LadyNightWolf's Journal

LadyNightWolf's Journal


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1 entry this month


Grace Island

14:59 Mar 28 2007
Times Read: 594

It was a small island village in the middle of no where that a young women sat alone in her small hut.

It was a cold night as Kimi was fighting to keep her fire going. Kimi was just the age of sixteen and with in her father eyes of age to be on her own.

Kimi’s father was King of this small island. At the age of two Kimi’s father made a law stating any and all Magic was band from There Island any one caught doing so would be killed no matter what.

The Kings people didn’t know why he did this for they have always been people of Magic there festivals were even band.

Kimi was a smart girl she would sit alone at night by her fire and read the books her father would have sent to her from his book collection. The King would check over the books before they were sent to make sure none had any history of his peoples magical past.

One morning Kimi awoke early to find more books on her door step, Kimi reached down and picked up the books bringing them to her table she laid them all out looking at the title of each book. Kimi looked stunned thinking to her self what strange titles for books, one book caught her eye it was titled The Grace Island Book Of Festivals and Rites. Kimi thought to her self “Why would father send such a book to me “for Kimi knew of the gatherings of the people so she thought.

Kimi sat for a little bit then went about her morning walk, As Kimi walked down a path in the woods seeking out mushrooms and berries for her dinner she head a strange sound off in the distance. Kimi thought to her self” it is just my father’s people singing as they tend to there fields”.

But there was something in there voice that Kimi could not shake. Kimi walked along the path as if in a trance, as she reached a small hill she walked off the path as to hide her self from them she hid behind a set of tall Oak trees looking out she saw her father’s people dancing in a way she had never seen before. They were in long flowing robes of wonderful colors they seam to be singing to there field’s something Kimi had never seen they looked happy, happier then Kimi had ever seen them before.

As Kimi stood there and watched them she all at once felt that she was not alone looking around in a fright she saw no one, Feeling alone once again she looked on watching them dance and sing when she felt a tap on her shoulder Kimi let out a scream as she turned to see a young man standing there in a bright blue robe she asked “who are you and what do you want from me?”.

The young mans face was covered with the hood of his robe he bowed his head out of respect seeing it was the King’s daughter in a low voice he replayed “ M’Lady Kimi I mean no disrespect but please do not tell your father you saw us this day in our fields dressed in robes for if you do we all will be killed please M’Lady say nothing to him.”

Kimi looked lost with his words “Why should I not tell my father of this you all look so happy full of joy it would please my father to know his people were happy.”

The young man slowly lowered his hood letting his eyes show to show a little more respect to the young Princess “ M’Lady as I said we will be killed if your father finds out for his law of NO MAGIC on his Island .” the young Princess stopped him in midway through , “ What do you mean No Magic? Do not tell me you believe in Magic!”

The young man looked puzzled at the young Princess “You mean your father never told you of the ways of the Island? M’Lady your father is not just a King but back fourteen years ago your father was one of the most powerful wizards known to the Island but after you reached the age of two right after your mother passed your father band all Magic from the Island if any are found to be parsing the Magical Ways they are to be killed.”

Kimi looked more lost then before as she looked down at the plush green grass under her feet many thoughts passed through her mind.

The young man reached for her hand she jumped yet again “M’Lady please I will not harm you come with me my mother may help you understand why your father band all Magic from the Island for she was there on the dreadful night your mother was taken from him and you.”

Kimi took his hand and walked along side him quiet the whole time at a very small hut the young man knocked on the door, “Mother I have a young friend with me we need to speak with you please Mother the talk is of the forbidden ways.”

The hut door slowly opens as a Lady dressed in a white robe steps out to greet her son and his young friend with a gasp she tosses her hood over her face, “My son did not say it was the young Princess forgive M’Lady.”

Kimi giggled “there is no need Mama and please call me Kimi M’Lady is so formal I get that enough when my father calls for me.”

As they walked into the small hut Kimi was aw struck for the hut was not small at all she looked around seeing drying herbs hanging from the beams in jars and all around the hut.

Kimi watched as the women went to her fire with a pot of water she started reaching for herbs and placing the herbs with in the pot of water she tells them to sit and places cups and small sugar cakes on the table. With in a matter of moments the hut was filled with wonderful smells.

Kimi was in total aw well watching this women it brings back what little memory she had of her mother.

The young man looked over at Kimi and in a low voice said “My name is Devlin and my mothers name is Dar she is our High Priestess.” Kimi looked confused again, “ May I ask what a High Priestess is I have never heard of such a thing and why do you both hide your face from me I will not tell father who you are if someone can tell me what happened to my mother.”

Dar started to sing in a low voice “May the Gods keep you safe May the Gods keep you well as you watch over us from the other worlds.” The next thing she knew Devlin was singing with his mother, they sounded so wonderful Kimi couldn’t help but join in and sing with them.

Dar slowly remover her hood and so did her son at that moment Kimi stopped singing her heart jumped and her head started to spin Devlin was so hansom that Kimi couldn’t keep her eyes off him.

Devlin had sky blue eyes and bright blond hair he looked like an angel to Kimi.

Devlin gave a shy smile to Kimi as his mother poured the tea and placed cakes on small plates for each of them.

Dar took a seat and looked over at the two of them “Kimi High Priestess means teacher of a spiritual way just like your mother.” “What about my mother how did she pass away no one has ever told me.” Said Kimi.

Kimi looked over at Dar waiting for her to say something Devlin reached over and took Kimi’s hand and held it softly in his.

A soft smile feel over Dar “Kimi your mother was one of my dear friends, we use to run circles together” Dar paused thinking how to place things to her dear friends little girl and yet she is a women. Dar thought this was her fathers place but she knew he would never tell her the truth about the other islands about her Godfather the King’s brother the warning he gave regarding Kimi and her powers.

Dar took a sip of her tea and started back in “Kimi your father band all Magic from the Island because he feared for your life. Your mother was a powerful High Priestess none spoke ill of her she had a kind heart and a very loving nature. Your mother and I grew up together we learned the Magical arts together.”

Kimi looked over at Dar “Was it the Magic that killed my mother is that why my father band it from here?”

Dar look over at her son for she had told him the story of the loss of the Island Great High Priestess “No Kimi that is not the full reason your mother was in a circle yes but it was not just magic that night.” Dar sighed “Kimi on that night we were doing what some call a rite of passage.” Dar paused again and took another sip of her tea.

“Kimi the rite of passage is given to our young as they reach different ages, on that night you and my son were given the rite of childhood this rite blesses you till you reach your teenage years.”

Devlin lifted Kimi’s head to see tears falling down her face, Kimi looked at Devlin and in a soft voice said “My mother died the night she was Blessing me and you.” Devlin pulled Kimi in closer and held her as she wept.

“Kimi your mother loved you more then you will ever understand she gave her life for you.” Kimi looked up at Dar “What do you mean gave her life for me?”

“Kimi your Godfather is a very evil man he uses his powers for evil he fooled your mother and his brother, your father the King. On that night your mother felt it was right for your Godfather to be with in the circle for him to give you his blessings.”

A tear of pain feel down Dar’s face “Kimi his blessings were for you to die at your coming of age rite. Your Godfather felt you were in the way for you were a gift from the Gods given to two powerful Mages and you would hold the power to stop him if you ever came of age and learned the Magical arts.” Kimi started to cry even more “Because of my birth rite my Godfather wanted me to die?”

“Yes Kimi he did but your mother would not have it she weaved a web and placed it over her self taking his Blessing for you and placing it over her self. Kimi because she did so her life was taken that very night in front of your father, you, my son, as well as everyone that gathered that night.”

Kimi was weeping even more by this time, Devlin kissed her forehead and told her “Kimi it was out of love for you any loving parent would have done the same thing if they had the power to do so. I will never tell you it was easy for your mother Kimi. But she did it for you.”

Devlin looked over at his mother she was wiping away tears from her face “Devlin is right Kimi I would have done the same for him that is the love of a true parent even if it is a hard thing to understand.”

Kimi was now crying Devlin rocked back and fourth holding her tight in his arms. “ My mother gave her life for me I understand that but why hide the truth from me of her death why band Magic from the Island why would my father do that if it is my birth right?”

Dar looked over at Kimi “Kimi your father feared your Godfather would kill you if he didn’t band it from the Island for if you didn’t know the art of magic you were no threat to your Godfather.”

