LadyXblackXRose's Journal

LadyXblackXRose's Journal


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3 entries this month

Rolls eyes....

19:21 Jun 22 2015
Times Read: 434

Lol that moment when the phone goes and you answer it cause if you dont then the company wont stop calling you. So i answer it to be pre warned that the conversation will be recorded for training purposes. Okay my queue to be some what polite. No biggy i can still have a little fun with what ever they are going to try and sell me right.....For me being such a reliable customer and that they value me so much the company i have a contract with for my phone would like to offer to me for free a smart phone but i would only have to pay £10.

Ummmm your telling me it is for free but that i would have to pay £10 monthly.

Nope im all good thanks.

The person on the end of the line completely dumb founded is asking me if i am sure.

Yeah im all good not really wanting to give a smart phone to any one else and have to pay £10 a month when you told me it was for free.

But i could gift it to another and yet i still would be paying £10 a month for being such a loyal customer and so reliable.......

One question if it is for free why am i paying £10 a month? With that he hung up.........ASSHOLE!




17:51 Jun 07 2015
Times Read: 472

You know for someone who cant get to the library she is pretty active in voicing how tough her street cred is. Shame her parentage skills are not the same to be proud of.

Priorities my dear......try it and you will see the benefits and the rewards.




16:52 Jun 04 2015
Times Read: 541

Who the hell goes around blaming a child for being banned from a library.

You take your child in their with her breakfast. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

It is not a day care centre where you can pile a load of stuff in front of her and ignore her for an hour or so. The child did not get YOU banned. YOU got banned for not taking proper care of her and it is not the librarians job or responsibility to keep an eye on YOUR daughter whilst YOU ignore for an HOUR.

You passed a parenting course and the social services handed your child back.......to which in a previous journal entry you actually mocked how easy it was to do so whilst you were doing "your investigative journalism".

Seriously you want a request on investigating something. Here it is go investigate how to be a proper parent and give her what she actually needs in life at that age and until she reaches adulthood. Even then after being a parent doesnt stop.

If you cant handle what you discover from that little investigation then please do her and society a favour and return her before you completely screw up her chances in life totally.

She dont need being ignored she needs loves and proper care. As for her not being told "no"a day in her life well maybe you dam well should tell her. Geeze go figure it out. Get your head out of the world of the internet and get your priorities straightened out. Your life and needs come last and your childs life and needs should always be first. Stop being selfish attention seeking and dam well priorities!



16:59 Jun 04 2015

True! I read that original post and couldn't believe it.

18:40 Jun 04 2015

Im actually shocked she got that baby back... She will no doubt fail this child and will runin her spirit... lets hope she doesnt kill this one like she did the other one...

19:29 Jun 04 2015

I believe people not all granted should be given second chances in life.

But actually looking through her journal entries over the last year or so. I cant see one time she has actually placed the girl first.

The father didnt even complete the course and no sooner had she been given custody of the child she goes off to see him in a motel.

Whilst you can never tell what goes on behind closed doors if it had been me i would never have placed any kind of chances for my child being in jeopardy of being taken away.

This is the same man who did a disappearing act on her and left her. She then went and paid for him to stay in a motel with her and her daughter who would have still been getting use to her new surroundings of her mothers home.

For her to complain that her daughter had kept her up those nights is it any wonder with also a nappy rash that her selfish man wouldnt take time out to let her get the nappy changed. Really your going to place the mans sight seeing first over your own daughters health....

Still blaming others for what is no one elses fault but her own. As a parent you take responsabilities and that includes the fuck ups you make along the way. Not to blame others.

No one is a perfect parent but there is a difference between little mistakes and mistakes that are selfish.

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