetic and ignorant and assume way too much with out actually having proof of your accusations.



00:17 Sep 20 2012

Has she copyrighted the name "Thunderfoot"? If not, IF you did use it, then it's none of her business.

Seriously, if she's gotten to the point where she's paranoid and obsessed... If you have broken TOS, Images or Cancer would let you know.

I don't see how VR condones "cyber bullying" either when it's stated, over and over, that Admin/Mods don't get involved in member disputes. For a good reason. Just because they don't fight your battles doesn't mean they "condone" it.

Jesus, not everything revolves around her, and if she hates VR and the admin so much, why does she stay?

00:29 Sep 20 2012

As she states, "The only reason I stay is to warn others how bad it is here." So in a sense she is going out of her way to warn people about how corrupt she thinks VR is. People are quite capable of making and forming their own opinions of how VR is they don't need a delusional psycho attempting to make them see her point of view.

00:39 Sep 20 2012

"The only reason I stay is to warn others how bad it is here." sounds very much like "I only stay here to cause shit and harass people."

If she only stays here to do that, then, why should she care if she's suspended? Surely if she hates VR so much, it shouldn't bother her if she's forced on a VR holiday.

Pot calling the kettle black - everything she's accused you of, she's either caused, or she's done right back. And she still screams abuse.


01:23 Sep 20 2012

But you know as well as everyone else does, that if she were suspended she would just cry that she was bullied again. *rolls eyes* Because that is how she views anyone that challenges her opinion.

06:03 Sep 20 2012

dumb cunt....i hate stupid people tell her to shut her dumb ass up.

14:57 Sep 20 2012



03:02 Sep 18 2012
Times Read: 906

I'm not sure what I find more amusing, the fact that you keep coming to my profile and journal everyday or the fact that I got a message from one of your friends saying how you didn't cheat.

As it was already stated in another Journal, " Cancer has never suspended an innocent person. So why even both to try and spin it like you didn't do anything wrong. There will be no drumming up any sympathy for you from me.

The message I got from your friend,

"i just need to know if you are having dislikes with robin. she is a good friend of mine. and here lately, she's been having problems with VR. not the people on it. but, being accused of auto-refreshing when she isn't. and im trying to end all the crap for her. i know i may sound like captain america and trying to protect her and what-not. but, im just trying to end all the crap for her so she does not get permantly gets suspended. im not accusing of anyone of anything. i just want all the stuff to quit is all. i know you don't know me from adam. but, im just trying to help out a friend is all. "

As I told this person, you brought this upon yourself and telling everyone that your being Bullied and accused of cheating when you didn't is such horseshit. You wouldn't have been Suspended if you hadn't been caught cheating.

And anyone that believes your half ass story that you, got hacked, is just as ignorant as you are.

So if you feel the need to come to my profile, so be it. I'll just point and laugh,because you really are the laughing stock of VR at the moment.



14:08 Sep 18 2012

Its just a website. I dont know why people like drama.

15:00 Sep 20 2012

Dont you know? Everyone in jail is innocent!

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