A puzzled look fell over Kimi “So you are telling me because of my Godfather my father band Magic from the Island and kept the ways of the people from me. But then were did the books come from that were on my door step this morning?”

Dar jumped up “Kimi books what books? Please tell me you didn’t bring them in to your home!”

Kimi gasped “Yes I thought my father sent them.”

Dar looked over at Devlin “Get your things my son and change clothing make it look like we are going on a hike and don’t be slow about it.”

Devlin looked at his mother “Yes mother but what about Kimi?”

Dar turned and looked at Kimi “Kimi can you make it back to your hut fast and meet us out back by the Elder tree speak to know one on your way.”

Kimi looked over at Devlin and a look of worry was on his face. “Devlin I will be fine I know the woods like the back of my hand I will have tea ready before you even reach my hut but please be careful.” A shy look feel over her face as Devlin kissed her cheek “I will see you soon and don’t go in to your hut till we are there please for me wait by the tree!”

Kimi kissed him softly on the cheek and said she would wait for them there. As Kimi was about to leave Dar stopped her and placed a necklace around her neck, “Kimi this was your mothers it is time for you to have it keep it close and keep it were none can see it for it is a sigh of a High Priestess your mother would want you to have it.”

Kimi smiled and kissed Dar on the cheek. “I am so happy your son found me to know you were friends with my mother comforts me thank you.”

As Kimi turned to leave again she told Dar where her hut was Dar laughed and told her she knew were it was she had been watching over her since her mother passed, Kimi giggled “Then I have always been safe thank you again.”

Kimi walked as fast as she could back to her home smiling at the people as she passed them.

Once she was back at her hut she found one of her father’s men there. “M’Lady your father would like to know were you have been all day for you should have been back well over two hours ago.”

This made Kimi angry “You can tell my father that I have been walking in the woods finding mushrooms for my dinner he is the one that told me I needed to fend for my self. You can also tell him he needs not to worry about me I am always home before dark that is all that matters. Good Day!”

Kimi pushed her way to the back of her hut and waited by the Elder Tree like Devlin and Dar had asked her to do.

It was starting to get dark Kimi was starting to see the stars in the dark blue sky and she was starting to worry about Devlin and Dar for it had been almost three hours since she had seen them.

Kimi laid down on the ground looking up at the stars and dreaming of Devlin when out of no were Kimi heard a soft whisper.”Kimi is it clear?” Kimi jumped up she knew that voice it was Devlin but where from it sounded as if it was on the wind. Kimi looked around and whispered “Yes it is.”

But as she waited there was no answer, she laid back down thinking she had drifted off she started looking back up at the stars and thinking of what was told to her as many things ran through her head she fell fast asleep.

It was about one hour later when Dar and Devlin found Kimi fast asleep on the ground Dar looked at her son and told him to pick her up and bring her inside.

Dar walked over to the small hut and opened the back door letting them self’s in Devlin laid Kimi on her bed kissed her softly and went out to see what it was his mother was doing.

As Devlin walked out in the other room he found his mother looking over the books on the table. Dar saw her son walk in to the room with a worried look on his face “Mother what is going to happen if her father finds us here? Remember he forbid us to even talk to her! And mother you said we were meant to be together after she left the hut what did you mean by that?”

His mother looked at him then reaches over and gave him a hug “My dear sweet son I know I am risking everything by being here but I will not let my friend’s daughter be misled.”

“Devlin we knew someday we might have to intervene I just hope we are not to late!”

Devlin looked at the books then to his mother “Where do we start Mother and who sent her all the books?”

“I don’t know Devlin all the books I have looked at have been books her mother had placed aside for her and from what I was told they were burned right after the Queen died.”

Dar kept looking over the books one by one she looked through them all seeing her friends hand righting in them was bringing back memories of the two of them together playing games learning the arts singing dancing and most of all just being there for each other, she wondered if the King would be angry if she went to him about all this , But then again how could she . Years and years ago when April and her were kids they made a oath that if something was to happen to either of them if they had children one of them would make sure there child knew of the Magical Arts and what they did to over come the fear of death.

Dar saw a lot of April in Kimi but she also saw a lot of her father as well. Dar was at a cross road in her mind to teach Kimi the Arts she risked death. But not to teach her she would break her oath to her dear friend. Dar turned to look at her son to find him not in the room she went looking for him.

She walked quietly through the hut to find him laying on the floor in Kimi’s room with his hand in hers. It wormed her heart that she and her friend knew they were meant for each other all the years ago. Dar remembered the days her and April the Queen would meet for the babies to play together even at that young of an age they could tell they were meant for one another. Dar knew her friend would be so very happy to know they found each other again, But what would she think of her husband banning the Magical Arts from everyone that was something she needed to know.

Dar walked back in to the small kitchen and looked in the books some more if she knew her friend she left some notes in the books for her daughter a way for her to reach her if ever needed. Dar went page for page looking she was almost through the last book when a small paper feel out of the book, written on it was “If you ever need me.”

Dar knew this was what she had been looking for she opened the paper to find her friends Magical name and a small chant.

Dar went back in to the small bed room and woke up her sleepy son “Devlin come on hun mother needs you come on wake up .” she gave him a small shake as he opened his eyes he looked up at her “What is it mother what do you need?”

“Devlin I need your help with something come quietly and don’t wake Kimi up now hurry up please.”

Dar walked out of the room and Devlin got up fixing his clothing he looked over a Kimi sleeping peacefully he walked over to her slowly and kissed her softly on the lips to his surprise Kimi kissed him back.Devlin ran his finger through her long golden hair and told her he would be back soon.

Out in the kitchen Devlin saw his mother was working on setting up a circle “Mother what are you doing? What is going on?” “Devlin I have to talk to April I found this.”

Dar handed Devlin the paper he opened it and read it. “Mother this is for Kimi not us why do you have to talk to her and can we really do this? Mother please tell me why? Why is all this happening why now cant Kimi and I get to know each other maybe even handfast Mother can you hear me?”

But Dar kept setting things up as her son looked on. After a few min she looked over at Devlin “Son I need to do this please help me! Help me cast the circle so nothing happens to my dear friend or me.”

“Oh mother like I have ever said no to you in the past, why would I start now.”

Dar looked pleased at her son, she handed him her wand and pointed over to the northeastern side of the circle “ Stand there Devlin and keep an eye open for anything and everything I want nothing to happen to either one of us.”

Devlin did as his mother asked standing there he watch as his mother readied her self to call fourth her friend from the Summerland’s with in just a couple of secants he saw a bright blue light he knew now more then ever he needed to keep his eyes open and fixed on his mother and everything around them.

“Spirit of the past spirit of Lady Endear mother of my mother giver of life I call thee fourth stand beside me on this night Friend of friends I need you this eve come fourth and stand with me once again as sisters as mothers as friends.”

Dar kept saying the chant over and over again Devlin was starting to wonder if anything was going to happen, he started to look around the room when he saw a light mist coming from Kimi bed room.

Devlin at once cut a door in the circle to let the mist in to the circle, once in side the circle the mist took form and his mother started to cry as the form became solid right in front of them stood April there Queen Kimi’s mother and Dar’s close friend.

“April is that really you my friend?” asked Dar.

“Yes Dar it is me but why have you called for me for only Kimi was to call me no others.”

“April a lot has gone on since you passed your husband has band all Magical Arts from the Island in fear for your daughters life he even forbid my self and my son from seeing her.” said Dar.

Hearing this angered April “What do you mean he forbid you from seeing my daughter and what is this nonsense No Magic has he gone mad did he forget what he swore to me the day of our handfasting?”

“I in truth don’t know April. All I can tell you is your daughter sleeps in the next room and until today didn’t know how you passed or for that matter we were people of Magic.” Dar was worried by now waking a sleeping spirit with news like this could cause harm.

“Dar how could you let him do this to the people of the Island.” April’s voice was sharp. So sharp that Kimi awoke from her sleep and looking around to find were the voice was coming from.

Dar looked and saw that Kimi was moving around in her room she looked at Devlin “Go and get her but make it fast we don’t have much time before someone finds out there is Magic going on here in the Princess’s home and make sure you seal the door as you leave and enter the circle.”

“Mother I know no need to remind Me.” said Devlin.

Devlin cut the door way in the circle and stepped out of the circle making sure to close it before leaving to get Kimi.

“April your daughter is a young women now so she might not know how to take this she has never seen any of this before do to Zandar banding All Magic.”

April looked sad she knew it was the truth but hungered to see her little girl and to have words with the King if only she could find away to do so.

It took about five mins before Devlin returned to the circle with Kimi.

“I am sorry mother I was trying to help Kimi understand before she entered the circle.” Devlin was worried about Kimi’s safety for this was her fist circle since she was two years of age but to Devlin surprise Kimi acted like this was her hundredth circle not her second.

As Devlin cut the door to the circle April turned around to see a very wonderful site her young baby girl was now a very pretty young women.

“Kimi oh Gods you have grown look at how wonderful you look oh Gods I have missed so much oh my baby.” April started to weep over the site of her little girl.

Kimi stood there frozen as if someone had frozen time.

“Mother is, is that really you? But how? Who? Oh Mother.” Kimi ran right in to her mothers arms both falling the floor crying.

April soothed her young girl.”Kimi your father has done wrong by not telling you everything. I am so sorry my child.”Cryed April.

Devlin closed the circle after he entered and looked over at Kimi and her mother as they held each other on the floor.

“Dar in the book called Inner Peace there is a spell to keep me here for 3 days but after that I will no longer be able to come in full form please find that book and bring it to me.”

Dar did as her friend asked and with in no time the circle was down and there stood April in full form alive like she was so many years ago.

“April what are you going to do if the King finds out I used Magic I will be killed.”

April jumped up “Like hell anyone will be killed I will have my say.”

April looked over at Devlin “I am sorry you must be Dar’s son it is nice to see you once again.”

“No worries M’Lady it is just nice to have you back if only for a few days.” Said Devlin.

Kimi agreed and was happy to have her mother back even if it is just for three days.

“Kimi is there away for you to get your father here?”

Kimi sat in deep thought “I believe I can mother every morning one of Father’s servants come to pick up the books I have read I can tell him I wish to speak with my Father and would like him to come to my place as soon as he can.”

April looked happy as did Dar “Kimi the one that brings you the books do you know his name?” asked Dar.

Kimi again sat and thought then a few mins later she looked at everyone,” His name is Angel he keeps the books for Father.”

April remembered Angel he was one of her understudies and a very good Mage if she remembered right.

Dar was pleased because she now felt safe about the books Kimi got on her door step Angel must have felt it was time for her to read the history of the people the right history not the one her father wanted her to know.

After a few hours of talking Kimi went back off to bed this time with Devlin in tow. Dar and April stayed up trying to play catch up with one another.

Dar went in to check on Kimi and Devlin to find they had fallen asleep in each others arms.

Dar called April in to see her young daughter and Dar’s son cuddled up in each others arms, April was so happy to see this she asked when they met back up and was shocked to find out they had only been together for a day.

“Dar it is as if nothing ever changed your son and my little girl one with each other, like we said they were so meant to be together.”

Dar laughed “Your so right April they are meant for each other.”

As the mothers spent the night talking and planning how to talk to Zandar it was almost sun up when Kimi awoke she looked over to see it was not a dream that the guy she had been dreaming about her whole life was right next to her in bed she laid there and cuddled up in to Devlin’s arms and chest. Devlin felt this and pulled her in close he kissed her softly on the forehead. Kimi looked up at Devlin and they embraced in a kiss filled with hot passion, Devlin looked in to Kimi’s eyes and told her she has haunted his dreams all his life. Kimi placed her head on his chest and told him the same thing.

Devlin softly pulled Kimi up to him as they lead there face to face softly talking Devlin lightly ran his hand over her back in a loving manner.

Kimi lead there and closed her eyes in a wish that this feeling would never end.

Devlin kissed Kimi again this time with more passion, Kimi returned the passion with in the kiss and ran her hands down his back.

Devlin ran his hands under her top and lightly brushed his hand over her breasts, Kimi let out a soft gasp for no one had done that before to her but she didn’t want him to stop.

Devlin laid Kimi on her back removing her top he looked her over with passion in his eyes he kissed her once again. Kimi felt as if the world had stopped and in her mind it had. Devlin kissed her softly starting at her neck and working down to her chest he kissed each breast and lightly nibbled on each nipple as he nibbled he herd Kimi moan softly.

Devlin kissed his way back up to Kimi’s lips and kissed her softly once again. In a low voice he said “Kimi my love I will stop if you wish I do not want to dishonor you in any way.”

Kimi looked in to Devlin’s eyes knowing his word were of the truth she kissed him “Devlin I want to be one with you I give my self to you freely with Love and Honor.”

Devlin kissed her once again “On this morning I swear to never leave you to be true to you and to Love you always.”

With that said and a kiss from Kimi, Devlin began to kiss Kimi all over stopping to nibble on her nipples. Kimi closed her eyes as Devlin slowly took off her skirt and lightly moved his hands between her thighs she let out a soft moan as Devlin began to kiss her inner thighs he looked up at her with love and passion in his eyes.

He slowly kissed his way back up to her lips kissing her deeply Kimi moved her hands down Devlin’s back leaving nail marks Devlin let out a deep moan of pleasure as he whispered in Kimi’s ear “Love are you sure you want this are you sure you want me.” He asked softly.

“Yes Love I want you I want you to take me be with me.” Kimi said in a loving voice.

Devlin kissed her again before removing his paints and lying next to her once again.Kimi moved her hands over him exploring his body as he did the same to her.

He softly moved Kimi on her back and placed him self over her.

He kissed her deeply for he knew it was there first time and there might be some discomfort for her. As he moved him self to place him self with in her he noted she was still tense so he began to kiss her body once again as he worked his way down her body he softly moved one of his finger with in her as he did this Kimi let out a moan and dug her nails in to his back.

This turned Devlin on even more and with out a word he placed him self with in her being ever so careful for he wanted her to know it was not just passion but love as well.

As he made love to Kimi for the first time he knew she was the one he wanted and would never look at another woman for he was hers as long as she will have him.

Kimi pulled him down and kissed him deeply moaning in his mouth as he moved with in her.

Kimi’s body started to shake as she moaned more and more Devlin went deeper and deeper in her till he could not go any deeper.

Before he knew it they were floating off her bed and in mid air. There passion and there power were growing for each other at there height of climax as they both let go they found them self’s laying back on the bed in each others arms.

Devlin ran his fingers through her hair and kissed her softly on the lips and whispered how much he loved her in her ear.

Kimi laid there feeling very safe with in his arms Kimi told Devlin she never wants him to leave she loved him so much.

Devlin said he would never leave he would fight for her if he had to do so.

As they laid there almost asleep again Kimi heard a voice this voice she knew it was Angel she told Devlin to stay there she placed on her nightgown and placed there plain in action Dar and her mother were hiding over in a corner of the kitchen as she opened the door there stood Angel. “Good morning M’Lady have you read any of the books I left for you?”

“Yes Angel I have thank you very much let me go and get the one I have read.”

Kimi went to the table and got a book she never did read it but Angel didn’t need to know that.

“Here you go Angel.Oh Angel did you drop off some book yesterday morning?” she asked.

Angel face turned red “Yes M’Lady I did please don’t tell your father I felt you had a right to your mothers books.”

Kimi looked at Angel “Thank you it means a lot to me that you would risk everything to make sure I had things of my mother.”

With that she asked Angel to have her father come to her hut as soon as he could , Angel said he would make sure her father came and asked if there was anything elts she needed, Kimi could not think of anything and with that Angel was off.

Kimi shut the huts door and started looking around thinking maybe her mother was a dream but as she looked out of a dark corner came Dar and her mother April.

Kimi ran over and hugged her mother “Oh mother I thought it was a dream I am so happy it wasn’t.”

April held her daughter tight “No my daughter I am here for a short time remember I have only three days to make things right and to see you happy and for that I am grateful.”

Dar went in to the kitchen to make some morning tea for them and to make something to eat as she looked around she found that Kimi had little to nothing in her kitchen this did not sit well with Dar.

“I will be back in just a little bit Kimi has little to nothing in her kitchen that will feed all of us so I am going to the market for eggs and bread as well as some herbs and potatoes. April is there anything you wish to have well I am in the market?”

April thought and looked down at her self. Dar let out a laugh “Yes my friend you do need a new dress I will see what they have.”

And with that Dar was off.

April told Kimi to go and get dressed and to awaken Devlin and have him dress as well.

As Kimi went to do as her mother asked she turned around and hugged her mother from behind kissed her softly on the cheek and told her she loved her.

A tear ran down Aprils face “I love you as well my daughter.” April wanted to stay there with her daughter but knew she couldn’t and that broke her heart but she knew she was going to make the best of the three days she would have with her.

Kimi left her mother sitting at the fire place as she walked back in to her room she found Devlin had already dressed and had picked out one of her spring dresses for her as well and had lovingly laid it out on the bed for her.

Devlin walked over and kissed her ever so softly, Kimi was aw struck the dress matched Devlin’s outfit well his top anyways it was of pail blue with white lace and blue beads all over it.

“I felt it was fitting for my Princess to wear a dress of her status if not for me then for her father the King.”

With that Devlin went over to his bag he had brought with him and handed her a small jar, “Here my love rose oil for you to wear on your soft skin.”

With that he kissed her again and left her to dress. Out in the other room he found the Queen sitting at the kitchen table he bowed to her out of respect she laughed and told him to have a seat.

April and Devlin sat and talked for some time. They started to worry as to what was taking Kimi so long to dress but Devlin chocked it up to she wanted to look nice for her mother and her father.

Devlin bowed his head to April she told him that was not needed he insured her it was for he had something he wished to ask her.

“Devlin ask you have always been like family to me your mother as well so what is on your mind my dear.”

Devlin’s face turned about one-handed shades of red”M’Lady I would be honored if I may have Kimi’s hand in marriage with your blessing that is.”

April was delighted for one she knew they were meant for one another but also she was here to give her Blessings to them both.

“Devlin you have my blessings it takes a man with honor to ask even me for my daughters hand and you may have it if she is willing to take yours.”

Devlin reached in his small pouch he held on his side and pulled out a ring to show the Queen. April was delighted the ring was wonderful it had a bright fire opal for its stone very fitting for a Princess as well as a High Priestess. As April looked over the ring Dar returned from the market with food and herbs as well as a wonderful dress for her friend. Dar placed everything down and saw what April was holding “Devlin is that what I believe it is?” she asked.

“Yes mother it is the ring I made for my bride the one from my dreams the one for Kimi.”

Dar looked over at April with a shocked look “Yes Dar your son asked me for her hand this morning and he has my blessings if she will have his.”

Dar was so happy she started to sing and make food for all of them she pulled out the dress she had gotten for April it was white with lavender lace April loved it and said she would dress as soon as Kimi was done.

Devlin said he would go and check on Kimi but April told him not to worry she would be out soon enough.

April was busy making tea when Kimi came out from her bed room she was shining like a dream Devlin was with out words but her mother wasn’t “My Goodness Kimi you look wonderful very fitting you shine my Princess.”

Kimi had on the dress he had picked out for her the oil he gave her the necklace of her mother and her small crown her hair was twisted and curled flowing around her face and neck with small white flowers placed with in her hair.

Devlin stood up and bowed slightly to Kimi making her blush, Dar turned around to see not a young lady but a woman and knew what had gone on with her son and Kimi that morning but said nothing.

Dar told Kimi she looked wonderful and pored tea for everyone.

Devlin pulled out a chair for Kimi to sit and kissed her softly on the cheek.

April snuck the ring back to Devlin with out Kimi seeing. Dar finished making the food and placed it on the table they all sat around eating and laughing when Kimi heard a knock at her door it was her father April jumped up an ran to the bed room to place on her dress and fix her hair she had not seen Zandar in a very long time and she hoped this wouldn’t anger him.

Dar as fast as she could picked up the table as Kimi went to answer the door.

“Good Morning father.” Kimi said with a slight bow.

“Good Morning my daughter I was told you wanted to speak with me.” The King paused looking at his daughter “You you look wonderful Kimi like Magic. But were did you get the necklace you have on it looks like the one your mother use to have.” The King’s voice went from happy to see her to angry. Zandar went to ask her again when April pulled the door open Zandar was shocked “You cant be here you are to be in the Summerland’s not here this is not right who preformed Magic I will have them killed.”

“NO you will not Zandar we have much to talk about so please before I get angry and lose a day get your ass in here so we can talk. “Said the Queen.

Zandar wanted nothing to do with it but knew better then to anger a spirit that had been awaken so he went in to see Dar and Devlin standing in side.

“I should have known you two would be behind this.” He said.

“Father for your info it was not them it was ME no one could tell me anything about mother’s death not even you, I understand it pained you to talk of it but I had the right to know. Then I find out we are people of Magic and you band everyone from fallowing there beliefs because you feared for my life grrrrrrr father don’t you get it we lost mother because she took it on to her self the people were safe father I was safe. Father the people have a right to fallow what is in there hearts Give them there Festivals Give them there right to there Magic once again please father its our birth right its our way of life .”

Kimi was in tears her mother placed her arm around her.”Zandar you told me the day we married the Magic would always be apart of the people on this Island and with in there every day life did you lie to me on that day I became one with you?”

Zandar was at a loss for words he just stood there looking at his Queen and his Daughter holding each other.

Devlin and Dar were still standing there with there heads bowed out of respect for he had not nodded or even spoken to them except for the harsh words he said .

April looked back at her friend and her son “Dar you did not bow to him when I was alive you will not bow to him now and neither will your son.” With that said they both picked up there heads.

April reached out a hand and pulled Zandar in to the hut and embraced him in her arms .Zandar was not sure if this was real or just a dream but he held her tight in his arms. He missed the feeling of her in his arms he wished it didn’t have to end but like all things he knew it would.

“April I will make things right again I swear to you I will.” With that said he kissed her lovingly, and then turned to hold his daughter close.

Dar and Devlin looked pleased to see the three of them standing there holding one another.

Dar went over and asked Zandar if he would like some tea and sugar cakes.

He was delighted at the offer and sat down at the table.

They all sat there talking for what seamed like for ever, When Zandar noticed Devlin holding Kimi’s hand he asked if he could talk to Devlin alone the Queen looked at him and then kissed him whispering in his ear to be nice for she gave her blessings already he agreed to be nice and the women left the room and went out back so that Kimi could show her mother her small herb garden.

As Zandar and Devlin sat there the King started to laugh “The Queen told me to be nice to you and she had already given you her blessings But you have not asked me as of yet!”

Devlin looked down at the floor bowing his head “My King I will not lie yes I asked the Queen first but I also wanted to ask you your daughter means the world to me I love her I have always loved her. When I would sleep at night she would haunt my dreams, she is my light with out her I am nothing, My King May I please have her hand if she will have mine.” With that said Devlin picked up his head to look the King in his eyes.

Zandar was pleased to hear his words it warmed his heart to know his daughter will be loved by one as true as Devlin.

“Devlin you have my Blessings all I have ever wanted was for my daughter to be happy and I see you make her happy. I just hope you can forgive a blind King that kept you two away from each other for so many years.”

Zandar reached over and shaked Devlin’s hand.

Devlin again reached in the pouch and handed the ring to the King for his approval. Zandar was shocked at the site of the ring and approved right away. He told Devlin to go and get the girls from out side “Tell them it is safe we didn’t harm each other.” He said laughing.

Devlin did as he asked and all the girls were back inside, they sat at the kitchen table talking once more. April looked over at Devlin and he smiled softly at her as if to say he had the Kings blessings as well.

Zandar asked if they would all like to have dinner with him that evening they agreed. He told them dinner would be around seven that night. April reached her hand out to Zandar and held his hand softly in hers.

As they sat there Zandar told them how he would lift the No Magic band on Grace Island then he shocked everyone he reached under his collar and pulled out his High Priest necklace from underneath “I couldn’t bring my self to remove it for it was the last thing my Queen had given me.” His face was as red as his cloke.

They all started laughing; April leaned over and gave him a kiss.

He asked her if she would come back to the castle with him and she agreed.

Dar was also asked to go with them she said she would meet them there. She needed to go to the market for a few things and she would be right there soon after.Zandar agreed and with that gave both Kimi and Devlin a hug and started to walk out the door when he saw his Queen holding there Daughter tight telling her she will see her again soon.

Soon it was just Dar, Devlin and Kimi in the hut. Devlin asked his mother why she needed to go to the market again she told him they need to the right clothing for tonight and she would drop it off at the back door for him and with that Devlin and Kimi were alone for the first time since they met.

Devlin laid a blanket down in front of the fire place he also laid flower petals down on the blanket before going to get Kimi out of the kitchen she was doing up the dishes from there morning meal.

“Kimi come with me love I have something to show you.” Kimi took his hand and went with him in to the sitting room were she saw the chairs were missing and in there place was a blanket covered in petals of wonderful colors laid in front for the fire place.

He walked them over to the blanket then ever so softly laid Kimi down on the blanket before laying him self next to her. “Kimi” he said in a soft voice she turned her head and looked in his eyes she saw the fire as it danced with in his eyes. “Yes Devlin?” she replayed in a loving voice. Her voice sent chills up his back he leaned over and kissed her softly as he reached in to his pouch and pulled out the ring and slipped it on her finger, He looked in to her eyes “ Kimi I have your parents blessings will you be mine in spirit and in life will you marry me?”

Kimi started to cry as she pulled him in and kissed him deeply, “Yes Devlin I will marry you.”

He pulled her into his arms and swore to never let her be alone again. Kimi knew she would never be alone again as they laid there happy in each others arms Zandar and the Queen were spending time alone as well .

Zandar had there old room made up and told everyone not to bother them till one hour before dinner.

April walked in to the room and started to cry she could not believe everything looked the same as it had so many years ago there Alters were even still set the same her dresses were still hanging in the same place the only thing missing were her books but she knew were they were they were safe in her daughters care.

Zandar walked in behind her and wrapped his arms around her as she wept.

There was so much she missed but the one thing she missed was his arms around her they always made her feel safe.

Zandar turned her around and held her tight kissing her forehead letting her know that everything will be ok that things will work its self out she just had to trust him.

April lifted her head up and kissed him deeply, He returned the kiss and picked her up placing her on the bed and lying next to her.Zandar knew this maybe the next to the last time he would be able to make love to his wife so he was going to make the most of it.

With a flick of his wrist the candles were light as was the fire place April laughed “I see you have not lost your touch my love.” Zandar laughed “No love I have not for I believe all have kept up with there Magic if even in secret I knew my law was being broken but I would have never taken a life.”

“I know you wouldn’t have love.”And with that April kissed him again.

Zandar ran his hands over April remembering the long nights of love making they had.

Zandar slowly remover April’s clothing as if taking pics of her body with in his mind in truth he was, He kissed her ever so softly as he moved down her body exploring every inch of her as if it was there first time again.

Devlin and Kimi laid in each others arms on there blanket. Devlin kissed Kimi with love and passion she in turn returned the kiss in the same manner as her hands found there way under his top she lightly brushed her hands over his back.

Zandar was teasing April’s nipples with soft kisses as his hands found there way down to her legs opening them slowly as he kissed his way down stopping for just a moment to softly kiss her women hood and to slowly slide a finger with in her for just a moment to hear her moan.

Devlin slowly took off his clothing and helped Kimi with hers they laid in front of the fire exploring each other at first with there hands then Devlin started to kiss her all over.

Zandar kissed his way back up her body and kissed her softly on the lips she whispered to him that she wanted to make love to him and with that Zandar removed his clothing and made love to her like he had never done before.

Devlin was kissing Kimi’s nipples as she moaned ever so softly he started to nibble on them making her moan more. Devlin loved to hear her moan he did it more an more then he nibbled just a little harder on her nipple she let out deep moan and dug deep in to his back this made him moan. He wanted her now more then ever he slowly moved his way back up to kiss her as he did this his hand slid a finger deep with in her. Kimi’s body arched as she moaned more and more as he slid his finger in and out of her. Kimi’s nails were deep in Devlin’s back the more he moved his finger the more she would dig.

Devlin slowly placed him self with in her as he did this she gasped and let out a moan of pleasure. Devlin moved slowly at first kissing her neck as he moved deeper in her. Kimi closed her eyes loving the feeling of him with in her; she moaned over and over again digging deep in to his back. They made love for hours neither one of them wanting to let go but at the height of there climax they both let go and Kimi fell fast asleep in her lovers arms.

Zandar and April were getting cleaned up and ready for the dinner party, when April stepped out of the room for a moment to get a drink for them when she returned she found Zandar had laid out her High Priestess gown along with there wedding rings and all there matching garb April was shocked that he had done this but when she saw him it didn’t seam to matter she walked over handed him his glass of wine and kissed him lovingly.

“Thank you love I will wear them with honor this night and every night.”

Zandar wished it was every night he kept thinking to him self if only there was ways to keep her here undo the wrong that was placed on his family.

He knew Kimi needed her mother and for that matter he needed his Queen he knew he had to do what ever it was in his power to do he needed her and he would find away.

Devlin woke up and kissed Kimi softly on the lips waking her lovingly “My love we need to get ready for your father will be sending for us soon.” Kimi knew he was right and sat up Devlin held her in his arms for just a moment before finding his paints and going to the back door were his mother said she would leave his clothing for tonight but to his surprise there was a gown there for Kimi as well.

As Zandar and April left there room and went in to the grand hall they found Dar there dressed in full garb they greeted each other with a hug.

Dar told April that it was so nice to see her in her Priestess Gown for it had been sometime and it seamed right for this evening.

The three of them sat around talking Dar told them she had gotten Devlin and Kimi matching Garb. She told them how she remembered how much April loved to see Kimi in light purple and did her best to find just the right shade. Zandar laughed “Your son will wear purple with his bright blue eyes wont that look bad?”

Dar giggled “No it won’t.” Dar said as she laughed. “As long as it is light purple it will bring out the hint of grey in his eyes.”

Zandar was pleased to hear that. Dar handed April a gift she had gotten her at the market as April opened it she started to cry “How did you find this Dar? This was the one thing I agreed with Zandar on banding from the Island no one was to do this form of Magic.”

Dar looked at her friends “For you April I would break all the roles no matter what the only thing is my dear friend it will only give you four years if the request is granted by the Gods.”

Back at Kimi’s hut Devlin had gotten dressed and came out in to the other room Kimi was amazed at how hansom he looked she couldn’t help but give him a long kiss. Devlin told Kimi she needed to get ready for he knew her fathers coach would be there soon to pick them up, Kimi knew it as well and went to dress as she was unfolding the dress she saw that Dar had gotten everything from hair spools to earrings and a small crown with light purple crystals through out it.

Kimi dressed placing the spools in her hair the earrings her mother’s necklace and the rose oil that Devlin had given to her.

When Kimi walked out of the room Devlin could not say a word she looked so wonderful that no words fit the way she looked in his eyes.

Devlin walked over and gave her a kiss ever so softly on the lip and whispered how wonderful she looked in her ear and how much he loved her.

Zandar looked at Dar and asked if she thought the scroll would work its magic and help bind April there with them for the next four years. Zandar knew even then it was not along time but he also though of Kimi and there grandchildren and how much all that would mean to April and him.

Dar told Zandar and April that all they can do is work the spell and see if the Gods will grant there blessings for April to stay out of the Summerland’s to spend time with the family she was taken from so early.

Zandar agreed to let them try it but he wanted Kimi and Devlin there with them, he thought if the ones that really missed her were with them then the Gods would have to look at granting there Blessings.

They all sat talking about the spell and how wonderful it would be if April could be with them for four more years.

It was almost seven when Kimi and Devlin showed them self’s at the dinner party Zandar joked about them being late.

They all laughed and sat down waiting for dinner to be served Zandar was pleased to have his family with him once again he had forgotten what it felt like to have everyone around the love in the air was a nuff for anyone to feel that night.

Angel came in the dinning room and almost fainted at the site of the Queen sitting there at the table with everyone he dropped to his knees out of respect to her.

Zandar let out a big laugh “ My dear boy it is ok yes she is here with us this eve please stand up before you make her blush.”

By this time everyone was laughing Angel couldn’t figer out why everyone was laughing as he stood up he was red faced April stood up and gave him a hug, “It is nice to see you are well Angel and thank you for giving my books to my little girl.”

Angel nodded looking over at the King but he was not angry he had a smile on his face, “Yes thank you Angel for once I am happy that what I had asked to be done was not carried though, The books do belong with Kimi and for that I am grateful.”

Angel nodded once again as Dar stood up seeing who Angel was an running over and giving him a big hug. Devlin was at a loss he had no clue whom Angel was but he was glad to see his mother happy to see what he though was an old friend.

Zandar told Angel to have a seat with them and enjoy dinner there was more then enough for everyone.

Angel pulled up a seat next to Dar she was glowing from ear to ear Devlin started to think there was something more then just friends between the two of them but it didn’t matter as long as his mother was happy.

That night at dinner Dar told them all of the scroll and what they were thinking of doing, Kimi looked over at Devlin he reached out and held her hand. “It’s ok Kimi your father can handle the rite we just need to be there so the Gods know how well loved your mother is.” Devlin pulled her in close and kissed her softly.

Zandar was reading the scroll when one place with in it caught his eye he looked over at Kimi, “I don’t know if we can do this it calls for blood from her loved ones and Kimi has never done any bloodletting and I don’t want her to faint at the site of the knife we use for rites like this one, Kimi do you think you can keep your self pulled together for the rite tonight or do you need a night to get your self ready?”

Kimi felt so uncomfortable being the only one there that had never done Magic but she was not going to let that stop her.

She stood up from the table and walked over to the back wall were a pitcher of her mother hanged she looked up at it like she did for so many years wishing she was there with her.

Kimi closed her eyes and with her back turned so no one could see her scared face she told them she wanted to do this and she would do it tonight if that’s what was needed to keep her mother here. In her heart she hoped it would work there was so much she wanted to learn from her mother but also in the back of her mind she worried about her Godfather and what he might do if he finds out that the people on the Island will be free to fallow there Magical paths again.

Devlin got up from the table and walked over wrapping his arms around her, she loved how Devlin knew when she needed him close she felt like they were never apart from each other everything just fit so well it reminded her of her mother and father it made her feel at peace.

As everyone got up from dinner her father had the court yard horns blown calling his people to him so that he can let them all know what was going on and that they now may from this time fourth fallow there Magical Paths.

Zandar readied him self for the people telling April he wanted her by his side when he told everyone.

As her father went to step out side he called for her and Devlin as well to come with them as they all stood out side over looking the full court yard the people were at aw to see there Queen standing there with the King.

Kimi was looking around she had never done this before with her father she never knew how many people there was on there small Island till that night.

Her father raised his hands in to the air and all fell silent, “My people I did you all a great wrong fourteen years ago. I also did the Queen a great wrong, I vowed to her on the night we wed that Magic would always be apart of our lives. I broke that vow and for that my Queen I am sorry.”

April looked over at him and smiled softly, she knew he was sorry and felt it with in her heart that what he was saying was filled with love and truth.

“On this night forth Magic is welcomed every were on our Island. We will hold our festivals we will hold our rites. We are people of Magic and always have been.” Zandar still had more to say but the people were so happy they started yelling and screaming. This made Zandar happy knowing his people were happy.

He raised his hands again and the people started to quiet down again. “I know some of you were with the Queen and my self on that dreadful night my brother Zith vowed to take Kimi’s life. When she reached her coming of age rite. That same night our Queen lost her life. Our Queen did what any loving mother would have done. She placed that Blessing upon her self to save Kimi. Because she did this and it was a selfless act of love she is with us for the next three days.”

The people cheered they loved there Queen and she loved them. April stood next to the King and waved to the people she had tears in her eyes. She remembered how wonderful it felt to love the people of Grace Island.

Zandar pulled April close to him and kissed her softly. “My people on this night I need all of you to light a candle and tell the Gods how much our Queen means to all of us, and ask them to grant her to stay with us for the next four years.”

Zandar saw that some of his people looked lost so he went on. “Many years ago I did forbid one kind of Magic from Grace Island. But tonight I will be breaking my own law. I will be performing what is known as Calling on the Council of the Gods. I will be asking for our Queen my wife to stay with us and not to return to the Summerland till four years pass. I will be asking for this so our Queen may be here on the day our daughter gets hand fasted.”

Zandar waved Kimi and Devlin foreword so the people could see them. “Devlin son of Dar came to the Queen and myself and asked for Kimi’s hand and we both gave our blessing to him. From the ring on my loving daughter’s finger I would say we have a party to be planning.”

By this time Kimi was blushing for her father had never done such a thing to her before. But as she looked out and saw how happy this made the people nothing mattered just her and Devlin her mother her father and Dar in her heart she knew this was all that was needed.

Her father slowly started to back his way inside so they fallowed his lead. Once back in side Kimi’s father pulled her aside. “Kimi I need to know you are sure about this for if you fear one thing in the circle tonight then this may not work.” Kimi took a deep breath and hugged her father. “Father I don’t fear anything I just worry I may mess it up, I want mother here with us.” Kimi started to weep in her fathers arms. “My dear sweet little girl talk from the heart and turn your head when it comes time to cut your finger and you will do fine.” He told her softly.

Zandar waved for Devlin to come over and take care of Kimi. Zandar was good with his daughter but sometime he just couldn’t do it. He knew in his heart if he had never banded Magic from the Island then he wouldn’t be facing this with his little girl.

Dar was busy in the ritual room getting everything together for them. She hoped that Devlin would help her with Kimi for she knew this would scare her.

Dar set up the Alter as the scroll told her what would be needed for the rite.

Zandar went in to check up on Dar and see if she needed any help. He saw that Dar had stuff every were, Zandar let out a soft laugh “Dar would you like some help? I know this rite requires a lot.”

Dar jumped not hearing him laugh when he came in for she was zoning out trying to make sure everything was just so.

“Oh umm yes it would be of some help if some one could get the herbs we will be needing.” She turned around and reached for the paper but Zandar had called the paper to his hands. This made Dar laugh “It is nice to see you haven’t lost your touch my friend.” She said as he left the room laughing. Zandar loved doing that to her, he in away missed picking on Dar they always made each other laugh.

Devlin was calming Kimi down as her mother was talking over everything with them.

Kimi knew what she had to do, But she didn’t understand what it was Devlin was doing all she knew is he was watching something or other.

Kimi wished she knew more of what they were doing all she knew is she would chant a line over and over again till her father stopped.

Dar called for Zandar once again as Devlin tried to walk Kimi through what it was he would be doing. He could see in Kimi’s eyes that she felt so lost this being all new to her. Kimi went to turn around and Devlin placed his hand on her shoulder, he could feel the fear running through her. “Kimi love you will be fine. Just fallow your father, our magic flows from with in all of us you will know it when you feel it. It is like nothing you have ever felt before. Kimi it’s like the love we have for each other a feeling that no one can understand.” With that he kissed her lovingly and held her close.

Zandar was helping Dar with the finishing touches in the temple room when April came in and saw how wonderful it looked. April remembered the last time she saw this room and froze were she stood. Dar taped Zandar on the shoulders and pointed over at April. He turned dropping everything on the floor an ran over to her at the door. Flinging his arms around her he told her it was ok he wouldn’t let anything happen to her again.

April wept softly knowing he would do anything to keep her there this time. Devlin looked over at Angel he wanted to ask him a few things but couldn’t get up the nerve to do so.

Zandar came out and told everyone it was time Kimi reached out and took Devlin’s hand and walked with him in to the room.

Angel posted him self out side the door so that no one would enter the temple and disrupt the circle.

Devlin walked Kimi over to the Alter and kissed her cheek. Leaving her next to her father he walked over to the northeastern quarter an waited for everything to start.

Zandar handed Kimi the sword and told her to walk clock wise and he would do the talking for her just to do as he said.

Kimi started to walk the circle as her father started in with a chant.

“ As it was so it shell be again one time with in a time one place not quite a place one circle not quite whole one spirit not fully with us we consecrate this circle in the name of the mighty ones.”

Kimi returned to the Alter handing the sword to her father he looked at her an smiled softly. Kimi could see in his eyes how proud he was of her as she returned the smile.

Zandar walked in front of the Alter with salt in one hand an water in the other he started speaking softly an slowly he started to build up his voice.

“ Mighty Ones Gods of my people as salt is pure as water is pure we call you forth with pure love and understanding this night grace our circle an hear our cries for are loved one we seek to stay with us for four more years we ask that she not return to the Summerland’s but stay with us. Let her be mother to her daughter and grandmother to any child that may come.” Zandar turned around and placed the salt and water back on the Alter as he picked up his bloodletting blade an turned to face the center of the circle once again,” I freely give of my self so that she may walk with us once again. I do this with love in my heart for she is my wife my equal my lover and loving mother to our daughter.” With that said Zandar placed the blade on his finger slicing him self and letting the blood fall in to the center of the circle. One by one they all walked in the center asking for April to stay but soon it was Kimi’s turn her father walked over to her an handed her the blade she closed her eyes an walked to the center of the circle taking a deep breath she spoke softly but right from the heart. “ Might Ones I stand here as daughter of April her only child and your granddaughter I give of my self freely with love an ask that my mother may stay with us I ask for your blessings this night so she may see the day I wed and see the birth of her fist grandchild.” Kimi slowly placed the blade in the center of her hand not her finger like her father had told her but the center of her hand. Kimi slowly wrapped her hand around the blade an pulled it from her hand letting the blood flow freely in to the center of the circle. She slowly turned around an walked back to her father handing him the blade an bowing slightly.

Devlin stood there watching Kimi in aw over the way she was acting it was as if Kimi was not there he felt like he was watching his mother not the women he loved so dearly.

As Zandar finished the rite he thanked everyone for being there an held on to the hope that April would stay with them he placed the parchment on the Alter as well as the ink an quill as the rite had told him to do for there answer. As Zandar went to leave there ritual room Devlin taped him an pointed at Kimi she was fixed in a trance like state of mind in the center of the room Zandar looked at Devlin “ Go to her Zandar she needs her father not me this time.” With that Devlin left the room closing the doors behind him.

Zandar slowly walked over to her looking at her he knew he was no longer looking at his little girl but a young woman. He reached out his hand an lightly touched her face. Kimi slowly lifted her head looking at her father as tears fell down her face she wanted to tell him what she saw but couldn’t find the words she just stood there looking at him and him at her.

As they stood there Zandar placed his arm around her and held his daughter close to him. “Kimi you did well tonight my daughter I was honored to be in that circle with you my dear. I am very proud of you.” Kimi dropped to her knees crying even more then she was before. “Father I saw it I saw it all I saw what mother did I saw the fear in your eyes I saw the love in mothers eyes I saw it all.” Zandar had hoped she wouldn’t see it but he knew there was a chance he kneeled down next to Kimi and pulled her into his arms. “Kimi your mother did what any mother would have done she loves you as I love you.” Kimi knew it was true but to see her mothers death pained her deeply. “Father why, why mother why all this time oh father I just wished you would have told me before.” She wept in her fathers arms her words cut through him he knew she was right but he also never wanted her to feel the pain they all went through that night.

Zandar heard the doors open up as he looked up he saw April standing there an nodded for her to come over. April made her way over to them an sat beside Kimi and placed a hand on her back Kimi jumped not knowing it was her mother till her father whispered it in her ear.

Kimi laid in her fathers an mothers arms till she feel fast asleep. Zandar pick her up an carried her to her old room an laid her down as Devlin came down the hall April stop him,” Devlin let her rest she has been through a lot this night she cried her self to sleep in her fathers and my arms in the ritual room.” April looked over at Zandar as he slipped on Kimi’s night clothing an smiled it wormed her heart to see this she knew Zandar was a good father she use to watch him with her from the Summerland’s but to be here an see it was all she had hoped for all the years she was there.

Devlin looked in and laughed “he is a great father April he always has been he just wanted her to do some growing up on her own. But in truth I am not here for Kimi.” April looked at him “Well what is it then Devlin you look like you just saw a ghost.” April laughed she knew it sounded funny coming from her but he did his face was all white and to her he didn’t look him self.

“M’Lady the council there, There in the ritual room and they are asking for you.” April knew better then to make them wait she ran as fast as she could to the room an opened the doors and bowed right away.

“Young Queen please come in an shut the door behind you. We did not mean for you to drop everything and run right to us we knew you were with the King and your daughter please come and talk with us.”

April shut the doors an walked over to the council. “We meant no disrespect by calling on you this night.” They looked at one another and a young looking girl walked foreword. “Young Queen we know why we were called but what we do not understand is why did you not speak for your self in the circle most do. I mean as to why you wish to stay. Before this council can render there answer we would like to hear from you as to why you would like to remain here an not return to the Summerland’s.” April took in a deep breath before she spoke. “Mighty Ones I did not speak for my self because I wanted it to come from them the ones that love me and I them. Yes I want to stay to teach my young daughter to spend time with all I have missed over the years. To see my daughter wed the one she loves. To help Zandar move on this time and not leave him standing there at a loss as to what he should do. I want all of it the pain the heartaches the never ending unanswered questions. I want to be here fore all of it.” All the Mighty Ones stood there looking at one another till the young girl spoke once again. “Thank you young Queen we shall let you go back with the others you shall have our answer by mid day.” With that April stood alone in the ritual room. As she stood there she wondered if what she said would be enough for them or if she should have said more as she closed her eyes Zandar walked in behind her and wrapped his arms around her. “April you have done all you can come on come sit with us we are having a night tea Dar, Angel and Devlin are all waiting for us in the living room.” April turned around and wrapped her arms around Zandar Gods she didn’t want this feeling to end and she hoped he was right she has done all she can so why not spend time with the ones she loved.

As they walked out to meet the others she wished her daughter was there but she understood.

Devlin sat there sipping his tea and watching his mother and Angel talk he kind of wish he knew more about Angel and the odd languish they were talking in he had heard his mother speak it before and knew what it was but still he wished he understood it.

Zandar and April sat down next to Devlin, April looked over at her friends and wondered if there secret ever came out. April looked over at Zandar as if asking him he just shook his head at her. She knew it was still hidden but why it’s not like it would harm anyone but April knew it was there choice.

April looked over at Devlin and smiled “Devlin I want you to know you are welcomed to stay with Kimi tonight up in her room. I know you were not going to ask so I thought I would let you know it was ok. Zandar and I wouldn’t dream of asking you to leave or sleep any where ales but beside you’re soon to be wife.” April knew Devlin loved Kimi she could see it in there eyes when they were together it was the same look Zandar gave her the first time they met so many years ago and it’s the same look he gives her to this day.

Devlin looked up from his cup of tea and over at April and Zandar. “Thank you M’Lady I think I might just turn in has been along day and besides I miss Kimi. I think I will go and curl up next to her and pass out for the night.” Devlin stood up and bowed to Zandar and April and then walked over to his mother and gave her a hug good night. As Devlin left the room and made his way up to his and Kimi’s room he still wondered what his mother and Angel were talking about. He knew if his mother really wanted him to know she would tell him but still it hindered on his mind.

As Devlin walked in to the room he saw Kimi laying there all peaceful and in her own little dream this made him smile. He could remember all the nights he thought Kimi was just a dream but to have her now and to know it was not just a dream made him the happiest man on Grace Island. Devlin slowly crawled in to bed next to Kimi and wrapped her in his arms kissing her ever so softly as to not wake her up he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Zandar, Dar, April, and Angel were all sitting in the living room talking of old times and filling April in on things she has missed with Kimi. Like her first time on a horse and how many times she fell off the horse, they all got a good laugh about it. Kimi was only five but she didn’t give up by the end of the first day she was riding like it was nothing.

“I really wish I was there for all of this. But...” April fell silent sitting there with everyone. Zandar reached over and pulled her in close to him. “There will be many more memories love and you will be apart of them.” Zandar kissed her softly he hoped his words were true but knew they had to wait till morning to find out.

April laid there in Zandar’s arms for a time she hoped he was right but for now she was just happy to be in his arms once more.

Dar stood up and walked over to the fire place and placed another small log on the fire. As she turned back around she looked at her friend “April I know you want to know but no I have not told Devlin. I don’t know what he would even think if he knew the truth. I am just afraid he would hate me if not both of us after all these years.”

As Dar walked back over to the sofa and sat down Angel wrapped his arms around her. Zandar smiled he remembered nights like this, were they all would just sit and talk in front of the fire. Zandar wanted his close friend to know his son, but being his friend he knew it was up to him as well as Dar to tell Devlin. And he would not interfere but held high hopes they would tell him someday.

As the night went on and the fire started to die out the friends went to part ways. As they all stood up April looked over at Dar and Angel “ Dar you staying here tonight I hope, It is a bit late for you to travel home and there are always open rooms here and I am sure your old room is still open.” April looked over at Zandar he nodded his head “Yes her room is still the same as she left it I have had it kept up but nothing has been touched.”

This made Dar smile “Thank you I think I will stay tonight that is if Angel don’t mind me being back here in the castle.” Dar laughed she knew he didn’t mind he had already asked her to stay the night with him. “Dar you are always welcomed here I have missed seeing you.” And with that Angel and Dar left but not before giving her dear friend a hug good night she hoped it wouldn’t be the last hug she would give her.

As April and Zandar made there way to there room the stopped by to look in on Kimi and found her and Devlin cuddled up fast asleep. April smiled it wormed her to see her little girl so happy. She reached down and took Zandar’s hand in hers and closed the door to Kimi’s room. They walked down the hall to see Angel and Dar walk in to Dar’s old room April couldn’t help her self she let out a quiet laugh. “I knew they would spend the night together it has been to long they have been apart for fair to long Hun, Promise me that all this will change Hun weather I am here or not things will change.” As they walked in to there room Zandar wrapped his arms around her. “It will change love all of it will change.” He kissed her softly and laid her on the bed and crawled up next to her holding her in his arms as they drifted off to sleep together.

Angel and Dar sat up for sometime talking with one another in front of the small fire place in the bed room. Angel missed her so much it pained him to think of her leaving again and taking there son with her. “Dar will you stay this time? It has been so hard living with out you.”

She could hear the love in his voice she missed it all of it his arms his understanding of her ways she missed it all.

“I want to I want this all to work out Angel I really do...” Dar went quiet for a short time and Angel pulled her in to his arms. “If I stay we will have to tell Devlin everything and I don’t want him to hate us because of the way it all went down. He is so much like you Angel he has a heart of gold. I just hope he has the same understanding as you do when we tell him.”

Dar started to cry softly in Angel’s arms worried that there son might not understand everything. Angel kissed her lovingly on the forehead “If he is as you say Dar he will understand. We will handle it as it comes. I just want my family back.”

Angel reached in to his pocket and pulled out her ring and placed it on her hand. “All of my family including you my dear wife.” Hearing the words made Dar cry even more oh how she missed that how she missed him she looked down at her hand and smiled “Angel have you kept that with you all this time?” Dar asked softly. “Dar it never left me as you have never left my heart. I told you the day you and our son left I would always hold you close and I have never stopped.” Dar slowly turned around and looked Angel in the eyes she could see all the love and all the pain he held with in him self.

She softly kissed him on the lips and pulled out her necklace “You never left my thoughts or my heart either. You have always been with me.” She pulled off her necklace and took his ring off and placed it back on his hand. “I have always loved you and I want to stay by your side I want our son to know his father and what a great man he is. I want to be your wife and be by your side. I don’t want us to be apart any longer.”

Angel reached up and placed his hand on her cheek and smiled. “Then if you agree we will tell Devlin everything including why Zandar and I asked you to leave and not return.” Dar smiled “I just hope he will understand it was for his safety. Not because we didn’t want him to know the truth about us.” Angel kissed her with love and understanding. “Once we tell him the full story he will understand love.” She agreed with him she knew he was right. Dar wrapped her legs around Angel and cuddled in his arms as they sat on the floor in the bed room.

As they sat there in one another’s arms Angel lightly ran his hand through Dar’s hair he lightly pulled her hair way from her neck and kissed her softly. She took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. It had been so long since Angel touched her it sent shivers down her body.

He slowly placed his hand under her chin and pulled her face up to his he kissed her deeply and full of passion. As he kissed her he slowly laid her down on the blanket they had been sitting on. She looked up into his eyes with a longing for him. A longing she had not felt in what felt like forever.

“I have missed you Dar I have missed everything about you.” Angel lay beside her kissing her and slowly undressing her taking in every moment every touch and every word that was said.

He loved her and he knew she loved him, Angel wanted to make love to his wife the passion he held for her was so deep he felt as if his insides were shaking.

Dar trembled with his touch how long she had wanted this to be as one with the man she loved so dearly and missed so much.

They made love into the morning light falling asleep in each others arms, It was something they both had longed to do for so many year.

Chapter 2

Morning Light

The sun had just started to shine in Kimi and Devlin’s room when Kimi slowly opened her eyes to find she was back in her old room. Kimi slowly tried to get out of her bed to find Devlin had his arms around her. Oh how she loved that feeling and to be back home with Devlin beside her was more then she could ever imagine.

Kimi slowly turned to face Devlin and kissed him softly on the lips good morning. He smiled and opened his eyes and looked at her, “Good morning my love did you rest well Hun?” Kimi blushed “I will always rest well with you beside me.”

Devlin smiled and kissed her softly on the cheek. “I will always be at your side Kimi always.” They laid there for a time just holding one another and talking softly.

As Devlin sat up he let out a low sigh, this made Kimi sit up an wrap her arms around him. “What is it Devlin what has you so lost in your own thoughts this morning.”

Devlin really didn’t know all he knew was something wasn’t right with his mom and Angel. “Kimi I really don’t know last night after your father and mother brought you in here to sleep my mother my self and Angel and your mother and father we were all in the living room sitting around the fire place.” Devlin paused, “Never mind Hun it really is nothing.”

Devlin stopped he didn’t know how to place it in to words. Kimi held him tight in her arms, “Did something happen that has you worried?” Devlin just sat there running his hand over Kimi’s arms.” No love its just well there really isn’t any words.” With that he kissed Kimi softly on her arm. “My love was it your mother and Angel?” Kimi loved Devlin so much it pained her to see him confused and worried. “Yes Kimi it is but I will talk with my mother later on today, Right now I just want to hold you and be with you.” With that said Devlin pulled Kimi around placing her legs on either side of him and held her close to him kissing her softly. Devlin laid Kimi back on the bed placing her under him, How he loved looking down in to her eyes and seeing all the love they held for him. Devlin smiled softly at her and kissed her on her forehead cuddling into her as they fell back to sleep.

As the castle started to awake Angel opened his eyes thinking he had been dreaming as he went to move he found it was no dream for Dar was wrapped in his arms.

Angel smiled and sunk into the bed happy to once again have Dar in his arms and his son again in the castle he only held hope that Devlin would understand everything and why he and Zandar sent them away.

It was almost eight in the morning when Devlin heard a knock at the door. He slowly got up trying not to wake Kimi as of yet. Devlin opened the door to find it was a young page. He bowed his head out of respect to Devlin. Devlin returned the respect with a nod “Can I help you young lad?” The page picked up his head to look at Devlin “Yes M’Lord, the Council is asking for the Princess Kimi in the Alter chambers.” Devlin’s heat sunk why would the council be asking for Kimi? He turned to look over at her still sleeping. He let out a sigh and turned back to the page “Please let them know the Princess will be there post haste.” With that the page left. Devlin walked over to the bed and kissed Kimi lightly on the lips. “Kimi my love the council is asking for you in the Alter chambers come on love, you must wake up there asking for you.”

Kimi opened her eyes once again and looked at Devlin “The Council why are they asking for me?” Devlin shock his head “I do not know love but you must dress and go.” Devlin kissed her and went to pick out a set of garb for Kimi as she went to clean and set her hair. Devlin placed a satin red dress on the bed for her along with her ruby crown and her black cloke knowing the hallways maybe cold in the early morning.

Kimi dressed and turned to face Devlin. He couldn’t believe how beautiful she looked he kissed her softly. He took her hand walked with her to the Alter Chamber doors. Kimi asked Devlin to wake her mother and father and to wait for her in the grate hall. Devlin agreed and kissed her hand softly before leaving to a wake everyone.

As Devlin hurried down the hall he ran into his mother whom looked like she had just awakened he told her quickly what was going on and that he needed to wake the King and Queen.

She told him she would awaken her friends to go and wait for them in the Grate Hall she also asked him to have food ready for them.

Dar knocked on her friend’s door “Zandar April are you guys a wake?” April told her friend to come in that they were getting ready for the day.

As she walked in to the bed chambers she could hear her friend singing an old song they had both learned as young kids

This is still under the works Please do not coppie this book when all the bugs are out will be going to print...





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